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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2005/11/27
▽アメリカ軍が若者88名を逮捕する アブグレイブで『容疑者』の一斉検挙の中,18才の少年が殺害される
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Sunday, 27 November 2005
By: Muhammad Abu Nasr on: 27.11.2005 [21:51 ] (384 reads)
・ Iraqi puppet army major says 11 US troops killed in four Resistance attacks in al-Fallujah.
・ US forces arrest 88 youths, kill 18-year-old, in round up of “suspects” in Abu Ghurayb.
・ Four US troops reported killed in car bombing in Baghdad’s ar-Ridwaniyah district.
・ US military admits Marine killed in bombing in Baghdad.
・ Iraqi Resistance sharpshooter reportedly kills US soldier in at-Tarimiyah Sunday
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member, editorial board, the Free Arab Voice. http://www.freearabvoice.org
Sunday, 27 November 2005.
Al-Anbar Province.
New ID required of residents of al-Qa’im as searches of citizens, particularly women, arouse growing discontent.
US occupation forces announced over loudspeakers in the city of al-Qa’im on the border with Syria that all male residents of the city were required to go to the so-called CMK headquarters in the city to have new identification cards made. The aim is to produce a new sort of identity document that will prove that the bearer is a resident of al-Qa’im in the hopes that the Americans can thereby track down and kill or capture Resistance fighters from neighboring Arab regions coming in across the border. The measure would also presumably exclude local people who fled the city when US Marines and Iraqi puppet troops stormed in following a major offensive a few weeks ago.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in the city reported that the US forces required local citizens to produce documents such as ration cards and civil status identity papers in order to receive the new IDs.
US forces set up six checkpoints at the four entrances to the city and two inside al-Qa’im city after their recent reconquest. Anyone entering or leaving the city is subjected to a very intensive search. Women wearing veils who for some reason arouse suspicion are subjected to full body searches, a circumstance that has impelled many local women to stay inside their houses at all times, except in dire emergencies.
In response to such measures, Shaykh Diyab al-Mahlawi told Mafkarat al-Islam that the local residents presented a request that Islamic values and the sanctity of women be respected, demanding that searches of women be conducted by women soldiers. The Shaykh said that such a modest demand was all that could be hoped for in the present situation of extreme repression.
Resistance bomb blasts joint US-Iraqi puppet army foot patrol near al-Haqlaniyah Bridge.
In a dispatch posted at 4:50pm Mecca time Sunday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance bomb had exploded by a joint US-Iraqi puppet army foot patrol near the al-Haqlaniyah Bridge east of al-Hadithah on Sunday.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in al-Hadithah reported that a bomb that had been planted by the side of the road to al-Haqlaniyah blew up near the al-Haqlaniyah Bridge as a joint foot patrol was passing by. The Balst killed one Iraqi puppet soldier and wounded three other troops, two of them Amercians.
Resistance bomb targets US patrol east of Hit.
In a dispatch posted at 4:45pm Mecca time Sunday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance bomb had exploded by a US patrol on the road to Hit in western Iraq on Sunday.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in nearby al-Baghdadi reported eyewitnesses as saying that a bomb that had been planted by the highway near the eastern entrance to Hit blew up as a patrol of three US Humvees was driving past. The explosion disabled one vehicle, severely wounding two US soldiers.
Mafkarat al-Islam denies US claim to have arrested Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in ar-Ramadi.
In a bulletin posted at 7pm Mecca time Sunday night, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that US-run al-Hurriyah propaganda radio station broadcasting in al-Anbar Province had a short while earlier announced that in the course of their “Tigers” operation in the city of ar-Ramadi, US forces had arrested the local Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent, claiming him to be a “supporter of terrorism.”
The American occupation announcement listed the name of the correspondent as Faraj ad-Dulaymi and said that he was arrested when he was with a group of “terrorists” (the American name for Iraqi Resistance fighters) in the at-Ta’mim area of ar-Ramadi. The American propaganda broadcast claimed that the correspondent was found in possession of a camera and “forged” journalist identification.
For its part, Mafkarat al-Islam denied the American propaganda report, saying that all seven Mafkarat al-Islam correspondents in al-Anbar Province are safe and are continuing to work assiduously at gathering and reporting the news.
The Baghdad bureau of Makfarat al-Islam was able to reach all its correspondents in the province by telephone to make sure that they are safe and well, an all of them were.
The correspondents reported that such rumors have been frequently circulated in an American attempt to find out who the actual Mafkarat al-Islam correspondents are who are transmitting reports on the activity of the Resistance and the losses incurred by the American occupation forces ミ information that the US authorities are seeking to black out.
