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(回答先: Re:また始まった。インチキ劇場(笑) 投稿者 World Watcher 日時 2005 年 9 月 02 日 15:27:36)
Mujahadeen Al CIAda Al Queda
or Farcy sting?
Ra Energy Fdn.
Raleigh Myers
Worksheet bio
"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we.
They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people,
and neither do we." VIDEO
George W.Bush and he was not kidding
Reagan Fahd Founders of Al CIAda
Once upon a time, a dangerous radical gained control of the US Republican Party
Trail Blazing Fake Terrorism
Kitson, a British officer “who first thought up the concept that was later used in the formation of Al Qaeda. He called it the ‘pseudo gang’—a state sponsored group used to advance an agenda, while discrediting the real opposition
911 PNAC Should be the #1 Topic of Discussion
When the people who benefited the most from the events of 9/11 were the very people responsible for preventing them, something is wrong. Since these people had ability to prevent, permit or conduct the events themselves, their collective and individual responses to the events must be examined and analyzed to the last detail.
How to Unseat the War Criminals and Reverse the Tide of War?
When people across the US find out that Al Qaeda is not linked to Saddam but is in fact a creation of the CIA and that the terrorist warnings are fabricated, the legitimacy of the Bush Administration will tumble like a deck of cards. The perceived enemy will no longer be Saddam, it will be Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Powell, et al. Expose the Links between Al Qaeda and the Bush Administration - by Michel Chossudovsky
Reagan Fahd Founders of Al CIAda
Once upon a time, a dangerous radical gained control of the US Republican Party
Analysis: London bombing and coverup
London Underground Bombing 'Exercises' Took Place at Same Time as blasts
Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones/Prison Planet | July 9 2005
Video http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/july2005/110705bombingexercises.htm
Real Attack Culpability cover scenario echoes 9/11 wargames
Terrorism to order in London Spain 911. Rumsfeld plans to provoke terrorism
Most of the blue world see all of this another way
'Al-Qaeda' is a Manufactured Intelligence Front
Former M15 Agent Says 911 An Inside Job
Attack Was 'Coup de'tat,' Buildings Were Demolished By Controlled Demolitions
False Flag Operations began with False Elections.
Amidst a bitterly contested vote count that resulted in unprecedented action by the Congress of the United States, here are some news accounts that followed this election, which was among the most bitterly contested in all US history
A laundry list of lies and fabrications enabling the PNAC funded and populated by the usual GOP shills and thugsters detailing the GOP Iraq Plunder Planning since the eighties.
The destruction of the entire planet is a part and parcel of these same miscreants.
The Rumsfeld Plan to Provoke Terrorist Attacks
The CIA has intelligence agents inside Osama bin Laden's Al Qaeda network -- as it did before the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks
Senator Byrd is correct to equate Bush with Hitler
Missing Pentagon Jet Engine Identified? - A 727 JT8D A-3 Skywarrior twin-turbojet airplane and on older versions of the 737 and has never been used on a Boeing 757
The rest of the scam
Globalists Created Wahhabi Terrorism To Destroy Islam and Justify a global State
by David Livingstone
Mujahadeen Al CIAda Al Queda or Farcy sting?
"The nightmare vision of a uniquely powerful hidden
organization waiting to strike our societies is an illusion.
Wherever one looks for this Al Qaeda organization, from the
mountains of Afghanistan to the 'sleeper cells' in America,
the British and Americans are chasing a phantom enemy."
- BBC Documentary
WE THE PEOPLE need to get to the bottom of this. The conspiracy theory Pachyderm Scatology is not holding up. International Citizens Inquiry 911 stuff is now mainstream. These guys have put it together in one place so we can get a look at it as a stream of consciousness not a framed issue or two as the warren opps 911 commision has so meticulously done. 911 slideshow http://www.oilempire.us/slideshow-911.html
Some subtle sophistry brings in another thread perhaps a way of an ancient people who are telling us that we are actually victims in a way that will allow the necessary time to pass for the realizations to set in and perhaps allow even forgiveness rather than revenge to be in the next act. In other words they devised a way to break it to us slowly so the majority of the people involved will benefit from the lessons rather than suffer any further.
