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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2005/08/12
写真 アメリカ軍の攻撃で負傷した若者
ハンビー1台が破壊され,もう1台が使用不能に アメリカ兵4名が戦死,3名が負傷している
ハンビー1台が破壊 アメリカ兵3名が戦死,3名が負傷する
偵察機が撃墜されたのは,午前4時頃 目撃者によると墜落現場で1時間以上に渡って燃え続けていたという
夜,レジスタンスの爆弾が傀儡警察の中佐Nizam ‘Abdallahを殺害
Nizam ‘Abdallah中佐は『民間人』と共に殺害されている
Dhi Qar州
ハンビー1台が大破 アメリカ兵2名が戦死,3名が負傷している
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Friday, 12 August 2005
By: Muhammad Abu Nasr on: 13.08.2005 [06:31 ] (34 reads)
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member editorial board, the Free Arab Voice.
Friday, 12 August 2005.
* Massacre in ar-Ramadi: US tank mows down 40 civilians as they emerge from mosque after Friday prayers. Nineteen killed instantly, including 7 children.
* Eleven US troops reported killed when Resistance fighter drives explosives-packed tank truck into US column.
* Two Resistance bombs blast US convoy in Abu Ghurayb, seven Americans reported killed.
* Five CIA agents reported killed in Resistance ambush in al-Mushahadah, north of Baghdad, early Friday.
* Muqtada as-Sadr movement rejects “federalist” separatism for the south.
Al-Anbar Province.
US tank mows down 40 civilians as they emerge from mosque after Friday prayers. Nineteen killed instantly, including 7 children.
An American tank that was parked outside the as-Sajariyah mosque in western ar-Ramadi opened fire with its machine guns on worshippers as they emerged from the place of worship after the congregational prayers at midday Friday, cutting down more than 40 people.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam in ar-Ramadi, some 110km west of Baghdad, reported in a dispatch posted at 6:40pm Mecca time Friday evening, that a US tank that was parked near the mosque in the as-Sajariyah neighborhood opened fire with its machine gun at worshippers as they came out of the door of the mosque following prayers early Friday afternoon. More than 40 people were shot.
Dr. ‘Umar al-‘Ani, the Director of ar-Ramadi Hospital told the correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam that 19 of those shot were killed instantly. Seven of the dead were children. The rest of those shot by the tank machine gun were taken to the hospital in serious condition.
Witnesses told the correspondent that the soldier who was standing on the back of the tank continued firing the machine gun at the worshippers for about three minutes. They emphasized that the attack was no accidental discharge and that there had been no attack on the Americans when the people were pouring out of the mosque ミ a claim made by the US forces in their version of the horrific incident broadcast by US military propaganda radio beamed at local residents.
Shaykh Ahmad an-Niyabi, the Imam of the as-Sajariyah mosque, told the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent that funeral for the martyrs killed by the American tank would be held in ar-Ramadi on Saturday, 13 August.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent wrote that the shooting reflected the sense of panic and fear that has gripped US troops in Iraq. They display particular fear of mosques because of what they mean for the Iraqi people in general and the Resistance in particular. It also indicated, the correspondent wrote, that what US President George W. Bush said about the American forces being “calm” was a lie.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent wrote that since the US invasion in 2003, mosques in ar-Ramadi, Mosul, and al-Fallujah have been the scene of attacks on civilians, but none as savage as the massacre in ar-Ramadi on Friday.
A photograph of one young victim, wounded in the American massacre, can be seen at:
Resistance bombards US al-Warrar base.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired eight Katyusha rockets into the US al-Warrar base west of ar-Ramadi (110km west of Baghdad) at 2:30am in the pre-dawn hours of Friday morning.
Residents of the at-Ta’mim area adjacent to the US-occupied facility told the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent that the sound of explosions could be heard from inside the camp as clouds of dense smoke rose overhead covering the sky above it. US helicopter gunships and fighter planes flew in at a slightly low altitude over the environs of the base.
The witnesses reported that US troops deployed and encircled the neighborhoods of at-Ta’mim and al-Barid Street in ar-Ramadi after the attack. Due to the US security measures, particularly during the time when the curfew is in force during the night, no information was available on the extent or nature of US casualties.
Eleven US troops reported killed when Resistance fighter drives explosives-packed tank truck into US column.
In a dispatch posted at 6:05pm Mecca time Friday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance martyrdom fighter drove an explosives-packed tank truck into a US military column on the strategic road linking ar-Ramadi with points in western Iraq.