Resistance ambushes joint US-Iraqi puppet army patrol in ar-Ramadi.
In a dispatch posted at 10:10am Mecca time Sunday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance forces had mounted a two-pronged attack on a joint US-Iraqi puppet army patrol in the middle of ar-Ramadi.
The ar-Ramadi correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported local eyewitnesses as saying that the Resistance attack began with the explosion of a Resistance bomb by the joint patrol, destroying one American Humvee and killing or wounding its crew of four US troops.
Then Resistance fighters armed with light and medium weapons attacked the patrol, killing two Iraqi puppet army troops and wounding a third.
Eleven US troops reported killed in four Resistance attacks.
In a dispatch posted at 1pm Mecca time Sunday, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that in the previous 24 hours four Iraqi Resistance attacks in al-Fallujah had left 11 US troops dead and six more of them wounded. No civilians were killed in the engagements.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported Major Hamid Hassun of the Iraqi puppet army as saying that there had been a clash near the as-Su’dud School in the northeast of al-Falluja, a Resistance bomb in the al-Jawlan neighborhood, and after that the Resistance fired a Grad rocket at a US checkpoint on the as-Sajar Bridge. An Iraqi Resistance land mine also blew up by a US Humvee in the middle of al-Fallujah, disabling the vehicle and killing or wounding several American troops.
Major Hassun told Mafkarat al-Islam that six Iraqi puppet troops were killed and troops of the puppet “Order Preservation Forces,” which are preparing to leave the city after handing over their duties to local volunteers, were wounded.
Following the attacks, Hassun said, US forces are preparing to launch a campaign of raids, searches, and arrests in various parts of the city.
Resistance ambushes joint US-Iraqi puppet army foot patrol Saturday night.
Fierce fighting took place between Resistance fighters and a joint US-Iraqi puppet army foot patrol in the al-Jawlan neighborhood of northern al-Fallujah.
The al-Fallujah correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported residents of al-Jawlan as saying that the fighting began when Resistance fighters armed with light and medium weapons attacked the foot patrol near the al-Khalij al-‘Arabi School in the northeast of al-Fallujah at about 8pm Saturday night. Five US troops and two Iraqi puppet soldiers were killed or wounded in the attack. Witnesses said that the Americans returned fire after the attack, killing an Iraqi civilian.
Abu Ghurayb.
US forces arrest 88 youths, kill 18-year-old, in round up of “suspects” in Abu Ghurayb.
In a dispatch posted at 2:55pm Mecca time Sunday afternoon, the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in Abu Ghurayb reported that US forces launched a campaign of raids and searches at dawn on Sunday that was still underway when he filed his report in the afternoon.
The correspondent reported that more than 2,500 US and Iraqi puppet army troops with air cover from helicopters launched raids on homes, shops, middle schools, date palm and citrus groves in the area. Eyewitnesses said that 88 youths had been arrested as of the time of writing. One 18-year-old youth had been killed after he tried to leave his home and go to that of a neighbor.
US troops seized control of the ar-Rahman Mosque in the middle of the city and declared it a temporary jail, to which all the local captives being rounded up by the occupation troops were being taken.
Four US troops reported killed in car bombing in ar-Ridwaniyah.
In a dispatch posted at 11am Mecca time Sunday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance car bomb had exploded by a US military patrol on the road to ar-Ridwaniyah, southwest of Baghadad.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported residents of ar-Ridwaniyah as saying that an explosives-laden car that had been parked by the side of the main road from ar-Ridwaniyah to al-Yusufiyah blew up by a passing patrol of four American Humvees.
The explosion completely destroyed one Humvee, killing the four US troops who were aboard it, the correspondent reported.
Supporters of rival US client politicians clash in Baghdad’s as-Sayyidiyah district.
In a dispatch posted at 2:45pm Mecca time Sunday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that fist fights that escalated into indiscriminate gunbattles broke out between members of the Shi‘i sectarian Islamic Da‘wah Propaganda Party (the head of which is US-appointed Iraqi “prime minister” Ibrahim al-Ja‘fari) and supporters of former US-appointed “prime minister” Iyyad ‘Allawi.
