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三つの国に分割して支配(Divide in order to conquer)か。
The Plan Was Always to Divide Iraq
Aangirfan Blog | August 31 2005
Michel Collon, at iacenter.org , suggests that the US plan for Iraq was to divide it up into three mini-states 'and then pit them against one another'.
Collon suggests this was also the plan for Yugoslavia.
The New York Times, 25 November 2003, refers to the plan for Iraq by Leslie Gelb of the Council of Foreign Affairs.
The objective for the USA according to Gelb:
"To put most of its money and troops where they would do the most good quickly - with the Kurds and Shiites. The United States could extricate most of its forces from the so-called Sunni Triangle, north and west of Baghdad.... American officials could then wait for the troublesome and domineering Sunnis, without oil or oil revenues, to moderate their ambitions or suffer the consequences."
In 1982, Oded Yinon, an official from the Israeli Foreign Affairs office, wrote: "To dissolve Iraq is even more important for us than dissolving Syria. In the short term, it's Iraqi power that constitutes the greatest threat to Israel. The Iran-Iraq war tore Iraq apart and provoked its downfall. All manner of inter-Arab conflict help us and accelerate our goal of breaking up Iraq into small, diverse pieces."
In the case of Yugoslavia, according to Michel Collon:
"Berlin, and then Washington, discreetly financed and armed racist extremists, who were nostalgic for World War II.
"This made civil war almost inevitable because the IMF and the World Bank had plunged Yugoslavia into bankrupt to make it submit to triumphant neo-liberalism after the fall of the Berlin Wall...
"All of the peoples of the former Yugoslavia have been plunged into misery and unemployment, which is worse now than it has ever been.
"Meanwhile, multinational corporations have taken the upper hand in controlling the country's wealth...
"For Gelb, the civil war in Yugoslavia was a great success for the U.S. because it permitted the breakup of a country that resisted multinationals...
"Divide in order to conquer. As always.
"The Britons carefully organized the division of Ireland, India and Pakistan as well as other places in the world.
"The influential U.S. strategist, Zbigniew Brzezinski, wants to divide Russia into three countries in order to isolate Moscow from oil reserves.
"The CIA also has its "own plans" to divide Saudi Arabia...