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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2005/08/29
装甲車1両が破壊され,もう1両が使用不能に アメリカ兵7名が戦死または負傷している
襲撃は30分に渡って続いていく 死傷者などの情報は不明
ハンビー1台が炎上 アメリカ兵2名が戦死,1名が負傷する
税関責任者Nasir al-‘Aythawi大佐を射殺する
Nasir al-‘Aythawi大佐は車で帰宅途中にPKS機関銃など軽火器で武装したレジスタンスに
1発のロケット弾が司令部内にいた傀儡軍兵士の一団に命中 傀儡軍兵士4名が戦死,5名が
アラブ連盟の事務総長‘Amr Musaがイラクの新憲法は『カオスのためのレシピ』と発言
軽中火器で武装したレジスタンスが司令部を攻撃 司令部入口の検問所にいた
ハンビー1台が使用不能に 傀儡軍のランドクルーザー2台が炎上
アメリカ兵1名が戦死,3名が負傷 傀儡軍兵士4名が戦死,3名が負傷
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Monday, 29 August 2005
By: Muhammad Abu Nasr on: 30.08.2005 [04:35 ] (50 reads)
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member, editorial board, the Free Arab Voice.
Monday, 29 August 2005.
* Four US troops reportedly killed in bombing north of Hit.
* Massive bomb rips through US personnel carrier in al-Karmah Monday afternoon.
* Resistance fighters assault US-Iraqi puppet army camp in al-Fallujah.
* Three prisoners break out of Abu Ghurayb prison camp.
* Four US troops reported killed in Monday morning roadside bombing in al-Mahmudiyah.
Al-Anbar Province.
Four US troops reported killed in roadside bombing on highway north of Hit late Monday morning.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US military column on the highway in the 30km area north of Hit in western Iraq at 11am local time Monday morning.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in the area reported residents of Hit who witnessed the attack as saying that a bomb that was planted by the side of the highway blew up as a column of four US troop transports and three Humvees passed by.
The explosion destroyed one of the troop transport vehicles, killing four US soldiers and wounding another four American troops.
Resistance car bomb blasts passing US patrol on its way into Hit Monday morning.
An Iraqi Resistance car bomb exploded by a US military column on the main road near the eastern entrance to the city of Hit in western Iraq at 9am local time Monday morning.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported local residents who witnessed the explosion as saying that an explosives-laden car that was parked by the side of the road blew up as a column of several American armored vehicles passed by on its way to the US headquarters in the middle of the city.
The explosion destroyed one US armored vehicle and disabled a second, killing or wounding about seven American troops.
Five US troops reported killed in massive bomb blast in al-Karmah late Monday afternoon.
In a dispatch posted at 5:30pm Mecca time Monday afternoon, the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in al-Fallujah reported that it had just been learned that a massive Iraqi Resistance bomb had exploded by a US column in the al-Karmah area to the east of the city (which is located some 50km west of Baghdad).
Residents of al-Karmah who witnessed the explosion told the correspondent that the huge bomb was planted by the side of the main road near the al-Karmah Bridge. It went off as a column of several US personnel carriers and three Humvees was passing by. The blast completely destroyed one troop carrier, killing five American soldiers and wounding seven more US troops.
At the time of reporting, American forces were deploying around the area to encircle it and lay down a security perimeter. A huge Chinook helicopter was observed landing near the scene to evacuate the wrecked vehicle and the bodies of the dead and the wounded.
Resistance attacks joint US-Iraqi puppet army camp in al-Jaghifi neighborhood of al-Fallujah.
The Iraqi Resistance fiercely attacked a camp jointly used by the US military and the Iraqi puppet army in the al-Jaghifi neighborhood in northern al-Fallujah on Monday.
In a dispatch posted at 2:40pm Mecca time Monday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported residents of al-Jaghifi who witnessed the attack as saying that Iraqi Resistance fighters armed with light and medium weapons including PKS machine guns and pipe rockets attacked the camp.
The assault lasted about half an hour, the witnesses reported, but no information was available on the extent or nature of possible casualties.
Two US troops reported killed in roadside Resistance bombing in central al-Fallujah Monday morning.
In a dispatch posted at 9:12am Mecca time Monday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that a short while earlier, an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US military patrol in the ash-Shuhada’ neighborhood of central al-Fallujah in western Iraq.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam in al-Fallujah reported eyewitnesses as saying that a bomb that was planted by the side of the road leading to the center of town blew up when a patrol of several US Humvees was passing. The explosion set fire to one Humvee, killing two US troops and wounding one more.
