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シュタージ 反体制派を放射能で監視 東欧諸国高死亡率に影響か
”シュタージ、反体制派追跡に放射能スプレー” テレグラフ紙01年4月1日
東独からの亡命者であり放射能専門家Klaus Becker博士によると、シュタージは
ハンガリー系豪科学者 著述家Gideon Polya博士
他の欧州諸国と比較して、1960年以降のハンガリーにおけるavoidable mortality は
高率。 オーストリア・チェコ・ブルガリア・エストニア・ドイツ・ラトヴィア・
Ann Funder氏の著作”Stasiland”やクラウス・ベッカー博士の文献(テレグラフ
いえる。 進行中の犯罪は、国際犯罪法廷の懸案事項となりつつある。
Stasi used radioactive spray to track dissidents
By Robert Uhlig, Technology Correspondent
(Filed: 04/01/2001)
EAST German intelligence agents traced the movements of dissidents and monitored their meetings by spraying them with radioactive chemicals, it is disclosed today.
They carried radiation detectors under their arms; one armpit housing a Geiger counter the other an alarm which vibrated when their unwitting prey came near. The use of radioactive tracking throughout the 1970s and 1980s was uncovered recently by Klaus Becker, a radiation expert, during a search of the Stasi archive, the files of East Germany's secret police.
Dr Becker says: "It is a remarkable story, the first well-documented case of such a thing." According to the files, Stasi agents tagged suspects by spraying their clothes or belongings with scandium-46, which emits highly dangerous gamma radiation and comparatively harmless beta radiation.
The Stasi also developed an airgun which fired a radioactive isotope of silver wire into a car tyre from 25 yards. Floors in dissidents' meeting rooms were sprayed with radioactive chemicals which stuck to the shoes of anyone who attended. If people could not be sprayed, the spies would label their documents or paper money.
Dr Becker, an East German who fled to the West in 1951, says the Stasi later calculated that if more than one note was in a man's pocket, the effect on his fertility "came close to castration". While victims received radiation doses of about 150 millisieverts per action - 150 times greater than the internationally recommended weekly maximum - agents were not exposed to more than one millisievert a week.
The Stasi had long been suspected of using radiation as a weapon and a tool of torture, New Scientist reports today, but there had never been any concrete evidence. Barrie Lambert, a radiobiologist at St Bartholomew's Hospital, London, said: "It really is the stuff of James Bond movie.
"It's an unpleasant thing to do. The risk is not limited to the person being tagged. You'd be exposing other people, such as a spouse." Michael Clark, National Radiological Protection Board spokesman, said actual doses could have been between 50 and 500 millisieverts.
2 December 2000: [Features] Secret Stasi dossier set to shake Berlin
16 April 2000: Records could throw light on slush fund scandal
2 April 2000: Investigation called into death of 'Stasi radiation victim'
8 March 2000: Untangling the Stasi web
I am an Australian scientist and writer of Hungarian origins and am presently editing the third draft of a huge book on global avoidable mortality.
The post-1950 avoidable mortality has been abnormally high in Hungary (and in some other formerly Soviet-occupied Eastern European countries) since the 1960s.
Avoidable mortality (excess mortality) is the difference between the ACTUAL deaths in a country and the deaths EXPECTED for a peaceful, well-administered country with the same demographics.
Using United Nations data, avoidable mortality (technically, excess mortality) has been calculated for every country in the world since 1950.
In order to make comparisons, it is useful to calculate the post-1950 avoidable mortality/2005 population ratio for different countries and regions of the world.
The post-1950 avoidable mortality/2005 population ratio for Hungary is 1.363 million/9.784 million = 13.9%, the highest value for any Eastern European country and the highest for any European country in the world - thus the value for this parameter is 2.7% (for Overseas Europe i.e. the US, Israel, Australia, New Zealand and Canada), 5.0% (Western Europe), 7.5 % (Eastern Europe), 9.4% (Latin America and the Caribbean), 10.9% (East Asia), 20.7% (Turkey, Iran and Central Asia), 23.0% (Arab North Africa and Middle East), 25.1% (South East Asia), 27.3% (the Pacific), 31.9% (South Asia) and 43.2% (non-Arab Africa).
