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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2005/07/20
装甲車2両が炎上 アメリカ兵12名が死傷する
アメリカ軍が再度,ファルージャを厳重に封鎖 レジスタンスが旧州政府庁舎のアメリカ軍司令部を11発の
アメリカ軍と傀儡軍はこの攻撃後,市内で捜索を開始 56軒にのぼる家屋を襲撃し14名を逮捕している
ハンビー1台とピックアップトラック1台が炎上 アメリカ兵2名が戦死,3名が負傷
Sab‘ al-Bur地区近くでレジスタンスの爆弾がアメリカ軍と傀儡軍突撃部隊の共同パトロール隊を攻撃
ハンビー1台が破壊,ピックプットラックが破損している アメリカ兵2名が戦死,1名が負傷
車両1台が炎上 傭兵4名が死亡している
傀儡軍のピックアップトラック2台が炎上 アメリカ兵1名が戦死,3名が負傷
Tuz Khurmatu.
燃料トラック1台が炎上 アメリカ兵1名が戦死
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Wednesday, 20 July 2005
By: Muhammad Abu Nasr on: 21.07.2005 [05:45 ] (97 reads)
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member, editorial board, the Free Arab Voice. http://www.freearabvoice.org
Wednesday, 20 July 2005.
Al-Anbar Province.
Resistance martyrdom bomber blasts US armored column near al-Haqlaniyah early Wednesday afternoon.
An Iraqi Resistance martyrdom fighter drove an explosives-laden car into a US armored column on the strategic road near al-Haqlaniyah, south of al-Hadithah in western Iraq at 2pm local time Wednesday afternoon.
Residents of al-Haqlaniyah told the correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam that the Resistance attacker blasted into a column of eight US armored vehicles and four Humvees that were headed along the road to al-Hadithah.
The blast set two US armored vehicles ablaze, killing and wounding the 12 US troops who made up their crews.
Al-Fallujah again under siege following mortar attack on US headquarters there Tuesday afternoon.
US forces have imposed a stringent blockade once again on the city of al-Fallujah, 60km west of Baghdad, not allowing anyone in or out of the city.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported witnesses as saying that US occupation troops closed the northern exit from the city, known as the as-Sajar Road, and the eastern exit on the road to Baghdad. The western and southern exits from the city remain closed for the third day running.
The American lock down of al-Fallujah follows the latest Iraqi Resistance attack that took place in the city at 5pm local time on Tuesday afternoon, when the Resistance fired 11 mortar rounds at the governorate building in the city now occupied and used by the Americans as their local headquarters. The attack reportedly left large numbers of US troops dead and wounded.
After the attack, US forces sealed the exits from the city as swarms of helicopters flew in and American troops together with their Iraqi stooges launched raids and searches of homes and businesses in the city. A captain in the Iraqi puppet army told the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent on Tuesday night that he witnessed American searches of 56 homes that the Americans suspected of housing Resistance fighters who were carrying out attacks on the Americans and their stooges. The source said that the Americans arrested 14 people on their raids and noted that the raids would be continuing for several days.
Meanwhile, traffic jams of hundreds of cars have developed at the four gates of the city as natives of the city who are now living elsewhere flocked back to try to assure themselves that their relatives were alright.
Five US troops reported killed in double bombing near al-Karabilah Wednesday morning.
In a dispatch posted at 9:15am Mecca time Wednesday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that two Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded by a US armored patrol on the International Highway near the eastern entrance to al-Karabilah, to the east of the city of al-Qa’im which lies on the border with Syria.
Residents of al-Karabilah told the correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam that the bombs that were planted next to the highway leading to Rawah to the east, exploded simultaneously as a column of 10 US armored vehicles and four Humvees passed by. The blast destroyed one Humvee and disabled an armored vehicle, killing five US troops and wounding four more.
Resistance ambushes US-puppet joint patrol in Baghdad al-Jadidah Wednesday afternoon.
Iraqi Resistance forces attacked a joint US-Iraqi puppet force patrol in the Baghdad al-Jadidah area in the eastern part of the occupied Iraqi capital at 2:30pm local time Wednesday afternoon sparking a fierce battle.
A Baghdad correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported Residents of Baghdad al-Jadidah as saying that Resistance fighters armed with light and medium weapons including RPG7 rocket-propelled grenades and RBKs ambushed the joint patrol as it entered the az-Zuhur neighborhood in Baghdad al-Jadidah. The attack set one US Humvee and one pickup belonging to the puppet forces on fire, killing two US troops and wounding three more. Three Iraqi puppet troops were also killed.
The witnesses told Mafakrat al-Islam that three of the Resistance fighters were wounded in the engagement before they withdrew from the area.
Two US troops reported killed in bombing near Sab‘ al-Bur Wednesday morning.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a joint US-Iraqi puppet patrol on the main road in the Sab‘ al-Bur area north of Baghdad at about 9am local time Wednesday morning.
