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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2005/08/03
住居が破壊され,ハンビーが炎上 屋上に展開していた狙撃兵3名を含むアメリカ兵5名が戦死,
al-Bu Munaysir地区では,レジスタンスの爆弾が数台のハンビーで編成され,
ハンビー1台が炎上 アメリカ兵1名が戦死,3名が負傷している
約1週間前にアメリカ軍の暗殺・テロ実行部隊[gnawing rats]がバグダッドに到着する
死体はバグダッドのUmm al-Ma'alif地区で発見されている
誘拐されたのは,ーバグダッド南部ドーラ地区近郊のAbu Dashir地区に住む住民たち
アメリカ軍がスンニ派[Waqf Pious Endowment Board]の委員長の自宅を襲撃,逮捕する
アメリカ人ジャーナリストSteven Vincentが誘拐,殺害される
Steven Vincentは傀儡警察の制服を着た集団に誘拐され,数時間後に死体で発見されている
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Wednesday, 3 August 2005
By: Muhammad Abu Nasr on: 04.08.2005 [07:38 ] (154 reads)
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Wednesday, 3 August 2005.
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member, editorial board, the Free Arab Voice. http://www.freearabvoice.org
* Huge Resistance bomb kills 14 US Marines, Egyptian translator in midday blast southwest of al-Hadithah.
* Resistance martyrdom fighter blasts US encampment in al-Qa’im; five American troops reported killed.
* Resistance martyrdom bombing Wednesday afternoon reportedly kills high-ranking US commander in al-Fallujah on an inspection tour.
* New US black operations unit said to have arrived in Baghdad.
* Bodies of 50 Shi‘i civilians abducted and murdered by Iraqi puppet security forces identified.
Wednesday, 3 August 2005.
Al-Anbar Province.
Huge Resistance bomb kills 14 US Marines, Egyptian translator in midday blast southwest of al-Hadithah.
A high-explosive Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US Marine column on one of the farm roads in the area of an-Nimr village southwest of al-Hadithah at 12 noon local time Wednesday.
The US military admitted that 12 Marines and one collaborator translator were killed when their vehicle ran over a bomb, saying that the dead Marines belonged to the Second Marine division.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in al-Hadithah reported villagers as saying Wednesday that a high explosive bomb ミ actually a giant Austrian-made artillery shell ミ that was planted in the middle of an unpaved farm road blew up as the US column passed over it, destroying one American troop transport and killing 14 US Marines.
A source in the Iraqi puppet forces, for his part, told the correspondent that one of those killed in the bomb blast was an Egyptian translator who was working with the Americans and accompanying them. The US military claimed that the translator was Iraqi.
An Iraqi Resistance communiqu distributed around mosques in al-Hadithah announced that the bomb used in the attack was a high-explosive device made from a very large Austrian artillery shell with a diameter of some 90cm and weighing more than 80kg that two men could barely carry.
Quds Press noted that the US military had announced that seven US Marines were killed in the same area in two separate Iraqi Resistance attacks.
Thirteen US troops reported killed in martyrdom car bombing west of al-Hadithah early Wednesday afternoon.
An Iraqi Resistance martyrdom fighter drove an explosives-packed vehicle into a US military column that was proceeding along the highway west of al-Hadithah in western Iraq at 2pm local time Wednesday afternoon.
Residents of the city told the al-Hadithah correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam that a Resistance martyrdom fighter drove an Opel car into the column, destroying a US troop transport and a Humvee and killing 13 US troops.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US military patrol in the city of al-Hadithah on the road leading to the al-Hadithah dam at about 6pm local time late Wednesday afternoon.
Residents of the al-Mu‘allimin neighborhood told the local correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam that a bomb that was planted by the side of the main road leading to the dam blew up as a US patrol was passing. The blast destroyed one Humvee, killing or wounding four US troops, in the third major bombing of American troops in the city on Wednesday.
Resistance martyrdom fighter blasts US encampment in al-Qa’im; five American troops reported killed.
