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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2005/09/22
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Thursday, 22 September 2005
By: Muhammad Abu Nasr on: 23.09.2005 [06:00 ] (375 reads)
* Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent found murdered. Badr Brigades blamed in killing of lone independent reporter in beleaguered Tall ‘Afar.
* US soldier killed in morning battle in ar-Ramadi.
* Two US troops reported killed in roadside bombing south of Baghdad.
* Four civilians killed in US airraids as America continues blockade, bombing, house raids on ad-Dulu‘iyah.
* Thousands flee Samarra’ following threats by US puppet regime to launch military offensive on the city.
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member, editorial board, the Free Arab Voice.
Thursday, 22 September 2005.
Ninwa Province.
Tall ‘Afar.
Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent murdered. Badr Brigades blamed in killing of lone independent reporter in beleaguered city.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam in Tall ‘Afar, whose reports have been among the few to break through the US-imposed blockade on the city was found murdered in his house Thursday morning.
Salim Tu‘mah Khattab al-Jabburi, 25, submitted the report two days ago on Tuesday, 20 September, that was the basis for the story “Civilians continue to die as American offensive on Tall ‘Afar grinds on. Thus far 72 children and 53 women have been killed, medical sources report.”
Salim’s brother told Mafkarat al-Islam’s editorial offices that Salim was found dead in bed at dawn Thursday, with bullet wounds in his chest, neck, and head. The brother said that no one else was living in Salim’s house at the time, since the young man had sent his mother and brothers outside the city for fear of the ferocity of US bombing. Salim remained behind to cover the news in Tall ‘Afar where the Americans have continued to press their offensive.
Salim’s relatives blamed the murder on the Shi‘i sectarian Badr Brigades, whose forces joined the US military during their invasion of Iraq in the spring of 2003 and have since then served the American occupation in puppet police and security agencies and have been linked to waves of sectarian abduction, torture, and murder.
Salim al-Jabburi was determined to report the news in the defiant city as it resisted the American onslaught. At the beginning of the US offensive on Tall ‘Afar, he was one of three reporters operating secretly in the city, where US forces have arrested and imprisoned any journalist discovered reporting from the city without American permission. After the fighting intensified, Salim became the only journalist working in besieged Tall ‘Afar, Mafkarat al-Islam reported Thursday.
Salim al-Jabburi was a 2002 graduate of the College of Management and Economics of Mosul University and had worked for several Iraqi news agencies and newspapers, including the paper al-‘Iraq and al-Hadba’ in Mosul, before joining Mafkarat al-Islam where he worked for 10 months prior to his assassination.
In a dispatch posted at 7:40pm Mecca time Thursday, Mafkarat al-Islam, many of whose journalists have been killed in the line of duty in occupied Iraq, apologized to readers in advance for the fact that in coming days they will have difficulty reporting from Tall ‘Afar, until such time as they re-organize their news bureau in that city.
Al-Anbar Province.
One US soldier reported killed in morning battle in as-Sufiyah district of ar-Ramadi Thursday morning.
Iraqi Resistance forces armed with light and medium weapons, including pipe rockets attacked a patrol of two US armored vehicles and three Humvees in the middle of the as-Sufiyah area of ar-Ramadi at 9am local time Thursday morning.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in the city reported residents of as-Sufiyah as saying that the attack sparked a fire fight that lasted about 20 minutes in the course of which on US Humvee was disabled and an armored vehicle set ablaze. One US soldier was killed and four others wounded. Two of the Resistance fighters were also wounded before withdrawing with the rest of their comrades after the clash.
US surrounds neighborhoods in ar-Ramadi in preparation for house-to-house raids and searches.
In a dispatch posted at 10:30am Mecca time Thursday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that US forces had begun to encircle neighborhoods in preparation for raiding and searching homes there.
