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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2005/08/13
Zeal兵員輸送車1台が破壊,もう1台が破損 アメリカ兵8名が戦死,3名が負傷する
アメリカ軍と傀儡軍はファルージャ中心部のNuwwab ad-Dubbat街と4月7日街近辺でレジスタンスと武器を求めて
アメリカ軍の大部隊がAmiriyat al-Fallujah地区にある公共住宅を4機のヘリ,20台のハンビー,20両の装甲車,
10両の戦車ともに襲撃し,Abu ‘A’ishahという人物の捜索を行なうが,Abu ‘A’ishahはその場におらず,
アメリカ軍は代わりに妻のUmm ‘A’ishahを人質として逮捕していく
ところが,Abu ‘A’ishahはバグダッドで逮捕されていることが判明 しかし,アメリカ軍は妻を解放しようとしなかった
ため,住民たちによるUmm ‘A’ishahの解放を要求するデモが発生し,アメリカ軍もこの要求を受け入れていく
トラック2台が炎上 国籍不明の運転手3名が死亡している
エクアドルに拠点を置くEPI Security & Investigationsは,アメリカ兵に支払う半分以下のコストで
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Saturday, 13 August 2005
By: Muhammad Abu Nasr on: 14.08.2005 [10:50 ] (132 reads)
・ Eight US troops reported killed in double bombing near al-Hadithah Saturday morning.
・ Hundreds of mourners turn grief into defiance as they bury 23 Iraqi civilians shot dead by US machinegun fire in the ar-Ramadi Massacre Friday.
・ Demonstration secures release of Iraqi woman arrested by US troops in ‘Amiriyat al-Fallujah early Saturday.
・ Resistance rocket barrage blows up American ammunition depot in Samarra’ base, setting off explosions that last for one hour.
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Saturday, 13 August 2005
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member, editorial board, the Free Arab Voice.
Saturday, 13 August 2005.
Al-Anbar Province.
At least eight US troops reported killed in double bombing Saturday morning.
Two Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded a column of US Zeal troop transports loaded with American occupation soldiers on the road between al-Haqlaniyah and al-Hadithah at 9am local time Saturday morning.
Witnesses told the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent that two bombs that were planted by the side of the exterior road between al-Haqlaniyah and al-Hadithah blew up in succession as a column of US troop transports, loaded with American troops, passed by. The blast destroyed one US Zeal troop transport and damaged a second. At least eight US soldiers were killed and three more wounded.
US helicopters landed in the area afterwards to evacuate the dead and wounded as other American troops deployed throughout the area, searching for more bombs.
Hundreds of mourners turn grief into defiance as they bury 23 Iraqi civilians shot dead by US machinegun fire in the ar-Ramadi Massacre Friday.
A huge crowd of hundreds of residents of ar-Ramadi bid farewell to the 23 martyrs gunned down in the Massacre of ar-Ramadi after prayers on Friday. Initial reports placed the number of those shot by an American machine gunner on a US armored vehicle at 19, but that number rose as some of the 21 wounded later died in ar-Ramadi Hospital.
The massacre took place when worshippers were coming out of the Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyah Mosque, known as the as-Sajariyah Mosque in the western part of ar-Ramadi, 110km west of Baghdad, early Friday afternoon. Nine of those shot down by US bullets were children.
The report carried by Mafkarat al-Islam on Friday afternoon included a photograph of one of the child victims in hospital following the massacre. (For the picture and initial coverage, see “Massacre in ar-Ramadi: US tank mows down 40 civilians as they emerge from mosque after Friday prayers. Nineteen killed instantly, including 7 children,” in the Iraqi Resistance Report for Friday, 12 August 2005.)
The funeral on Saturday set out from the an-Nassaf area of western ar-Ramadi and proceeded to the Martyrs’ Cemetery in the center of the city. Mourners carried placards painted red with no writing on them, sending the evident message to the US occupation forces that the war between them and the people of ar-Ramadi will continue to rage until the invaders have totally vacated Iraqi territory.
The Iraqi Resistance also had a presence at the funeral. Several Resistance commanders took part, albeit briefly for security reasons, in the procession, which was as much a demonstration of defiance as it was a ceremony of mourning.