An Iraqi Resistance martyrdom fighter drove an explosives-packed vehicle into a house that was occupied by US troops the city of al-Qa’im in western Iraq on the border with Syria at 9am local time Wednesday morning.
Residents of al-Qa’im told the local correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam and the correspondent for Quds Press that the Resistance attacker was able to get through three concrete barriers that the Americans had erected around one of the houses that the US troops were using for a camp and blew himself up at the entrance. The blast destroyed the house, killing five American troops, including three snipers who had been posted on the roof. Four other US soldiers were wounded and a US Humvee was burned.
After the attack, US forces set up a security perimeter around the area, Quds Press reported, preventing anyone from entering or leaving. The Americans also beefed up their patrols in the area.
Resistance bombards US base with Katyusha rockets at noon Wednesday.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired six medium-range Katyusha rockets into the US base known as as-Saqr Air Base in al-Habbaniyah at 12 noon local time Wednesday.
Residents of al-Fallahat village, adjacent to the US-occupied camp told the correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam that the six rockets blasted into the camp at noon, sending up three plumes of black smoke from the southern and central parts of the base.
No information on the extent or nature of US casualties was available due to the security cordon around the facility that prevents anyone from approaching.
Resistance martyrdom bombing Wednesday afternoon reportedly kills high-ranking US commander in al-Fallujah on an inspection tour.
In a dispatch posted at 3:35pm Mecca time Wednesday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that a short while before an Iraqi Resistance martyrdom fighter had driven an explosives-packed car into a column of six US Humvees and three four-wheel-drive armor-plated vehicles at the northern entrance to al-Fallujah.
The al-Fallujah correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the blast destroyed two of the vehicles ミ one Humvee and the other one of the four-wheel drive armor plated cars. A source in the Iraqi puppet army who asked not to be identified told the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent that a high-ranking US military commander was killed in the attack. The commander was on his way into the city to conduct an inspection of the occupation forces and the political situation in al-Fallujah.
At the time of writing, the correspondent had no information regarding the name of the American commander who was killed or those who were killed along with him. The area was surrounded by large numbers of US forces and American helicopters were hovering in the air above the attack zone and adjacent areas.
Four US troops reported killed in morning Resistance bombing in western al-Fallujah.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US patrol in western al-Fallujah at 8am local time Wednesday morning.
A source in the puppet so-called “Iraqi rapid deployment force” told Mafkarat al-Islam that the blast left four Americans dead and one other moderately wounded. The source said that this was the third bomb that targeted the US Marines in the last 12 hours in the city, but made no reference to any other American casualties as a result of the other bombings.
Four US troops reported killed in fighting in al-Fallujah early Wednesday morning.
Fighting broke out at dawn on Wednesday between Iraqi Resistance forces and US troops in al-Fallujah, puppet police sources told Quds Press.
A detachment of Resistance fighters ambushed the puppet governorate office building, now being occupied and used by American troops as their local headquarters. The Resistance forces bombarded the building with mortars and medium weapons, killing four US soldiers and wounding six more according to witnesses.
Quds Press reported that US forces responded to the assault by mounting a heavy artillery barrage and firing shoulder-launched rockets. American helicopters also prowled the sky over the area as US forces laid down a security perimeter and imposed a curfew.
Four US troops reported killed in morning bombing in Abu Ghurayb.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US foot patrol in the al-Bu Munaysir area in the west of Abu Ghurayb at 9am local time Wednesday morning.
Owners of groves in al-Bu Munaysir told the correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam that a bomb that was planted by the side of a farm road in the village blew up as a patrol of 15 US soldiers backed up by several Humvees passed by. The blast killed four American troops and wounded another five US soldiers.
US soldier reported killed in roadside bombing in at-Taji early Wednesday.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US column on the highway in the area of the northern Baghdad suburb of at-Taji at 8am local time Wednesday morning.
Residents of ad-Dulayimah village in the at-Taji area told the correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam that a bomb that was planted by the side of the highway 4km from the US at-Taji base blew up when a column of several Humvees passed by. The blast set one of the vehicles on fire, killing one American soldier and wounding three more.
