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(回答先: イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2005/08/27 投稿者 white 日時 2005 年 8 月 28 日 17:48:58)
□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート(原文) 2005/08/27
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Saturday, 27 August 2005
By: Muhammad Abu Nasr on: 28.08.2005 [03:10 ] (26 reads)
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Saturday, 27 August 2005.
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member, editorial board, the Free Arab Voice.
Saturday, 27 August 2005.
* Booby-trapped house explodes in Hit, killing at least 10 US troops, local witnesses and pro-occupation sources report.
* Indiscriminate US bombardments of residential and commercial sections of al-Qa’im Friday night kill nine Iraqis, wound 40 more, including women and children.
* Hand of Iranian Intelligence seen behind torture, mutilation of Jaysh al-Mahdi prisoner in al-‘Amarah.
* Two Danish soldiers killed in Resistance bombing in al-Basrah.
Al-Anbar Province.
At least 10 American troops reported killed in exploding house early Saturday.
At about 7am local time Saturday morning units of US occupation troops stormed a house located to the southwest of Hit behind the Euphrates. The Hit correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam learned from a first lieutenant in the Iraqi puppet army that the Americans claimed that inside the house were members of the Iraqi Resistance organization Base Qa‘idah of the Jihad in the Land of the Two Rivers.
The first lieutenant said that US troops formed a ring around the two-story building and then a detachment of more than 10 US troops attacked the house, while another detachment scaled the walls and climbed onto the roof. After breaking the lock, the Americans bust down the door and stormed in.
The source continued: “The Americans quickly spread out within the building and began their search, but in less than a minute the whole building exploded and was completely razed to the ground. Evidently the house had been heavily booby-trapped with explosives ahead of time and was in fact prepared as a trap for the US troops.”
The source said that there was nothing to indicate that the house was abandoned or empty; the furniture inside was all new and in good condition ミ until the explosion.
The Hit correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam wrote in a report posted at 11:50am Mecca time Saturday morning that US troops were at that moment still buried in the rubble of the collapsed structure and that the Americans had brought in giant cranes and earth moving equipment that were operating under a heavy guard of armored vehicles and tanks to try to recover bodies or rescue any possible survivors.
In their first acknowledgement of the bombing, the US military occupation announced on Saturday that four US troops had been killed in the blast. Sources in the Iraqi puppet army and eyewitnesses on the scene confirmed, however, that at least 10 US troops were killed in the explosion.
It has also been learned that the US forces in Hit are now searching for the individual who brought them the information that the house was an al-Qa‘idah hideout, believing now that he was probably a member of the Resistance himself and a part of the deadly trap into which the American forces plunged.
US-sponsored municipal authorities in Hit resign en masse in protest against US outrage.
In a bulletin posted at 7:20pm Mecca time Saturday evening, the Hit correspondent for Mafakrat al-Islam reported that all the members of the US-sponsored local governing council and the US-sponsored municipal council of Hit had tendered their mass resignations in protest against the US bombing of a wedding in the middle of the city in which a number of local residents perished on Thursday night, 18 August 2005.
(See: “US helicopter rockets wedding party, killing nine Iraqi civilians,” Iraqi Resistance Report, Friday, 19 August 2005.)
The correspondent reported that the Chairman of the governing council, ‘Abd al-Hadi al-Hiti, and 12 other members handed in their resignations as a group to protest the American attack. The members of the local municipal council, the body in charge of managing city services, then followed suit.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported the members as saying that US forces are leading a huge Crusader campaign against the Sunni people of Iraq. They are determined to break the back of the Sunnis to take revenge for the thousands of US troops who have fallen at the hands of Sunnis in Iraq during the period following the American occupation of the country, according to the statement that accompanied the local officials’ mass resignation.
The correspondent reported that the local residents of Hit very warmly welcomed the mass resignation, believing that it will put the occupation forces in a very difficult position inside the city.
Three US troops reported killed in roadside bombing in ‘Amiriyat al-Fallujah.
In a dispatch posted at 7:25pm Mecca time Saturday evening, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance bomb had exploded on the road leading to ‘Amiriyat al-Fallujah to the southwest of the city of al-Fallujah proper, which is some 50km west of Baghdad.
Residents of the al-Bu ‘Isa village to the east of ‘Amiriyat al-Fallujah told the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent that a bomb that was planted by the side of the road leading to the town blew up as a patrol of several American Humvees was passing by. The explosion completely destroyed one US vehicle, killing three American soldiers and wounding a fourth.
Nine killed, more than 40 injured in US indiscriminate bombardments of residential and commercial sections of al-Qa’im late Friday.
