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(回答先: Re: ジョージ・ギャロウェイもそういってますね 投稿者 Sun Shine 日時 2005 年 8 月 09 日 22:06:19)
Sun Shineさん挟んでのフォローで変な感じにしてしまって悪いなと思いますが、
Last Updated: Wednesday, 3 August 2005, 17:54 GMT 18:54 UK
How Britain helped Israel get the bomb
Newsnight reporter Michael Crick tells the story of how Britain helped Israel build the bomb - without telling the Americans.
By Michael Crick
BBC Newsnight
Last update - 08:42 04/08/2005
BBC: U.K. sold Israel 20 tons of heavy water in the late 1950s
By Haaretz Staff
According to a BBC report, documents at the British National Archives dating back to the late 1950s show the United Kingdom sold Israel 20 tons of heavy water, a substance used to produce nuclear bombs, at a cost of around £1.5 million.
The decision to export the heavy water was made without the knowledge of Harold Macmillan's government, according to the report.
It was also kept secret from the United States, which had refused to supply Israel with heavy water unless it was given a guarantee that it would be used for "peaceful use only."
According to the documents, no such guarantee was made in the deal with Britain.
Then-British Foreign Office official Donald Cape was quoted as writing in the papers: "On the whole I would prefer not to mention this to the Americans."
U.S. President John F Kennedy's defense secretary from 1961, Robert McNamara, told BBC News he was "astonished" by the cover-up.
"It is very surprising to me we were not told because we shared information about the nuclear bomb very closely with the British," he said.
"The fact Israel was trying to develop a nuclear bomb should not have come as any surprise.
"But that Britain should have supplied it with heavy water was indeed a surprise to me."
The heavy water - surplus from a consignment bought from Norway in 1956 - was shipped from a British port to Israel. Officials presented it as a deal between Norway and Israel.
Heavy water is used in the production of plutonium, a key step in the process of creating nuclear weapons.
Israel has long been accused of nuclear activity but will neither admit nor deny that it has a reactor in the southern town of Dimona. It has also not signed the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty.
(2005/4/19/19:27 読売新聞 無断転載禁止)
The court also asked the state to submit an amended indictment against Vanunu within a month, his lawyer Avigdor Feldman said on Monday.
Vanunu was released from prison last year, after serving an 18-year term for treason, for spilling Israel's nuclear secrets. The conditions of his release included a ban on foreign travel and meetings with foreign reporters.
Two months ago, he was indicted on charges he violated those restrictions.
In a ruling on Sunday, Jerusalem Magistrate Yoel Tzur said the West Bank and Gaza Strip cannot be considered outside Israel because they can be reached without a passport or visa.
He also told prosecutors to be more specific about Vanunu's alleged violations of a ban on meeting foreign journalists.
Nuclear whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu on Thursday asked the Supreme Court to order the Shin Bet security service to return confiscated letters he wrote in prison.
Speaking to reporters outside the courtroom, Vanunu said the letters contained no nuclear secrets, only descriptions of prison life and his philosophical musings.
Vanunu was released from prison last year, after serving an 18-year term for treason, for spilling Israel's nuclear secrets in a 1986 interview with a British newspaper.
Vanunu is a former technician at the country's nuclear research site in the southern desert town of Dimona.
"Today I'm going to ask the court to give me back all the letters that I wrote when I was in prison and they took them before my release," he said.
"There are no secrets. All of them is about my life in prison, my experience, the cruelty and barbaric treatment that they gave me for 18 years, and new ideas about world history, world events, politics, many ideas that I developed in prison."
He later told The Associated Press the court had made no decision and had set no date for a ruling.
The government has argued the documents contain sensitive information. Since his release from prison, Vanunu has been barred from leaving the country on security grounds.