The Mafakrat al-Islam correspondent reported residents of the city as saying that US forces had surrounded and cut off the whole neighborhoods of al-Mal‘ab, al-Mu‘allimin, ath-Thilah, and al-Mukhabarat in the center of the city. Dozens of US vehicles were seen surrounding the private football field “al-Mal‘ab” belonging to the ar-Ramadi football club, and the as-Siddiq mosque in the center of the city
A violent battle took place in the as-Sufiyah neighborhood of the city on Thursday morning that left several US troops dead or wounded and two American vehicles disabled (see story above).
Kilometer 160.
Resistance ambushes US column Thursday morning.
In a dispatch posted at 12:30pm Mecca time Mafkarat al-Islam reported that fierce fighting broke out between Iraqi Resistance forces and US troops in the Kilometer 160 area west of ar-Ramadi at 10:30am local time Thursday morning.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported local witnesses as saying that about nine Iraqi Resistance fighters armed with light and medium weapons and pipe rockets attacked a column of several US Humvees. The firefight lasted about 10 minutes and left one of the American vehicles ablaze.
After the attack, US troops opened fire indiscriminately on civilians and then surrounded the whole area, making it impossible for the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent to obtain information on the nature or extent of US casualties.
Resistance bombards US ‘Ayn al-Asad base Thursday morning.
Iraqi Resistance forces bombarded the main US base, known as ‘Ayn al-Asad, in al-Baghdadi west of Baghdad at 9:30am local time Thursday morning.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported residents of al-Baghdadi as saying that three medium-range Katyusha rockets blasted directly into the US base, sending up columns of smoke.
Abu Ghurayb.
Resistance fighter blasts car bomb into US patrol in Abu Ghurayb Thursday afternoon.
In a bulletin posted at 3:45pm Mecca time Thursday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance car bomb exploded by a US patrol in the middle of Abu Ghurayb a short time earlier.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in Abu Ghurayb, 30km west of Baghdad, reported a source in the Iraqi puppet army as saying that a short time earlier an Iraqi Resistance fighter drove an explosives-packed car into the American patrol in the ar-Risalah section of Abu Ghurayb, killing or wounding a number of US occupation troops.
The correspondent reported the source as saying that two US vehicles were severely damaged in the attack, which killed or wounded a number of American troops.
The correspondent was unable to ascertain the exact nature or number of casualties because US forces surrounded the entire section of the city after the attack with a very tight security cordon.
Resistance ambushes puppet police patrol near al-Fallujah market Thursday afternoon.
In a dispatch posted at 5:50pm Mecca time Thursday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that a short while earlier, Iraqi Resistance forces had attacked an Iraqi puppet army patrol on the road to the al-Fallujah market.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported shopkeepers in the area as saying that the Resistance fighters armed with hand grenades and light weapons ambushed the patrol of three pickups belonging to the Iraqi puppet army. The witnesses reported that the Resistance fighters set one of the vehicles on fire, killing or wounding four Iraqi puppet troops.
Two US troops reported killed in roadside bombing south of Baghdad.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a joint US-Iraqi puppet army patrol between the area of Jurf ash-Sakhr and al-Mahmudiyah south of Baghdad at about 3:15pm local time Thursday afternoon.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in Jurf as-Sakhr reported witnesses as saying that a bomb that had been planted by the side of the road south to al-Mahmudiyah blew up as the joint patrol was passing by. The explosion set one Humvee on fire and killed two US troops and wounded a third, eyewitnesses reported.
Two US soldiers reported killed in morning bombing in Baghdad’s al-Mashtal area.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a column of US armored vehicles on the mian road in the al-Mashtal (“Arboretum”)area of Baghdadat 10am local time Thursday morning.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported traffic wardens who were on the scene at the time of the blast as saying that a bomb that had been planted on the side of the road blew up as the patrol of several US armored vehicles passed by.
The blast disabled one of the armored vehicles, killing two US soldiers and wounding another. One civilian who was nearby was also injured.
