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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2005/08/11
2台の兵員輸送車と7台のハンビーで編成されたアメリカ軍のコンボイを攻撃 2個の爆弾は同時に爆発する
装甲車1両が破壊 アメリカ兵3名が戦死,2名が負傷している
午後,レジスタンスがファルージャ南部の'Amiriyat al-Fallujah地区近くの施設を6発の120ミリ迫撃砲を
正午,レジスタンスの路上爆弾が‘Amiriyat al-Fallujah地区でアメリカ軍のコンボイ(装甲車4両とハンビー3台で編成)を攻撃
突然の攻撃はパトロール隊をパニックに陥れる ある者は近くの家に逃げ込み,別の者は無差別発砲を始めていく
早朝,レジスタンスの殉教自動車爆弾がadh-Dhahab al-Abyad地区でアメリカ軍のコンボイ(装甲車7両と
装甲車1両が破壊 ハンビー1台が炎上 アメリカ兵6名が戦死,3名が負傷する
車両1台が炎上 傭兵2名が戦死,4名が負傷している
燃料タンカー1台が炎上 食料を積んだトラックが使用不能に 国籍不明の運転手3名が死亡している
アメリカ兵4名が戦死,3名が負傷 傀儡軍兵士も3名が戦死している
ハンビー1台が破壊 アメリカ兵5名が戦死している
午後,レジスタンスの路上爆弾がJurf as-Sakhr地区でアメリカ軍のパトロール隊を攻撃
レジスタンスがイラク国家警備隊の情報将校Ibrahim Khalil ar-Rawi中佐を殺害
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Thursday, 11 August 2005
By: Muhammad Abu Nasr on: 12.08.2005 [05:46 ] (2 reads)
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member, editorial board, the Free Arab Voice.
Thursday, 11 August 2005.
Al-Anbar Province.
Morning update on besieged al-Hadithah: 24 hours of Resistance attacks leave a reported 23 US troops dead or wounded.
In a dispatch posted at 10:10am Mecca time Thursday morning, the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in al-Hadithah reported that 23 US troops had been killed or wounded in a series of Resistance attacks in the city of al-Hadithah in the previous 24 hours.
The correspondent in al-Hadithah reported that Resistance fighters had detonated five bombs in the previous 24-hour period targeting US columns pushing ahead as they continue their five-day drive to seize control of the city.
The correspondent reported witnesses in the city as saying that two Resistance bombs that were planted on the bridge linking the areas of al-Haqlaniyah and Barwanah in the east with al-Hadithah blew up nearly simultaneously by a column of two US troop transports and seven Humvees. The blast destroyed a troop transport and a Humvee, killing seven US soldiers and wounding others.
Residents of the as-Sikak neighborhood in the north of al-Hadithah reported that a bomb, planted by the side of the main road in the neighborhood, blew up when US troops tried to enter the city from the north. The explosion destroyed one tank. Then minutes after the blast, Resistance fighters armed with medium weapons, including RPG7 rocket-propelled grenades and 60mm and 82mm mortars, attacked the American column, setting two Humvees on fire and killing or wounding nine US troops. Three Resistance fighters wree martyred and two more wounded in the engagement that forced the American column to withdraw to outside the city.
Residents of the al-‘Askari neighborhood in the east of al-Hadithah reported that two Resistance bombs planted in the middle of an unpaved dirt road blew up as Ameican forces were trying to storm into the neighborhood at 7am local time Thursday morning. The blasts totally destroyed one American armored vehicle, killing three US troops and wounding two more.
Resistance bombards facility near ‘Amiriyat al-Fallujah Thursday afternoon.
Iraqi Resistance forces mounted a mortar attack on the al-‘Amir facility located near ‘Amiriyat al-Fallujah on Thursday afternoon.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Resistance forces fired six heavy 120mm mortar rounds into the facility from about 3pm until about 3:30pm local time Thursday afternoon.
The blasts of the shells exploding could be heard clearly throughout the area. US helicopter gunships flew in over the area looking for the Resistance attackers but found no sign of them.
Four US troops reported killed in noontime roadside bombing in ‘Amiriyat al-Fallujah.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US armored column on the main road in the ‘Amiriyat al-Fallujah area southwest of the city of al-Fallujah at 12 noon local time Thursday.
