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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2005/09/05
5日の午後,アメリカ軍はタル・アファルを完全に封鎖 都市のいくつかの地区では
またタル・アファル中心部のal-Qumash地区では 本道を侵攻してきた
手には墜ちていない また,この援護射撃はアメリカ軍の化学兵器投下を難しくさせている。
キャンプに大きな損害を与えていき,ブラッドレイ1両が使用不能に 狙撃兵1名を含むアメリカ兵2名が戦死,
ハンビー1台が炎上 アメリカ兵4名が戦死または負傷する。
エイブラムス戦車1両が使用不能に アメリカ兵1名が戦死,2名が負傷する。
午前8時,バグダッド南部のJurf as-Sakhr地区でレジスタンスがアメリカ軍と傀儡軍を4発の
ハンビー1台と傀儡軍のピックアップトラック1台が炎上 アメリカ兵2名が戦死,1名が負傷
燃料トラック3台が炎上 民間人の運転手4名が死亡している
Ba'qubah総合病院のHamid al-Jabburiによると,アメリカ軍と傀儡軍は
傀儡軍のランドクルーザー1台が炎上 傀儡軍兵士2名が戦死,2名が負傷
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Monday, 5 September 2005
By: Muhammad Abu Nasr on: 06.09.2005 [05:20 ] (111 reads)
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member, editorial board, the Free Arab Voice.
Monday, 5 September 2005.
* US launches massive offensive against Tall ‘Afar. In fierce, day-long battle, Resistance shoots down Black Hawk, destroys US armored vehicle. Americans resort to use of lethal burning chemical bombs, but Resistance still controls whole neighborhoods as fighting rages into Monday night.
* US encircles al-Qa’im with American military camps one day after Resistance expelled American occupation forces from the city.
* Five US troops reported killed in car bombing in al-Hadithah.
* Resistance carries out double attack on US headquarters in Hit.
* US air raid kills five Iraqi civilians in al-Khalis. American, Iraqi puppet troops arrest injured survivors in hospital.
Ninwa Province.
Tall ‘Afar.
US launches massive offensive against Tall ‘Afar. Fighting rages all day and into Monday night. US resorts to chemical warfare, but Resistance continues to control parts of the city. Civilian casualties minimized by Resistance-led evacuations of women, children.
In a dispatch posted at 5:30pm Mecca time Monday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported from Baghdad that US occupation forces, backed up by fighter planes and helicopters, had launched what they called a sweeping attack on the city of Tall ‘Afar, west of Mosul in northern Iraq on Monday.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in Baghdad reported that the US occupation command issued a statement saying that more than 5,000 US troops together with armored vehicles attacked what it called a “terrorist nest” in Tall ‘Afar.
Quds Press reported that for two days intermittent battles had broken out on the outskirts of Tall ‘Afar between Resistance forces and the US attackers. American forces warned residents to get out as they prepared for a major attack on the city. Then on Monday, the attack began.
Mafkarat al-Islam said on Monday afternoon that there were reports from within Tall ‘Afar, a city now blockaded by US forces, that fierce battles were raging in some parts of the city.
The Mafkarat al-Islam editorial office in Baghdad was at first unable to ensure proper communication with its correspondent in Tall ‘Afar because US forces shut down all means of communication. The cadres of the Mafkarat al-Islam office in Baghdad, however, in following hours worked to establish a communication link with the correspondent in the beleaguered city.
Resistance in Tall ‘Afar shoots down Black Hawk, destroys US armored vehicle. Seven American soldiers reported killed. . .
In a dispatch posted at 8:15pm Mecca time Monday evening, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance fighters had shot down a US Black Hawk helicopter over Tall ‘Afar on Monday afternoon.
Resistance fighters armed with medium machine guns opened fire on the helicopter and brought it down, witnesses told Markarat al-Islam. The aircraft landed on the home of al-Hajj ‘Uthman, destroying the house and killing al-Hajj ‘Uthman and his disabled wife. The two-man crew of the helicopter was also killed.