Resistance bomb targets patrol of puppet “shock police” in as-Sayyidiyah Thursday morning.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a patrol of the Iraqi puppet “shock police” in the as-Sayyidiyah area south of Baghdad at about 9:15am local time Thursday morning.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported a source in the puppet police as saying that a bomb that had been planted by the side of the road leading to as-Sayyidiyah blew up as a patrol of several pickups belonging to the “shock police” was passing by.
The explosion damaged one of the vehicles in the patrol, wounding four puppet “shock policemen,” one of them severely.
Salah ad-Din Province.
Thousands flee Samarra’ following threats by US puppet regime to launch military offensive on the city.
More than 1,200 families have fled the city of Samarra’, heading towards Tirkit following threats by the US-appointed “Iraqi Defense Minister” Sa‘dun ad-Dulaymi that US and Iraqi puppet troops would be launching an offensive on the city to rid it of Iraqi Resistance forces.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in Samarra’ reported that most of the families had to undergo humiliating searches by Iraqi puppet troops on the outskirts of the city.
The correspondent said that dozens of shops in the city had been closed and official offices and other services have been closed and shut down. The correspondent said that claims by the local governor that schools had reopened were false. “No school in Samarra’ had opened out of fear of an expected military offensive against the city.
US continues blockade, bombing, house raids on ad-Dulu‘iyah. Four civilians killed in American air raids.
US forces continued their blockade of the city of ad-Dulu‘iyah, north of Baghdad on Thursday. In a dispatch posted at 9:40am Mecca time Thursday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that at the time of reporting, American troops had sealed off the al-Jabbur are of the city and were carrying out house-to-house raids and searches there.
The ad-Dulu‘iyah correspondent for Mafarat al-Islam reported city residents as saying that US warplanes had been bombing parts of the city on Wednesday night and Thursday morning, targeting houses of local civilian residents. Four civilians were killed, two of hem women, and three others wounded in the American attacks. Dr. Usamah al-Baz of ad-Dulu‘iyah General Hospital said that two of the injured were in serious condition.
Residents of al-Jabbur told Mafkarat al-Islam that the Americans were raiding and searching many houses, particularly after hey had received word that one of he truck drivers working for them had been captured after his truck was destroyed in a Resistance ambush on an American convoy two days ago.
Diyala Province.
Resistance forces ambush joint US-Iraqi puppet patrol north of Ba‘qubah.
In a dispatch posted at 12:10pm Mecca time Thursday, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance fighters had attacked a joint US-Iraqi puppet army patrol in the Shahraban area (al-Miqdadiyah), some 85km northeast of Baghdad.
Residents of Shahraban told Mafkarat al-Islam that Resistance fighters armed with light and medium weapons, incluing PKS machine guns, attacked the joint patrol on the road to Ba‘qubah.
At-Ta’mim Province.
Puppet police backed up by US troops carry out mass arrests of Sunnis following attacks.
In a dispatch posted at 5:20pm Mecca time Thursday afternoon, the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported that Iraqi puppet “shock police” force under the US-installed “Ministry of the Interior” had launched a campaign of arrests of Sunnis in the al-Hawijah area west of Kirkuk.
The correspondent reported local witnesses as saying that the “shock police,” backed up by US military forces, encircled numerous districts in the area and carried out raids and arrests of Sunni Arabs belonging to the tribes of a-Jabbur, al-‘Ubayd, al-Janabiyyin, and ash-Shamar.
The correspondent reported that more than 30 young men had been rounded up in the sweeps that were carried out on the pretext that there had been attacks on US and puppet troops.
Resistance bombards US base at Kirkuk Airport early Thursday morning.
Iraqi Rseistance forces fired five mortar rounds into the main US headquarters in the northern Iraqi city of Kirkuk at 5am local time Thursday morning.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam in the city reported eyewitnesses as saying that five mortar rounds blasted into the airport that the US forces have taken over as their base. The attack set off powerful explosions inside the US facility.