Residents of Sab‘ al-Bur who witnessed the attack told the correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam that the bomb, which was planted by the side of the main road near the western entrance to Sab‘ al-Bur, blew up as a joint patrol of US troops and puppet so-called “interior ministry shock troops” was passing by.
The blast destroyed one US Humvee and damaged a pickup belonging to the puppet forces. Two US troops and one Iraqi puppet soldier were killed and one American and two puppet soldiers were wounded.
Resistance martyrdom car bomber blasts Iraqi puppet recruiting office early Wednesday.
An Iraqi Resistance martyrdom bomber blasted into a recruiting station for the Iraqi puppet army at the US-occupied al-Muthanna airbase in Baghdad at 9:30am local time Wednesday morning. In a dispatch posted at 6:54am GMT Wednesday morning, the Qatari News Agency (Qana) reported that 10 persons were killed in the attack that took place in the al-‘Allawi area opposite the az-Zawra’ park in western Baghdad. A dispatch from Agence France Presse (AFP) carried on the Khlaeej Times website reported that eight recruits were killed and another 26 were wounded in the attack.
Resistance shoots down US Apache helicopter north of Baghdad Tuesday night.
After a search over a wide area from at-Taji in the northern suburbs of Baghdad to at-Tarimiyah to the northwest, US forces on Wednesday discovered the remains of an American Apache helicopter that the Iraqi Resistance shot down late Tuesday night with a surface-to-surface missile.
In a dispatch posted at 9:38am GMT Wednesday morning, Quds Press reported that the Americans found the craft in a farm village near at-Taji and that at the time of writing, the US forces were continuing to comb the area, raiding and searching houses looking for the crew.
Witnesses told Quds Press that the crew might well have been killed in the crash of the aircraft, since they saw it on fire in mid-air prior to crashing.
The US military officially acknowledged that a helicopter had made a “forced landing” in the at-Taji area during the night due to “technical difficulties.” Although US officials denied that the Apache crashed as a result of ground fire, witnesses on the scene and the local puppet police station in at-Taji confirmed that the helicopter crashed at about 11pm Tuesday night after being hit by ground fire.
Resistance bombards puppet army headquarters in al-Kazimiyah area of Baghdad early Wednesday.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired a mortar barrage at an Iraqi puppet army headquarters in the al-Kazimiyah area of northern Baghdad. According to a dispatch from the Qatari News Agency (Qana) posted at 11:23am GMT Wednesday, the puppet so-called “Iraqi defense ministry” admitted that two Iraqi puppet soldiers were wounded in the attack.
Further on the deaths of 28 members of collaborationist “constitution drafting committee.”
The last 72 hours have seen the death of 28 members of the collaborationist so-called “committee to draft the Iraqi constitution” according to a report posted by Mafkarat al-Islam on Wednesday morning, following up their disclosure Tuesday that 25 members of the committee had been killed Sunday in a martyrdom car bombing.
(See: “Sunday car bombing reportedly killed 25 members of collaborationist ‘constitution writing committee.’ US, Iraqi puppet regime silent” in the Iraqi Resistance Report for Tuesday, 19 July 2005.)
On Tuesday Mafkarat al-Islam quoted an Iraqi puppet official as admitting that an Iraqi Resistance martyrdom car bombing in the Camp Sarah area of Baghdad on Sunday had killed 25 members of the collaborationist “constitution drafting committee,” six of them Kurds, and many of the rest Shi‘i Arabs.
Then on Tuesday morning a spokesman for the puppet regime reported that Resistance fighters in four different cars had attacked two vehicles carrying three members of the collaborationist committee, all of them Sunni Arabs ミ Dr. Mujbil ash-Shaykh ‘Isa, Dr. Samin al-‘Ubaydi, and a third person from a subcommittee of the “constitution drafting committee.” The three were killed along with their driver near ar-Rahibat Hospital in Baghdad.
Mafkarat al-Islam noted that the puppet regime in Baghdad has still never announced the massive car bombing on Sunday of the many Shi‘i and Kurdish members of the “constitution drafting committee,” despite the holding of 11 funerals in Baghdad on Monday for various members of the collaborationist “drafting committee” and the disclosure of their deaths.
The puppet regime did, however, disclose the deaths of the three Sunni collaborator members of the committee.
Sources inside the headquarters of the US occupation and stooge regime in the Republican Palace in Baghdad ミ the area known to the invaders as the “green zone” ミ reported on Wednesday that plans are being considered to move all the surviving members of the collaborationist “drafting committee” to the relatively peaceful province of Irbil in the far north of occupied Iraq, in the hopes of protecting them from Resistance attacks.
Although the local, Arab, and international media covered the story of the assassination of the three Sunni Arab collaborator members of the “drafting committee” on Tuesday, they provided no coverage of the car bombing that killed the 25 at Camp Sarah or of the funerals in Baghdad, al-Hillah, and an-Najaf that followed the attack.