Resistance guns down US-appointed Director of Customs in al-Anbar Province Monday afternoon.
In a dispatch posted at 5:20pm Mecca time Monday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that a short while earlier, Iraqi Resistance fighters had assassinated the US-appointed Director of Customs for al-Anbar Province, Colonel Nasir al-‘Aythawi. The attack on the Colonel, who collaborates with US forces working near Iraq’s western border, took place in the 5km area west of ar-Ramadi, a city located some 110km west of Baghdad.
The ar-Ramadi correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported witnesses as saying that Resistance fighters opened fire with light arms and PKS machine guns on the car in which Colonel al-‘Athawi was driving home. He was killed instantly.
Abu Ghurayb.
Three prisoners escape Abu Ghurayb prison camp through hole under the wall.
Three prisoners in the notorious American prison in Abu Ghurayb escaped through the southern wall around the prison on Sunday night.
The local correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported witnesses as saying that US troops in the early hours of the morning surrounded a whole area and began a campaign of raids and searches of all the houses there, hunting for the escapees but without finding anything.
A source in the Iraqi puppet army told the correspondent and a number of news agency reporters that the prisoners had managed to escape thorough two holes that they had dug under the south wall of the prison. The source said that the prisoners who got out were Resistance fighters from al-Fallujah.
Shortly before the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent filed his report (posted at 11:30am Mecca time Monday morning) the US forces issued a communiqu in the occupation headquarters in the Republican Palace area in Baghdad ミ known to the US as “the green zone” ミ admitting that one prisoner had escaped and that they had found the hole through which he had got out.
Sources in the Iraqi puppet army confirmed, however, that the number of escapees was three, not one. US troops themselves confirmed this, as they were distributing three photographs, not just one, of escapees in the area and asking local people to help in apprehending them.
(See the first report on the escape based on a US announcement in “US acknowledges prisoner escaped from Abu Ghurayb,” in Iraqi Resistance Report, Sunday, 28 August 2005.)
Resistance bombards US-Iraqi puppet army headquarters in as-Sayyidiyah late Monday morning.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired two Katyusha rockets at the joint headquarters of the US and Iraqi puppet army in the as-Sayyidiyah area south of Baghdad 11am local time Monday morning.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported a source in the Iraqi puppet army as saying that two medium-range Katyusha rockets blasted into the headquarters. One rocket struck a group of Iraqi puppet army soldiers when they were assembled with one of their officers. The explosion killed an Iraqi lieutenant and four of his troops. Five other Iraqi puppet army soldiers were wounded.
The second rocket only inflicted some material damage on a building inside the camp, the source said.
Arab League Secretary General: Parts of Iraq’s draft “constitution” are “recipe for chaos.”
The Secretary General of the League of Arab States, ‘Amr Musa declared on Monday that certain parts of the draft Iraqi “constitution” are a “call to chaos.”
In an interview British Radio, monitored by Mafkarat al-Islam, Musa expressed his concern over the lack of consensus over the draft that has been overwhelmingly rejected by Iraq’s Sunni Arab population.
Musa said, “the Arab League shares the fears of Iraqi Sunnis regarding federalism.” He said that his fears were renewed by the fact that the draft document also fails to declare Iraq’s identity as an Arab country. Musa said that this appeared to be a concession to non-Arab minorities, such as the Kurds.
Iraqi Scholar publishes details of theft of Iraqi historic manuscripts by US military command in 2003.
An Iraqi manuscript specialist has stated that after the occupation of Baghdad in April 2003, US officials took away to their country a group of Iraqi manuscripts, including scrolls of the Torah, disregarding Iraqi objections that “Israel” had been trying to take possession of them for some time.
Usamah Nasir an-Naqshabandi said that after the American occupation of the Iraqi capital, US troops found a number of manuscripts and books, including leather scrolls of the Torah in a wooden cylinder in a store room in the headquarters of the Iraqi Intelligence service. “They took them and put them in a big air-conditioned truck,” an-Naqshbandi recounted.
An-Naqshbandi, who was General Director for Iraqi Manuscripts from 1988 ミ when the Directorate was established ミ until 2002, said that experts from the Dar al-Makhtutat Manuscript Archive and from Iraqi museums presented a report to the Board of Antiquities in which they stressed that the manuscripts were “national heritage materials subject to the Law on Antiquities and that they must be handed over to the Board of Antiquities and Heritage.” An-Naqshbandi said that no one paid any attention to their entreaties.