The clashes, which left several people wounded followed incidents were members of al-Ja‘fari’s Da‘wah party tore down election posters of rival candidates in the largely Shi‘i neighborhood of as-Sayyidiyah in southern Baghdad.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in the area reported that Da‘wah Party members tore down all posters calling for the election of ‘Allawi and put up pictures of al-Ja‘fari and of his ally ‘Abd al-‘Aziz al-Hakim (the head of the Shi‘i sectarian Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq SCIRI) in their place. That behavior led to fistfights with ‘Allawi supporters and escalated into a clash that lasted several minutes between the two sides and left seven persons wounded, four of them seriously. The badly wounded persons were taken to hospital.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the clashes between two parties, both of which actively support the US occupation amused local Iraqis who gathered to watch the battle. Locals called the incident a clash between people who “polish the boots of the occupation.”
US military admits Marine killed in bombing in Baghdad.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US military vehicle in Baghdad, the US Military admitted according to al-Jazeera satellite TV. Al-Jazeera reported the US military as saying that one Marine had been killed in the blast.
Resistance car bomb blasts puppet regime motorcade at south entrance to “Green Zone.”
In a bulletin posted at 12:50pm Mecca time Sunday, the Baghdad correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that a short while before, an Iraqi Resistance car bomb had exploded by the motorcade of a leading figure in the US-installed Iraqi “government” as it came out of the Republican Palace area in downtown Baghad ミ the district dubbed the “Green Zone” by the Americans.
The correspondent reported that the explosion targeted the cars in the middle of the motorcade, but the identity of the target could not immediately be determined, nor could an exact casualty count be ascertained. American and Iraqi puppet army troops were surrounding the entire area when the correspondent filed his report, cutting all roads leading to the scene of the attack at the southern gate to the “Green Zone.”
Resistance unleashes mortar barrage on US headquarters in ad-Durah.
In a dispatch posted at 10:50am Mecca time Sunday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance forces had bombarded the headquarters of US forces in the southern Baghdad suburb of ad-Durah.
The local correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported residents of ad-Durah as saying that Resistance forces fired four heavy 120mm mortar rounds into the American headquarters, sending plumes of smoke rising into the sky from inside the camp. US helicopters were seen hovering over the US-occupied compound and the surrounding areas at low altitude.
Badr Brigades send death threats to Palestinians, ordering them to leave Iraq.
In a dispatch posted at 5:55pm Mecca time Sunday evening, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the pro-American Shi‘i sectarian Badr Brigades had been issuing new threats in the last two days against Palestinian residents in Baghdad, saying they would be killed iff they did not leave Iraq.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in Baghdad reported a number of Palestinians resident in the al-Baladiyat section of the capital reported receiving letters in the mail or under their doors at night calling them “Wahhabis” and threatening that they would be killed within the next few days if they do not leave Iraq.
The correspondent reported that representatives of the Palestinians, who number 30,000 in Iraq, had just sent their 25th letter of complaint to the US occupation authorities informing them of the threatening messages and naming the source of the threats.
Nevertheless, despite receiving 25 complaints, nothing has been done. In fact, the correspondent notes, there have recently been raids and arrests of Palestinians in al-Baladiyat, Baghdad al-Jadidah an al-Karradah in the middle and eastern parts of the occupied Iraqi capital, compelling many of the Palestinians, most of them resident in Iraq since 1948, to think of trying to return to Palestine.
Salah ad-Din Province.
Iraqi Resistance sharpshooter reportedly kills US soldier in at-Tarimiyah Sunday.
In a dispatch posted at 4:40pm Mecca time Sunday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance marksman had shot and killed a US soldier in the at-Tarimiyah area north of Baghdad.
The Baghdad correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported residents of at-Tarimiyah as saying that an American soldier who was taking part in a patrol of four Humvees was shot and killed as he sat atop one of the American vehicles. The Resistance fighter’s bullet struck the soldier directly, killing him instantly.
After the attack, US forces surrounded the whole area and began searching homes and farm fields nearby but found no sign of the Iraqi sharpshooter.
Resistance ambushes US armored column.
In a dispatch posted at 3pm Mecca time Sunday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance fighters attacked a column of US troops on the main road in the al-Mushahadah area, north of Baghdad, on Sunday.
The al-Mushahadah correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported eyewitnesses as saying that Iraqi Resistance fighters armed with machine guns and pipe rockets attacked a column of four US tanks and two Humvees. One tank was disabled and its five crewmen killed or wounded.
Ath-Tharthar Area.
Resistance bomb rips through joint patrol.
