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(回答先: イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2005/09/19 投稿者 white 日時 2005 年 9 月 20 日 18:04:36)
□レジスタンスは現在もタル・アファルの55パーセントを掌握 他
アメリカ軍が‘Ammar ibn Yasirモスクを砲撃。
Fighting In Tall ヤAfar Continues As US Carries Out More Bombing Raids
Sep 19, 2005
By Muhammad Abu Nasr, Free Arab Voice; Edited For Publication By JUS
Contrary to reports in much of the western and Arab media, Resistance fighters are still embroiled in battle in the northern city of Tall ヤAfar, according to Mafkarat al-Islam. Not only have fighters remained in the city where they are attacking the US and Iraqi puppet army troops from time to time, but Mujahideen remain in control of several neighborhoods, specifically the neighborhoods of ash-Shurtah, as-Saray, al-Muヤallimin, that accounts for 55 percent of the city, according to the report.
In an interview with Mafkarat al-Islam, the Commander of one of the fighting Resistance detachments named Abu Hatim said that claims made by the US-installed puppet regime that メdozensモ of Resistance fighters had been killed and capture was fabrication. メThe total number of Resistance fighters who have fallen as martyrs is no more than 40 men. Most of them died under the bombs of the aircraft, and not in clashes between the occupation forces and ourselves.モ
Abu Hatim said, though, that the regimeユs claims about the number of Resistance fighters killed are more accurate than the claims about the number captured, since all the fighters have vowed to fight to the death and are prepared for that eventuality at any time. As to the number of Americans and Iraqi puppet army troops killed in the fighting, Abu Hatim declared メwe killed 35 American soldiers just by picking them off with sniper fire, thatユs to say nothing of how many we killed with our rockets and grenades, and the bombs that we planted on every street of the city.モ
When the correspondent asked Hatimユs opinion of the poor news coverage the Resistance has received that has left most of their successes unreported, he replied, メWe donユt need them. Weユve filmed most of the battles and weユll broadcast them soon. But we challenge them to bring even just one cameraman into the city and allow him to film their [the Americansユ] corpses and their wrecked vehicles in the city and then show that to the people. As to us, they reported that theyユve captured dozens and killed dozens of us. So let them show on the satellite TV news just one of those dead or captives, not even 10 of them, if theyユre telling the truth.モ
Asked how long the Resistance can continue to fight in the city, Abu Hatim replied, メGod has facilitated some things that we werenユt expecting in this battle, so weユre going to stay and continue fighting in the city as long as God wills it. Weユll never turn our backs and flee, no way, by God!モ
Heavy Fighting Breaks Out Monday Night
In a dispatch posted at 9:20pm Mecca time Monday night, the Tall ヤAfar correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that at the time of writing intermittent but violent clashes were taking place in the center of Tall ヤAfar, specifically in the area of the market where Resistance fighters were battling US and Iraqi puppet army troops.
At the time of the report, the Resistance was firing intense barrages of mortar rounds and pipe rockets into the US and Iraqi puppet army troops concentrated on the first of the main streets in the area and US and Iraqi puppet forces appeared to be retreating from the street. A Bradley armored vehicle with fire blazing out of its rear had apparently been hit by a shell as it turned to flee.
Meanwhile, the western side of the city was being heavily bombed by US warplanes according to information supplied by informed sources. The correspondent was unable to reach that area of the city to see for himself due to the intensity of the bombing and fighting.
Resistance Blows Up Cigarette Stand Amid Gathering Of Marines
In a bulletin posted at 10pm Mecca time Monday night, the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in Tall ヤAfar reported that a short while earlier, the Iraqi Resistance had blown up a cigarette kiosk in the ash-Shurtah neighborhood of Tall ヤAfar in front of a gathering of US Marine foot soldiers. The correspondent who was close by was able to see a number of dead or wounded Marines as a US helicopter flew in to evacuate them. This was the third incident in which the Resistance detonated a booby-trapped kiosk on US or Iraqi puppet troops in Tall ヤAfar.
In other news, US aircraft carried out new attacks on the mosques in the city. The Mafakrat al-Islam correspondent reported that after flattening the Muslim places of worship in the メcity of minaretsモ Fallujah and then razing the mosques of al-Qaユim, US forces were now engaged in repeating the pattern in Tall ヤAfar, with US forces bombarding the ヤAmmar ibn Yasir mosque. The correspondent said that the reason for the attack was that the loudspeakers on the minaret had been chanting メGod is Greatest!モ other messages and prayers of encouragement to the Resistance fighters, battling US troops in the city.