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(回答先: CIA欧州秘密フライト 独デア・シュピーゲルの報道 〜ドイツ域内を430便以上か 投稿者 kamenoko 日時 2005 年 12 月 04 日 19:18:48)
〜伊紙 コリエレ・デラ・セーラ紙 速報頁から〜
ロンドン発 -英紙メイル・オン・サンデー紙によると、CIAはテロ容疑とみられた
拘束者の移送に、英国内空港滑走路の”自由利用権”を持っている。 また同紙に
よると、これらの飛行機のうちひとつはアフガニスタン カブールでも写真撮影
04 dic 07:09
Gran Bretagna: aeroporti utilizzati piu' volte dalla Cia
LONDRA - Secondo il giornale britannico Mail on Sunday la Cia aveva
il "libero accesso" per utilizzare gli scali aeroportuali inglesi per
il trasporto dei detenuti sospettati di terrorismo. Uno dei velivoli,
sempre secondo il giornale, sarebbe stato fotografato anche all'aeroporto
di Kabul, in Afghanistan. (Agr)
Mail on Sunday記事
Legal threat over 'torture flights'
09:20am 30th November 2005
The Government and senior police officers are being threatened with legal action if they fail to investigate allegations that US "torture" flights have landed in Britain.
Human rights campaign group Liberty has written to chief constables demanding action within 14 days. Otherwise they will be taken to court by the group.
It has been claimed that CIA flights carrying detainees to secret jails where they are likely to be tortured have landed in a number of airports in the UK, ranging from Prestwick, outside Glasgow, to Bournemouth.
The Guardian newspaper revealed in September that such aircraft have flown into the UK at least 210 times since the September 11 2001 attacks in the US.
The most used airport is Prestwick, where CIA aircraft have flown in and out more than 75 times, it was alleged.
Liberty said it is illegal under British and international law, and under European and UN human rights conventions, to be complicit in torture.
Under the 1988 Criminal Justice Act, torture is a criminal offence wherever it is committed.
Liberty has written to Foreign Secretary Jack Straw asking him to seek diplomatic assurances from the US that the CIA is not using UK airports for this purpose.
A Liberty spokeswoman said: "The European Union and the United Nations and a group of MPs have expressed concerns that this is happening, based on flight records.
"What we are asking is for the chief constables to investigate these allegations because no one has done so."