One of the leaders of the First Army of Muhammad said of the cold-blooded American massacre that the Resistance would give the Americans double of what the Americans had given them on Friday.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent, who took part in the funeral, took photographs of the march in order to refute claims by the US military and the pliant western media that the Americans had killed no one or that only two or three had died at the hands of al-Qa‘idah. Indeed the account given by US sources claimed that al-Qa‘idah had attacked the mosque ミ a claim flatly refuted by the eyewitnesses who were on the scene of the attack and by the American machinegun bullets removed from the chests and heads of the martyrs, the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported.
(For a photograph of the funeral, see: http://www.islammemo.cc/news/one_news.asp?IDNews=76872)
Three US troops reported killed in roadside bombing in al-Fallujah Saturday morning.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a joint US-Iraqi puppet force patrol on as-Sadd Street in the industrial zone of al-Fallujah, some 50km west of Baghdad at 10am local time Saturday morning.
Witnesses told the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in the city that a bomb that was planted in a garbage container blew up as the joint patrol passed by. The blast destroyed one American Humvee and a pickup belonging to the Iraqi puppet forces. Three US troops and two Iraqi “order protection” troops were killed in the attack.
US and Iraqi puppet forces have been engaged in a campaign of raids and searches in houses in the neighborhoods of Nuwwab ad-Dubbat and 7 April in the middle of al-Fallujah, searching for weapons and Resistance fighters. The occupation forces arrested seven local civilians, and have meanwhile tightened security around the city, making entering and leaving more difficult for residents as they must submit to extensive checks at numerous roadblocks set up by US and Iraqi puppet troops.
Demonstration secures release of Iraqi woman arrested by US troops early Saturday.
A large troop of US occupation soldiers stormed into the residential complex in ‘Amiriyat al-Fallujah, and arrested an Iraqi woman after failing to find her husband at home when they raided her apartment in the housing project at dawn on Saturday.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in ‘Amiriyat al-Fallujah reported that a force of US troops backed by four helicopters, about 20 armored vehicles, 20 Humvees, and 10 tanks stormed the apartment in the Third Neighborhood of the housing complex belonging to ‘Abdallah Muhammad Husayn “Abu ‘A’ishah.” Apparently the Americans were there in force to arrest Abu ‘A’ishah but he was not at home at the time. His wife, four daughters, and one son were home, however, so the Americans ransacked the house, turning it inside out, and then arrested the wife ミ Umm ‘A’ishah.
The US forces regularly take the wives, daughters, or mothers of their “suspects” prisoner threatening to harm them if the male relatives do not turn surrender to the occupation authorities.
The correspondent learned, however, that Abu ‘A’ishah was arrested at the same time in Baghdad, but the US forces continued to detain his wife for no reason.
In response to that news, the residents of ‘Amiriyat al-Fallujah held a demonstration at 11am Saturday morning, local time to demand the release of Umm ‘A’ishah immediately. A delegation from al-Fallujah and one from ‘Amiriyah set out on marches to demand her release. A US general told the protesters that they had completed their investigation and that the woman would be released at 12 noon.
The correspondent reported, however, that the US forces failed to free Umm ‘A’ishah at noon. As time dragged on, the deputation on behalf of the crowd that was talking with the US military warned them that if the Americans failed to release Umm ‘A’ishah by the time of the afternoon prayer, matters would get “out of control.”
Umm ‘A’ishah was set free at 3:30pm local time Saturday afternoon as the demonstration was still underway.
Nine bodies of puppet soldiers found executed midday Saturday.
At midday Saturday US and Iraqi puppet forces discovered nine bodies of Iraqi puppet troops who were shot to death on the outskirts of the city of al-Qa’im on the border with Syria in western Iraq.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam who headed to the area after hearing of the discovery reported a captain in the Iraqi puppet army, who asked not to be identified, as saying that the nine were Iraqi puppet troops who were on a reconnaissance mission but lost contact with their command two days ago near the western crossroads near al-Qa’im.
For its part the Resistance organization Base Qa‘idah of the Jihad in the Land of the Two Rivers issued a communiqu, a copy of which was obtained by Mafkarat al-Islam, announcing its responsibility for executing the nine puppet soldiers.
Abu Ghurayb.
