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(回答先: ロビンクック氏、イラク戦争に反対して本当のことを言ったので消されてしまったのでしょうか 投稿者 サラ 日時 2005 年 8 月 07 日 18:01:07)
August 1, 2005
‘The Long Knives of August’, United States and Israel Begin Retaliatory Killings over September 11th Massacre in New York
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Russian Subscribers
Russian Intelligence Agencies are reporting today that the ongoing Secret War being conducted between various Intelligence Agencies in both the United States and Israel against each other has taken a most ominous turn as retaliatory killings have begun over what the United States believes was Israel’s masterminding of the September 11, 2001 massacre in New York City.
The first high ranking Israeli American implicated in the 9/11 Massacre to be killed was the prominent New York Billionaire and former Mossad Agent named Arthur Zankel, and of his death we can read as reported by the Reuters News Service in their article titled “Ex-Citigroup banker Zankel dead in fall” and which says, "Arthur Zankel, a former Citigroup financier and patron of the arts, died in a fall from the ninth floor of his Manhattan apartment building, The New York Times said on Saturday. Zankel, 73, fell from the Fifth Avenue building on Thursday in an apparent suicide, the paper said. He had been suffering from depression, the Times quoted Sanford Weill, a friend and the chairman of Citigroup as saying."
To the manipulations of the worlds stock market so that these renegade Mossad factions could continue their financing of even more World-Wide massacres designed as terrorist attacks we have reported on many times, including our April 29th report titled "Israeli Assassination Attack upon British Prime Minister Sends Shockwaves through United States Government" and wherein we had stated;
“Long has it also been known to the worlds intelligence services the great anger the United States has towards the International criminals being protected by the Israeli Leader Sharon, and as we can read as reported by the Washington Post in their article titled "Russia Fugitives Mar Putin's Israel Visit", and which says, "The presence in Israel of some of Russia's most-wanted fugitives is threatening to cloud the historic visit this week by President Vladimir Putin. Three billionaire oil executives, a publishing tycoon and a former Putin ally have all taken up residence in Israel in recent years as Russia sought their arrests, rankling officials in Moscow."
But not for their crimes against Russia are these International criminals much hated by the Americans, but rather for their manipulations with the stocks of the American airplane companies used in the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 are they so wanted, and which afterwards they escaped from Russia to Israel and have been protected by the War Criminal Sharon ever since.”
To how far reaching these renegade Mossad agents had gone in benefiting from the 9/11 Massacre we can read further as reported by the Mid-East Realties Research Organization in their report titled "SEC Investigates 9/ 11'Short' Stock Sales Profits" and which says, "A week after the Sept.11 attacks, the London Times reported that the CIA had asked regulators for the Financial Services Authority in London to investigate the suspicious sales of millions of shares of stock just prior to the terrorist acts. It was hoped the business paper trail might lead to the terrorists. Investigators from numerous government agencies are part of a clandestine but official effort to resolve the market manipulations
There has been a great deal of talk about insider trading of American stocks by certain Israeli groups both in Canada and Germany between August 26 and the Sept.11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Lynne Howard, a spokeswoman for the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE), stated that information about who made the trades was available immediately. 'We would have been aware of any unusual activity right away. It would have been triggered by any unusual volume. There is an automated system called 'blue sheeting,' or the CBOE Market Surveillance System, that everyone in the business knows about. It provides information on the trades - the name and even the Social Security number on an account - and these surveillance systems are set up specifically to look into insider trading. The system would look at the volume, and then a real person would take over and review it, going back in time and looking at other unusual activity."
To the task of finding these ‘real persons’ behind the 9/11 Massacre the United States Intelligence Agencies assigned the then President of the European Central Bank, Wim Duisenberg, and who almost immediately following the killing of one of the leaders of this renegade Mossad Operations, Arthur Zankel, was himself then murdered, and as we can read as reported by the London Times News Service in their article titled "European Central Bank's first chief found dead in France" and which says;
"Wim Duisenberg, the first president of the European Central Bank (ECB) and a founding father of the euro, was found dead at his villa in the south of France yesterday. The 70-year-old Dutchman, who headed the ECB from June 1998 until autumn 2003, was discovered in the pool of his villa in the village of Faucon. Rescuers were unable to revive Mr. Duisenberg after he was found yesterday morning, and French authorities said last night that he had “died a natural death, due to drowning, after a cardiac problem”."
An added inducement for these Mossad Agents in the killing of Wim Duisenberg was to strike also at his wife Gretta Duisenberg, and who has been one of the main European critics of Israeli policies towards the Palestinian peoples, and as we can read as reported by the Wikipedia Research Organization, and as we can read;
"Wim Duisenberg was married to the controversial political activist Gretta Duisenberg. She became infamous when she declared she was aiming to collect 6 million signatures against Israeli policies; this figure was associated by some with the number of Jewish victims of World War II. During Wim's presidency over the European Bank, Gretta hung a huge Palestinian flag from their house in Amsterdam, which Wim later removed."
These mutual killings are also occurring at time of deepening tensions between the United States and Israel, and as we can read as reported by the IMEMC News Service in their article titled "US - Israel crisis deepens over Israel - China arms deal" and which says, "The U.S. administration has deepened the crisis with Israel over the Israel's weapon-related exports by refusing to rescind the sanctions against Israel, Ze'ev Schiff, a prominent military expert wrote in Haaretz newspaper on Wednesday. In June, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to place a five-year ban on the purchase of defense items from any country that sells military-related items to China. The crisis erupted, says Haaretz, when Israel sold China replacement parts for "harpy attack drones."
