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イギリスの電子版「Truth Seeker」からの記事の引用です。
特に重要な数字は、6, 11, 13 及びこれらの数字の倍数である22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77 と26, 39などである。また同じ数字が3個続く111, 222, 333 などは更に神聖な数字とされている。
*7月 22日 2005 年のそれぞれの数を足すと、(7+2+2+2+0+0+5) = 18 または 3x6 または6+6+6である。 666 は大変強いオカルトの数となる(獣の印)
*7月 22日 は、7月7日のロンドン爆破事件から360時間後であり、これは 3x6 または 18 または 6+6+6とも見ることができる
*7月 22 日は、4月2日(イタリア時間)のヨハネ・パウロ2世の死から111日目である。また彼の死がバチカンから告知された21時37 分(イタリア時間)は、21 X 37 = 777となる。この777 は、たぶん最も重要な意味を持つあるオカルトの数である。
*今年5月27日(金)に、世界で最も有名なロンドンの大時計が13分間、停止した(10:07pm または22:07pm)。こういうことは過去に2,3回起こっただけだ (アメリカ人読者へ:イギリスでは、日・月・年の順で書く。 22/07/2005という具合に).
*7月 22 日は、2000年9月10日(世界統一の公式的な誕生日と広く認識されている日)から1776日目である。
*1776というのは、多くの人にとって、アダム・ヴァイスハウプトが1776年5月1日に、Order of Perfectibilists (後のイルミナティー)を設立した1776年5月1日の1776としてなじみ深い数字だと思うが、これと世界統一支配(ニュー・ワールド・オーダー)の数字がぴったりと重なる。
*新しく建設される予定のWTCの高さは、1776フィートに設計されている(1776 はまた1110 + 666 である)
Where Will You be on July 22, 2005?
By Michael B. Haupt ・www.threeworldwars.com July 15, 2005
The independent media is abuzz with the significance of the 777 'signature' on the date of the recent London explosions (7+7+2+0+0+5=777). Have you also picked up on the significance that this event happened 16 Years, 6 Months, and 16 Days since the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 which took place on 21 December 1988 over Lockerbie, Scotland?
666 and 777 are very strong occult signatures, and there are many more 'coincidences' surrounding the London attacks ・far too many to comment on here, particularly since this article looks ahead at other possible 'terrorist' attacks.
An important question to ask is "Why do perpetrators (whoever they may be) choose to stamp their 'signatures' all over major world events?"
For 2 reasons:
1. They want to hide the truth from the masses, while communicating their success to the elite all over the world, without being caught out. Remember how public radio broadcasts were used to transmit secret messages to resistance members in World War 2? Exactly the same method works now.
2. Pagan leadership believes that a good plan may fail unless it is carried out 'by the numbers'. The most venerated occult numbers are: 6, 11, 13, and multiples thereof, especially 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77 and 26, 39, etc. A triplication of numbers is also considered sacred (possibly even more sacred) to the occultist: 111, 222, 333, etc.
The method has been effectively used throughout history:
- Ending of WW1 at 11:00 on 11/11/1918;
- The 9/11 atrocities (also stamped with repeated 11's);
- The Madrid Train Bombings (911 days after 9/11);
- And the recent London Bombings (stamped with 777 and many more numerological 'coincidences'.
The evidence FOR such 'signatures' on major world events is overwhelming, and far too lengthy to cover in this short article. Nevertheless, there is a natural skepticism to accepting what is blatantly obvious. The reason is because we have all been brought up on a diet of the Accidental View of History ・in other words, events happen just because they do. On the other side of the coin is the Conspiratorial View of History, which argues, very convincingly, that major world events are planned according to a specific timeline, and for very specific reasons.
What's Up With July 22, 2005?
Following the same reasoning and logic of the 'signatures' discussed above, it appears possible that Friday, July 22 may be another date on which an event might be staged.
But before I continue, please note that I am NOT predicting any specific event, nor am I spreading unnecessary fear and panic. I am purely pointing out a number of coincidences surrounding 22 July for you to consider and either discard as the rantings of a lunatic, or to take precautionary measures. I hope and pray nothing happens on the day.
The main reason I am mentioning this is because of a direct command:
'But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.' - Ezekiel 33:6.
So by pointing out some of the interesting patterns, I am purely 'blowing the trumpet'.
Here goes:
- The individual numbers of the date added together for July 22 2005 (7+2+2+2+0+0+5) = 18 or 3x6 or 6+6+6. 666 is a very strong occult number, and many will recognize it as the apparent Sign of the Beast.
- July 22 is 360 hours after the London Bombings on July 7th (another disguised form of 3x6 or 18 or 6+6+6).
- July 22 is 111 days after the death of Pope John Paul II on April 2nd. The Pope's death was announced with smoke billowing from the Vatican at 21:37 (Italian Time). 21 multiplied by 37 = 777. 777 is perhaps the most significant occult number.
- On Friday 27 May, 2005, Big Ben, one of the world's most famous clocks in London, stopped for 13 minutes, something which has only happened a few times in history. The time at which it stopped? 10:07pm, or 22:07. (Explanation for US readers: dates in England are written with the day first e.g. 22/07/2005). If this stoppage was planned, what an excellent way to send a covert message to those who know what to look for.
- July 22 is 1776 days after September 10, 2000, which is widely accepted as the official birth of the New World Order.
- Many will recognize the 1776 date, as this is the year in which Adam Weishaupt formed the Order of Perfectibilists on May 1, 1776 (still celebrated today throughout the world as May Day), which later became known as the Illuminati, a secret society whose name means 摘nlightened Ones・ which of course many will be familiar with. It seems fitting that a group such as the Illuminati would see great significance in celebrating the birth of their New World Order by posthumously acknowledging the man who started it all.
- Still not convinced? The newly approved design for the replacement of the WTC stands 1776 feet tall. (1776 is also equal to 1110 plus 666.)
There are MANY more coincidences surrounding July 22, and I have prepared a far more detailed report if this interests you, where you can also post your own thoughts and reactions too. www.threeworldwars.com/jul22.htm
For the skeptics, I realize that each of these coincidences mean nothing on their own, but with such an abundance of coincidences (12 and counting), it sounds rather convincing to me.
As for me, I'm going to make sure I'm nowhere near a major city on that day - better to be safe than sorry! And I'm going to make sure I know what to do in case something does happen.
Michael Haupt is a WW3 Researcher. Get access to his free, no-nonsense, widely acclaimed newsletter, which tracks the coming planned World War Three: www.threeworldwars.com
Big Ben Stops
New WTC Stands 1776 feet Tall
July 7, 2005, forms a "777", THE most powerful number to powerful occult groups
9/11's Obvious Occult Signatures
Further Reading:
Background Reading on Occult Numerology:
A Detailed Report of Occult Signatures Throughout History:
A Discussion of Conspiratorial vs. Accidental History
Article Describing the Birth of the New World Order on Sep 10, 2000
How to Prepare for the Coming Tough Times
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Last updated 16/07/2005