Residents of ‘Amiriyat al-Fallujah told the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in the city that a high-explosive bomb that was planted by the side of the main road exploded by a column of four US armored vehicles and three Humvees.
The blast completely destroyed one of the armored vehicles, killing four US troops and wounding two more, the witnesses reported.
Resistance bomb reportedly kills two US troops west of al-Fallujah Thursday afternoon.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US patrol in the west of al-Fallujah on Thursday afternoon, according to Quds Press, which reported witnesses as saying that the blast completely destroyed one US Humvee and damaged another US vehicle.
The witnesses reported seeing two completely charred bodies of American soldiers who had been in the vehicle. It was not clear whether this report referred to the same attack reported by Mafkarat al-Islam as having gone off at 12 noon in ‘Amiriyat al-Fallujah (see story above).
Three Iraqi Resistance sharpshooters cut down three US soldiers simultaneously in attack late Thursday morning.
Three Iraqi Resistance marksmen simultaneously trained their sights on an American foot patrol backed up with a few Humvees that was moving through the ath-Thilah neighborhood of ar-Ramadi at 11am local time Thursday morning. Three shots cut down three American soldiers who died instantly, according to witnesses of the attack who spoke to the ar-Ramadi correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam.
The sudden attack filled the US troops with panic. Some opened fire indiscriminately as others ran to hide in nearby houses, taking women and children as human shields until American reinforcements with helicopter air support showed up on the scene.
The Americans surrounded the area under cover of the helicopters and began raiding houses in search of the three sharpshooters. They found nothing.
Abu Ghurayb.
Resistance car bomber blasts US column early Thursday leaving a reported six American troops dead.
An Iraqi Resistance martyrdom fighter drove an explosives-laden car into a US armored column on the highway near the adh-Dhahab al-Abyad area in the east of the city of Abu Ghurayb, 30km west of Baghdad at about 8am local time Thursday morning.
Residents of adh-Dhahab al-Abyad village told the correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam that a Resistance martyrdom fighter took a column of seven American armored vehicles and two Humvees by surprise when he jumped the median in the road and blasted into them at extremely high speed. Some American troops saw him approaching and opened fire at the onrushing car, but without effect.
The blast destroyed one American armored vehicle and set a Humvee on fire, killing six US troops and wounding three others.
In his report posted at 10:20am Mecca time Thursday morning, the correspondent said that at the time of writing US troops were closing the highway that leads from Baghdad to the west, preventing local residents and journalists from approaching the scene of the attack. US Black Hawk helicopters landed in the area apparently to evacuated dead and wounded American troops.
Resistance bomb blasts US patrol on Airport Road Thursday.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US patrol on the road to Saddam International Airport in the al-‘Amiriyah area west of Baghdad on Thursday.
A source in the Iraqi puppet security services told Quds Press that a bomb that was planted by the side of Airport Road blew up as a US patrol passed by, destroying one Humvee and killing or wounding all those aboard it.
American troops immediately opened fire indiscriminately around the area. Helicopters were seen coming in as the US forces closed off the zone where the attack took place.
Resistance pummels ar-Rashid base in hour-long mortar barrage.
Iraqi Resistance forces unleashed a ferocious barrage on the US ar-Rashid military camp in the south of Baghdad, pounding it with 50 mortar rounds, Mafkarat al-Islam reported in a dispatch posted at 10:55am Mecca time Thursday morning.
Residents of the area adjacent to the American camp told the Baghdad correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam that more than 50 violent explosions shook the camp, jointly used by US and Iraqi puppet forces in a bombardment that went on for a full hour. The witnesses said that the mortar rounds were launched against the camp “from every direction” making it difficult for the Americans to respond effectively.
Clouds of smoke billowed up from every part of the camp and more than five US helicopters were seen flying over the surrounding area looking for the Resistance attackers. They found nothing.
Several American medevac helicopters landed inside the camp to evacuate dead and wounded US troops, but the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent had no information on the precise extent and nature of US and Iraqi puppet force casualties, due to the tight security perimeter around the facility.
Two foreign mercenaries reported killed in Thursday morning ambush in ar-Ridwaniyah.
Iraqi resistance forces attacked a column of armor-plated cars of the type used by foreign mercenary companies working on contract for the US occupation forces in the ar-Ridwaniyah area southwest of Baghdad.