New US black operations unit said to have arrived in Baghdad.
In a dispatch posted at 3:55 GMT Wednesday, Quds Press reported that it had learned from “exclusive sources” that a special American detachment had arrived in the country about a week ago with the task of carrying out “dirty operations” that could be blamed on the Iraqi Resistance in an effort to try to erode mass support for the independence movement.
The sources said that the American unit, dubbed “gnawing rats,” was to carry out assassinations, sabotage of government installations and random bombings, all of which could be blamed on the Iraqi Resistance.
The sources said that the American black operations unit had been formed six months ago and underwent special training enabling the commandos to recognize the political, natural and social “geography” of Iraq. Among the soldiers in the unit are Arab-Americans who have received training in the Iraqi spoken dialect of Arabic.
The command of the unit is directly subordinated to the supreme US military command in the Pentagon rather than to the local US military occupation command in Baghdad, the sources told Quds Press. Its headquarters is said to be in one wing of the as-Sujud Presidential Palace in the occupied Iraqi capital.
Bodies of 50 Shi‘i civilians abducted and murdered by Iraqi puppet security forces identified.
The bodies of 50 people found on Monday, 1 August, in the Umm al-Ma‘alif area, have now been identified as belonging to Iraqi Shi‘i residents of the Abu Dashir area of the southern Baghdad suburb of ad-Durah. They had all been abducted by Iraqi puppet government security forces, according to sources in the Abu Dashir area who spoke to Quds Press.
News reports had put the number of bodies discovered at Umm al-Ma‘alif at 20, but sources told Quds Press that the actual number was 50. Several residents of the area recounted the details of the arrest of the men who were later found murdered in yet one more apparent crime committed against the civilian population by the Iraqi puppet security forces.
The witnesses told Quds Press that puppet so-called “Iraqi interior ministry troops” raided the Abu Dashir area at night, attacking and violently beating the Sunni residents. They robbed the homes of the Sunnis, stealing all their money and gold jewelry for no apparent reason.
The sources went on to say that after that, the puppet security forces then attacked the nearby Shi‘i neighborhood of Abu Dashir where they arrested a number of inhabitants, including women and little girls ミ all of them Shi‘ah. Not one night passed before the bodies of the men who were captured by the security forces were found near the school in the Umm al-Ma‘alif area.
The witnesses said that the puppet security men even beat the women during their attack on the neighborhood. Some whole families were arrested by the puppet regime’s security men that night and their fate remained unknown at the time of writing.
The puppet regime’s security forces have a pattern of arrests, torture, and murder of Sunnis and of critics of the US-installed regime, but this is the first time, Quds Press reported, that the puppet forces have carried out such an indiscriminate attack on a Shi‘i neighborhood. Witnesses speculated that the security men might be under orders coming from other countries.
US troops raid home of Chairman of the Sunni Waqf Pious Endowment Board early Wednesday.
The US military in Iraq announced that on Wednesday morning they had raided the home of the Chairman of the Sunni Waqf Pious Endowment Board, arresting him and then some time later letting him go. Mafkarat al-Islam quoted a Reuters dispatch that said that the US military announced that it had raided a house in the al-‘Adl neighborhood of Baghdad and arrested Shaykh ‘Adnan ad-Dulaymi who was home at the time of the raid. The Americans claimed that their raid was based on a tip they had received that a wanted person was in the Shaykh’s house.
Shaykh ‘Adnan ad-Dulaymi was dismissed from his post of Chairman of the Sunni Waqf Board ミ a post he has held for more than two years - by an order issued on 26 July by the US-installed puppet “prime minister” Ibrahim al-Ja‘fari. The man named by al-Ja‘fari to replace ad-Dulaymi ミ Shaykh Ahmad ‘Abd al-Ghafur as-Samarra’i ミ refused to take up the post, however. The puppet regime dismissed Shaykh ad-Dulaymi for his persistent criticism of the occupation and its stooges and their repressive practices, particularly against the Sunni citizens of the country.