At least nine people were killed and more than 40 wounded, some of them women and children in a new US attack late Friday night on the city of al-Qa’im near the Iraq-Syria border and neighboring towns to the west and south of the city. Resistance forces, for their part, were able to destroy five US armored Humvees.
The al-Qa’im correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that dozens of US armored vehicles with fighter planes providing air cover attempted to enter the city. That attack sparked clashes as Iraqi Resistance forces fought back. For nearly four hours, battle raged intermittently and US forces were unable to storm the city.
They responded by indiscriminately bombarding a number of houses and commercial areas, destroying a tourist hotel that served travelers coming to and leaving Iraq. More than nine persons were killed and more than 40 others, including women and children, were wounded in the US attacks, according to preliminary figures provided by the Mafkarat al-Islam report posted at 10:20am Mecca time Saturday morning.
For its part the Iraqi Resistance announced that it had destroyed four US armored Humvees on the eastern side of the city and set a fifth on fire, killing the US troops aboard. Witnesses confirmed the Resistance statement. One told the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent that he saw a number of wrecked US vehicles being hauled out on giant American trucks. The witness said that the hulks were being taken to the city of Hit where there the Americans have a large vehicle “graveyard.”
Since dawn on Saturday, the correspondent wrote at mid-morning, the city of al-Qa’im had been experiencing relative calm, but residents did not expect that calm to last very long.
Three US troops reported killed in Resistance bombing early Saturday morning.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US military patrol on the main road in the Barwanah area northeast of al-Hadithah in western Iraq at 8am local time Saturday morning.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in al-Hadithah reported a member of the puppet “Iraqi rapid deployment force” as saying that a bomb that was planted by the side of the main farm road in the Barwanah area blew up as a US patrol passed by along that road after having finished raiding a home that they thought was a storage depot for Resistance weapons ミ but in which they found nothing.
When the US force was leaving the house along the road, the bomb went off, destroying one Humvee and killing three US troops and wounding a fourth.
Two US troops reported killed in afternoon Resistance bombing in al-‘Amiriyah.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a joint patrol of US and Iraqi puppet army troops in the area of al-‘Amiriyah in western Baghdad at 3pm local time Saturday afternoon.
Witnesses told the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in al-‘Amiriyah that a bomb that was planted under a rubbish pile by the side of the main road leading to Abu Ghurayb blew up as a joint patrol passed by.
The explosion set one US Humvee on fire, killing two American soldiers and wounding a third. One of the Iraqi puppet army soldiers was also killed.
Puppet “interior ministry” troops arrest Religious scholar and wife, kill his brother Saturday morning.
So-called shock troops of the puppet Iraqi regime’s “Interior Ministry” arrested Shaykh Muhsin Ahmad Salman az-Zawbi‘i, a member of the Association of Muslim Scholars “Board of Muslim ‘Ulama’ and the Imam of the al-Mustafa Mosque in al-Jadiriyah in Baghdad. Along with the Shaykh the troops arrested his wife and killed his brother.
The Association of Muslim Scholars, the highest Sunni Muslim Religious authority in occupied Iraq announced on Saturday that “the immoral terrorist act in which the perpetrators out did in a brazen and ugly way their own limits in addition to violating all laws and codes of heaven and earth ミ arresting women and killing innocent people in sacred mosques ミ was carried out when these forces raided the home of Shaykh az-Zawbi‘i of the al-Mustafa Mosque on Saturday morning, 27 August 2005.”
The Association noted that it was one of a long series of barbaric crimes committed by the repressive agencies of the puppet regime and the US occupation troops.
Shi‘i religious leader Imam Muhammad al-Khalisi declares opposition to “constitution” calls for resistance to US occupation.
The Shi‘i followers of prominent Imam Muhammad Mahdi al-Khalisi joined the Muqtada as-Sadr current in open opposition to the US-inspired “constitution” whose provisions for federalism on sectarian lines are widely viewed as a cover for partition of the country.
Imam al-Khalisi denounced the “ugly proposal,” saying, “the entire political operation that is underway in Iraq is taking place under the control of the occupation and its absolute domination. The people have no free will to decide their fate.”
Imam al-Khalisi issued a statement, a copy of which was obtained by Quds Press in which he categorically rejected the “constitution,” calling it an ‘ugly proposal” and calling on Iraqis to “stand up against it decisively in order to reject the foreign presence and its plans that contradict the desires of the Iraqi people.” He called on Iraqis to “act with one hand to attain independence and total sovereignty.”
