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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2005/07/23
アメリカ軍はキャンプとキャンプに通じる道路を封鎖していく 狙撃兵がキャンプ周辺の建物の
アメリカ軍がイラク西部最大のレジスタンス組織の指揮官の一人であるShaykh ‘Abd al-Hadi al-‘Umariの妻を逮捕
アメリカ軍は1年以上に渡ってShaykh ‘Abd al-Hadi al-‘Umariの行方を追い続けていた
ハンビー1台が炎上 アメリカ兵2名が戦死,3名が負傷している
ポーランド軍の兵員輸送車が破壊され,兵員輸送車が炎上 ポーランド兵5名が戦死,4名が負傷
住宅街の建築現場で発見されたアメリカ軍の不発弾が爆発 イラク人の労働者4名が死亡,6名が負傷する
Umm Qasr.
クウェート軍が国境を超えてイラク領内に侵入 国境線を勝手に変更する
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Saturday, 23 July 2005
By: Muhammad Abu Nasr on: 24.07.2005 [07:58 ] (19 reads)
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member, editorial board, the Free Arab Voice. http://www.freearabvoice.org
Saturday, 23 July 2005.
Al-Anbar Province.
Resistance carries out multiple bombardment of US camp near ar-Rummanah village at noon Saturday.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired four heavy 120mm mortar rounds into a US camp in the area of the ar-Rummanah village north of the city of al-Qa’im on the Syrian border in western Iraq at 12 noon local time Saturday.
Residents of ar-Rummanah told the al-Qa’im correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam that the bombardment set fires raging and sent up plumes of smoke inside the US-occupied facility.
The witnesses said that then, less than five minutes after the first attack, the Resistance fired another three more 120mm mortar rounds into the camp. US troops then gathered inside the camp to try to haul out equipment and the dead and wounded soldiers. At that point, Resistance forces fired yet another five mortar rounds into the Americans, inflicting further casualties in their ranks.
The American camp was closed off, roads leading to it were closed, and snipers were posted on rooftops of nearby houses, making it impossible for the correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam to learn more detailed information on the nature and extent of casualties.
US forces arrest wife of Resistance commander, threatening to harm her if her husband does not surrender.
In a dispatch posted at 12:15pm Mecca time Saturday, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that a short while earlier US forces had arrested the wife of Shaykh ‘Abd al-Hadi al-‘Umari, the commander of one of the largest Resistance organizations in western Iraq.
The Rawah correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that US Marines stormed a house of the many “most wanted” by them in the western area of the country ミ ‘Abd al-Hadi al-‘Umari ミ arresting his wife and leaving a message there and with his neighbors saying that if he wants to get her back safe and sound as she now is, he would have to turn himself in to the US invader forces.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported that the occupation troops had been searching for Shaykh al-‘Umari ミ who is 55 years old ミ for more than a year, accusing him of carrying out numerous major armed attacks on US forces.
The correspondent noted that in the wake of the arrest and threat to the woman, the mood in the city has become highly charged.
High-explosive Resistance bomb blasts US column in al-Fallujah Saturday morning.
In a dispatch posted at 11:25am Mecca time Saturday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that a high-explosive Iraqi Resistance bomb blew up a short while earlier by a passing column of several US military vehicles in the al-Mu‘allimin neighborhood of downtown al-Fallujah in western Iraq.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported a source in the Iraqi puppet military as saying that four US troops were killed and a fifth wounded in the attack.
For their part, eyewitnesses told the correspondent that a bomb that was planted by the side of the road blew up in a powerful explosion that not only destroyed a Humvee but threw one of the American soldiers some 10 meters away from the vehicle.
After the attack, US troops surrounded the entire area.
Resistance barrage blasts crowded mess hall on ‘Ayn al-Asad base Saturday morning.
Iraqi Resistance forces bombarded the main US base in the al-Baghdadi area, known as ‘Ayn al-Asad, west of Baghdad, with eight medium-range Katyusha rockets at about 8am local time Saturday morning.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported a member of the puppet so-called “rapid deployment forces,” who declined to be identified, as saying that six of the rockets blasted directly into the US-occupied facility, five of those striking the main mess hall (restaurant) on the base where hundreds of American soldiers were eating or relaxing at the time.
The attack destroyed a large part of the mess hall, killing or wounding at least about 19 US troops.
Resistance ambushes US patrol Saturday.
Iraqi Resistance fighters attacked a US patrol in al-Khalidiyah on Saturday, setting one American military vehicle on fire, according to a dispatch posted by the Qatari News Agency (Qana) at 1:33pm GMT Saturday. After the attack, US forces sealed off the area and began storming into houses in the area.
Two US troops reported killed, four more wounded in Abu Ghurayb roadside bombing Saturday afternoon.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a column of US armored vehicles on the Old Road north of Abu Ghurayb ミ 3km from the infamous Abu Ghurayb prison camp ミ at 4:30pm local time Saturday afternoon.
Witnesses told the Abu Ghurayb correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam that a bomb that had been planted by the side of the Old Road that leads to al-Fallujah in the west blew up by a passing column of four US armored vehicles and two Humvees. The explosion destroyed one American armored vehicle, killing two US troops and wounding four more.
Resistance bomb blasts US Humvee in al-Ishaqi Saturday morning.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US column in the al-Ishaqi area north of Baghdad on the road to the northern provinces at about 10am local time Saturday morning.
Residents of al-Ishaqi told the correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam that a bomb that was planted by the side of the main road in their town blew up as a column of two armored vehicles and four Humvees was passing by. The explosion destroyed one of the Humvees, killing or wounding the five American troops aboard it.
