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(回答先: また、山口県光市かよ。少しほかの事件も。 投稿者 吉村和夫 日時 2005 年 6 月 10 日 19:40:04)
2匹の犬の名前と殺され方を見て、単なる家庭内の揉め事が原因の殺人事件とは思えない。Ha Raというのをヘブライ語で調べると、Lachon Ha RaとYetzer ha Raが必ず出てきます。どちらもEvil, Satanなどに通じる言葉
Yetzer ha Ra と初期ユダヤ教のアポカリプスに関する記述から、どうもこの小原という名前も狙われた名前のように思えます。
Early Jewish Apocryphal Writings
Rabbinic Literature gives two accounts for the origin of Satan. The first is that Satan was created on the sixth day at the same time as Eve. This ties in with the tradition that Satan played some part in the fall of man. The second and more prevalent tradition is that Satan is one of the fallen angels. Satan is identified with Sammael and his deeds.
In T.B. Baba Bathra (16a), Satan is identified with the Yetzer ha Ra, which is the ‘evil impulse’ in man. The Talmud distinguishes between the personified Satan outside man, and the Yetzer ha Ra that exists within man. It is this evil impulse within man that allows Satan the opportunity to work his will against man.
Rabbinic writings also foreshadow the destruction of Satan. T.B. Succah (52a) talks of the destruction of the evil angel, while the Yalkut Jesaj (359) implies that Satan will be overthrown at a future time by the Messiah, referring to Psalm 36:9.
The general belief is that there are a class of satans with a chief Satan. For example, in 1 Enoch, there are 5 Satans. The first and second are said to have been responsible for leading astray the angels and for bringing them down to earth, where they sinned with the daughters of men (69:4), while the third brought about the fall of Adam and Eve (69:6). The satans are allowed to access heaven in order to accuse men, but they are not confined to heaven