On the other hand, Mafkarat al-Islam noted, the death and burial of ‘Ali Shakir ‘Idan, the Chairman of the puppet “Iraqi taekwondo federation,” was given extensive coverage by the pliant media.
Babil Province.
Four foreign profiteer contractors killed in ambush south of Baghdad Wednesday afternoon.
In a dispatch posted at 4:27pm Mecca time Wednesday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance fighters attacked a column of armor-plated cars of the type used by foreign profiteer contractors serving the US occupation in the al-Latifiyah area south of Baghdad.
Residents of al-Latifiyah told Mafkarat al-Islam that Resistance fighters armed with light weapons, BKC machine guns, and hand grenades set one of the vehicles on fire, killing four foreign profiteer contractors.
Bomb blasts oil pipeline between al-Latifiyah and al-Mahmudiyah.
A bomb exploded on an oil pipeline running between al-Latifiyah and al-Mahmudiyah, south of Baghdad, igniting a fire, according to a report posted by the Qatari News Agency (Qana) at 5:11pm GMT Wednesday.
An official source in the Babil puppet police told Qana that a fire crew was still engaged in trying to extinguish the fire.
In a dispatch posted at 12:45pm Mecca time Wednesday, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance fighters attacked a joint US-Iraqi puppet patrol on the highway east of al-Yusufiyah, which is south of Baghdad.
Owners of groves in al-Yusufiyah who witnessed the attack told Mafkarat al-Islam that about eight Resistance fighters attacked the joint patrol of American troops and puppet so-called “wolf brigade” troops of the puppet “interior ministry,” sparking a firefight that lasted about seven minutes.
Two pickups owned by the Iraqi puppet forces were set on fire and one American soldier and six Iraqi puppet troops were killed in the attack. Three American soldiers and three Iraqi “wolf brigade” members were wounded. The witnesses said that one of the Resistance fighters was martyred in the engagement.
At the time of writing the correspondent reported that US and stooge forces were searching houses and groves near the scene of the battle, looking for the Resistance fighters who carried out the ambush, but had found nothing, as witnesses reported that the Resistance attackers had already managed to leave the area after the attack.
Salah ad-Din Province.
Tuz Khurmatu.
Resistance car bomb blasts US military patrol, destroying vehicle early Wednesday.
An Iraqi Resistance car bomb exploded by a US military patrol on the main street in the city of Tuz Khurmatu, east of Tikrit, on Wednesday morning, according to an announcement by the US military as reported by the Qatari News Agency (Qana) in a dispatch posted at 11:23am GMT Wednesday morning.
According to the US statement, the blast destroyed one Humvee, wounding the US troops who were riding in it.
A bomb exploded on a pipeline carrying crude oil west of Samarra’, igniting a fire, according to a report posted by the Qatari News Agency (Qana) at 5:11pm GMT Wednesday.
Qana quoted a source in the puppet security service as saying that fire broke out on the line that transports crude from Bayji in the north to the refineries at the southern Baghdad suburb of ad-Durah. The fire was still blazing at noon Wednesday.
Ninwa Province.
Resistance bombards US base northwest of Baghdad Wednesday afternoon.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired four medium-range Grad rockets into the US base in the Sinjar area northwest of Mosul in northern Iraq at 2pm local time Wednesday afternoon.
Residents of the Sinjar area reported the attack to Mafkarat al-Islam, whose correspondent wrote that the barrage set off violent explosions inside the base, sending plumes of smoke rising into the sky over the American-occupied facility.
US soldier reported killed in bomb attack on fuel convoy early Wednesday.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US fuel truck convoy in the ash-Sharqat area south of Mosul at 7am local time Wednesday morning.
Residents of ash-Sharqat told the correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam that the bomb blew up as the convoy of US military fuel tank trucks passed by loaded with fuel on the road linking Mosul with Baghdad. The blast set one of the tanks on fire, killing one American soldier.
Five puppet police killed in Resistance attack.
Iraqi Resistance fighters opened fire on Iraqi puppet police, killing five puppet policemen ミ three of them officers in the force ミ according to a commander in the Ninwa Province puppet police who was quoted by the Qatari News Agency (Qana) in a dispatch posted at 6:19pm GMT Wednesday afternoon.
US troops set off huge explosion in Mosul Wednesday.
Brigadier General Sa‘id Ahmad al-Jabburi, the public relations and information director for the puppet police command in Ninwa Province told the Qatari News Agency (Qana) that a massive fire erupted when American occupation troops opened fire on a truck loaded with gunpowder in the as-Sukkar neighborhood on the left bank of the Tigris River in Mosul Wednesday.
In a dispatch posted at 6:19pm GMT Wednesday, Qana quoted al-Jabburi as saying that the inferno consumed a large number of cars and inflicted numerous injuries on people in the area.
At-Ta’mim Province.
Resistance bomb sets oil pipeline ablaze near Kirkuk.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under an oil pipe line running from the Kirkuk oil fields, igniting a large fire, according to a dispatch from the Qatari News Agency (Qana) posted at 11:23am GMT Wednesday,