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August 9, 2005
United States Military Forces Begin Coup, Top US General Arrested By Anti-Coup Factions, Russian and Chinese Military Forces Go To High Alert
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Russian Subscribers
Russian Intelligence Analysts are reporting this evening that an apparent coup is taking place in the United States and that both Russian and Chinese Forces have been ordered to their highest non-nuclear defense status.ハ This troubling news comes on the eve of joint Military exercises previously planned between both Russian and China, and as we can read as reported by the Guardian Unlimited News Service in their article titled "China and Russia flex their muscles as they join forces to play the war game" and which says;
"Next week will see far larger war games involving Chinese and Russian troops in and around the Shandong peninsula in the Yellow sea. Regional observers say such military cooperation is unprecedented and could mark the start of something new.
"The China-Russia exercise is intended to send a message to Taiwan," said Andrew Yang of the Chinese Council of Advanced Policy Studies in Taipei. "But it's also a very significant move in terms of the developing relationship between Russia and China and joint efforts to manage regional security. "China considers it's time to increase strategic cooperation with Russia to balance the US role in the region. Both are interested in demonstrating this is a multipolar rather than a unipolar world," Dr Yang said."
One of the Coup Leaders in the United States, General Kevin P. Byrnes, and who is also one of their top Military Generals, has been arrested and taken prisoner by US Counter-Coup Forces, and as we can read as reported by the Newsday News Service in their article titled メSenior general is relieved of duties at commander of key Army training organization" and which says;
"The Army, in a rare disciplinary act against a four-star officer, said Tuesday it relieved Gen. Kevin P. Byrnes of his command after a Pentagon investigation into unspecified "personal conduct."ハ Byrnes, a native of New York City, was relieved as commander of U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command on Monday by Army Chief of Staff Gen. Peter Schoomaker, according to a brief statement issued by Army headquarters at the Pentagon."
Russian Military Analysts are further reporting that US Military Forces still loyal to General Byrnes and the other Coup Leaders are continuing their preparations and as evidenced by a number of large scale Military movements within the Continental United States Regions.ハ These reports further state that the Coup Leaders efforts are being hampered by the ordering last week of 7 Armor Brigades loyal to the Coup Leaders to depart immediately to the Iraqi War Zone.ハ
Speculation behind the reasons leading to these Coup Leader efforts centers upon the belief within the American Military Establishment that war with Iran is imminent and all that remains is the ヤtriggering eventユ forecast by many World Intelligence Organizations to occur this month in the United States.ハ Like the rest of the world knows, should the American Coup Leaders fail in their efforts Total Global War will be the result of any American attack upon Iran, and as exampled by yesterdays article from the Uruknet News Service in their article titled "Why Iran will lead to World War 3" and which says;
"In the short term, however, the plan is fraught with difficulties. At present, there is no wiggle room in the worldユs oil supply for massive disruptions and most experts are predicting shortages in the 4th quarter of this year. If the administrationユs war on Iran goes forward we will see a shock to the worldユs oil supplies and economies that could be catastrophic. That being the case, a report that was leaked last week that Dick Cheney had STRATCOM (Strategic Command) draw up メcontingency plans for a tactical nuclear war against Iranモ, is probably a bit of brinksmanship intended to dissuade Iran from striking back and escalating the conflict.
It makes no difference. If Iran is attacked they will retaliate; that much is certain. It is always the mistake of extremists to misjudge the behavior of reasonable men; just as it is always the mistake of reasonable men to mistake the behavior of extremists. We should not expect the Bush administration to make a rational choice; that would be a dramatic departure from every preceding decision of consequence. The President of the United States always has the option of unleashing Armageddon if he so chooses. Normally, however, sanity prevails. When the bombs hit the bunkers in Iran; World War 3 will be underway."
To the outcome of these present events we are not in the knowing, other than to state that should these American Military Coup Leaders fail the result will be Total Global War.ハ To the American Presidentユs position as to which side of the Coup he is supporting there is also much speculation due to his fleeing of the United States to Saudi Arabia, and which we had previously reported on in our August 8th report titled "Bush Flees United States for Saudi Arabia as Israel Accelerates Attack Timetable in Continuing Secret War with America, US Prepares For Martial Law".
