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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2005/08/05
アメリカ軍がハディッサを封鎖するとともに,電気・水道・電話回線などを切断 アメリカ軍による攻撃が迫る
レジスタンスがアメリカ軍に激しいロケット弾攻撃を行なう アメリカ軍はハディッサの境界から北4キロの地点まで後退する
ハンビー2台が破壊 乗車していた海兵隊員全員が戦死,または負傷する
発射された砲弾のほとんどが基地内にある車両の一団に命中 ハンビー2台が破壊され,アメリカ兵2名が死傷
アメリカ軍の海兵隊員George Douglasがイスラム教に改宗 名前をMujahid Muhammadに改める
ハンビー1台が炎上 アメリカ兵2名が戦死,2名が負傷 傀儡軍兵士3名が負傷(そのうちの1名は重傷)
トラック1台が炎上 民間人の運転手2名が死亡する
車両2台が炎上 傭兵5名が死亡,3名が負傷している
ハンビー1台が破損 傀儡軍のピックアップトラック1台が炎上
アメリカ兵1名が戦死,3名が負傷 傀儡軍兵士3名が戦死,2名が負傷している
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Friday, 5 August 2005
By: Muhammad Abu Nasr on: 06.08.2005 [01:52 ] (32 reads)
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member, editorial board, the Free Arab Voice.
Friday, 5 August 2005.
* US attacks al-Hadithah, bombs, cuts off electricity, water, communications. Medical supplies in city transferred to Resistance control.
* In Rawah: Resistance mounts double attack on checkpoint late Friday. Fourteen Marines reported dead or wounded.
* Third US Marine embraces Islam in al-Fallujah mosque, takes name Mujahid Muhammad.
Al-Anbar Province.
US seals off al-Hadithah, cuts off electricity, water, communications. American offensive seen imminent. Medical supplies in city transferred to Resistance control.
In a dispatch posted at 11:30am Mecca time Friday, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that more than 300 US military vehicles with air support from warplanes and helicopters completely surrounded the city of al-Hadithah, some 250km west of Baghdad, closing all roads into the city. The American forces also closed the main bridges in the area and blocked the land routes going to nearby cities of Hit to the southeast; and Rawah and al-Qa’im to the northwest.
The move follows heavy fighting in the city between US forces and the Resistance in which the last 20 hours have witnessed the deaths of some 37 American troops.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent said that shortly before filing his report, UD forces also cut off electricity, water, and all other communication between the city and the outside world. Unmanned spy planes prowled the sky above.
The correspondent, who was in the heart of al-Hadithah, reported that mosques used their loudspeakers to call on local residents to stay indoors and prepare for an imminent US onslaught.
Resistance fighters, for their part, asked the residents to sit down in corners of their houses in case the Americans carry out air raids because staying close to the corners minimized casualties.
The Director of al-Hadithah hospital announced that the popular pharmacies in the city had transferred their medicines and medical supplies to the Iraqi Resistance which, in turn, had formed a committee to put the medical provisions under their control in case there are a large number of civilian casualties whom the hospital cannot take in and who might require medical care from people willing to take to the streets in highly dangerous conditions.
American bombing begins. . .
In a bulletin posted at 12:05pm Mecca time Friday, Mafkarat al-Islam’s correspondent in al-Hadithah reported that a short while before US F-18s fighter bombers had bombed and rocketed a number of government and residential buildings in the middle of the city. The US aircraft also bombed the Department for the Distribution of Water and Electricity.
Eyewitnesses told the correspondent that the US military had broadcast a declaration to the residents of al-Hadithah a short while before saying that those areas were supposedly areas where Resistance fighters were.
First reports from the city hospital indicated that there were several civilian casualties in the air raid.
Meanwhile Resistance fighters fired Grad and Katyusha rockets at US troop concentrations to the east and west of the city.
Massive columns of puppet troops, helicopters, equipment advance on al-Hadithah. . .
In a dispatch posted at 12:10pm Mecca time Friday, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that it had been learned that massive columns of Iraqi puppet troops were seen heading towards al-Hadithah a short while earlier.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam in Hit, some 70km southeast of al-Hadithah on the highway from Baghdad, reported witnesses as saying that the puppet columns were coming under air cover from US Apache and Black Hawk helicopter gunships and that they were accompanied by various types of vehicles and weapons.
The advancing puppet troops closed the main highway to try to facilitate their safe arrival in al-Hadithah.
Resistance organizations threaten General Call to Arms . . .