The anger of the Israeli’s against the Americans is also being evidenced, and as we can read as reported by the US Newsday News Service in their article titled "Israeli Defense Chief Cancels U.S. Trip" and which says, "Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz has canceled a trip to Washington due to new U.S. demands to oversee Israeli weapons exports, part of a growing crisis over Israeli arms sales to China, an Israeli defense official said. Mofaz was supposed to head to Washington last week, and the Defense Ministry initially said the cancellation was due to a wave of violence in the Gaza Strip."
The Americans are also continuing their unrelenting assault upon Israel’s massive spying operation in the United States, even to breaking of Diplomatic Protocols, and as we can read as reported by Israel’s Haaretz News Service in their article titled "FBI seeks to probe senior Israeli diplomat in Pentagon spy case" and which says, "The Federal Bureau of Investigation is demanding that Naor Gilon, head of the political department at the Israeli embassy in Washington, be interrogated in connection to the Pentagon spy case. It is possible the FBI will also want to interrogate other Israeli diplomats in connection with Pentagon analyst Lawrence Franklin, an Iran expert under investigation for allegedly passing classified documents to Israel via the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)."
These unrelenting assaults upon Israel’s massive spying operations have also caused record numbers of their spies to leave both the United States and European countries to return to Israel where they are protected from extradition, and as we have previously reported upon in our July 21st report titled "Nuclear Attack in United States ‘Imminent’ As Jews Continuing Fleeing From North America, Benjamin Netanyahu Identified As London ‘Target’ In Bombings, Israel Continues Descent into Total Chaos".
As we have all too frequently found in these types of circumstances, the American peoples themselves are not being allowed to know the true and grave state of the world they are living in, but if only they could hear the words of the Israel peoples themselves, and who are likewise living this tragedy, maybe they could understand. One such Israeli is the granddaughter of Polish Jews killed in the last Great War named Paula R. Stern, and whose words in Israel’s National Magazine, Israel Insider, should serve as an awakening call to these Americans;
“As the bitter countdown continues towards one of the most disastrous and dangerous decisions any Israeli government has ever thrust on our nation, I am haunted by the simple question, what kind of Jew will it take to implement Sharon's madness? What kind of Jew does it take to incarcerate 14-year-old Chaya Belogorodsky who is accused of standing on a sidewalk while her friends blocked traffic. Not content to arrest her teenage friends, a female police officer warned Chaya to leave the area. Chaya responded that she was standing on the sidewalk and had a legal right to do so. She was then arrested and has spent the last four weeks in jail.
Here in Israel. Impossible to imagine, yet there sits Chaya. And she is not alone. There are literally dozens of other young people being held for similar "crimes" of absurdity. This is the government Sharon has established, the justice system of Attorney General Menachem Mazuz, the police force of Commissioner Moshe Karadi and ultimately, the army of Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz and Chief of Staff Dan Halutz. What kind of Jew does it take to imprison and besiege 40,000 peaceful protesters? What kind of Jew imprisons mothers and babies, rabbis and teachers with barbed wire? What kind of Jew will it take to implement Ariel Sharon's expulsion plan? And, as if those weren't hard enough questions to answer, another one creeps into my mind and refuses to leave. What kind of Jew can go into a synagogue and blow it up?
I first thought of this question on a Friday night in Neve Dekalim a few weeks ago as I listened to the rabbi speaking. He spoke about his community, about Jews fighting .Sharon's evil plan peacefully and with no violence. He talked of life in Gush Katif, what they had built, why they had come, and how much they loved what they had created. Paradise, he called the place. And as the rabbi spoke, I found myself looking around the large room, at the windows, at the people, at the books. It shouldn't happen. It can't happen. They have such faith that it won't happen. Please let them be right, let Ariel Sharon come to his senses before he rips people from their homes in exchange for nothing, before he tears a society to pieces.
In the morning, I went to a different synagogue. This one also beautifully designed and decorated, filled with books and light and air and again I wondered. What kind of Jew, a soldier in our army, a son of Israel will blow them up? When the soldiers come, the people will be gone, the bookshelves empty. The Torah scrolls will be removed from the Holy Ark. They will walk into the empty synagogue, their boots echoing off the empty walls. They'll have to look straight up to see the high ceilings, but will they notice the way the architect designed it so that the morning light shines into the large room, or how one of the synagogues is shaped like the Star of David?
Will they realize that they are doing something that no Jew has ever done, that no Jew should ever do? They will calculate, as they have been taught to do, where to place the explosives to maximize the damage, to bring the ceiling down and make the walls crumble. They have been ordered to destroy a place of learning, of prayer, of respect, the very essence of why we have come to live in this land. These buildings are why they hate us, why they hound us, why we need a land of our own. If we destroy who we are, there is nothing left. We are not the same people we were when my grandfather had to choose between desecrating the Sabbath and trying to raise money to save his family.
Don't do what other nations have done to us, don't destroy a Jewish house of prayer, don't expel Jews from their land. In the entire history of our people, when have we ever destroyed our own places of worship? This is what they did to us in Europe, in the pogroms, the crusades, the Holocaust. This is what our enemies have tried to do all along, to erase who we are. This is not something that a soldier of the Jewish army should do. I can't help but wonder what my grandfather would say if he knew that this time, it will be the Jews themselves who plan to destroy the Houses of God."
To such a spectacle it now seems assured that the world will indeed be seeing, but equally true will be a world unprepared for the cataclysmic consequences soon to follow these events.
© August 1, 2005, EU and US all rights reserved.