Russian FSB also reports that the American Presidents demand to the Saudi King that all monies belonging to the Bush Family through their many Saudi linked companies be returned has been granted, and as we can read as reported by the United Press International News Service in their article titled "Saudis to retrieve $360 billion abroad" and which says, "Saudi Arabia said Sunday it was working to bring back to the kingdom a total of $360 billion invested abroad in the last 18 months."
The FSB further reports the Saudi payment of these debts to the Bush Family were made in gold reserves and which are now in the process of being returned to the United States by the American President and his family members who accompanied him to Saudi Arabia.
To the American peoples themselves not knowing of how these Coups work themselves out their remains the ominous possibility that we had reported on yesterday that they will be placed under Martial Law, and to which their Military Leaders have already prepared for, and as we can read as reported by the WSWS News Service in their article titled "Pentagon devising scenarios for martial law in US" and which says;
"As for the claims that these military plans are driven by genuine concern over the threat of terrorist attacks, these are belied by the actual conduct of the American ruling elite since 9/11. The Bush administration has done everything possible to suppress any investigation into the circumstances of the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagonムmost likely because its own negligence, possibly deliberate, would be exposed. While the Pentagon claims that its plans are a response to the danger of nuclear, biological or chemical attacks, no serious practical measures have been taken to forestall such attacks or minimize their impact. The Bush administration and Congress have refused even to restrict the movement of rail tank cars loaded with toxic chemicals through the US capital, though even an accidental leak, let alone a terrorist attack, would cause mass casualties.
In relation to bioterrorism, the Defense Science Board determined in a 2000 study that the federal government had only 1 of the 57 drugs, vaccines and diagnostic tools required to deal with such an attack. According to a report in the Washington Post August 7, in the five years since the Pentagon report, only one additional resource has been developed, bringing the total to 2 out of 57. Drug companieshave simply refused to conduct the research required to find antidotes to anthrax and other potential toxins, and the Bush administration has done nothing to compel them. As for the danger of nuclear or メdirty-bombモ attacks, the Bush administration and the congressional Republican leadership recently rammed through a measure loosening restrictions on exports of radioactive substances, at the behest of a Canadian-based manufacturer of medical supplies which conducted a well-financed lobbying campaign.
Evidently, the administration and the corporate elite which it represents do not take seriously their own warnings about the imminent threat of terrorist attacks using nuclear, chemical or biological weaponsムat least not when it comes to security measures that would impact corporate profits. The anti-terrorism scare has a propaganda purpose: to manipulate the American people and induce the public to accept drastic inroads against democratic rights. As the Pentagon planning suggests, the American working class faces the danger of some form of military-police dictatorship in the United States."
The devastating suddenness of all of these events will no doubt stun these Americans, who even in these last hours, and before total madness strikes, continue to ignore the very world they live in, and whom their Military Leaders are driving towards the abyss.
August 9, 2005, EU and US all rights reserved.
ハ[Ed. Note: The United States government actively seeks to find, and silence, any and all opinions about the United States except those coming from authorized government and/or affiliated sources, of which we are not one.ハ No interviews are granted and very little personal information is given about our contributors to protect their safety.]
World briefing
China and Russia flex their muscles as they join forces to play the war game
Simon Tisdall
Tuesday August 9, 2005
The Guardian
When Taiwanese military forces launched a combined operations exercise off Tsoying in the Taiwan Strait last week, it was not hard to guess who the "enemy" was.
Mines and depth charges were detonated in simulated sinkings of invading landing craft and torpedoes were fired at notionally hostile frigates and submarines. The Taipei Times said it was Taiwan's biggest show of force in years.
But China, whose threats to seize the "renegade province" and recent anti-secession law make it the main focus of Taiwan's attentions, is flexing its military muscles, too.
China and Russia flex their muscles as they join forces to play the war game
Simon Tisdall
Tuesday August 9, 2005
The Guardian
When Taiwanese military forces launched a combined operations exercise off Tsoying in the Taiwan Strait last week, it was not hard to guess who the "enemy" was.