The Hit correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported witnesses as saying that a Resistance fighter drove a tanker ミ of the type used to haul water ミ by US troop carriers that were on their way to the city of al-Hadithah bringing reinforcements to US troops encamped in that area.
The correspondent reported that the bomber blasted into one American Zil troop transport vehicle, totally destroying it and killing 11 US soldiers.
After the attack, US helicopters were seen landing in the area in order to evacuate the bodies of the dead.
The correspondent, in a dispatch posted at 6:05pm Mecca time Friday afternoon, reported that as of that time the US military had made no mention of the attack for fear of demoralizing the US troops.
American forces announced Thursday that they had called a halt to their so-called “Operation Quick Strike” on Wednesday, 10 August. They had launched the ill-named operation a week earlier, on 3 August, against Resistance forces in al-Hadithah, Barwanah and al-Haqlaniyah. Faced with the highly flexible tactics of the stubborn Resistance fighters and the disruption caused by massive sand storms, the American drive ground to a halt, but not before at least 35 civilians perished under the US bombs and rockets, according to a report carried by the Chinese Xinhua News Agency.
Abu Ghurayb.
Two Resistance bombs blast US convoy in Abu Ghurayb Friday afternoon.
Two Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded by US military column in the Abu Ghurayb area west of Baghdad at 2pm local time Friday afternoon.
Witnesses in the area told the correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam that two bombs that were planted near each other not far from the Abu Munaysir Bridge blew up by a US column. The first blast struck a Humvee, the second a Zil American troop transport.
The correspondent reported that the explosions killed seven American troops and severely wounded another three.
After the bombing, US troops closed the main highway linking Baghdad with al-Anbar Province for two hours as American helicopters flew in and landed on the road to evacuate those killed our wounded in the attack.
Resistance bomb blasts US column just north of Baghdad, reportedly killing four Americans.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US column in the northern Baghdad suburb of ar-Rashidiyah at 4pm local time Friday afternoon.
Witnesses told the correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam that the bomb destroyed one Humvee and disabled a second, killing four US troops and wounding three others.
After the attack, the correspondent reported, US forces were seen evacuating the dead and wounded from the scene.
Three US troops reported killed in bomb blast in ad-Durah Friday morning.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US column on the highway near the southern Baghdad suburb of ad-Durah at 9am local time.
Witnesses told the ad-Durah correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam that a bomb that was planted by the side of the highway blew up as a US column passed by. The explosion destroyed one Humvee, killing three US troops and wounding two more.
After the blast American forces surrounded the area and closed the highway to traffic as other US troops evacuated the bodies of the dead and the wounded from the area.
Resistance car bomb blasts puppet police patrol in ad-Durah.
An Iraqi Resistance car bomb exploded by a puppet police patrol in ad-Durah on Friday. In a dispatch posted at 11:36m GMT the Qatari News Agency (Qana) reported a source in the puppet security services as saying that an explosives-packed car that had been parked by the side of the main road in the area blew up as the patrol passed by, wounding two puppet policemen and two other Iraqis.
The source said that the bomb was detonated by remote controland that the wounded were taken to al-Yarmuk hospital on Bagdhdad for treatment.
Resistance bomb rips through US column in at-Taji early Friday.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US military column on the main road in the northern Baghdad suburb of at-Taji close to the at-Taji bridge and the Sab‘ ad-Duwar district at 8am local time Friday morning.
Witnesses told the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in at-Taji that a bomb that was planted by the main road in the town blew up as the US military column passed by. The explosion destroyed one Humvee, killing at least five US troops and wounding a sixth, witnesses said.
After the blast US forces surrounded the area and an American helicopter was seen landing in the area to evacuate the casualties.
Muqtada as-Sadr movement announces rejection of “federalist” separatism for the south.
‘Abd al-Hadi ad-Darraji, the official spokesman for the office of Shi‘i religious leader Muqtada as-Sadr in Baghdad announced that the as-Sadr movement rejects the idea of a federal system under which Iraq would be broken up along sectarian lines so long as the occupation remains in the country.
In a report posted at 1:16pm GMT Friday, the Qatari News Agency (Qana) reported tha t ad-Darraji said that Muqtada as-Sadr’s position on the issue is clear and is not changing.
