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ところが、2月11日付、アメリカの「Underground Gateway」(電子版)に掲載された記事によると、このビルの住所は、「633」であり、この建物は「ダ・ビンチ・コード」で有名になったルーブル博物館のピラミッドをデザインした建築士、I.M. Pei氏が設計したものである。
LAの超高層ビルでは、不吉な、数秘学的数字がいたるところで使われている。例えば「BP Plaza」は、333 S. Hopeであるし、その他、[555」「777」なども多く使われている。
www.laalmanac.com/structure/st01.htm & www.emporis.com/en/wm/bu/?id=116498
Saturday, February 11th, 2006
President George W. Bush recently gave a speech about the 2002 alleged terror plot on the “Library Tower” skyscraper in Los Angeles. This appears to be a good point to begin. The name has been changed now for several years, it is now called the U.S. Bank Tower. The address is numbered 633. It was designed by I.M. Pei the architect responsible for the Louvre Pyramid made famous by the Da Vinci Code and other odd buildings that will be noted in this article.
Virtually all of the tallest buildings in most US cities appear to have illuminati/masonic/pagan numerology in their address, design , number of floors or all of the above.
www.laalmanac.com/structure/st01.htm & www.emporis.com/en/wm/bu/?id=116498
Los Angeles is permeated with evil /numerology numbered skyscrapers including BP Plaza at 333 S. Hope, also 555, 777, and more. See Laalmanac link above.
As noted in www.candlelight.wordpress.com ‘Antichrist Architecture Spreads Across The Globe’ “33″ or other permutations are symbols of the Freemasons and the 1/3 or .3333 into infinity represents the third of the angels that rebelled against God and tried to take Heaven by Storm. The super tall and always TALLEST buildings are a 3-d architectural commemoration of that event.
1. Marriot Hotels: Los Angeles address : 333 South Figuroa St. www.reservations.hotel-guides.us/hotel/10006044-102075730.html .
New York Brooklyn Bridge 333 Adams - www.newyorkjourney.com/marriot_brooklyn_bridge_new_york.htm
San Diego, California 333 West Harbor Drive (pls google all future Marriot sites if in doubt)
Courtyard by Marriot 333 E. Jefferson Avenue Detroit. Michigan.
This list of 333 hotels is by no means exhaustive…it is only a sampling.
THEIR HOTEL ENTRANCE: www.marriotshoals.com/ .
The Marriot Corporation is run by Mormons and is a big player in the For-Profit Prison
“industry” in the United States. www.socialistalternative.org/febmar/Contents/Prisons/prisons.html .
2. “Batman” skyscraper in Nashville , Tennessee 33 stories located on street address
333 Commerce Street. www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BellSouth_Building_(Nashville) . Tallest Building in State of Tennessee.
Nashville, Tennesse is replete with occult architecture, in fact you can even take a tour and see it. Some of it is allegedly linked to monuments made by Saddam Hussein in Iraq.
In fact you can tour ‘Stargate Park’ there. www.williamhenry.net/stargateprk.htm .
3. Honolulu , Hawaii - 999 Bishop Street - First Hawaiian Bank
( turn ‘9’s upside down for meaning) and 3 x 333.
www.emporis.com/en/wm/bu/?id=128723 . Who owns First Hawaiian , the proud resident of the tallest building in the islands? Bank of The West. Who owns Bank of the West?
BNP-PARIBAS, the so-called Oil-For-Food Bank, called by some Saddam’s ATM.
Hussein handpicked the bank to do the business ‘administered’ by the UN.
www.bancwestcorp.com/index.cfm . Who runs BNP-Paribas ? The sinister Power Corp. of
Montreal , Canada, led by the Desmarais clan. They are based in Montreal, Canada.
www.torontofreepress.com/2005/cover030505.htm .
4. Montreal , Tallest building- It is of course capped with a pyramid.
www.answers.com/topic/1000-de-la-gaucheti-re .
5. Tallest (planned) Building in Canada: www.thetimesharebeat.com/2003/htl/feb/0207-04.htm
333 Bay Street Tower - main partner is Donald Trump…
Another ‘333′ building in Toronto is the Sun Media newspaper home, 333 King Street.
(i.e.; ‘666′ is King for numerology purposes). It is owned by Quebecor. www.quebecor.com . On the board of Quebecor sits Brian Mulroney , former leader of Canada.
