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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2005/07/17
装甲車1両が炎上 3名が戦死,2名が負傷している
ハンビー1台が完全に破壊され,乗員4名が戦死 地元の男性が爆発で軽傷を負っている
ハンビー1台が炎上 アメリカ兵4名が死傷する
燃料タンカー3台が炎上 アメリカ兵4名が戦死,1名が負傷している
ハンビー1台と傀儡軍の兵員輸送車1台が炎上 アメリカ兵2名が戦死,4名が負傷 傀儡軍兵士5名が戦死している
アメリカ軍の軍用車両少なくとも4台が炎上 アメリカ兵と傀儡軍兵士20名以上が戦死,または負傷する
ハンビー2台が使用不能に アメリカ兵4名が戦死,6名が負傷する
バスラ大学の歴史学の教授で,スンニ派の‘Ala’ Dawud Salman教授が何者かに射殺される
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Sunday, 17 July 2005
By: Muhammad Abu Nasr on: 18.07.2005 [05:37 ] (131 reads)
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member, editorial board, the Free Arab Voice.
Sunday, 17 July 2005.
Al-Anbar Province.
Three US troops reported killed near al-Hadithah late Sunday afternoon.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US military column on the strategic road near the village of al-Haqlaniyah in the area of al-Hadithah, 250km west of Baghdad at 5pm local time Sunday afternoon.
Residents of al-Haqlaniyah told the correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam based in al-Hadithah that a Resistance bomb that was planted by the side of the strategic road used by the US forces as their main route between American bases in western Iraq, blew up as a column of eight American Humvees passed by.
The witnesses said that the blast destroyed one Humvee, killing three US troops and wounding two more.
Resistance roadside bomb blasts US armored vehicle early Sunday afternoon.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US military patrol in the at-Ta’mim area to the south of ar-Ramadi at 2pm local time Sunday afternoon.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported residents of the al-Qadisiyah neighborhood in the middle of at-Ta’mim as saying that a Resistance bomb that was planted by the side of the road leading to the US al-Warrar base west of ar-Ramadi, blew up as a patrol of two US armored vehicles and three Humvees passed by.
The correspondent reported that the explosion set one of the armored vehicles on fire, killing two US troops and wounding three more. After the blast, US occupation troops opened fire indiscriminately around the area, wounding three local civilians, one of them severely.
Four US troops reported killed in roadside bombing in Hit Sunday morning.
An Iraqi Resistance roadside bomb exploded by a US military patrol on the main road in the al-Mu‘allimin neighborhood in Hit at 11am local time Sunday morning.
Residents of the neighborhood reported that the bomb, planted near the ‘Uqbah ibn Nafi‘ school, blew up as a patrol of six US Humvees passed by. The witnesses told Mafkarat al-Islam that the blast totally destroyed one Humvee, killing its crew of four US troops. The witnesses said that a local man was also slightly injured in the explosion.
Resistance bombards US base east of al-Fallujah just after midnight Sunday morning.
Iraqi Resitance forces bombarded the US base in the agricultural area east of al-Fallujah with eight heavy 120mm mortar rounds at 1am Sunday morning.
Residents of the al-‘Askari neighborhood in the eastern part of al-Fallujah told Mafkarat al-Islam that the barrage set off violent explosions inside the base sending visible flames and smoke into the sky.
After the attack US and puppet troops supported by helicopters launched a campaign of raids and arrests in northern and western parts of the city, arresting more than 20 residents of al-Fallujah.
Resistance bomb blasts US patrol in ar-Ridwaniyah, killing soldier Sunday afternoon.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the path of a US military patrol in the ar-Ridwaniyah area southwest of Baghdad Sunday afternoon..
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported residents of al-Kartan village east of ar-Ridwaniyah as saying that a bomb, which was planted by the side of the main road in ar-Ridwaniyah that leas to Saddam International Airport blew up as a US patrol of five Humvees passed by at 3pm local time Sunday afternoon.
The correspondent reported that the blast set one of the vehicles on fire, killing a US soldier and wounding four more, some of them severely.
Baghdad awakes to more Bombings targeting US and puppet forces.
An Iraqi Resistance martyrdom fighter drove an explosives-laden car into a patrol of the puppet “shock troops” of the puppet “interior ministry” to the east of Baghdad Sunday morning , killing four puppet troops and wounding about 16 more persons, most of them puppet police, Quds Press reported in a dispatch posted at 8am GMT Sunday morning.
A source in the Iraqi puppet police told Quds Press that an Iraqi Resistance martyrdom fighter drove an explosives-laden vehicle into a puppet police patrol on Muhammad al-Qasim Road where it passes near the an-Nu‘ayriyah area. The puppet police source said that civilians were among those injured in the blast and ambulances joined fire trucks on the scene.