Imam al-Khalisi declared that the current “constitution” “ensconces the practices of siphoning off the national wealth, and sectarian and ethnic mutual slaughter in the name of federalism. It completely ignores the sovereign right of the nation to make laws for itself without an occupation being present, and it ignores Islam as the basic source of legislation. It also lacks any of the fundamental scientific and religious bases on which to lay down a historic constitution in an ancient land like Iraq.”
Imam al-Khalisi denounced the “constitution” saying that it “serves nothing but the declarations of American President George Bush who refused to set a time limit for the occupation, and it reinforces his policy of turning the country into a theater for permanent warfare against so-called terrorism.
Al-Khalisi said that there is no way for Iraqis to go except towards rejection of foreign presence and resistance to its plans, which are at variance with the aspirations of the country.
Imam al-Khalisi called on his people to rally around the sincere forces that have declared their rejection of the constitution in its present form, “until such time as an independent state can be attained with a constitution that represents the people’s identity and answers to their interests, and not to foreign pressures and plans hostile to their aspirations.”
Demonstrations sweep Sunni areas of Iraq as protestors denounce Bush’s threat: “accept ‘constitution’ or face war.”
Iraqis in Sunni parts of the country took to the streets Saturday morning to denounce the threats made by US President George W. Bush a few days ago in which he reportedly gave Iraq’s Sunnis the choice of accepting the US-sponsored “constitution” or face war against their community. Bush made the comment in answer to a question about the Sunni rejection of the American-sponsored “constitution” that has even now not been finally adopted by its factious US-backed framers.
Correspondents for Mafkarat al-Islam in ar-Ramadi, Samarra’, Mosul, Kirkuk and a small area east of Ba‘qubah reported that demonstrators led by Religious scholars, local notables, university professors, and students denounced the US as responsible for any attack on their cities that might occur following Bush’s open threat of war if they do not accept the imposed “constitution.”
Protesters raised signs saying “God is our Protector but you have no one to protect you!”, and “Crusaders, your constitution won’t pass except over our dead bodies!” The correspondent in ar-Ramadi reported that demonstrators there burned an American flag in the middle of the city chanting slogans condemning Bush’s latest threat to the Sunni population.
In the demonstration in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul, Shaykh ‘Abdallah ash-Shamari said that the US occupation forces will be held responsible for any attack on the Sunnis in Iraq. The Shaykh said that they would stand as one man against the US occupation and “Persian expansionism” in Iraq.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in Mosul reported that a number of religious scholars in that city announced that they would demand that the Iraqi Resistance to go on the offensive and intensify its attacks on US occupation troops even before the Resistance on its own decides to attack.
In Samarra’, 120km north of Baghdad, the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported that local people expect a massive onslaught by US occupation forces on Sunni cities in the country before the deadline for a referendum on the “constitution” in order to prevent the Sunni community from rejecting it and to spread the notion that the “constitution” had won the support of the majority in the country.
Shaykh ‘Abd al-Karim al-‘Ubaydi, the Mufti of Ba‘qubah, northeast of Baghdad, said that he expected US troops to launch a military offensive against Sunni cities, putting them under blockade, particularly at this time, under orders from George Bush. Shaykh al-‘Ubaydi said that the Iraqi puppet regime would support the occupation forces in such an offensive.
Quds Press reported that demonstrators in Ba ‘qubah carried portraits of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein as they denounced the sectarian constitution that they believe will open the door to partition of their country and sectarian civil war. Resistance fighters took part in the demonstrations and also provided protection to the protesters in what was one of the largest public actions in the city.
Nevertheless, before the marchers even got to the government buildings in the center of Ba ‘qubah, puppet “Rapid Deployment Forces” opened fire on the crowds in an attempt to break up the march. Six demonstrators were wounded, Quds Press reported a source in Ba‘qubah General Hospital as saying.
Protests in the city of Kirkuk, 255km north of Baghdad, took a different form. The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent there reported that the people of Kirkuk sent a letter to the Shaykh of the Sufi al-Kazanzaniyah order, demanding that he take a firm postion regarding the sectarian mass arrests directed at Sunnis in the area, and the threat of offensives in coming days particularly in the near-by area of al-Hawijah. Local residents explained that some of the followers of the al-Kazanzaniyah Sufi order had been coming to terms with the occupation forces and the puppet regime troops out of fear of arrest. Local residents said that particularly concerned the head of the order itself, Shaykh Muhammad al-Kazanzani who announced several months ago that there were preconditions before anyone could wage a jihad in Iraq, including “purity of heart,” and the “establishment of a bond between the believer and his Lord.” Such a position ミ amounting to passive acceptance of the occupation ミ has aroused the hostility of local residents as well as the Iraqi Resistance fighters.