In an update posted at 12:20pm Mecca time, the ar-Ramadi correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the Iraqi Resistance had issued a communiqu a short time before threatening the US and its Iraqi stooge forces that they would issue a general call to arms within the next few hours if the blockade and bombing of the city of al-Hadithah continues.
The communiqu, signed by the Resistance organizations, bluntly told the Americans that they would reap nothing but more dead if they persisted. The communiqu warned the Iraqi puppet soldiers against standing beside the occupation, threatening them with “black days” if they did so.
Fierce Resistance rocket attack forces US troops back 4km north of al-Hadithah . . .
In a dispatch posted at 3:45pm Mecca time Friday afternoon, the al-Hadithah correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance forces concentrated in the city had mounted violent rocket attacks on US troops, forcing them to retreat from the northern boundaries of al-Hadithah.
Witnesses told the correspondent that the Americans pulled back some 4km from the northern boundaries of the city, as intermittent clashes continued along the eastern side of al-Hadithah.
Fearful of the truth, US restricts reporting from al-Anbar Province.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in ar-Ramadi reported that the American military ordered that any journalist or writers wishing to cover events in al-Hadithah, including conducting interviews or taking pictures, must apply for permission to do so with the American military headquarters.
In a report posted at 3:55pm Mecca time Friday afternoon, the correspondent reported that so far the US authorities had only authorized two journalists ミ one Arab woman and one American woman ミ to function as journalists in the city.
Resistance bomb blasts US column heading towards al-Hadithah.
In a dispatch posted at 3:55pm Mecca time Friday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance car bomb exploded by a US military column in the at-Ta’mim area west of ar-Ramadi, 110km west of Baghdad, as the Americans were leaving their base apparently on their way to the city of al-Hadithah, encircled and under heavy attack by US and Iraqi puppet troops.
The ar-Ramadi correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported sources in the Iraqi puppet army as saying that the blast total destroyed two US Humvees, killing or wounding all the Americans aboard. The correspondent was unable to ascertain the exact nature and number of the casualties.
Resistance bombards two US camps in ar-Ramadi early Friday.
Iraqi Resistance forces attacked two US bases in ar-Ramadi at 8am local time Friday morning.
The Mafarat al-Islam correspondent in the area reported residents of the ad-Dubbat neighborhood in the western part of the city as saying that the Iraqi Resistance struck the US al-Warrar base with six medium-range Katyusha rockets, hitting the middle of the American-occupied facility. The barrage set off violent explosions that were heard throughout all of ar-Ramadi and sent up clouds of smoke into the sky.
The Resistance also struck the US forces occupying the buildings of the ar-Ramadi Agricultural College with six mortar rounds. A member of the puppet so-called “Iraqi rapid deployment force” told Mafkarat al-Islam that most of the mortar shells blasted into a group of US vehicles, destroying two Humvees and killing one US soldier and wounding a second.
Resistance shoots down US helicopter Friday afternoon.
In a bulletin posted a 4:08pm Mecca time Friday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that a short while earlier the Iraqi Resistance in Hit had shot down a US helicopter over the ash-Shaykh Hamad area.
The Hit correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported residents of ash-Shaykh Hamad as confirming that they say a US helicopter plunge to earth engulfed in flames after being hit by Resistance fire.
The correspondent was unable to get to the crash zone because US forces hurried to encircle and close the whole area off. The fate of the crew was also unknown.
Resistance mounts double attack on joint US-Iraqi puppet force checkpoint Friday evening. At least 14 Marines reported dead or wounded.
In a dispatch posted at 8:58pm Mecca time Friday night, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance martyrdom fighter a short time before had driven an explosives-packed car into a US-Iraqi joint check point in the middle of the city of Rawah, some 60km northwest of al-Hadithah.
Witnesses told the Rawah correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam that the powerful blast left 14 US Marines dead or wounded. Resistance fighters then exploited the state of panic that followed the blast to attack the checkpoint. They open fire with light and medium weapons, including shoulder-launched rockets, killing and wounding more Marines.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent was unable to ascertain the exact number and nature of US casualties because of the security perimeter laid down by the Americans and the large number of US snipers deployed on the roofs of empty buildings in the area.
Resistance bombards US camp in al-Khalidiyah Friday afternoon.
Iraqi Resistance forces six mortar rounds into a US military camp in the city of al-Khalidiyah, some 27km east of al-Fallujah in western Iraq at 4pm local time Friday afternoon.
The al-Khalidiyah correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the barrage sent smoke billowing up over the US-occupied facility, as explosions rocked the camp immediately following the bombardment.