Residents of ar-Ridwaniyah told the correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam that a detachment of several Resistance fighters armed with light and medium weapons, including BKC machine guns, attacked the column, setting one of the armor-plated cars on fire and killing two foreigners and wounding four others.
Salah ad-Din Province.
Resistance ambushes US convoy near Balad Thursday afternoon.
Two Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded by a convoy of American trucks hauling fuel near Balad on the main road to Baghdad at 4pm local time Thursday afternoon.
Witnesses told the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent that two bombs that were planted by the side of the road went off in consecutive explosions when a convoy of American trucks passed by. The blasts destroyed one tanker that was loaded with fuel and disabled another truck that was hauling provisions. Three truck drivers of unknown identity were killed in the attack.
After the attack, US forces closed the highway and surrounded the area. The correspondent reported that fire continued to blaze in the provisions truck for about half an hour.
Resistance mounts deadly barrage on US checkpoint near Bayji Thursday afternoon.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired seven heavy 120mm mortar rounds into a checkpoint that was manned jointly by US and Iraqi puppet forces on the road linking Bayji with as-Siniyah at 2pm local time Thursday afternoon.
Residents of the area around the checkpoint told Mafkarat al-Islam that the barrage killed four US troops and wounded three other American soldiers. Three Iraqi puppet troops were also killed in the bombardment, which inflicted heavy damage on the checkpoint.
After the attack the US and Iraqi puppet troops closed the road which remained sealed when the correspondent filed his report, posted at 3:21pm Mecca time Thursday afternoon. Cars that normally travel the highway were forced to divert to dirt roads in the area.
Babil Province.
Five US troops reported killed in roadside bombing Thursday afternoon.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the path of a US patrol in the city of al-Latifiyah, south of Baghdad at 3pm local time Thursday afternoon.
Witnesses told the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent that a bomb planted by the side of the main road in the city blew up as a US patrol passed by. The blast destroyed one Humvee, killing five US troops, witnesses said.
The correspondent noted that after the attack, US forces surrounded the area, deploying on both sides of the road, and evacuating the bodies of the dead from the area, while preventing anyone from approaching the scene.
Resistance roadside bomb reportedly kills four US troops in Jurf as-Sakhr.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US patrol in the city of al-Hillah, south of Baghdad at 2:30pm local time Thursday afternoon.
Witnesses told the correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam that the bomb blew up as a US patrol passed by on the main street in the Jurf as-Sakhr area in the north of al-Hillah.
The blast destroyed a US Humvee, killing four soldiers who were aboard it and wounding two more American troops. After the attack, US forces closed the road and began a large-scale campaign of searches in the area in which they arrested four persons whom they “suspected” of being involved in the bombing.
Ninwa Province.
Local residents seize downed US unmanned spy plane.
Iraqi residents of the city of Mosul retrieved the wreckage of a unmanned American spy plane according to the Reuters news agency as monitored by Mafkarat al-Islam.
US military forces issued a statement on Thursday saying that one of its unmanned reconnaissance planes crashed in the area on Wednesday night. Within a short space of time, US troops nearby went to the crash site and determined that there were no civilian injuries nor any damage to property as a result of the downing of the plane. The American statement indicated, however, that they failed to find the wreckage of the aircraft which local people had already taken away and hidden.
Al-Basrah Province.
Resistance forces gun down intelligence officer in sectarian “national guard.”
Iraqi Resistance fighters shot and killed Lieutenant Colonel Ibrahim Khalil ar-Rawi, who worked in the intelligence wing of the puppet “Iraqi national guard” in the al-Janinah area of the southern city of al-Basrah Thursday morning.
The al-Basrah correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the so-called “national guard” was an exclusive Shi‘i sectarian institution that admitted no Sunni Iraqi, particularly not in its officer corps.
In a campaign of sectarian “cleansing” the correspondent reported, 12 Sunnis were purged from positions on the local educational administration on the basis of the drive to expel members of the Arab Baath Socialist Party from public positions.
Parallel with the sectarian campaigns in southern Iraq, Shi‘i sectarian leader ‘Abd al-‘Aziz al-Hakim, head of the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI) whose armed wing, the Badr Brigades, invaded Iraq together with US forces in spring 2003, declared on Thursday that a Shi‘i state with federal ties to the rest of Iraq must be created out of the provinces in the south and Middle Euphrates region of the country.