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Monday, November 14, 2005
The Jordan river of lies
The Jordan river of lies
There are all kinds of problems with the Official Story of the Jordanian bombings. I've mentioned some already, and here are some more:
1.Pictures of the damage appear to show evidence of bombs placed in the ceiling. Since this would be inconsistent with the Official Story that the bombing was done by visitors from Iraq, who presumably had no privileged access to plant the bombs (how much do you tip the bellboy when he carries your explosives into the hotel, and how much does the concierge get when he sends out to find you the detonators you forgot back at your 'safe house'?), the Official Story had to be changed to deny that there were ceiling bombs. If it was a suicide bomb, why would the ceiling twelve feet above the floor be extensively damaged, but the wall directly adjacent to where the bomb is supposed to have gone off be completely unmarked?
1.これらの被害の写真は爆発物が天井裏に仕掛けられたことを示している。これは、イラクからの訪問者によって爆破がなされたという公式な筋書きとは一致していない。彼らは爆弾を仕掛けるための特権的な侵入方法は持っていなかった。(あなたがホテルの中に爆発物を持ち込むためにどれほどのチップをはずまねばならないのだろうか? そしてあなたの「隠れ家」に置き忘れてきた起爆装置を見つけるために接客係にいくら払わなければならないのだろうか?)公式の話は天井に爆弾があったことを否定するために書き換えられなければならなかった。もしあれが自爆だったとしたら、床から12フィートも離れた天井がムチャクチャに破壊されているのに爆弾が爆発したと考えられる場所のすぐそばの壁が全く壊れていないのはどうしてなのか。
2.The Jordanians have supposedly found a witness, the wife of one of the suicide bombers. Unfortunately, the story as told by the Associated Press is incoherent (Muasher is Jordanian deputy premier Marwan Muasher):
2.ヨルダン人たちはたぶん証人を見つけている。一人の自爆犯人の妻である。不幸なことに、the Associated Press によって語られたお話は事実と一致しない。(Muasherはヨルダンの一等補佐官【?】Marwan Muasherである。
【↓the Associated Press の記事】
"Al-Rishawi was shown on state television wearing a white head scarf, a buttoned, body-length dark denim dress, and belts packed with TNT and ball bearings. Muasher told CNN the belts were captured with her.
Al-Rishawi said she and her husband, Ali Hussein Ali al-Shamari, 35, were wearing explosive-laden belts when they strolled into a Radisson ballroom where hundreds of guests, including children, were attending a Jordanian-Palestinian wedding reception.
Al-Rishawiは、彼女とその夫であるAli Hussein Ali al-Shamari(35才)が、ヨルダン人とパレスチナ人の結婚パーティーで子供を含む何百人もの招待客がいたラディソン・ホテルのダンスホールに忍び込んだときに、爆発物を入れたベルトを巻いていた。
'My husband wore a belt and put one on me. He taught me how to use it, how to pull the (primer cord) and operate it,' she said, wringing her hands.
'My husband detonated (his bomb). I tried to explode (my belt) but it wouldn't. I left, people fled running and I left running with them.'
Muasher said al-Rishawi's husband noticed her struggle and pushed her out of the ballroom in order not to attract attention before blowing himself up."
Pushing her out of the ballroom wouldn't attract attention? If she was already outside, how then did she run out with the people running from the bomb? Here is the same story from Aljazeera, quoting the wife:
彼女をダンスホールから押し出すことが注意を惹かれないのだろうか? もし彼女がすでに外に出ていたのなら、どのようにして彼女は爆弾から逃れる人々と一緒に外に走り出たのだろうか? ここにAljazeeraがその妻の言葉を引用した同様の話がある。
"'We went into the hotel. He [my husband] took a corner and I took another. There was a wedding in the hotel. There were women and children,' she said.
'My husband detonated [his bomb] and I tried to explode my belt, but it wouldn't. People fled running and I left running with them.'"
Did he push her out before he set off his bomb, or not? Why would he bother to do so? Why not just set off his bomb? Was he suddenly afraid that his wife might be killed in the explosion (that would be ironic, don't you think?).
彼は、自分の爆弾を爆破させる前に彼女を押し出したのか、それとも後なのか? どうして彼はあえてそのようなことをしたのか? なぜそのときに自分の爆弾を爆破させなかったのか? 妻が爆破で死ぬことが急に怖くなったのだろうか?(だとしたら皮肉なことだと思わないか?)
3.The Jordanian story of how they found her doesn't make sense either (from the same Associated Press story):
3.どうやって彼女を見つけたのかに関するヨルダン人たちの話もまた筋が通っていない。(同じくAssociated Press の話。)
"Al-Rishawi was arrested Sunday morning at a 'safe house' in the same Amman suburb where her husband and the other two bombers rented a furnished apartment, a top Jordanian security official said.
『Al-Rishawi は日曜日の朝に、同じアンマンの郊外にある「隠れ家」で逮捕された。そこは彼女の夫と他の2名の爆破犯人が家具付きのアパートを借りていた場所だった。以上のようにヨルダンの治安当局者は語った。
Jordanian security was tipped off to her presence by al-Qaida in Iraq's claim of a female bomber, the official added, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to journalists. The group apparently assumed she was killed in the blasts."
How did the claim that there was a female bomber possibly provide enough information for them to find her in her 'safe house' unless they already knew where the 'safe house' was?
4.Why would insurgents fighting the American occupation of Iraq decide to take a busman's holiday and blow themselves up in Jordan? Didn't they have enough to do in Iraq? Wouldn't their meager resources of available suicide bombers be better put to use in Iraq?
4.イラクでアメリカの占領と戦っている暴徒たちがどうして休日勤務でヨルダンで自分を爆破させるのだろうか? イラクでやっているだけで十分ではないのか? 彼らの乏しい自爆要員の人的資源はイラクで使った方がマシなのではないのか?
5.Why would Sunni insurgents in Iraq head immediately to blow up a Sunni wedding reception in the hotel? Weren't there much better targets around? Speaking of better targets, how lucky do you have to be to kill a number of Palestinian officials, including the head of Palestinian intelligence, and take out the Chinese defense officials the Palestinians may have been planning to meet? For a bunch of bombers just arrived in town, they sure seemed to know where specific targets were located.
なぜイラクのスンニ派反乱者たちがそのホテルでのスンニ派の結婚式を直接に爆破するために向かうようなことがあるのだろうか? 彼らにとってもっとマシな標的はなかったのだろうか? マシな標的について語るならば、パレスチナ情報機関の長官を含む数名のパレスチナ高官を殺して、さらにパレスチナ高官と会う予定だった中国の防衛担当者を取り除いて、どのようにラッキーだと言えるのだろうか? ある爆破グループが街にやってきたからには、彼らは間違いなくその特定された標的がどこにいるのかを知っているようであった。
The witness, paraded theatrically with her supposed suicide belt, appears to represent a fear in Jordanian officials that no one was buying the Official Story. Flubbing the obvious cover-up is probably just going to make suspicions worse.