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□アフガン南部で警官22人が死傷 タリバンが奇襲 [アルジャジーラ]
アフガン南部で警官22人が死傷 タリバンが奇襲
一方、同スポークスマンによると、10日夜、カンダハル州カンダハル市内に、ロシア製のロケット弾4発が落下、1発は外国による建設事業本部のそばに落ちた。けが人はなかった。(翻訳・ベリタ通信=日比野 孟)
▽タリバンが大規模な警察のコンボイを待ち伏せ攻撃 19名が死亡
・この記事では警察官19名が死亡,4名が負傷 車両4台が破壊されたとなっている。
Taliban Mujahideen Ambush Large Police Convoy; 19 Dead
Oct 11, 2005
JUS News Desk
Taliban Mujahideen have ambushed a police convoy in southern Afghanistan, killing 19 so-called officers, in a battle the lasted several hours in Helmand that caught Afghan police off guard and that allowed the Taliban to strike a convoy of 150 officers as the so-called deputy police chief was named among the casualties.
The convoy of 150 police was attacked late on Monday while driving down a dirt road along the side of a mountain in Helmand province, according to an Interior Ministry spokesman. Dozens of Mujahideen fired on the convoy, sparking a gun battle that lasted until early this morning.
Helmand's so-called deputy police chief is among the 19 dead. Four police officers were wounded and four police vehicles were destroyed. Security forces rushed reinforcements to the scene and have now cordoned the area off.
The attack follows a declaration last week by Commander of the Faithful and Supreme Taliban Leader Mullah Omar that jihad would continue in Afghanistan. The Taliban have increased both the number and the sophistication of attacks in recent months having received support from Al-Qaida in Iraq.
An official statement from the Taliban is expected. More information to come as news is available. (JUS)