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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2005/09/02
朝,アメリカ軍がワッラル基地で働く3名のイラク人の死体をラマディ北部のal-Bu Dhiyab地区で発見する
ハンビー1台が大破 アメリカ兵2名が戦死,1名が負傷する
夜明け,バスラにあるスンニ派のモスクが銃撃を受ける 1名が死亡,3名が負傷する
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Friday, 2 September 2005
By: Muhammad Abu Nasr on: 03.09.2005 [04:59 ] (109 reads)
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member, editorial board, the Free Arab Voice.
Friday, 2 September 2005.
* Nine US troops reported killed in Resistance ambush in Hit Friday afternoon.
* US bombs empty private home in al-Qa’im, claims to have killed 10 Resistance fighters.
* Five US troops reported killed in Resistance bombing Friday afternoon.
Al-Anbar Province.
Nine US troops reported killed in Resistance ambush Friday afternoon.
Fighting broke out between a US patrol and Iraqi Resistance fighters who were hidden in date palm groves along the length of the road linking the city of Hit with al-Muhammadi Village.
The Hit correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported a sergeant in the Iraqi puppet army, who asked not to be identified, as saying that Resistance fighters hidden in the date palm groves fired four anti-tank rockets at the US column, scoring direct hits on two American vehicles. One of the vehicles was a Zeal that is used for transporting troops, the other was a Humvee. Both vehicles were completely burned. Nine US troops aboard them were killed.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent was able to get to the scene where the attack took place at 4pm local time Friday afternoon and took photographs of the wrecked US vehicles after American forces had withdrawn from the area without removing them.
The photograph can be seen at: http://www.islammemo.cc/news/one_news.asp?IDNews=79606
US bombs empty private home in al-Qa’im, claims to have killed 10 Resistance fighters.
In a dispatch posted at 3:20pm Mecca time Friday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that a short while before US fighter planes had rocketed a house in the city of al-Qa’im on the Iraq-Syria border claiming that it had been a haven for Resistance fighters.
The al-Qa’im correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an American fighter plane fired one rocket that blew up the house and razed it completely to the ground. Witnesses who own neighboring houses told Mafkarat al-Islam that no one was in the house when the attack took place, since it is Friday and the people of the city are visiting one another as is customary.
The US occupation, however, issued what it called an “important” announcement saying that inside the house were a number of followers of Jordanian Islamist Abu Mus‘ab az-Zarqawi and that more than 10 Resistance fighters had been killed in the attack.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent confirmed, however, that the house was empty at the time of the attack, adding that the house is owned by local citizen Daham Dhiyab al-‘Ursan and his family who is an employee of the government-owned brickworks and has nothing to do with the armed struggle or the Resistance in Iraq.
Bodies of three collaborators found early Friday.
US troops on Friday morning found the bodies of three Iraqis who work for the occupation forces in the US al-Warrar Base west of ar-Ramadi (which is located some 110km west of Baghdad).
The ar-Ramadi correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported a source in the Iraqi puppet army as saying that the American troops found the bodies in the al-Bu Dhiyab area north of the city. All were young men who worked on the base. Two were janitors and the third was an interpreter. All were natives of Baghdad, and not from ar-Ramadi.
An Iraqi source in ar-Ramadi Hospital told the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent that the three bodies were of men aged between 25 and 30 and all were in the morgue pending pickup by relatives. Iraqis collaborating with the US occupation forces are regular targets of attack in ar-Ramadi and elsewhere in Iraq as they are widely regarded as traitors.
Resistance bombards “green zone” Friday morning.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired eight mortar rounds into the Republican Palace area of downtown Baghdad ミ the area that the US occupation forces call the “green zone” ミ at 8:15 local time Friday morning. The barrage on the zone, headquarters of the US occupation and its puppet “government,” sent plumes of smoke rising into the air.
Many Baghdad residents were able to see the smoke and hear the sound of two powerful blasts that followed the bombardment, Mafkarat al-Islam reported.
American helicopters flew into the area where they continued to hover about for a full hour after the attack.
US-appointed officials make clear: Baghdad Bridge Disaster was not a sectarian attack.
Two days after the Baghdad Bridge Disaster in which over a thousand Iraqi Shi‘i pilgrims perished, the US-appointed “Minister of Defense” Sa‘dun ad-Dulaymi and the US-appointed “Minister of the Interior” Bayan Baqir Sulagh told a joint press conference in Baghdad that the Bridge Disaster “had no Sunni-Shi‘i sectarian element in it,” as was suggested by some news media reports. It was simply “an accidental incident” due to the large number of pilgrims on the bridge, the “Ministers” said.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the “Interior Minister” Bayan Baqir Sulagh said that it had been determined on the basis of their investigation that there was no sectarian aspect to the disaster.
