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Four Star General Fired For Organizing Coup Against Neo-Cons?
Reporter suggests Brynes discovered plan to turn nuke exercise into staged terror attack
Speculation behind the reasons leading to these Coup Leader efforts centers upon the belief within the American Military Establishment that war with Iran is imminent and all that remains is the ‘triggering event’ forecast by many World Intelligence Organizations to occur this month in the United States. Like the rest of the world knows, should the American Coup Leaders fail in their efforts Total Global War will be the result of any American attack upon Iran, and as exampled by yesterdays article from the Uruknet News Service in their article titled "Why Iran will lead to World War 3" and which says; 略
That being the case, a report that was leaked last week that Dick Cheney had STRATCOM (Strategic Command) draw up “contingency plans for a tactical nuclear war against Iran”, is probably a bit of brinksmanship intended to dissuade Iran from striking back and escalating the conflict.
The war plans represent a historic shift for the Pentagon, which has been reluctant to become involved in domestic operations and is legally constrained from engaging in law enforcement. Indeed, defense officials continue to stress that they intend for the troops to play largely a supporting role in homeland emergencies, bolstering police, firefighters and other civilian response groups. But the new plans provide for what several senior officers acknowledged is the likelihood that the military will have to take charge in some situations, especially when dealing with mass-casualty attacks that could quickly overwhelm civilian resources.
以下、引用は http://www.wsws.org/articles/2005/aug2005/mart-a09.shtml
The plans of Northcom have their origins not in the terrible events of 9/11, but in longstanding concerns in corporate America about the political stability of the United States. This is a society increasingly polarized between the fabulously wealthy elite at the top, and the vast majority of working people who face an increasingly difficult struggle to survive. The nightmare of the American ruling class is the emergence of a mass movement from below that challenges its political and economic domination.
Evidently, the administration and the corporate elite which it represents do not take seriously their own warnings about the imminent threat of terrorist attacks using nuclear, chemical or biological weapons―at least not when it comes to security measures that would impact corporate profits. 中略
The anti-terrorism scare has a propaganda purpose: to manipulate the American people and induce the public to accept drastic inroads against democratic rights. As the Pentagon planning suggests, the American working class faces the danger of some form of military-police dictatorship in the United States.
In the short term, however, the plan is fraught with difficulties. At present, there is no wiggle room in the world’s oil supply for massive disruptions and most experts are predicting shortages in the 4th quarter of this year. If the administration’s war on Iran goes forward we will see a shock to the world’s oil supplies and economies that could be catastrophic
So far, none of the terrorist bombings in London, Spain, Turkey, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia or the US have implicated even one Iranian national. That will certainly change.
American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)をめぐる、アメリカとイスラエル双方の情報局の暗闘。イスラエル情報部員のアメリカ情報組織への浸透についてFSBが指摘。イスラエルと敵対して引きずり下ろされたニクソンの二の舞となるのか。リメンバーニクソンというような対立が発生しているのか。(AIPACとはどのような組織なのでしょうか)
(ちなみにこのときにニクソンを裏切ったのがキッシンジャーとの指摘。Israeli/American (who betrayed their President Nixon, and is the War Criminal Sharon’s closest American advisor) Henry Kissinger,出所下記)
Rosen used AIPAC's resources, both financial and political, to carry out a sophisticated spy operation inside the Pentagon, involving not only Franklin but an entire subterranean network of informants and other assets, government officials who regularly provided information and pushed Israel's agenda inside the administration. AIPAC functioned, in effect, as an organized conspiracy on behalf of a foreign power, a funnel that not only poured money into pro-Israel candidates in both major parties and lobbied furiously on behalf of Tel Aviv, but also operated as a virtual clearinghouse of classified information, laundering it through the media – and, of course, funneling it back to their Israeli handlers.
to the success of the American President in protecting both himself and his government from Israel still remains in doubt according to Russian Security Analysts, and who cite in their reports the last American President, Richard Nixon, who attempted to fight Israel, and as we can read as reported by the Jewish World Review in their report about the former American President Nixon titled "Remembering Nixon --- the 'anti-Semitic' prez who saved Israel during the Yom Kippur War" and which had said;
The parallels between the present American President and President Nixon are not lost either, as both were leaders of the United States during unpopular wars and in their second terms in office began to feel the might of the Israeli owned and controlled Media and Entertainment being used against them.
We should anticipate that the Iranian government has a long-range strategy for “asymmetrical” warfare that will disrupt the flow of oil and challenge American interests around the world.