Another car bomb exploded by a column of puppet “interior ministry shock troops” in the as-Sayyidiyah area in the southwest of Baghdad, according to a source in the “shock troop” force. The source told Quds Press that three of their men were killed and a number more wounded. Afterwards US and Iraqi stooge forces surrounded the area where the blast took place and prevented anyone from approaching.
Fierce fighting broke out in the Diyala Bridge area in the east of Baghdad between Resistance fighters and US and puppet forces Sunday morning. Quds Press reported that it had no information on the nature of the fighting but said it was severe and that US forces had cut off that part of the city.
US and Iraqi stooge forces deployed in many parts of Baghdad early Sunday apprehensive of new Resistance attacks.
Salah ad-Din Province.
Resistance bombards US camp in Balad Sunday afternoon.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired four 82mm mortar rounds into the US military camp east of the city of Balad, which is north of Baghdad.
Witnesses told the Balad correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam that the Resistance fired the four rockets at he US camp at 4pm local time, setting fire to a large part of the facility.
US forces surrounded the area where the camp is located with heavy security, keeping local people and the press away and making it impossible for the correspondent to ascertain the extent or nature of US casualties.
In a dispatch posted at 1:10pm Sunday, Mecca time, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance fighters attacked a US military truck convoy hauling fuel for American occupation forces on the main road in the area of refineries (al-Masafi) west of Bayji, north of Tikrit on Sunday.
Residents of the area told Mafkarat al-Islam’s Bayji correspondent that a number of Resistance fighters armed with light and medium weapons including RPG7 rocket-propelled grenades attacked a convoy of eight US military fuel tankers and two Humvees, setting three of the loaded tank trucks ablaze and killing four American troops and wounding a fifth.
Witnesses reported that one of the Resistance fighters was killed in the course of the attack.
Starting Saturday-Sunday night Iraqi Resistance fighters mounted several attacks at joint US-Iraqi puppet “national guard” patrols in the south, west, and center of the city of at-Tarimiyah, just northwest of Baghdad.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported residents of at-Tarimiyah as saying that Resistance fighters armed with light and medium weapons including RPG7 rocket-propelled grenades and BKC machine guns attacked a joint US-puppet guard patrol at the southern entrance to at-Tarimiyah. The Resistance set one US Humvee and one Iraqi puppet troop transport on fire. Two US troops and five Iraqi puppet soldiers were killed and four US troops were wounded.
Less than an hour later, another battle erupted in the western and central parts of at-Tarimiyah when Resistance fighters attacked a number of patrols of US and Iraqi puppet forces, setting fire to at least four US vehicles and killing or wounding more than 20 US and Iraqi puppet troops.
In his dispatch posted at 9:36am Mecca time Sunday morning, the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent wrote that the fighting was still underway in the city.
Ninwa Province.
Four US troops reported killed in martyrdom bomb attack at noon Sunday.
An Iraqi Resistance martyrdom fighter drove an explosives-packed car into a US military column in the al-Ba‘aj area west of Mosul in northern Iraq at 12 noon local time Sunday.
Residents of al-Ba‘aj told the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent based in Mosul that the Resistance martyrdom fighter blasted his car bomb into a column of eight US armored vehicles and four Humvees as the column was proceeding along the main road leading to the town of Sinjar to the north.
The attack disabled two US armored vehicles, killing four American troops and wounding another six of them.
Al-Basrah Province.
Sunni university professor shot dead in al-Basrah.
Unknown gunmen shot and killed Dr. ‘Ala’ Dawud Salman, 32, of the Islamic History Department in the College of History at al-Basrah University at midday on Sunday.
The al-Basrah correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the two individuals who were with Dr. Salman were wounded in the attack: Muhannad Dawud Salman, the younger brother of the deceased who is an instructor in the college; and a Dr Mun‘im who serves as Assistant Dean of the History College in al-Basrah University.
A medical source in al-Basrah Teaching Hospital (recently re-named “as-Sadr Hospital”) told Mafkarat al-Islam that Muhannad Salman is in very serious condition, but that Dr. Mun‘im’s condition has stabilized and he is undergoing treatment following removal of a bullet.
The shooting took place at 1:30pm local time when the professors of the History College were leaving their offices on their way home in the Abu al-Khasib area. They had gone only about one kilometer from their offices when they came under fire from opposite the al-Basrah car expo.
All three men are Sunnis and Sunday’s killing was the latest in a series of attacks targeting Sunni professors in the city. Last week, the correspondent reported, a Dr. Jumhur, a professor of the Arabic Language in al-Basrah University, was kidnapped.