Third US Marine embraces Islam in al-Fallujah, takes name Mujahid Muhammad.
Shaykh Ahmad Mahmud, an Imam and preacher in a mosque in al-Fallujah, announced on Wednesday night that a US Marine had announced that he had embraced Islam. The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported Shaykh Ahmad Mahmud as saying that the US Marine, George Douglas, declared his Islam in the al-Hadrah mosque in the middle of al-Fallujah.
Shaykh Mahmud told the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent that the religious scholars of al-Fallujah gave the Marine the name Muhammad Douglas, but the soldier asked to take the compound name of Mujahid Muhammad, and he asked the scholars for permission to come into the mosque to pray.
The Shaykh said that a number of the young men then showed the Muslim soldier where to wash and make the ritual ablution before prayer, after which he came into the mosque and recited the Muslim profession of faith in God and His Prophet a second time before the worshippers.
Shaykh Mahmud said that the soldier Mujahid Muhammad, is the third US soldier to embrace Islam during this period in al-Fallujah, noting that Mujahid resolved to end his military service by sending a request to the American occupation forces in al-Fallujah. He said that the US military would fulfill his request because from now on they would view him as loyal to the people of al-Fallujah.
A number of religious scholars in the city confirmed the news of Mujahid Muhammad’s conversion, as did many worshippers who were in the mosque and witnessed the Marine Mujahid Muhammad’s profession of faith in God and His Messenger Muhammad in the Arabic language.
Iraqi Resistance forces bombarded a US checkpoint in the al-Haswah area west of Baghdad on the highway between Khan Darri and al-Haswah at 6am local time Friday morning.
Resistance fighters fired four Katyusha rockets into the US outpost, destroying a Bradley armored vehicle that was parked at the checkpoint and killing four US troops and wounding three more.
Witnesses told Mafkarat al-Islam that the bombardment totally destroyed the check point.
After the attack, US forces closed the highway, blocking traffic from going to Baghdad for an hour and a half as American vehicles came deployed in the area adjacent to the highway.
Abu Ghurayb.
Resistance bomb blasts US patrol in Abu Ghurayb Friday morning.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US patrol in the Abu Munaysir area of Abu Ghurayb, 30km west of Baghdad at 9am local time Friday morning.
The Abu Ghurayb correspondent for Mafakrat al-Islam reported witnesses as saying that a bomb that was planted by the side of one of the farm roads in the area blew up as the US patrol passed by, destroying one Humvee and killing three US troops and wounding two more.
After the attack, US forces launched a campaign of raids and arrests in near-by houses, arresting seven innocent civilians and claiming that they were “suspects.”
Resistance bomb blasts joint US-Iraqi puppet patrol in al-‘Amiriyah late Friday afternoon.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the path of a joint US-Iraqi puppet so-called “shock troop” patrol on al-‘Amal ash-Sha‘bi Street in the al-‘Amiriyah area of western Baghdad at 5pm local time Friday afternoon.
Residents of al-‘Amiriyah told the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in Baghdad that a bomb that was planted by the side of the main road in al-‘Amiriyah ミ known as al-‘Amal ash-Sha‘bi Street ミ blew up as a joint patrol passed by. The blast set one Humvee on fire, killing two US troops and wounding two more. Three Iraqi puppet troops were also wounded, one of them severely.
Resistance bomb blasts US truck convoy in ar-Rashidiyah late Friday morning.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US truck convoy in the Baghdad suburb of ar-Rashidiyah at 11am local time Friday morning.
The Baghdad correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported residents of ar-Rashidiyah as saying that a bomb that was planted by the side fo the road leading to at-Tarimiyah blew up as a convoy of trucks loaded with provisions and equipment for US forces passed by. The explosion set one of the truck on fire, killing the two collaborator drivers.
Puppet so-called “Iraqi prime minister Ibrahim al-Ja‘fari met on Friday with Shi‘i religious authority ‘Ali as-Sistani to discuss the so-called “constitution” that is being rigged up for the country under American auspices and is supposed to be finalized in the next 10 days, according to a schedule set by Washington.
Sources in the puppet regime in Baghdad reported that al-Ja‘fari arrived at as-Sistani’s home in an-Najaf under very heavy security guard. The visit highlighted the role of the leading pro-American Shi‘i cleric in the political process unfolding in the “government” of Shi‘i chauvinist Ibrahim al-Ja‘fari.