Reports from the al-Qumash neighborhood of in the middle of Tall ‘Afar say that a US armored vehicle tried to break onto the main street there with 10 American soldiers using it for cover as it slowly advanced. Resistance fighters managed to destroy the vehicle, however, by firing four RPG7 rocket-propelled grenades into it. Seven of the US troops who were following the vehicle were also killed, according to a number of Resistance fighters who spoke to the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent.
Fierce combat rages as 30 Iraqi puppet army soldiers flee the fighting. . .
In a dispatch posted at 8:25pm the Mafkarat al-Islam reported informed sources in the Tall ‘Afar puppet police as saying that more than 30 Iraqi puppet army soldiers had fled from the fighting currently raging in the city.
The security sources told the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent that the troops belonged to the Fourth Brigade of the Iraqi puppet army. The sources said that members of the Iraqi puppet army intelligence forces were at the moment hunting the deserters in an apparent effort to bring them back into battle.
Eyewitnesses had confirmed to the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent located outside Tall ‘Afar that a number of soldiers in the Iraqi puppet army had deliberately broken their arms or legs or inflicted serious injuries on their heads in the hopes of being listed as genuinely wounded and not being hauled back into the battle.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent inside Tall ‘Afar reported that violent fighting had been raging in the city since Monday morning. He said that there were unconfirmed reports that a number of Iraqi puppet army troops had surrendered with their officer to the Resistance.
Resistance continues to hold whole sections of Tall ‘Afar as fighting rages into the night. . .
In a dispatch posted at 8:50pm Mecca time Monday night, the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in Tall ‘Afar reported that real street fighting was taking place at that moment in all districts of the city as Iraqi Resistance fighters battled the US troops who had managed to make a rapid attack on the city from all sides at once.
The correspondent reported that fighting had raged throughout the city since noon Monday and was still going on in the form of street warfare. Combat is raging from house to house and from street to street as US fighter bombers overhead pound the city constantly with bombs.
Dozens of American troops have been killed or wounded in the fighting, and a “not insubstantial” number of Resistance fighters have also fallen dead and wounded in the combat.
From the heart of Tall ‘Afar the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent rejected claims made by some Arab satellite TV stations and some Iraqi stations loyal to the US occupation to the effect that Tall ‘Afar had fallen entirely into the hands of the occupation forces. The correspondent noted that at the present time there are still whole neighborhoods entirely in the hands of the Iraqi Resistance.
Concerning destruction and death among the civilian population, the correspondent reported that the Iraqi Resistance had evacuated families of women and children to save places far from the fighting. As a result of their efforts there have been no civilian casualties despite the heavy US attack. Material destruction was another matter, the correspondent said, noting that at least 10 private homes, three schools, four mosques, one water station and one electric power station had been demolished by US attacks throughout the day Monday.
With electricity cut off, the mosques have been unable to broadcast recitation from the Qur’an and exhortations from religious leaders as has always been done during times of American attack in order to bolster the spirits of the fighters. In view of the power outage, religious leaders and scholars have been walking through streets and lanes of the city in the line of fire chanting and encouraging the fighters with reminders about the value of the holy struggle and the importance of martyrdom.
Resistance continues to hold neighborhoods, despite savage lethal American chemical bomb raids . . .
In a dispatch posted at 11:30pm Mecca time Monday night, the correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam in Tall ‘Afar reported that violent fighting was still raging in the city at that hour.
Having failed to crush the Resistance with gunfire, bombs, and rockets, the Americans were now resorting to incendiary chemical weapons, however, in the al-Mu‘allimin neighborhood and in the Old Market area. These weapons instantly killed all the Resistance fighters as soon as they came in contact with them.
After meeting insurmountable resistance and taking heavy losses in several parts of town, the Americans resorted to dropping incendiary chemical bombs on the streets that they had been unable to break into. The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported that a large number of Resistance fighters died of suffocation caused by the chemical bombs.
Nevertheless, the correspondent reported, the Resistance had still not lost control over those districts because the fighters have been able to put up intense, long-range covering fire that make it hard for the Americans to drop the chemical bombs on their positions.
Al-Anbar Province.
US encircles al-Qa’im with American military camps.