Jaysh al-Mahdi offensive eliminated 48 Badr Brigade centers in Iraq last Thursday.
A highly placed source in the puppet regime’s “Iraqi Interior Ministry” has declared that the number of Pro-American Shi‘i sectarian Badr Brigade offices hit in last Thursday’s offensive by the Jaysh al-Mahdi militia was 48. Muqtada as-Sadr’s Jaysh al-Mahdi attacked Badr Brigade offices in al-Basrah, al-‘Amarah, an-Nasiriyah, al-Hillah, Baghdad, and an-Najaf.
The source, who asked not to be identified, told the Baghdad correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam that all those Badr Brigade offices were burned down and that in some cases the Badr Brigade gunmen inside were killed as well. The official said that that figure of 48 offices burned down does not include the Badr Brigade’s information offices nor the offices of the al-Furat TV station that the Badr Bridages also ran. It also does not include facilities belonging to the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI), of which the Badr Brigade is the armed wing.
The source disclosed that the attacks on the Badr Brigade offices prompted ‘Abd al-‘Aziz al-Hakim, the head of SCIRI, to demand that the US-installed “parliament” denounce the Jaysh al-Mahdi’s attacks. The source said that the message sent by the Jaysh al-Mahdi’s offiensive was clear: that the Badr Brigade commanders must thoroughly review their strengths and weaknesses before they try to seize leadership in Iraq’s Shi‘ah community.
Official spokesman for puppet government denounces “terrorist confessions” broadcast by “al-‘Iraqiyah” TV as “fantasies” and “play acting.”
Layth Kubbah, the official spokesman for the US-backed Iraqi puppet regime told a press conference in Baghdad on Thursday that many the scenes broadcast on the “al-‘Iraqiyah” satellite TV station in which “terrorists” who are paraded before the cameras to “confess” their crimes are untrue and “even fantasies in some cases.” Kubbah added that the interrogations of prisoners that are performed before the TV cameras are “almost play acting” and “have also taken on a sectarian character recently” since all of the prisoners displayed on the show are Iraqi Sunnis.
The Mafakrat al-Islam correspondent who attended the press conference in the Republican Palace ミ in the area called by the Americans “the green zone,” reported that Kubbah said that what is portrayed in the al-‘Iraqiyah broadcasts and those who are presented as “accused terrorists” are in fact common criminals in many cases, and not members of the armed Resistance, even though the TV station frequently refers to the men as “terrorists” or “gunmen.” Kubbah said that such programming should not be broadcast on what he called the “free Iraqi media.”
Mafkarat al-Islam noted that lately, there have been numerous acknowledgements by Iraqi puppet officials that there is rampant corruption and sectarian discrimination practiced by the puppet police and security services. The correspondent attributed the increase in such admissions to the coming conclusion of the terms of those officials who are now trying to win the sympathy of Sunnis. Mafkarat al-Islam had repeated stated in the past that the programs in which “captured Resistance fighters” were paraded before cameras and confessed their “crimes” were faked. Now its allegations have been acknowledged as true by the regime’s own press spokesman.
Salah ad-Din Province.
Two US troops reported killed in Resistance ambush late Saturday afternoon.
Iraqi Resistance fighters attacked a US patrol on the main road west of al-Mushahadah, which lies north of Baghdad, at 5pm local time Saturday afternoon.
Witnesses told the al-Mushahadah correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam that Resistance fighters armed with light and medium weapons including RPG7 rocket-propelled grenades and PKS machine guns attacked and set fire to one US Humvee, killing two American soldiers and wounding four more US troops.
Witnesses reported that the Resistance fighters were able to withdraw from the area after the attack having suffered no casualties of their own.
Resistance mounts complex ambush of US, Iraqi puppet army troops Saturday afternoon.
Iraqi Resistance forces carried out a complex attack on US troops and Iraqi puppet soldiers in the area of Bayji Saturday afternoon.
The Bayji correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported residents of the al-Jazirah area who witnessed the attack as saying that it began when two Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded by a combined column of US troops and Iraqi puppet soldiers. The first bomb went off as the column passed by on the main road that goes to al-Hadithah in neighboring al-Anbar Province. That explosion destroyed one Humvee and killed one US soldier and wounded three more.
After the initial blast, US soldiers got out of their vehicles to surround and secure the area and recover the bodies of the dead and the wounded. It was then that a second bomb exploded, killing or wounding three more Americans and killing two Iraqi puppet soldiers.
