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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2005/08/20
Ta‘s Na‘umi地区にあるal-‘Abbasi食堂近くでレジスタンスがアメリカ軍のパトロール隊に手榴弾を投げ付ける
傀儡軍大佐Sirwan Ahmad Kakaが州政府ビルで記者会見し,過去48時間の間にアメリカ兵9名がモスルでレジスタンスの
Sirwan Ahmad Kakaによると所有者の全てではないが,何名かは意図的にレジスタンスにビルを提供していたという
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Saturday, 20 August 2005
By: Muhammad Abu Nasr on: 20.08.2005 [23:47 ] (35 reads)
・ Twelve US troops reported killed in three Resistance attacks in al-Fallujah Saturday morning.
・ Resistance denounces false communiqu市 claiming that Resistance is calling on Sunnis to support US-backed “constitution” and “referendum.”
・ Fifteen American troops reported killed in triple car bombing near Iranian border.
・ Puppet army colonel admits nine US soldiers killed in last 48 hours in Mosul.
・ US opens huge new “Iraqi Guantanamo” with 13,000-prisoner capacity in northern Iraq.
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member, editorial board, the Free Arab Voice.
Saturday, 20 August 2005.
Al-Anbar Province.
Twelve US troops reported killed in three Resistance attacks in al-Fallujah Saturday morning.
The Iraqi Resistance mounted three separate attacks on US occupation forces in the middle and western parts of al-Fallujah on Saturday morning, killing or wounding 19 US troops according to various sources and eye-witnesses in the city as reported by Mafkarat al-Islam.
An Iraqi Resistance fighter threw a hand grenade at a Humvee in a US patrol near the al-‘Abbasi Restaurant in the Ta‘s Na‘umi area, killing two US troops and wounding three more. The Resistance attacker was able to leave the scene of that attack through narrow lanes and alleys where US troops were unable to pursue him.
US occupation forces then launched a large-scale campaign of searches in the area, which they completely closed off for more than two hours. The Americans found nothing, however.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by another US patrol in the al-Mu‘allimin neighborhood at 8:30am local time Saturday morning. Witnesses and a traffic warden said that a US Humvee was destroyed by that blast and four American soldiers who were aboard it were killed.
At 10am local time Saturday morning, an Iraqi Resistance martyrdom fighter attacked a gathering of US occupation troops at the flour mill in the western part of the city. The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in al-Fallujah reported workers in the mill as saying that the attack left six US troops dead and three others wounded.
These Resistance operations in al-Fallujah on Saturday morning followed a series of rocket attacks during the night that targeted US occupation camps in the northern and eastern parts of the city. The Resistance barrages altogether lasted about three hour during the night of Friday- Saturday.
Thousands protest against federalist partition plan for Iraq.
In a bulletin posted at 11:35am Mecca time Saturday morning, the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in ar-Ramadi reported that at that time massive demonstrations of thousands of local people were underway in the city. Religious leaders, university professors, scholars and members of the public were taking part in the action to protest the call to split Iraq under an arrangement for a confederation advocated by ‘Abd al-‘Aziz al-Hakim, the head of the pro-American Shi‘i sectarian Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI).
Demonstrators chanted slogans stressing the unity of Iraq and the solidity of the Iraqi people, Sunni and Shi‘i. They burned the American and “Israeli” flags, and urged holding fast to the constitution of the Qur’an, rather than the constitution of Satan ミ a reference to the “constitution” that officials of the Iraqi puppet regime are haggling over under US auspices.
The correspondent reported that members of the Iraqi Resistance took part in the demonstrations for a short period. They could be seen carrying their light and medium arms during the protest.
Abu Ghurayb.
US holds training exercises in Abu Ghurayb prison camp.
Dozens of US occupation forces carried out exercises at dawn Saturday in the notorious Abu Ghurayb prison camp and its environs west of Baghdad.
The Abu Ghurayb correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the people of Abu Ghurayb awoke at 6am local time Saturday morning to the roar of US armored vehicles and the whine of helicopters at low altitude. The aircraft staged a troop landing on the prison and in the surrounding areas.
The exercise lasted about two hours during which time the city was completely locked down.
A source in the Iraqi puppet army who asked to remain anonymous told Mafkarat al-Islam that the aim of the exercise was to train for possible Resistance attacks on the prison in the future ミ attacks such as took place at the start of the current year when Resistance fighters succeeded in freeing a number of significant prisoners. In that attack more than 70 US troops were reported killed.
Resistance denounces false communiqu市 claiming that Resistance is calling on Sunnis to support US-backed “constitution” and “referendum.”
The Iraqi Resistance issued a statement in several Iraqi cities Saturday afternoon warning Sunnis against believing any declaration supposedly issued by the Resistance concerning elections or the constitution that the US-occupation government is trying to impose.