In a bulletin posted at 10:50am Mecca time Monday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that a short while before US forces had set up four military encampments outside the city of al-Qa’im. The move followed the Americans’ loss of their biggest base inside the city in fighting that culminated with the expulsion of US troops from al-Qa’im on Sunday.
Witnesses told the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent that the US forces had set up their camps on the eastern edge of al-Qa’im and also on the western and southern borders of the city. The northern approaches to al-Qa’im are still completely controlled by a US base from which columns are sent out to strike the nearby cities of Rawah, al-Hadithah, and ‘Anah.
Resistance car bomb explodes by US column north of al-Hadithah killing a reported five American soldiers.
An Iraqi Resistance car bomb blew up next to a US column near the al-Hadithah Dam where the American occupation forces have set up a military camp north of al-Hadithah city at 1pm local time Monday.
The al-Hadithah correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported witnesses as saying that an explosives-packed car that was parked by the side of the road leading to the al-Hadithah Dam blew up as a column of four American troop transports and two Humvees was passing by.
The witnesses reported that the blast totally destroyed one of the American troop carriers, killing five US soldiers and wounding another six American troops.
Resistance carries out double attack on US headquarters in Hit.
In a dispatch posted at 9:25am Mecca time Monday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the Iraqi Resistance had mounted a two-pronged attack on the US military headquarters in the center of the western Iraqi city of Hit.
Launching the attack, an Iraqi Resistance martyrdom fighter drove an explosives-laden car into the US headquarters, set up in the building of a former teachers training institute. Witnesses reported that the Resistance fighter got close to the headquarters building and then detonated his vehicle, setting two Humvees on fire and inflicting very severe damage on the building itself. The witnesses said that about five US troops were wounded or killed in the blast.
Then the Iraqi Resistance fired four mortar rounds into the stricken American headquarters, directly hitting the facility and setting off violent explosions. Swarms of US helicopters could be seen hovering around the building after the attack.
Two US troops reported killed in assault on US camp late Monday morning.
Iraqi Resistance fighters armed with light weapons and pipe rockets attacked a US camp west of al-Khalidiyah at 11:30am local time Monday morning.
Residents of al-Khalidiyah told Mafkarat al-Islam that five Resistance fighters attacked the American camp east of al-Khalidiyah inflicting considerable damage on the camp and killing two US soldiers, one of them a sniper. Three other American troops were wounded in the attack, the witnesses said and one American Bradly armored vehicle was disabled.
Resistance bomb targets joint patrol in al-Fallujah late Monday morning.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a joint patrol of US and Iraqi puppet army troops on the road that runs alongside the Euphrates River near the ash-Shuhada’ Bridge in western al-Fallujah at 11am local time Monday morning.
Witnesses told the local Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent that a bomb that had been planted by the side of the road blew up as a joint patrol was passing by. The explosion destroyed one pickup belonging to the Iraqi puppet army, killing two Iraqi puppet army soldiers and wounding two more. One American soldier was also injured in the attack.
Three US troops reported killed in rural road bombing near as-Saqlawiyah Monday morning.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a joint US-Iraqi puppet army patrol in the as-Saqlawiyah area north of al-Fallujah at 10am local time Monday morning.
The correspondent for Mafakrat al-Islam reported residents of as-Saqlawiyah who witnessed the attack as saying that a bomb that had been planted in the middle of an unpaved farm road that leads to the village of as-Sajar, north of al-Fallujah, exploded under a US Humvee that was part of the joint patrol.
The explosion totally destroyed the Humvee, killing three American troops and seriously wounding a fourth, the witnesses reported.
Resistance mounts double attack on US-Iraqi puppet “Wolf Brigade” headquarters in western Baghdad.
In a dispatch posted at 4:20pm Mecca time Monday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance forces mounted a double attack on a headquarters jointly occupied by US troops and the so-called Wolf Brigades of the puppet regime’s “Interior Ministry” in the al-Husayn area in the al-Jihad neighborhood of western Baghdad on Monday.