The CIA funded the Mujahadeen during the Reagan Admn. so they decided to cover it up by mistakenly calling it Al Queda when the Arabs were actually jokingly calling themselves AL CIAda no. Perhaps we have been stung in a fractured Farcy farce .... Al Queda meaning foreign toilet or foreign base??
Remember all those people waving and giving the thumbs up to the our occupying army as we stormed into Bagdad with cameras rolling? Turns out, thumbs up by the middle eastern people means 'up yours' or go Cheney yourself and that is still a surprise to many.
snip: from 'Al-Qaeda' is a Manufactured Intelligence Front. The Author Kawther Salam attempts to tell us we have been had in a sophisticated way. Half the world knows it and it seems we in the US are still in the dark?????
If the Indy Server is down http://www.igc.apc.org/raenergy/Al-QaedaManufactured.html
Those who founded the glorious "International of Islamic Terror, Al-Qaeda, probably knew too little about common use of Arabic language to know that by using this name for their organization, they risked becoming the laughing stock of everybody who speaks the Arabic "public" language.
What does the word "Al-Qaeda" mean ? In Arabic, "Al-Qaeda" has a different meanings, among them "Base", "Ground", "Norm", "Rule", "Fundament", "Grammar". The exact meaning is dependent on the context in which it is used. It depends on the word which follows "Al-Qaeda" in the sentence. "Qawa'ad Askaria" is an Army Base, "Qawa'ad Lugha" stands for Grammar Rules (the Bases of Grammar).
"Qa'ada" is the infinitive of the verb "to sit". "Ma-Qa'ad" is a chair. "Al-Qaeda" is the base or fundament of something. "Ana raicha Al Qaeda" is colloquial for "I'm going to the toilet". A very common and widespread use of the word "Al-Qaeda" in different Arab countries in the public language is for the toilet bowl. This name comes from the Arabic verb "Qa'ada" which mean "to sit", pertinently, on the "Toilet Bowl". In most Arabs homes there are two kinds of toilets: "Al-Qaeda" also called the "Hamam Franji" or foreign toilet, and "Hamam Arabi" or "Arab toilet" which is a hole in the ground. Lest we forget it, the potty used by small children is called "Ma Qa'adia" or "Little Qaeda".
White House Has Some Terror Experts Worried with the latest Pakistani and Brit busts. It is hard to not to see that there is a triple agent working here _ outing Al Queada's CIA agent in every cell theory that the French have been pointing out since before 911.
http://www.truthout.org/docs_04/081204W.shtml Now il dufus et al did it by himself.
Al Queda slide show
Al Queda Carlyle Bin Laden flow chart
The CIA has intelligence agents inside Osama bin Laden's Al Qaeda network -- as it did before the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks
The Pentagon Plan to Provoke Terrorist Attacks
Bin Laden CIA Operative Status Realized
Neo cons in card form show how the world sees Bin Laden as a CIA
'Al-Qaeda' is a Manufactured Intelligence Front
author: Kawther Salam
Interview with Brzezinski
Al CIAda Al Queda CIA the awareness is growing.
Zacarias Moussaoui said I don’t want to finish like Oswald
Declassified admits Oswald was CIA
Seven of the 911 hijackers found alive hmmm
911 guide to coincidence
We have to give it to them they really propagandized the culprit but somehow they thought we would never find out that the GOP CIA owned the movie the PNAC script and all.
Come on two hits on the same target while exercises were going on? FBI on the first try.
Then there is the coincidence theory 20 % is chance http://rigorousintuition.blogspot.com/2004/08/coincidence-theorists-guide-to-911.html
Now we have operation Vigilant Guardian –Warior http://www.oilempire.us/wargames.html#ruppert
The Ptek Cheney connection http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/021405_faa_knew.shtml
Now there is an 'Inside job' cloud over 911. The International Citizens Inquiry 911 has amassed what we need to defang the fascists.
