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11月15日付Rense.comは『Zionist Neocon Plans Go Back To 1920s(シオニスト・ネオコンの計画は1920年代にさかのぼる)』と題して、1920年6月21日のChicago Daily Tribuneの記事『World Mischief(世界の災厄)』を取り挙げています。ちょっと面白い面があるので、全文を対訳付きで投稿します。
Zionist Neocon Plans Go Back To 1920s(Rense.com)
World Mischief
Chicago Daily Tribune Jun 21, 1920 page 8
The results of Bolshevism on the domestic conditions of Russia have been depicted by John Clayton and Col. Reilly of The TRIBUNE Foreign News Service. In later articles Mr. Clayton discusses the Bolshevist foreign policy, which is that of a militant internationalism plotting to overthrow all foreign governments and set up a world dictatorship of the proletariat.
ロシアの国内情勢におけるボルシェヴィズムの結果はThe TRIBUNE Foreign News ServiceのJohn ClaytonとCol. Reillyによって描かれてきた。最近の記事でClayton氏はボルシェヴィストの外交政策について検討する。それはすべての外国の政府を打ち倒し世界のプロレタリアート独裁を打ち立てるたくらみを行っているインターナショナリズム軍事勢力に関することである。
But Mr. Clayton also points out that this revolutionary movement is not entirely Bolshevist or impartially international. He says that the secret intelligence organization of the entente and our own governments have found that Jewish radicals play an important part in the movement and also nationals of other countries hostile to the entente, as Germans and Austrians.
The Jewish phase of the movement, he asserts, aims at a new racial domination of the world, and its main purpose, logically, is the dismemberment of the British empire and the destruction of our expanding American commerce.
The brains of this movement, he asserts, are in Berlin. but its executive head is Trotsky, as the first line of attack is by way of an Islamic revolt in India, Egypt, and the Caucasus, with resultant effects to the French and Italian colonies In North Africa.
That widespread propaganda exists is clear enough from conditions in India, Persia, and Egypt. In the new Caucasian republics Bolshevism already is in control. It is natural that the Jews of Russia and of central Europe, victims for centuries of terrible persecution and oppression, should be active in any attempt to create a new racial power for themselves by the overthrow of existing dominations.
But in England and the United States the Jews, except for recent immigrations from regions where oppression has been the rule, are loyal nationalists and conservative upholders of the national traditions. With Jews In the British peerage and in the highest places of power and in our own country enjoying the greatest prosperity and all the privileges possessed by non-Jews, a Jewish world movement would get little support, especially one allied to Bolshevlsm.
But a plot to destroy British and its allied influence throughout the world apparently is in full operation. The pan-Islamic revolt, in fact, was prescribed in Bernhardi's "World Power or Downfall" as an important phase of the strategy of pan-Germanism. Extremists among the radicals, even of countries such as Italy, now in alliance with England, are active in various parts of the world, and we should undoubtedly find a good deal of sympathy for the whole movement among sentimental radicals and nationalist enemies of Great Britain in our own country and elsewhere.
The situation is worthy of serious American attention and consideration. The rise of pan-Islam might not affect us at once or directly. The substitution of another influence than British In world affairs would most certainly have a serious and far from favorable effect upon our security and prosperity. The theory of British domination is greatly exaggerated, as we know very well.
If British domination exists it rests very lightly on the world's shoulders, and America especially would be foolish to exchange it for a situation dominated from Berlin or Moscow, with militant Mohammedanism to support it. We know what Russian Bolshevism is doing. We know what pan-Germanism tried to do. We know what Islamism would mean. If the world is to be one Americans can live in our strength must be thrown with that of Britain and western Europe. Theirs is our civilization and our security and our progress.
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