Shaykh ad-Dulaymi held a press conference after being released that, “an American military force raided my house at 2pm local time Wednesday. They broke down the main door with steel hammers.” The shaykh went on: “The soldiers beat up one of my grandsons who was asleep in the yard. They then they herded the rest of my terrified grandchildren into one room of the house and then they used an armored vehicle to knock down part of the outer wall of the house.”
The Shaykh said, “two armored vehicles and eight Humvees with aircover from two helicopters took part in the raid.” He said that the Americans blindfolded him. He spoke to one of the soldiers and learned that he was an Iraqi member of the puppet so-called “national guard.” The Americans then led him away to the US commander who spoke with him and then the soldiers apologized for breaking down his door.
“This behavior is not at all surprising. They are part of an effort by the puppet “government” to silence me because I call at the top of my voice for the release of prisoners.”
An American military statement claimed that Shaykh ad-Dulaymi had been “treated with respect” and said he had been tied up for about 10 minutes. But “positive results” were attained with respect to everyone who was in the house, the American statement said, adding that all were then released immediately. The US statement said that American forces left the house after 15 minutes and that they would pay compensation for everything they damaged.
Shaykh ad-Dulaymi’s 16-year-old grandson Muhammad told Reuters, as monitored by Mafkarat al-Islam, said that US troops had raided the house at 2:30am Wednesday morning. He said that the Americans bound his hands and blindfolded him. One of the soldiers, he said, “took my head and pushed me forcibly into the wall. He hit my head against the wall. Signs of bruising were clearly visible on Muhammad’s head, the report stated.
Diyala Province.
Eight US troops reported killed in triple bombing in Ba‘qubah Wednesday morning.
Three Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded by a US column on the main road in the al-Mu‘allimin neighborhood of Ba‘qubah, northeast of Baghdad at 9am local time Wednesday morning.
The blasts destroyed two Humvees, killing eight American troops and wounding three more US soldiers, according to a source in the Iraqi puppet army who spoke with the Ba‘qubah correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam.
The source added that the Americans managed to avoid a fourth bomb that was planted in the same area where the other three blew up.
After the attack, US forces surrounded the area and imposed a curfew on the al-Mu‘allimin neighborhood.
Ninwa Province.
Resistance roadside bomb blasts US column in Mosul.
In a dispatch posted at 4:05pm Mecca time Wednesday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US column in the az-Zuhur neighborhood of central Mosul in northern Iraq.
Witnesses told the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent that a bomb that was planted by the side of the main road in the neighborhood blew up as a column of several American Humvees was passing by, destroying one of the vehicles and killing or wounding six US troops.
Resistance car bomb blasts US armored column Wednesday morning.
An Iraqi Resistance car bomb exploded by a US armored column near the town of al-Qayarah, about 60km south Mosul, at about 10am local time Wednesday morning.
Residents of al-Qayarah told the correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam that an explosives-laden car that had been parked on the side of the main road linking the town with central Mosul blew up as a column of several American armored vehicles and three Humvees passed by. The blast totally destroyed one Humvee, killing or wounding about eight US troops.
Al-Basrah Province.
American writer, supporter of US invasion, found dead in al-Basrah.
The dead body of an American journalist was found hours after he was abducted by a group of men wearing the uniforms of the Iraqi puppet police and riding in Iraqi puppet police cars, Quds Press reported sources in the Iraqi puppet police as saying.
Informed sources in al-Basrah reported that the body of the American, Steven Vincent, was found Wednesday morning after he was kidnapped the night before on al-Istiqlal Street by men who appeared to be puppet police.
The sources said that Vincent, who was abducted while walking in the company of his female Iraqi translator, was engaged in writing a book about al-Basrah. His companion, also a journalist, was found badly injured.
The puppet police are interrogating the female journalist to try to obtain information on who was behind the abduction and killing.
According to a dispatch carried by Reuters, New York Times Reporter Edward Wong said that Vincent was inspired to go to Iraq after witnessing the 11 September 2001 destruction of World Trade Center in New York. Wong said that Vincent, “fully supported the Iraq war, believing it was part of a much larger campaign being waged by the United States against ‘Islamo-fascism’.”