In a dispatch posted at 11:05am Mecca time Sunday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance bomb had exploded by a joint patrol of US and Iraqi puppet army forces in the ath-Tharthar area west of Samarra’.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported residents of the ath-Tharthar area as saying that a bomb that had been planted by the side of the road to Samarra’ blew up as a joint patrol was driving past. One US Humvee was disabled and four troops who were aboard it were injured in the blast, the correspondent reported.
Resistance bombards US al-Bakr base with Katyusha rockets.
In a dispatch posted at 4:30pm Mecca time Sunday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance forces had shelled the US-occupied al-Bakr military base north of Baghdad.
The Baghdad correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported a source in the Iraqi puppet police as saying that the Resistance fired four medium-range Katyusha rockets into the US-occupied base, setting off secondary explosions inside the compound.
Local puppet “National Guard” commander reported killed in Resistance attack.
In a dispatch posted at 10:55am Mecca time Sunday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that fierce fighting took place between Resistance forces armed with light and medium weapons and Iraqi puppet army troops.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported residents of Balad as saying that the Resistance attacked a patrol of puppet “Iraqi National Guard” troops sparking a fierce 15-minute fire fight that left two “National Guard” vehicles ablaze and four puppet “National Guards” dead and two others wounded.
The witnesses said that the commander of the puppet “National Guards” in Balad was among those killed in the engagement.
Resistance bomb blasts mercenary contractor convoy.
In a dispatch posted at 10:35am Mecca time Sunday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance bomb had exploded by a column of armor plated vehicles of the type used by mercenary contractors working for the US occupation forces in Iraq. The attack took place on the main road in the ad-Dawr area south of Tikrit.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported residents of the ad-Dawr district who witnessed the attack as saying that a bomb that had been planted by the side of the main road blew up by the armored vehicles, destroying one of them and killing or wounding five foreigners who were aboard it.
Babil Province.
Resistance bombards puppet “National Guard” headquarters in al-Latifiyah.
In a dispatch posted at 11:11am Mecca time Sunday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance forces had fired eight heavy 120mm mortar rounds into a headquarters of the puppet “Iraqi National Guard” in al-Latifiyah, south of Baghdad.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported residents of al-Latifiyah as saying that the Resistance unleashed a violent mortar attack on the headquarters from two different directions, setting off explosions and sending plumes of smoke rising into the sky over the headquarters.
Diyala Province.
Resistance bomb blasts Iraqi puppet army patrol near al-Mada’in.
In a dispatch posted at 3:35pm Mecca time Sunday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance bomb had exploded by an Iraqi puppet army patrol on the road between al-Mada’in and Salman Bak southeast of Baghdad on Sunday.
The al-Mada’in correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported eyewitnesses as saying that the bomb went off as a patrol of four Iraqi puppet army Jeeps were driving past. The explosion set fire to one of them, killing two Iraqi puppet army troops and wounding another two of them.
Resistance bomb targets puppet police patrol in Ba‘qubah.
In a dispatch posted at 3:20pm Mecca time Sunday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance bomb had exploded by an Iraqi puppet police patrol on the main road in the middle of the city of Ba‘qubah, northeast of Baghdad.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in Ba‘qubah reported a source in the puppet police as saying that the blast damaged one patrol vehicle, killing one puppet policeman and wounding a second.
Muthanna Province.
Resistance bombards Japanese occupation base Sunday.
In a dispatch posted at 5:40pm Mecca time Sunday evening, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance forces had fired four mortar rounds at the camp occupied by Japanese troops in the southern Iraqi city of as-Samawah. Three of the mortar shells blasted into the Japanese occupation camp, one fell short of its target.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in as-Samawah reported that US helicopters could be seen after the attack hovering around the area as plumes of black smoke rose over the camp where sirens were wailing.
The Japanese occupation troops had had extensive bunkers built inside their base to protect them from Resistance attack. Their base is surrounded by a three-kilometer deep corridor into which no un-authorized persons area allowed. Despite such precautions, the Resistance was able to hit the base in its mortar attack on Sunday.
At-Ta’mim Province.
Resistance bombards US headquarters in ar-Riyad, southwest of Kirkuk.
In a dispatch posted at 4:20pm Mecca time Sunday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance forces had shelled the US headquarters in the ar-Riyad area, southwest of Kirkuk, on Sunday.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in Kirkuk reported eyewitnesses in the ar-Riyadh area as saying that the Resistance fired two medium-range Katyusha rockets into the US headquarters, scoring direct hits and sending plumes of smoke rising into the sky from inside the American-occupied compound.
Sources: http://www.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/E32C1D4D-6394-4119-A913-2BCFC4706F74.htm