The as-Sadr declaration against federalism came in response to statements by Shi‘i sectarian ‘Abd al-‘Aziz al-Hakim, the leader of the pro-American Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI), that a separate state for the Shi‘ah must be carved out of Iraq’s central and southern provinces, as well as a Kurdish state in the north, partitioning the country along sectarian and ethnic lines into three states loosely “united’ in a federation.
Salah ad-Din Province.
Four US troops reported killed in early afternoon roadside bombing.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US military patrol on the highway into Tikrit, north of Baghdad, at 2:30pm local time Friday afternoon.
Witnesses told the Tikrit correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam that a bomb that had been hidden by the side of the road blew up as an American patrol went past on its way into town. The explosion destroyed a Humvee, killing four US troops.
After the blast, American troops began raiding and searching houses and shops, looking for the Resistance attackers. The US forces arrested three persons who, they claimed, were “suspected” of involvement in the bombing.
Five CIA agents reported killed in Resistance ambush early Friday.
Iraqi Resistance fighters armed with light and medium weapons and pipe rockets attacked a column of GMC cars in the area of al-Mushahadah, north of Baghdad, early Friday morning, residents of the area told Mafkarat al-Islam.
In a report posted at 10:15am Mecca time Friday, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the Resistance fighters ambushed the column as it was headed north from Baghdad, sparking a battle that lasted some 25 minutes. Two of the GMC cars were destroyed and five of the personnel inside ミ believed to be agents of the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) were killed. The Resistance fighters then withdrew from the scene.
Babil Province.
Three US troops reported killed in afternoon roadside bombing in al-Yusufiyah.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US military patrol in the ash-Shuhada’ neighborhood of al-Yusufiyah, south of Baghdad at 4:30pm local time Friday afternoon.
Witnesses told the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in al-Yusufiyah that a bomb that was planted by the side of a road in the ash-Shuhada’ neighborhood blew up as a US patrol was passing, destroying one Humvee and killing three US troops. Three other American soldiers were reported to have been wounded in the attack.
US reconnaissance plane shot down near al-Latifiyah before dawn Friday.
Iraqi Resistance forces shot down an unmanned US reconnaissance plane over an agricultural area near al-Latifiyah, 25km south of Baghdad before dawn on Friday morning.
Witnesses told the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in al-Latifiyah that the US spy plane was prowling the skies over the city from early Thursday night. It was seen crashing to earth at about 4am Friday morning, local time
The witnesses reported that about an hour after the craft went down, flames could still be seen burning in the plane. In his report posted at 10:30am Mecca time Friday morning, the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported that as of that time the US forces had not mentioned the downing of the craft.
At-Ta’mim Province.
Resistance shoots down US helicopter near Kirkuk.
Iraqi Resistance fighters shot down a US Apache helicopter over Kirkuk in northern Iraq on Friday morning.
In a dispatch posted at 12:36pm Mecca time Friday, the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in Kirkuk reported a source in the Iraqi puppet army said that the Resistance fired a rocket that scored a direct hit on the Apache, causing it to crash, killing the crew.
The US military issued a statement, a copy of which the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent obtained claiming that the crew were wounded but not killed in the crash.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported that US occupation forces surrounded the northeast of Kirkuk in a very large ring, despite the fact that they had recovered the wreckage of the helicopter. The correspondent reported that this fact tended to indicate that the crew had indeed been killed and that a search was underway for the bodies, as is the usual practice of the Americans every time the Resistance brings down one of their helicopters.
Resistance bomb kills lieutenant colonel in Iraqi puppet police in Kirkuk Friday evening.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in Kirkuk Friday evening, killing a high-ranking officer in the Iraqi puppet police.
A source in the Iraqi puppet police in Kirkuk told the Saudi Press Agency (WAS) that Lieutenant Colonel Nizam ‘Abdallah of the Azadi police in the north of the city was killed along with a “civilian,” and three other Iraqi puppet policemen were wounded when an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by their patrol. The injured puppet policemen were taken to Kirkuk General Hospital for treatment, the source said, according to a dispatch posted by WAS at midnight Mecca time, Friday-Saturday.
Dhi Qar Province.
Two US troops reported killed in an-Nasiriyah Friday.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by US forces on the highway linking an-Nasiriyah with al-Basrah. In a dispatch posted at 12:40pm Mecca time Friday, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that a correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported a source in the puppet “Exterior Road Guard” force said that the attack severely damaged a US Humvee, killing two American soldiers and wounding three more US troops.
US forces encircled the area where the attack took place and also closed the road to all travelers pending removal of the bodies of the dead and the wounded.