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British Nazi-Al Qaeda Links? They are unmistakable and definite
The Independent reported on July 10, 2005 that Al Qaeda may have hired a gang of "white mercenary terrorists" to carry out the London bombings.The Daily Mirror reported on July 16, 2005 that the four bombers may have been "duped" into carrying their bomb-laden backpacks on to the Underground and a bus.
There is also intelligence that points to Italian neo-fascist, Pentagon Task Force 121, and Balkan Islamic fundamentalist links to the London bombers. French counter-terrorism official have reported that Balkans or Eastern European-origin military grade explosives were used in the London blasts. A major Italian investigation into the operations of a secret parallel neo-fascist network called DSSA, a hybrid group of Pentagon-CIA Special Activities Division covert operators working under the umbrella of Task Force 121, and the Balkans and Italian operations of CIA asset Husain Moustapha Omar Nasr (Imam Omar), a fundamentalist Imam kidnaped by the Pentagon covert operators from Milan on February 17, 2003 and flown on an "extraordinary rendition" flight to his native Egypt where he was tortured. But Imam Omar had another function. He was, according to Albanian intelligence sources, a CIA asset who kept tabs on Al Qaeda activities in the Balkans, particularly among Albanian Islamist extremists in Albania, Kosovo, and Macedonia. With French intelligence reporting that the explosives used in London were Eastern European or Balkan in origin, it is important to revisit the U.S. relationship with Al Qaeda elements in the Balkans.
So, it is not hard to see why the ``Islamists'' would have an open channel with Western agencies including the CIA. The man who reportedly presented to al-Zawahiri the $50 million proposal and the encouragement to destabilize Egypt, is known as Abu Mohamed al-Amriki, ``Mohamed the American,'' real name Ali Mohammad. An Egyptian military man, al-Amriki joined the Jihad organization in 1981, the year that the Jihad claimed credit for the Oct. 6, 1981 assassination of President Anwar Sadat. Among the persons arrested for that assassination was Ayman al-Zawahiri, charged with illegal weapons possession. The stories of al-Amriki and al-Zawahiri tend to intersect not only in Afghanistan and Egypt, but also in the United States. It was al-Amriki who organized the visit of al-Zawahiri to New York, California, and Texas, to collect money, officially, for the families of the Afghan war victims. In reality, part of the money, according to the courtroom testimony of Khalid Abu-al-Dhahab in Cairo 1999, was used to finance the bombing of the Egyptian Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan. Al-Amriki reportedly began his career as the elusive ``American'' in 1981, when he first arrived in the United States immediately after having joined the Jihad organization, and was enlisted in a U.S. Special Forces school for foreign officers at Fort Bragg, North Carolina.
In 1985, after leaving the Egyptian Army, he came to California and married. In 1986, he joined the U.S. Army. As a sergeant, he was stationed again at Fort Bragg's Special Warfare center, and in the late 1980s he popped up at an Afghan refugee center in Brooklyn, New York. There he gave combat training to Afghan and Muslim recruits who were to be sent back to Afghanistan to fight the Russians. Al-Amriki in 1992 went to Pakistan and Afghanistan to train the bin Laden men, providing especially ``military and basic explosives training,'' according to U.S. court records. Al-Amriki terrorist career took off from there, putting him in contact and in a position of leadership with virtually every major Islamist terrorist organization. Al Amriki/Mohammad was indicted and convicted for his involvement in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and the 1998 bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. One of the prosecutors in that case was Special Prosecutor in the RoveGate case, Patrick Fitzgerald. Nevertheless, Al Amriki/Mohammad was a prized contact for Pentagon special operations personnel. One of his closest colleagues, a former member of Delta Force, is now involved with Task Force 121 and the Pentagon's Strategic Support Branch (Project Icon) and passing intelligence to the neo-conservative parallel intelligence unit operating inside the Pentagon. Task Force 121 is the group responsible for the kidnaping of Imam Omar from Milan and other irresponsible and dangerous adventurism around the world.