Witnesses recounted that after the explosions, which took place at about 3pm local time Saturday afternoon, about 15 Iraqi Resistance fighters armed with light and medium weapons, including RPG7 rocket-propelled grenades, PKS machine guns, and 82mm mortars attacked the column and destroyed one US personnel carrier and two troop transports belonging to the Iraqi puppet army. About 15 US troops and Iraqi puppet soldiers were killed or wounded in that assault.
The witnesses said that one of the Iraqi Resistance fighters was killed in the attack as well and three of his comrades were wounded, but were able to withdraw from the area after the attack.
US and Iraqi puppet army troops surrounded the area under the cover of three Black Hawk helicopter gunships. One of the helicopters, emblazoned with a red cross landed in the area to help in the evacuation of the dead and wounded US troops.
Diyala Province.
Resistance bombards US, puppet army targets in Ba‘qubah area Saturday.
Iraqi Resistance forces mounted three rocket and mortar attacks on US and Iraqi puppet army facilities in various places near Ba‘qubah, northeast of Baghdad.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired four heavy 120mm mortar rounds into the joint US-Iraqi puppet army base in the area of Buhriz. Witnesses reported that four violent explosions shook various parts of the camp.
Resistance fighters also fired two Katyusha rockets into the US occupation headquarters set up in the Provincial office building in downtown Ba‘qubah, killing one American sniper who had been posted on the roof. Two other US snipers were wounded in the same attack. A US vehicle could be seen on fire in the facility, but the fate of its crew was unknown.
Resistance forces fired three heavy 120mm mortar rounds into the Iraqi puppet police headquarters in the Shahraban area at 12 noon local time. That barrage sent plumes of smoke rising over the building, but no information on casualties was available when the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent filed his report, posted at 3:10pm Mecca time Saturday afternoon.
Ninwa Province.
US soldier reported killed in ambush on fuel convoy Saturday afternoon.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a convoy of tankers hauling fuel to US bases on the highway near the Hammam al-‘Alil area south of Mosul at 5pm local time Saturday afternoon.
Witnesses told the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in Mosul that a bomb that was planted next to the highway blew up as a column of 12 loaded fuel trucks and four Humvees passed by. The bomb set one of the tankers on fire, killing the American soldier who was driving it.
Tall ‘Afar.
Resistance roadside bomb destroys US armored vehicle midday Saturday.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US column at the southern entrance to Tall ‘Afar at 1pm local time Saturday.
The Tall ‘Afar correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported local witnesses as saying that a bomb that had been planted by the side of the road blew up as a column of six American armored vehicles and four Humvees was passing by.
The blast destroyed one of the armored vehicles, killing or wounding the six members of its crew.
Maysan Province.
Hand of Iran seen behind torture, mutilation of Jaysh al-Mahdi prisoner.
Informed sources in the office of Shi‘i Muslim leader Muqtada as-Sadr in al-‘Amarah, 366km south of Baghdad, have told Mafkarat al-Islam that members of the pro-occupation Shi‘i sectarian Badr Brigades tortured a wounded member of as-Sadr’s Jaysh al-Madi militia to death on Thursday and then mutilated his body.
The al-‘Amarah correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported a source in the Jaysh al-Mahdi as saying that his companion, Hamzah al-Kartani, was struck by a bullet in the thigh during the fighting that raged that day between the Jaysh al-Mahdi and the Badr Brigades on Thursday. Wounded, he was captured by the Badr Brigades.
His mutilated body was found hours after the end of the fighting. It had been torn apart and had two other bullet wounds ミ one in the chest, the other in the head. One of al-Kartani’s eyes had been gouged out. He had also been dragged along the ground for a long time. The Jaysh al-Mahdi source commented that “the only people who do that are the Persians” ミ referring to Iranians operating within the ranks of the Badr Brigades.
A medical source told the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent that the body of Hamzah al-Kartani had been mutilated and was found in the middle of a road. The doctor accused the “Badr Brigade stooges” of being behind the atrocity. The doctor said that only the Badr Brigades are so “proficient” in such things, and that they receive their training in such things in Iran at the hands of the Iranian intelligence services.
Al-Basrah Province.
Two Danish soldiers killed in Resistance bombing.
In the second Iraqi Resistance attack on Danish occupation troops in two days, two Danish soldiers were killed when an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by their patrol in the az-Zubayr area in the west of al-Basrah shortly before the local Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent filed his report (posted at 11:30 am Mecca time Saturday morning).
A Danish jeep as destroyed by the bomb, according to a source in the Iraqi puppet army.
Danish troops have not ventured out into the streets of the city for months, the correspondent reported.