The previous Bio lists him as being on the board of TRIZEC properties which manages the
Sear’s Tower in Chicago in Zip Code 60606. www.trz.com/contact/ In fact do the numerology yourself on all the offices for Trizec listed in the link…some are very obvious.
Mr. Mulroney was an attorney for the previously noted POWER CORPORATION which
ultimately controls the 999 Building in Hawaii. www.think-aboutit.com/conspiracy/rockefeller_links_of_canadian_po.htm .
6. New York & New Jersey:
The Donald aka Donald Trump also has a connection to another 333-linked architect in said area - www.metrohomesllc.com/news_09_22_05.html .
7. The Donald , The Sheikh and the Wahabbi Eiffel Tower:
A Minneapolis architectural firm received a call from one of the world’s richest men, Saudi
Prince Bin Talal (for short). He wanted to build the arab Eiffel Tower. www.startribune.com/1375/story/222540.html The Tower will have 3.3 million feet of space, the meeting to discuss this took place on the Prince’s 333-foot Yacht which he purchased from DONALD TRUMP…
The article also says the Saudi Eiffel enthusiast owns a large part of CITICORP. It has a 333 Building as well -
www.citicorp.com/citigroup/corporate/supplier_diversity/contact.htm .
Also the CitiBank Tower in the Phillipines - 33 stories tall. www.turnerconstruction.com/international/content.asp?d=2521&p=2372 .
8. The Saudi Prince has competition and LOTS OF IT in DUBAI:
An underwater hotel that will have a 333,333 square foot above water station, and a jellyfish-shaped residence structure 833,333 square feet in size. www.conway.com/ssinsider/snapshot/sf030915.htm .
World Trade Center Hotel has 333 rooms. www.southtravels.com/middleeast/uae/worldtradecenterhotel/index.html
Towers Rotana Hotel also has 333 rooms.
The recently approved Park Square Tower in Dubai will be exactly 666 meters tall.
www.emporis.com/en/wm/zo/?id=100359 . In fact Dubai itself is covered with pyramid or
triangular topped buildings. See previous link for skyline view.
9. Minneapolis- A 33 story Accenture Tower capped with a black pyramid. Accenture is what used to be Arthur Andersen, you remember ,the accounting giant that cooked books for Enron. www.emporis.com/en/wm/bu/?id=122709 .
ACCENTURE is now our ‘big brother on the virtual border’- www.alwayson-network.com/comments.php?id=P6945_0_4_0_C . and www.canadafreepress.com/2005/cover082405.htm .
Arthur Andersen was headquartered in ‘666′ riddled Chicago at 33 W. Monroe. www.arthurandersen.com . (see candlelight link above for extensive chicago info).
President Monroe was a freemason. www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/uspresidentasmasons.htm .
10.Des Moines , Iowa: 801 Grand Avenue, tallest building in the State is topped by an
Eight sided pyramid… www.emporis.com/en/wm/bu/?id=123036 . There is a club inside
that is exclusive. It is named the Embassy Club. It has now merged with the Des Moines
Club as the two most exclusive dining establishments in the city. The Des Moines club is
located in 666 Grand Avenue, Des Moines, Iowa. www.embassyclub.com/main2.htm . The place is known as the Ruan Center.
11.Portland Oregon is also under the pyramid. www.oregonphotos.com/Portland1.html The TV station KOIN center is located at 222 S.W. Columbia.
Columbia is a masonic goddess. www.vincentbridges.com/Columbia.html . George Washington was the master of Lodge 22, in Alexandria , Virginia. This is where we get
Washington District of COLUMBIA, the COLUMBIA shuttle, the nation of COLUMBIA,
British COLUMBIA, COLUMBIA River in Oregon, etc….
12. Cleveland under the pyramid. www.clevelandskyscrapers.com/cleveland/clesky500.html
13. San Antonio under the pyramid. www.marriot.com/property/propertypage/SATRC
14. Austin, Texas under the 33 story pyramid. www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:AustinSkyline.jpeg .
13 were murdered by a sniper on the University of Texas Tower… www.tower.jdedman.com/ Austin is founded by Freemasons and is in alignment - latitudinal - with the pyramid of Giza. www.red-ice.net/specialreports/2005/12dec/33rdsacrifice.html .
15. Dallas City Hall is an inverted pyramid created by I.M. Pei the designer of the Da Vinci Code Pyramid of the Louvre Museum in Paris. www.dallasfoundation.org/tour/cityhall.html
www.dallascityhall.com/dallas/eng/html/dallas_city_hall.html .