Mines and depth charges were detonated in simulated sinkings of invading landing craft and torpedoes were fired at notionally hostile frigates and submarines. The Taipei Times said it was Taiwan's biggest show of force in years.
But China, whose threats to seize the "renegade province" and recent anti-secession law make it the main focus of Taiwan's attentions, is flexing its military muscles, too.
World briefing
China and Russia flex their muscles as they join forces to play the war game
Simon Tisdall
Tuesday August 9, 2005
The Guardian
When Taiwanese military forces launched a combined operations exercise off Tsoying in the Taiwan Strait last week, it was not hard to guess who the "enemy" was.
Mines and depth charges were detonated in simulated sinkings of invading landing craft and torpedoes were fired at notionally hostile frigates and submarines. The Taipei Times said it was Taiwan's biggest show of force in years.
But China, whose threats to seize the "renegade province" and recent anti-secession law make it the main focus of Taiwan's attentions, is flexing its military muscles, too.
Article continues
Next week will see far larger war games involving Chinese and Russian troops in and around the Shandong peninsula in the Yellow sea. Regional observers say such military cooperation is unprecedented and could mark the start of something new.
"The China-Russia exercise is intended to send a message to Taiwan," said Andrew Yang of the Chinese Council of Advanced Policy Studies in Taipei. "But it's also a very significant move in terms of the developing relationship between Russia and China and joint efforts to manage regional security.
"China considers it's time to increase strategic cooperation with Russia to balance the US role in the region. Both are interested in demonstrating this is a multipolar rather than a unipolar world," Dr Yang said.
Russia was already China's biggest arms and energy supplier. Bilateral collaboration would progressively deepen not only in the Asia-Pacific area but also in central Asia, he predicted.
The prospect of a revamped Beijing-Moscow "axis" is feeding American paranoia about the challenge to US security and economic interests posed by China's rise.
American fears were illustrated recently by intense (and successful) political opposition to a Chinese bid to buy Unocal, a US oil company; and by the Central American Free Trade Agreement, which was narrowly approved by Congress after the spectre of a Chinese takeover in Washington's backyard was raised.
Max Boot, of the Council on Foreign Relations thinktank in New York, warned ominously last month of a Chinese "stealth war" involving financial, resource, psychological, media and even ecological warfare.
Some US worries have a basis in fact. A recent Pentagon report re-emphasised concerns that China's military build-up could in time pose a "credible threat" to the US and its allies in the Asia-Pacific theatre. Japan, whose relations with both China and Russia could be better, offered a similar assessment this month.
Working through the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) which embraces Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, China and Russia are also pursuing a common security and economic agenda in central Asia.
An SCO call for the US to vacate its post-9/11 military bases in the area closely foreshadowed Uzbekistan's expulsion this month of American troops.
But while seeking to reduce US influence, a more important, shared target is "terrorism, separatism and extremism". By this, China and Russia mean Islamic resistance from Xinjiang to Chechnya - although Beijing also includes the non-Muslim "splittists" of Taiwan.
When the regime of the Uzbek president, Islam Karimov, killed supposed Islamists in Andijan in May, the US and the EU protested - and Russia and China cheered. Lack of respect for human rights and democracy are two other binding characteristics of the budding Moscow-Beijing alliance.
But Jennifer Moll, of the Foreign Policy Centre in London, said enhanced China-Russia collaboration, underpinned by their 2001 Friendship Treaty, did not necessarily mark the beginning of a new Asian "Great Game".
"They definitely share a lot of objections to US policies," Ms Moll said. "But it would be wrong to define the relationship simply in terms of anti-Americanism."
Fiona Hill, of the Brookings Institution in Washington, suggested the significance of the alliance could be exaggerated, however unsettling it appeared in Taipei or Kiev.
"China is a rising power but Russia is a declining one," Ms Hill said. Each country remained deeply suspicious of the other. And given their respective weaknesses, she said, each had reason to fear - and to court - American power, of which more tomorrow.