The Zogby New York Poll on 911 gives the pulse of the people on it.
Prior knowledge archive gives a better picture of what is known by those who are doing the cover up and they know that we know and are frantically attempting to close the CIA to hide the tracks. Much of the agency rivalry is really one agency kept from obtaining a stream of consciousness as the attorneys point out.
The big one is the war games 0n 911 When we consider Al CIAda the foreign base synchronized with the in house GOP's PNAC War Games it all seems to morph together. When you consider they actually wrote up a brochure telling us of the plan in advance right down to operation perle _ Mein Kampf for the PNAC http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&q=PNAC+Mein+Kampf+of+the+fourth+Reich&spell=1
Rupert Implicates Cheney in 911
Rupert commonwealth club with a status quo audience the cat is out of the bag http://www.septembereleventh.org/documents/commonwealth.pdf
I don't want to finish like Oswald _ Zacarias Moussaoui CIA asset
Attribution Description
Bits and pieces taken from mainstream media phone calls taped informants named whistle blowers galore _ so much for conspiracy theory. This is just a taste the rest at the end.
CIA / National Reconnaissance Office "plane into building" exercise Associated Press, August 21, 2002 simulation of a plane crash into the NRO headquarters (near Dulles Airport, Virginia) - this was not a "terrorism" exercise but it did result in the evacuation of most NRO employees just as the "real" 9/11 was taking place
Vigilant Guardian Aviation Week & Space Technology, June 3, 2002, Newhouse News, others (these articles are reproduced below) The publicly available mass media articles about these exercises state that they were similar enough to the actual events that top NORAD personnel were confused, not sure if 9/11 was "part of the drill" or a real world event.
Vigilant Warrior Richard Clark, "Against All Enemies" (March 2004) referenced by Richard Clark, but other information is not publicly available. Vigilant Guardian and Vigilant Warrior were probably related exercises (defender and attacker).
Northern Vigilance Toronto Star, December 9, 2001 "Operation Northern Vigilance, planned months in advance, involves deploying fighter jets to locations in Alaska and northern Canada." This ensured that there would be fewer fighter planes available to protect the East Coast on 9/11. Simulated information was fed into radar screens - is this what confused the air defenses that morning?
Northern Guardian Toronto Star, December 9, 2001 only mention was in the early edition of this article, no details publicly available (probably related to Northern Vigilance)
Tripod II
US Department of Justice and City of New York Rudolph Giuliani's testimony to the 9/11 Commission, May 2004 biowar exercise in New York City scheduled for September 12, 2001
The rest is just a click away. Ruppert is just part of the presentation at the International Citizens Inquiry 911 and it is available on video on a per to Fahrenheit Corpration, Out Foxed etc.
Another view
The Mariani Law suit implicates Bush and Cheney
Government Insider Says Bush Authorized 911 Attacks
The cost of the war
DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE in song is the first step to a fascism free planet
IMAGINE: WE are children of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; WE ALL have a right to be here
This would get some air time if we did it at GOP campaign events even in congress this Summer and fall and beyond after all it is the anthem of the Age of Aquarius no. We suggested that "THIS LAND" be the Global Village Planetary anthem at Woodies celebration in San Francisco at the Geary Theater in 1967. It was seconded by three ambassadors and has become the second third fourth etc. anthems to many countries.
FOLKSAY(people say) ............ has become Our defacto Global Village Planetary anthem and in essence we voted for citizen empowerment as we sung it. Now let's get it officially on record by singing it everywhere as direct democracy.
THE DAWNING OF THE AGE OF AQUARIUS is the reality at hand! The children of the universe, the right to be here generation _ the meek taking their prophetic inheritance out of probate is not a conspiracy.
Ra Energy Fdn.
Raleigh Myers
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