In Boston, I.M. Pei designed an 85-foot ‘normal’ not inverted pyramid for the JFK Presidential Library. The inverted pyramid has occult connotations as does the normal set
pyramid. www.bluffton.edu/~sullivanm/jfkpei/jfkpei.html . The two pyramids, one inverted, one not put together put together a Star of David or Sexagram or Solomon’s shield.
The JFK library is in Columbia Point as noted in the previous link. One pyramid upside down where JFK died , one right side up where he was born, both by I.M. Pei…coincidence?
16. Columbine High School massacre: www.geocities.com/Wellesley/1327/school.html 13 killed there. One girl that was murdered had been involved in the occult, she turned away and accepted Jesus. Part of what happened may have been revenge for doing so.
In nearby Englewood, an Obelisk has appeared. www.trolleycar.org/observations/weyrich/wey000331.htm .
17. Tallest Building in NORTH KOREA IS A PYRAMID: www.straightdope.com/columns/000721.html It’s height is 330 meters. www.emporis.com/en/wm/bu/?id=130967 .
18. The leader of the Freemasonic experiment known as the CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA and 18,000 that died under the cross-bones, 13 pentagram banner of the slave states, Jefferson Davis also lies under the shadow of the pyramid. www.roadsideamerica.com/tips/getAttractions.php3?tip_AttractionNo==2284 Hollywood Cemetery , Richmond Virginia…the pyramid is haunted.
19. Transamerica Building,pyramid, Tallest Building in San Francisco, California needs no weblink.
20. San Diego, California: Under a huge pyramid overlooking Catholic architecture.
www.emporis.com/en/wm/bu/?id=118065 .
21. Albuquerque, New Mexico, home state of the atomic bomb and Roswell UFO site.
Marriot has a pyramid there… www.marriot.com/propertypage/ABQMC Look at the address and the phone numbers, a numerology Ph.d is not needed to make out that all of the numbers add up to ‘6’s.
Tallest Building??? Twin Pyramids of course and address? 201 or ‘3′ located of course on THIRD street. www.inlaw.com/albuquerque.shtml . The freemasonic ‘33′.
The Governor of New Mexico is certiable illuminati. Bill Richardson. He invites the Oil for food bank / Saddam’s favorite ATM into the State…”it operates in…New Mexico as Bank of the West”. ww1.edd.state.nm.us/index.php?/news/entry/governormakes_strong_new_mexico_pitch_
Bill Richardson is a Kissinger Stooge. www.judicialwatch.org/archive/2001/976.shtml .
22. Henry Moore , famous sculptor has his work in the inverted pyramid in Dallas as noted
in the sites on that issue. He also has a sculpture commemorating the nuclear chain reaction created at the Illuminati/Rockefeller University of Chicago. This is where the nuclear age of death began. THE SCULPTURE REPRESENTS THE CHAIN REACTION TO THE MINUTE…WHAT WAS THE MINUTE 3:36 P.M. www.physics.uchicago.edu/moore_sculpture.html .
Hiroshima is also ‘commemorated’ by Henry Moore…an arch , a symbol sacred to
the freemasons. www.experts.about.com/e/h/he/Henry_Moore.htm . The arch marks their first kill with the power unleashed at 3:36 P. M. in Illuminati Illinois. The Arch :
www.nireland.com/evangelicaltruth/purple.html .
23. Fentress Bradburn creators of illuminati DIA or Denver International Airport do business in Doha , Qatar with Turner Construction, a name that comes up a lot on these
projects. In Doha, they designed a triangular hotel to go with a triangular boat marina.
www.turnerconstruction.com/international/content.asp?d=2462&p=2458 .
Turner Construction does a lot of work… A LOT OF WORK… a the heartland of skull and bones society…YALE UNIVERSITY. www.turnerconstruction.com/connecticut/content.asp?d=2798&p=2779 .
Dear Esteemed Reader, it is obvious that something odd is going on….The Illuminati are like dogs, they are marking their territory, the whole planet.
Unlike regular dogs marking their spot by urinating on fire hydrants, the three headed cerberus dogs of the illuminati are standing on top of their skyscraper ‘fire hydrants’ and are urinating on us.
It is time for all of us useless feeders and slaves to 1. UNITE 2. REVOLT and 3. Do like Nancy Reagan said and “just say NO”. NO to the lies, no to the march to death.
投稿者 gataro 日時 2006 年 2 月 10 日 09:56:12: KbIx4LOvH6Ccw
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