Resistance roadside bomb blasts US convoy headed towards al-Fallujah.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US truck convoy hauling provisions and equipment to US forces in western Iraq in Khan Darri, near Abu Ghurayb at 12 noon local time Saturday.
Witnesses told the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in Khan Darri that a bomb went off as seven US trucks went passed, headed towards al-Fallujah in the west. The blast caused one of the trucks to be completely burned.
After the blast, US forces surrounded the area. Fire trucks were seen racing to the scene to contain the blaze that immolated the truck and its contents.
Four US troops reported dead in Resistance roadside bombing in ad-Durah early Saturday.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US military column on the highway in the area of the southern Baghdad suburb of ad-Durah at 8:30am local time Saturday morning.
The Baghdad correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported a source in the Iraqi puppet police as saying that a bomb exploded by a US column, destroying a Humvee and killing four US troops and wounding two more.
Afterwards, American troops closed the highway and evacuated the bodies of their dead and wounded from the scene.
Resistance attacks US convoy in at-Taji early Saturday morning.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by an American convoy hauling provisions and equipment to the US military in the northern Baghdad suburb of at-Taji, on the main road linking the occupied Iraqi capital with the northern provinces at 8am local time Saturday.
The at-Taji correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported witnesses as saying that the blast set two US trucks on fire and killed three of the truck drivers. The identity and nationality of the drivers is unknown.
After the attack, the American troops who were escorting the convoy closed the highway and prevented anyone from approaching.
Missionaries push Christianization under protection of US occupation.
Under the protection of the US military occupation of Baghdad, American Christian missionaries have been pushing efforts at Christianization in Iraq. Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the Christian Bible Society has set up a Bible society in the middle of occupied Baghdad.
Mafkarat al-Islam reported that although the society is still in the process of registering as a non-profit organization, it is already organizing activities such as a “Year of the Bible” ミ a series of discussions and classes to held for Christians and church leaders. A program to indoctrinate children according to the Bible Society’s religious views is also planned.
The office of the society in Baghdad is headed by Nabil Umish, a member of the Bible Society in Jordan. Mafkarat al-Islam reported the website “Christian Today” as saying that the Bible Society has been distributing thousands of Bibles in Arabic in Iraq in conjunction with other missionary organizations such as World Compassion, Christian Freedom International, World Evangelical Alliance, and Campus Crusade for Christ.
US-run company supplying Colombian mercenaries to US military in Iraq.
A US-run company based in Ecuador ミ EPI Security & Investigations ミ has announced that it can supply the US military with about 1,000 Colombian ex-troops and police at a cost less than half that paid to US soldiers. The firm is one of the latest additions to the many forces of mercenaries being recruited on behalf of the US occupation in Iraq to reduce the human cost to America.
EPI Security & Investigations promotes its “product” ミ the Colombian mercenaries ミ saying that they have 41 years experience “fighting terrorism and that they are experts in several fields such as disarming explosives and fighting armed groups.
The company is based in Manta, Ecuador, 260km west of Quito, and is run by American Jeffrey Shippy, who is currently in Baghdad, according to an article in the Colombian newspaper El Tiempo, monitored by Mafkarat al-Islam.
Shippy’s home in Manta is also his business headquarters and is conveniently located near a US military base in Ecuador.
Zionist travel agent arranging tours to occupied Iraq.
The “End of the Week” Hebrew supplement to the Zionist newspaper Yediot Ahronot on Friday reported that a Zionist travel agency was organizing tours from Tel Aviv to the so-called “tombs of the Sadducees” in occupied Iraq.
The supplement to the popular Hebrew paper ミ as monitored by Mafkarat al-Islam ミ reported that the Haifa Travel School agency had arranged for numerous Zionists to travel on El Al aircraft to occupied Iraq to visit tombs and graves in the northern, predominantly Kurdish, part of the country.
The report came one day after the media indicated that Aharnon Afroni, the Zionist official in charge of tourism between Iraq and “Israel” had made a secret visit to occupied Iraq several days before in the company of a number of Zionist businessmen who met with members of the puppet so-called Kurdish Governing Council.