The US appointed “President” of Iraq, Jalal at-Talibani issued a statement on Friday in which he expressed his pleasure at the way that “Iraqis have come together with Sunni Muslims standing with their Shi‘i brothers in an unprecedented way,” as he put it.
Reports and interviews done by Mafkarat al-Islam in the first hours after the disaster on Wednesday already indicated that the disaster was sparked by an unintentional mistake by the local police. This ran counter to the story being promoted by the pro-American Shi‘i sectarian Badr Brigades and some satellite TV stations that suggested that the disaster had some element of a Sunni sectarian attack on the Shi‘ah.
Salah ad-Din Province.
Five Iraqi puppet army soldiers killed in roadside bombing.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb that was planted under a pile of rubbish blew up as an Iraqi puppet army patrol passed by in the town of Bayji, north of Baghdad, on Friday.
In a dispatch posted at 1:55pm Mecca time Friday, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the blast destroyed a troop transport vehicle and killed five Iraqi puppet troops instantly and wounded another nine.
A medical source in Bayji Hospital told the correspondent that four of the wounded men were in extremely serious condition since their injuries are in critical areas of their bodies.
Diyala Province.
Three US troops reported killed in Resistance mortar barrage on US checkpoint Friday afternoon.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired four heavy 120mm mortar shells into a US checkpoint on the main road linking Ba‘qubah, northeast of Baghdad, with the occupied Iraqi capital at 4:30pm local time Friday afternoon.
Witnesses told the correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam in Ba‘qubah that the four mortar rounds blasted into the US checkpoint, killing three American troops and heavily damaging the checkpoint.
After the attack US troops closed the main road and imposed a security perimeter around the area, forcing cars to take dirt roads around the area to get to the city.
Ninwa Province.
Five US troops reported killed in Resistance bombing Friday afternoon.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US foot patrol in the as-Sikak neighborhood of Mosul in northern Iraq at 4pm local time Friday afternoon.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported sources in the Iraqi puppet police as saying that a bomb that was planted by the side fo the road in the as-Sikak neighborhood blew up as a US foot patrol passed by, killing five American troops and wounding two more US soldiers.
The correspondent reported that other American forces rushed to the scene of the attack and called in vehicles to evacuate the two wounded men and recover the bodies of the five who had been killed. US troops also raided houses in the area, arresting three innocent residents.
Tall ‘Afar.
Two American troops reported killed in Resistance bombing late Friday morning.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US patrol in the city of Tall ‘Afar in northern Iraq at 11am local time Friday morning.
The Tall ‘Afar correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported a source in the Iraqi puppet army who asked not to be identified as saying that a bomb exploded by a patrol on “security duty”, severely damaging a Humvee and killing two US soldiers and wounding a third.
An Iraqi Resistance organization took responsibility for the attack, the correspondent reported.
For its part, the US military broadcast a statement on Friday afternoon acknowledging that the attack had taken place but giving no details.
Al-Basrah Province.
Gunman opens fire on Sunni mosque at dawn Friday in al-Basrah area, killing one man, as US-installed regime spreads rumors trying to use Bridge disaster to spread sectarian hatred.
Armed persons opened fore on the Muz‘il Basha Mosque in az-Zubayr during dawn prayers on Friday, killing one worshipper instantly and wounding three more. The Imam of the mosque told the correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam that when the worshippers were seated in the open court of the mosque (since there is no electricity and it is cooler outside) following the call to prayer but before the prayers actually had begun, a car pulled up in the public street in front of the mosque and suddenly people inside started shooting at the worshippers in the mosque.
The Imam went on, saying that the first worshiper hit was Karim Musa, 40, who was struck by several bullets and died instantly. The attacker continued to shoot, wounding three more of them.
A witness reported that he saw the car head towards the ar-Rashidiyah mosque and open fire there as well, wounding the guard who fired back. Then the attackers fled.
A medical source said that one of the wounded is in serious condition in the hospital but the other two appear to be on the way to stabilizing.
This attack is the first of its kind in which worshippers in a mosque are shot at. The attack came at a time when the country was in a particularly tense state because of the lies being spread by the US-installed puppet “government” claiming that somehow the Sunnis were the cause of the Baghdad Bridge Disaster in which over a thousand Shi‘ah died on Wednesday.
The main street in az-Zubayr was closed in the middle of a large gathering of Sunnis prepared to bury the martyr killed in the morning attack. Armed Sunnis, meanwhile, spread out to guard the area near the mosque.