The so-called “constitution” is to be promulgated in Iraq on 15 August, despite the fact that the country is still occupied and that the framing of the constitution was undertaken entirely under the supervision and aegis of the US occupying forces. The Iraqi Resistance like all Iraqi patriots opposed to the occupation regard any such document as utterly illegitimate.
US admits Iraqi prisoner died in American custody.
In statement issued on Friday, the US military acknowledged that a 45-year-old Iraqi in US custody died Thursday afternoon from wounds he received in an armed confrontation with US troops.
Agence France Presse (AFP), in a report monitored by Mafkarat al-Islam, said that the man reportedly died at 4pm Thursday as a result of an infection, despite having been given a large dose of anti-biotics.
The American statement claimed that the Iraqi had been wounded in a clash with US forces on 24 July, and that he was a “terrorist.” The American report said that the man had undergone surgical operations on his chest, arm and abdomen, but an infection took hold two days afterwards.
Polish military occupation officers, civilians charged with corruption while in Iraq.
Fourteen Poles who took part in the mission of the Polish occupation forces in Iraq ミ nine of them in the Polish military, five of them civilians, face charges of having engaged in corruption during their period of service, according to an announcement by the Polish Military Police who are investigating the allegations.
A statement issued by the Polish police said that the fourteen individuals were responsible for implementing “aid” programs in Iraq and have been charged with earning profits through illegitimate activities carried out between August 2004 and January 2005. They allegedly took in US$232,000 during that period, according to a report carried by Agence France Presse (AFP) and monitored by Mafkarat al-Islam. They are to be tried before a military court in Warsaw.
In February, the Polish Military Police detained two civilians and five Polish officers ミ one of them a commander of a contingent at that time charged with cooperation with the civil authorities in distributing special contracts for what were called “aid” projects in areas under the control of the Polish occupation forces.
Poland has fielded a contingent of 1,400 occupation troops in support of US activity in Iraq.
Babil Province.
Resistance ambushes mercenary convoy Friday morning, killing five.
Iraqi Resistance fighters attacked a column of armored four-wheel drive vehicles belonging to mercenary “security companies” working on contracts with the US occupation troops on the main road in the al-Latifiyah area, south of Baghdad at 10am Friday morning local time.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported local residents as saying that the detachment of Resistance fighters armed with light and medium weapons including BKC machine guns and RPG7 Rocket-propelled grenades, attacked the US column, setting two of the armor-plated cars on fire and killing five of the mercenaries. Three other mercenaries were wounded.
The witnesses told Mafkarat al-Islam that two of the Resistance fighters were wounded in the ambush but were able to withdraw from the scene along with their fellow fighters.
Diyala Province.
Resistance bomb blasts US forces in Ba‘qubah late Friday afternoon.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the ash-Shurtah neighborhood of Ba‘qubah, northeast of Baghdad at 4pm Friday afternoon, local time.
Witnesses in Ba‘qubah told the correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam that they saw US vehicles and troops transporting the bodies of American soldiers for evacuation by helicopter. At the same time, other American troops sealed off the area where the bomb exploded, carrying out raids and arresting four persons, claiming that they were suspected of involvement in the attack.
Ninwa Province.
Six US troops reported killed in Resistance bombing late Friday afternoon.
A high-explosive Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US military column in the al-Ghabat area west of Mosul in northern Iraq at 5pm local time Friday afternoon.
The correspondent for Makarat al-Islam reported witnesses as saying that the blast destroyed one Humvee, killing at least six US troops.
The correspondent reported that US helicopters were observed landing in the area to evacuate the bodies from the scene of the attack while other US troops moved to encircle the zone and impose a curfew.
Tall ‘Afar.
Resistance fighters ambush joint US-Iraqi puppet patrol Friday afternoon.
Iraqi Resistance forces attacked a joint US-Iraqi puppet patrol on the road leading to Tall ‘Afar near the area al-‘Ayyadiyah to the north of the town at 3pm local time Friday afternoon.
The Tall ‘Afar correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported residents of al-‘Ayyadiyah who witnessed the attack as saying that Resistance fighters armed with light weapons, pipe rockets attacked the joint patrol, setting one pickup belonging to the Iraqi puppet troops ablaze and damaging an American vehicle as well. The attack left one American and three Iraqi puppet troops dead and three US and two Iraqi puppet troops wounded.
After the ambush, US occupation forces backed up by armored vehicles and helicopter gunships encircled the scene of the attack and adjacent areas and launched a campaign of house-to-house raids and searches in the region, looking in vain for the Resistance attackers.