The Baghdad correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported residents of al-Husayn who witnessed the attack as saying that Resistance fighters armed with light and medium weapons, including PKS machine guns and RPG7 rocket-propelled grenades attacked the joint facility, killing or wounding about five US and Iraqi puppet regime troops who were manning the checkpoint at the front gate.
After that, the witnesses say, the Resistance then fired twelve 120mm and 80mm mortar rounds into the joint headquarters, destroying large parts of the facility and setting fire to two pickups belonging to the Iraqi puppet forces. A US Humvee was also burned and about nine American and Iraqi troops were killed or wounded.
Bomb targets US patrol in as-Sayyidiyah at noon Monday.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US patrol on the highway in the as-Sayyidiyah area to the south of Baghdad at 12 noon local time Monday.
The Baghdad correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported residents of as-Sayyidiyah who witnessed the attack as saying that a bomb that was planted under a pile of garbage by the side of the highway blew up as a patrol of several American Humvees passed by.
The witnesses said that the blast set one of the Humvees on fire, killing or wounding four American soldiers who were aboard the vehicle.
After the attack, US forces encircled the area, preventing local people or journalists from approaching.
One US soldier reported killed as Resistance bomb blasts US armored column near ad-Durah Monday morning.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a column of US tanks on the highway west of the southern Baghdad suburb of ad-Durah at 9am local time Monday morning.
Residents of ad-Durah told the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent that the a bomb that was planted by the side of the road blew up at the moment a column of five US Abrams tanks and three Humvees passed by.
The explosion disabled one of the tanks and killed an American soldier. Two other US troops were wounded in the blast.
Two US troops reported killed in early morning Resistance barrage in Jurf as-Sakhr.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired four mortar rounds at US and Iraqi puppet army forces in the area of Jurf as-Sakhr, south of Baghdad at 8am local time Monday morning.
Residents of Jurf as-Sakhr who witnessed the attack told the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent that the Resistance bombarded a concentration of US and Iraqi puppet army troops at the eastern entrance to the city, setting a US Humvee and a pickup belonging to the Iraqi puppet army on fire. Two US troops were killed and one other wounded in the attack. One Iraqi puppet army soldier also died.
Salah ad-Din Province.
Resistance forces ambush US fuel convoy south of Bayji Monday afternoon.
Iraqi Resistance forces attacked a fuel truck convoy headed towards US bases on the highway south of the Bayji refineries, which are located north of Tikrit, at 3pm local time Monday afternoon.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported residents of the refinery area as saying that Resistance fighters armed with medium weapons such as PKS machine guns and RPG7 rocket-propelled grenades, attacked the convoy of American fuel tankers, setting three of the trucks ablaze and killing four drivers who were working for the American occupation forces.
Diyala Province.
US air raid kills five Iraqi civilians. American, Iraqi puppet troops arrest injured survivors in hospital.
In a dispatch posted at 5:50pm Mecca time Monday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that US fighter bombers had rocketed houses in the village of ad-Dawjamah in the middle of the al-Khalis area, northeast of Baghdad.
Witnesses who own houses neighboring the home that US planes attacked told Mafkarat al-Islam that the bombing killed five Iraqi civilians, among them a woman and two children Seven others were wounded.
Dr. Hamid al-Jabburi of Ba‘qubah General Hospital told Mafkarat al-Islam that US and Iraqi puppet army troops came to the hospital and arrested the wounded people. The victims were taken to an unknown destination. Meanwhile, the residents of al-Khalis buried the five people killed by the American attack amidst big demonstrations against the indiscriminate American bombing of the homes of peaceful residents.
At-Ta’mim Province.
Resistance bomb blasts joint US-Iraqi puppet police patrol early Monday afternoon.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a joint US-Iraqi puppet police patrol in the al-Hawijah area in northern Iraq at 1:30pm local time Monday afternoon.
A source in the Iraqi puppet police told the Kirkuk correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam that a bomb that had been planted under an electricity pole on the main street in al-Hawijah blew up as the joint patrol was passing by.
The source said that the explosion set one Land Cruiser belonging to the Iraqi puppet police on fire, killing two Iraqi policemen and wounding two others. One American soldier was also injured in the blast.