The statement, signed by seven armed Resistance organizations ミ the Army of the Ansar as-Sunnah, the Army of Muhammad, the Brigades of the 1920 Revolution, the Army of the Mujahideen, the Army of the Victor Salah ad-Din, the Ansar al-Gharibah, the Salafi Squadrons of al-Qa‘qa‘ in Diyala ミ said:
“To our people in al-Anbar Province, Tikrit, Mosul, Diyala Province, Kirkuk, Baghdad, and to all the Sunni people of Iraq: recently a number of statements have appeared, posted on walls and distributed in mosques and in the streets and bearing the signatures of various commands of Iraqi Resistance groups, talking about the so-called elections and a so-called referendum on the constitution. Those statements all contradict each other, so much so that two statements appearing on the same day supposedly from the same Resistance organization are found to disagree with each other. Some of those statements say that we in the Resistance agree that the Sunni population should take part in the constitutional process and the elections. Other statements carry threats and warnings about taking part in those things.”
The Resistance declaration, a copy of which was obtained by the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in Baghdad, went on:
“We declare today that all those statements are false, and that our position on the Zionist and infidel Crusader game in Iraq is united. We have one single and unchanging position on that farce, and that is that they are not getting anything from us except fire and violent death.”
The Iraqi Resistance made it clear that:
“We will confirm any statement that we issue three times in our own special way so that you may be able to take it for real. The occupation and the Ja‘fari Shi‘i heretical government have begun to print declarations and post them on mosques in order to deceive our people, the believers in the One God in Iraq, to try to get them to do what they want and to go along with their desires. We have arrested several members of the infidel Badr Brigade who confessed to that.”
Diyala Province.
Fifteen American troops reported killed in triple car bombing near Iranian border.
In what is regarded as the fiercest offensive in more than two months, Iraqi Resistance forces on Saturday mounted a series of attacks on US troops near the Iranian border in eastern Iraq.
Three Resistance martyrdom fighters drove three explosives-laden cars into a US military column in the al-Mundhiriyah border complex, destroying four US armored vehicles and killing 15 American troops and wounding 12 more at 1pm local time Saturday, Mafkarat al-Islam reported.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in the area reported Captain Sa‘d Jarallah of the puppet “Iraqi border guard” force ミ which was hurriedly summoned by the Americans after the attacks ミ as saying that three Resistance fighters in booby-trapped cars simultaneously attacked the column of 11 US military vehicles. One car plowed into the rear of the column, another into the head of the column and the third car jumped suddenly out of a side street onto the main street where the American column was and rammed into the middle.
The source said that the attack killed 15 US troops and wounded another 12 American soldiers. Afterwards the correspondent saw US helicopters land on the scene to evacuate the dead and wounded from the area, which, he said, reeked of the smell of burned flesh, blood, and the smoke that was billowing from the four wrecked vehicles.
Ninwa Province.
Puppet army colonel admits nine US soldiers killed in last 48 hours in Mosul.
A spokesman for the Iraqi puppet army speaking at a Saturday morning press conference in the provincial government building in Mosul acknowledged that nine US soldiers had been shot dead by Iraqi marksmen in the past 48 hours in the city.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported Colonel Sirwan Ahmad Kaka, an officer of Kurdish origin, as saying that puppet army operations in the future would concentrate on how to prevent Resistance sharpshooters from deploying on tall buildings in Mosul. A law is to be passed permitting the occupation army to arrest the owners of any building from which US or Iraqi puppet troops are shot at ミ a daily occurrence. The puppet officer said that he knew that some of the owners of buildings provide them to Resistance fighters for use, though he admitted that possibly not all of them did so.
The Colonel said that one Iraqi Resistance sharpshooter had been tracked down and killed, and, he said, it was learned that he was a Saudi citizen. He had reportedly shot at four Iraqi puppet soldiers manning a checkpoint on a commercial street in Mosul from a tall building in the city. The Resistance sharpshooter had killed two of the Iraqi puppet soldiers, the Colonel said, adding that other Iraqi puppet troops traced the line of fire and killed the sharpshooter in a gunbattle.
Irbil Province.
US opens new “Iraqi Guantanamo” with 13,000 prisoner capacity in northern Iraq.
A high-ranking source in the Kurdish chauvinist Peshmergah pro-American militia told the correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam that US forces opened a new US prison in northern Iraq last week. The facility is reportedly one of the largest in the country, with a capacity of more than 13,000 prisoners and is located in far northern Iraq between Irbil and Sulaymaniyah in the Kurdish area.
The source, who asked not to be identified, told the Irbil correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam that the facility had been used as an Iraqi army base in 1990 before the American invasion.
The source said that the new prison would be a substitute for the notorious Abu Ghurayb prison camp which has be repeatedly attacked by Resistance fighters from which a number of prisoners have therefore been able to escape.
The new facility is to be a permanent prison in Iraq along the lines of the American camp at occupied Guantanamo in Cuba, only the Iraqi facility is to be for Iraqis only.