According to the supplement to Yediot Ahronot, the first trip to northern Iraq will include 12 Zionists. Their plane will take off from Ben Gurion airport and fly initially to Istanbul, Turkey. The paper said that the environment in Iraq was not auspicious for an El Al jet to land there, and for that reason tight security measures would be taken. The “Israelis” would therefore be taken from the El Al plane and board a Turkish passenger aircraft for the flight into the occupied Kurdish region of Iraq. There the Kurdish Peshmergah collaborator militia would protect the Zionists from Resistance attacks, the paper said. The Kurdish gunmen would also give the Zionists new passports to disguise their identity.
In addition to visiting the tombs of the Sadducees, the Zionist tourists are supposed to visit the purported “tomb of Abraham” in Ur, in southern Iraq, as well as those of Noah and Ezekiel.
Diyala Province.
Five US Marines reported killed in attack by Resistance martyrdom fighter wearing explosive belt.
In a bulletin posted at 12:45pm Mecca time Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance martyrdom fighter wearing an explosive belt attacked a US foot patrol in the west of the city of Ba‘qubah, blowing himself up and killing five US Marines and wounding four others.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent at the scene of the attack reported that the American survivors of the attack were in a state of shock and bewilderment. The correspondent reported a member of the Iraqi puppet army who was a part of the security cordon set up by the Marines said that the Resistance attacker blew himself up by a patrol of 15 US Marines at the Kharnabat crossing.
Witnesses told Mafkarat al-Islam that they saw the Resistance martyrdom fighter strolling about the area since the morning, walking back and forth and apparently waiting for the arrival of the American column. At the time of reporting, no US or puppet regime source had made any official acknowledgement of the attack.
Salah ad-Din Province.
Resistance rocket barrage blows up American ammunition depot.
In a dispatch posted at 7:25pm Mecca time Friday evening, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance forces fired six powerful Tariq rockets into various parts of the main US base in western Samarra’, 120km northwest of Baghdad on Saturday.
Clouds of smoke billowed up over the US-occupied facility as secondary explosions continued to go off after the initial bombardment for about an hour.
A source in the Iraqi puppet military and a source in the fire department which was called in by the US to help put out fires ignited by the bombardment, told the Samarra’ correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam that the barrage totally destroyed the Americans’ weapons depot inside the base. One of the Tariq rockets struck near by setting off the chain of massive explosions.
The sources said that the arsenal was in a room of 15 square meters and contained the Americans’ whole store of ammunition.
Four US helicopters were seen over the base continuously for about two hours after the attack.
Resistance bomb leaves a reported two US troops dead.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in an agricultural area near ad-Dulu‘iyah, north of Baghdad Saturday, destroying one US Humvee. Local witnesses told the Quds Press correspondent that they had seen the completely charred bodies of two dead American troops.
The witnesses said that US forces responded to the bomb attack by opening fire indiscriminately, wounding two Iraqi farmers who happened to be near by. The US troops then closed the road for two hours until they could evacuate their casualties. A US helicopter was observed on the scene.
Resistance roadside bomb targets US patrol in al-Mushahadah late Saturday morning.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US patrol near the al-Mushahadah area north of Baghdad at 11am local time Saturday morning.
A source in the Iraqi puppet police told Mafkarat al-Islam that the blast totally destroyed a Humvee, killing three US troops and wounding two more.
Babil Province.
Resistance roadside bomb targets US patrol in al-Mahmudiyah midday Saturday.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US patrol in the area of al-Mahmudiyah, south of Baghdad at 1pm local time Saturday.
The al-Mahmudiyah correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported local witnesses as saying that a bomb that was planted by the side of a road in the area blew up as a US patrol passed by, destroying one US Humvee and killing five American troops.
After the attack, US forces surrounded the area and evacuated the bodies of the dead.
Ninwa Province.
Tall ‘Afar.
Resistance car bomber blasts US foot patrol; eight American troops reported killed.
An Iraqi Resistance martyrdom fighter drove an explosives-laden car into a US foot patrol in Tall ‘Afar in northern Iraq at 2pm local time Saturday afternoon.
Witnesses told the Tall ‘Afar correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam that a martyrdom fighter driving a car blew himself up in the midst of a US foot patrol, killing at least eight American soldiers and severely wounding four more US troops.
American occupation troops hurriedly closed off the area preventing anyone from approaching as the bodies of the dead and wounded were evacuated.