Two US troops reported killed, three wounded in morning bombing on Airport Road.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US military column on the road to Saddam International Airport near the al-Jihad neighborhood in western Baghdad at 10am local time Saturday morning.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam in the area reported residents of the al-Jihad neighborhood as saying that a bomb that was planted by the side of Airport Road exploded as a column of several American Humvees was passing, setting one of the vehicles on fie and killing two US troops and wounding three more.
Salah ad-Din Province.
Resistance stages double attack on joint US-Iraqi puppet patrol west of Bayji early Saturday afternoon.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a joint US-Iraqi puppet patrol on the main road in the al-‘Askari neighborhood in the as-Siniyah area west of Bayji at 2pm local time Saturday morning.
Residents of the al-‘Askari neighborhood told the Bayji correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam that the bomb set one pickup belonging to the Iraqi puppet forces on fire. The witnesses said that immediately after the explosion, Iraqi Resistance fighters armed with light and medium weapons including RPG7 rocket-propelled grenades and BKC machine guns attacked the joint patrol, sparking a firefight that lasted for about 10 minutes. A US Humvee and a pickup belonging to the Iraqi puppet forces were destroyed in the attack.
The witnesses reported that the Iraqi Resistance fighters were able to withdraw from the scene of the battle without having suffered any casualties.
After the battle, US forces backed up by their Iraqi stooges completely encircled the al-‘Askari neighborhood and adjacent areas as well. They began raids and searches in the area looking for the Resistance attackers, but to no avail.
Three US troops reported killed in early afternoon roadside bombing.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US occupation patrol on the main road in at-Tarimiyah, just northwest of Baghdad at 2pm local time Saturday afternoon.
Witnesses told the at-Tarimiyah correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam that a bomb that was planted by the side of the main road near the northern entrance to the city blew up as a patrol of five Humvees passed by. The blast totally destroyed one of the Humvees, killing three US troops and wounding a fourth.
Resistance bomb kills puppet soldier Saturday.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by an Iraqi puppet army patrol in Samarra’, killing one Iraqi puppet soldier and wounding five others, according to a dispatch from the Qatari News Agency (Qana).
Ninwa Province.
Tall ‘Afar.
Resistance shoots down unmanned spy plane near Tall ‘Afar Saturday afternoon.
Iraqi Resistance forces shot down an unmanned US spy plane in the Tall ‘Afar area west of the northern Iraqi city of Mosul.
Residents of the Sa‘d neighborhood of Tall ‘Afar told the correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam that Iraqi Resistance fighters opened fire with light and medium weapons, including BKC machine guns, at an unmanned American reconnaissance plane at 5pm local time Saturday afternoon.
The witnesses added that the Resistance fire struck the aircraft directly, bringing it down in a crash 2km east of Tall ‘Afar.
Babil Province.
Resistance car bomb kills five Polish occupation troops south of al-Hillah Saturday morning.
An Iraqi Resistance car bomb exploded by a joint Polish-Iraqi puppet force patrol on the main road in the al-Qasim area south of al-Hillah at 9:30am local time Saturday morning.
A member of the Iraqi puppet police, who asked not to be identified, told the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent that an explosives-laden car that had been parked by the side of the main road in the middle of the main road that leads to the city center blew up when the joint patrol of four Polish troop carriers, two Polish armored vehicles, and four pickups belonging to the Iraqi puppet forces passed by.
The blast destroyed one Polish troop transport and set on Polish armored vehicle ablaze, killing five Polish troops and wounding another four Polish occupation soldiers. One Iraqi puppet soldier was also killed.
An-Najaf Province.
Unexploded American shell blows up, killing four Iraqi workmen Saturday.
Four Iraqi workmen were killed and six other wounded when an American shell blew up in an-Najaf on Saturday.
In a dispatch posted at 10:08pm Mecca time Saturday night, the Saudi News Agency (WAS) reported that an American shell, fired during the US offensive against Shi‘i religious leader Muqtada as-Sadr’s Jaysh al-Mahdi militia, several months ago, blew up at a construction site in a residential neighborhood in an-Najaf Saturday. The shell had evidently lain unexploded until today.
A source in the Iraqi puppet police said that the shell exploded in the al-Karamah neighborhood, the largest residential neighborhood in the southern Iraqi city of an-Najaf. The source said that puppet police surrounded the scene and searched for other bombs or shells as ambulances arrived to take away the bodies of the dead and injured.
WAS reported that this was the third such incident of a hitherto unexploded shell exploding in an-Najaf in the last two months.
Al-Basrah Province.
Umm Qasr.
Kuwait troops drive into Iraqi territory, set up boundary stakes. Iraqi puppet authorities “urge calm” to prevent local people from interdicting Kuwaiti incursions.
Kuwaiti troops crossed into Iraqi territory near the border area of Umm Qasr at noon on Saturday, setting boundary markers on Iraqi territory.
Speaking over the telephone to the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in al-Basrah, a member of the puppet municipal council of Umm Qasr city said that he personally saw the Kuwaiti troops planting the markers in Iraqi territory. The source said that he had informed the puppet provincial assembly of al-Basrah Province of the encroachment, which instructed him to keep the situation calm whil they contacted the puppet so-called “national assembly” to find a solution.
The municipal council member said that during the afternoon, the residents of Umm Qasr wanted to go out to the Kuwaitis and stop them but the puppet municipal council kept them calm while awaiting a response from the puppet “national assembly.
The area around Umm Qasr was a major position over run after heavy fighting by US and British invasion troops in 2003 and has since then been at the center of disputes with the Kuwait regime as well.