In a study entitled Istihdaf al-Makhtutat fi al-‘Iraq khilal al-Harb 1991 ミ 2003 (The Targeting of Manuscripts in Iraq during the War 1991 ミ 2003) published in the most recent issue of the journal Turathiyat, a biannual scholarly journal from Egypt, an-Naqshbandi wrote that an Arabic-speaking official with the American Defense Department (the Pentagon) was sent to Iraq shortly after the US occupation to supervse the Board of Antiquities and Heritage.
That individual, an-Naqshbandi wrote, was behind the operation to take the materials. An-Naqshbandi wrote that he tried to persuade the Arab-American agent not to move the manuscripts because “Israel” had been trying to seize them for 30 years, since they were written by famous Jewish scribes from Baghdad. The agent, however, paid no attention and “the collection was spirited off to New York,” an-Naqshbandi wrote.
Salah ad-Din Province.
Resistance bombards US base in Balad Monday afternoon.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired three medium-range Katyusha rockets into the US base in Balad, formerly known as the al-Bakr military base, at 4pm local time Monday afternoon.
A source in the Iraqi puppet army told the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in Baghdad that two of the three rockets scored direct hits on the American headquarters on the base, causing severe material damage to one administrative building and destroying a Humvee. Six US troops were wounded in the barrage, the source indicated; two of them severely.
Resistance attacks joint US-Iraqi puppet army headquarters Monday morning.
In a dispatch posted at 10:55am Mecca time Monday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance forces had mounted a fierce attack on the joint headquarters of US and Iraqi puppet army forces in the al-Khadra’ area of the city of Samarra’, north of Baghdad.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported witnesses as saying that Resistance fighters armed with light and medium weapons including RPG7 rocket-propelled grenades attacked the US-Iraqi puppet army facility, killing or wounding several troops who were posted at the checkpoint in front of the gate. Then the Resistance fighters fired seven mortar rounds directly into the headquarters.
Powerful explosions shook the headquarters, sending plumes of smoke rising into the sky.
Resistance bombards US headquarters in Tikrit.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired four medium-range Grad rockets into the US occupation forces’ headquarters in Tikrit at 8:30am local time Monday morning.
The Tikrit correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported witnesses in the al-‘Awjah area as saying that four powerful explosions shook the American-occupied headquarters which have been set up in a presidential palace. Smoke billowed into the sky from inside the stricken headquarters.
Babil Province.
Four US troops reported killed in Monday morning roadside bombing in al-Mahmudiyah.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US military column on the main road in the al-Mahmudiyah area south of Baghdad on Monday morning.
In a dispatch posted at 1:40pm Mecca time Monday, Mafkarat al-Islam reported residents of al-Mahmudiyah as saying that a bomb that was planted by the side of the main road blew up as a column of several US Humvees was passing. The explosion totally destroyed one of the Humvees, killing its crew of four US soldiers.
Resistance roadside bomb blasts joint US-Iraqi puppet army patrol late Monday morning.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a joint US-Iraqi puppet army patrol on al-Atibba’ Street in the middle of al-Latifiyah, south of Baghdad at 11am local time Monday morning.
Local residents who witnessed the attack told the correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam that a bomb that was planted by the side of al-Atibba’ Street blew up as a joint patrol of four US Humvees and three vehicles belonging to the Iraqi puppet army was passing by.
The blast destroyed one Humvee, killing or wounding its crew of four.
Ninwa Province.
Resistance battles US, Iraqi puppet army forces in Mosul early Monday morning.
Fierce fighting erupted in the al-Yarmuk area of northern Iraqi city of Mosul at 8am Monday morning local time between Iraqi Resistance forces on the one side and US and Iraqi puppet troops on the other.
The Mosul correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported residents of al-Yarmuk who witnessed the battle as saying that the fighting began when Iraqi Resistance fighters armed with light and medium weapons, including PKS machine guns and pipe rockets attacked a joint US-Iraqi puppet army patrol.
The fighting lasted for about 15 minutes and left two Land Cruisers belonging to the Iraqi puppet forces ablaze and one US Humvee disabled. One American soldier was killed and three other US troops were wounded. Four Iraqi puppet soldiers were killed and three more of them wounded. Witnesses said that two of the Iraqi Resistance fighters also died in the engagement.