The serious post-1950 avoidable mortality outcome for Hungary is NOT reflected in infant mortality statistics - Hungary has one of the better infant mortality outcomes in Eastern Europe and indeed in the world.
Thus the post-1950 under-5 infant mortality/2005 population ratio is 2.9% for Hungary as compared to a value of 1.5% (Overseas Europe), 1.7% (Western Europe), 3.8 % (Eastern Europe), 9.7% (Latin America and the Caribbean), 10.7% (East Asia), 17.0% (Turkey, Iran and Central Asia), 15.4% (Arab North Africa and Middle East), 12.8% (South East Asia), 13.0% (the Pacific), 19.5% (South Asia) and 27.3% (non-Arab Africa).
The dynamics of this process can be assessed by considering Hungarian avoidable mortality (in millions, m) in successive 5-year periods (pentades) since 1950: 1950-1955 (0.062m), 1955-1960 (0.010m), 1960-1965 (0.005m), 1965-1970 (0.046m), 1970-1975 (0.094m), 1975-1980 (0.149m), 1980-1985 (0.197m), 1985-1990 (0.199m), 1990-1995 (0.221m), 1995-2000 (0.207m), 2000-2005 (0.173m).
The Hungarian avoidable mortality catastrophe took off in the 1960s and has averaged about 30,000-40,000 avoidable deaths EACH year since about 1975.
This abnormally high Hungarian avoidable mortality has been picked up in other epidemiological studies (e.g. see Treurniet et al., Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, vol. 58, pp290-295, 2004:
Other formerly Russian-occupied countries in Eastern Europe with abnormally high post-1950 avoidable mortality/2005 population ratios include Bulgaria (9.9%), the Czech Republic (10.6%), Estonia (12.8%), Latvia (12.7%) and the Ukraine (11.0%).
Significantly, the major Continental Western European countries with the highest average post-1950 avoidable mortality/2005 population ratios are Austria (9.0%) and Germany (8.6%), countries that were subject to partial Soviet occupation.
One could speculate about excessive smoking, excessive drinking, depression, social laxity, industrial pollution and un-reported radiological contamination events as contributing factors for this Hungarian and indeed European catastrophe. The dynamics suggest that if one major cause was imposed from about 1945 onwards, then the effects took about 20 years to manifest.
An unpleasant possibility derives from revelations of Soviet-era secret police use of radioactive tagging as a means of tracking dissidents. Such dangerous radioactive tagging employed by the East German secret police (the Stasi) is discussed in Ann Funder’s book “Stasiland” (Chapter 19; Text, Melbourne, 2002).
East German scientist Dr Klaus Becker has revealed documentary evidence from Stasi files of the deliberate contamination of victims, their documents or money with dangerous amounts of the beta- and gamma-emitter scandium-46 (half-life 83.83 days) to enable the tracking of dissidents (reported in New Scientist and other mainstream media; see: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/mai...).
Consistent with this possibility is long-term expression of cancers in irradiated people, secret police surveillance of very large numbers of Eastern Europeans and the pro-independence and “front-line” nature of all the affected countries. Was radiological contamination of dissidents more widely applied by the secret police in front-line Eastern European countries of the Soviet Empire?
Similar careful analysis of United Nations mortality data has revealed that the post-invasion avoidable mortality in Occupied Iraq and Afghanistan now totals 2.1 million through non-provision of life-sustaining requisites by the US-led Coalition in violation of the Geneva Conventions. Indeed this ongoing crime is now the subject of a formal complaint to the International Criminal Court (see: http://www.countercurrents.org/us-p...). The continuing avoidable mortality of some 35,000 Hungarians each year demands urgent investigation and public discussion.
Yours sincerely,
Dr Gideon Polya
Melbourne, Australia
e-mail: gpolya@optusnet.com.au
website: http://members.optusnet.com.au/~gpo...
Credentials: Dr Gideon Polya published some 130 works in a 4 decade scientific career, most recently a huge pharmacological reference text "Biochemical Targets of Plant Bioactive Compounds" (Taylor & Francis, New York & London, 2003), and is currently editing a completed book on global avoidable mortality (numerous articles on this matter can be found by a simple Google search for "Gideon Polya" and on his website: http://members.optusnet.com.au/~gpo...).
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