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(回答先: 世界を揺るがすイスラエル入植者 田中宇の国際ニュース解説 投稿者 愚民党 日時 2005 年 7 月 06 日 04:39:23)
Fri., July 01, 2005 Sivan 24, 5765| |Israel Time: 01:37 (EST+7)
IDF blocks media from covering Gaza hotel evacuation
By Anat Balint
The IDF yesterday banned reporters from entering Gush Katif during the raid on the hotel on the Neveh Dekalim beach.
However, several reporters and photographers, fearing just that, had positioned themselves in Gush Katif in advance.
Thus, when the evacuation began, a few dozen journalists were already in the hotel where extreme right wing activists were living, and documented the operation freely. Meanwhile, their colleagues who wished to enter Gush Katif were stopped at the Kissufim roadblock. They were sent from one roadblock to another, detained first by IDF and police forces and later by settlers, who were also blocking roads in the region.
When the journalists were finally brought to the evacuation area in an IDF vehicle, it was all over. All they could do was attend the news conference held by GOC Southern Command Dan Harel in the hotel later.
Channel 1 reporter Viko Atouane and Maariv photographer Edi Yisrael, who arrived at the roadblock set up some 100 meters south of the hotel, were arrested by security forces. They were handcuffed at the order of a lieutenant colonel and taken to the Kissufim junction outside the Gaza Strip. Shortly afterward, a police car took them back to the hotel area, but the evacuation had been completed.
"We were 100 meters south of the hotel, which was already full of journalists and photographers, and they presented us with a closure order," Atouane said. "Right-wing activists were trying to reach the hotel, and for some reason the officer decided to arrest all of us, even after he saw our press cards. They handcuffed us and put us in a Hummer. We missed the event, but Channel 1 cameramen were inside and brought amazing footage," he said.
Haaretz photographer Limor Edrey, who was in the hotel during the evacuation, said, "It was a photographers' paradise. The evacuation was very quick, and wherever we turned we took excellent pictures," she said.
All this while Haaretz reporter Nir Hasson and some 20 other journalists were held up at the Kissufim junction, trying to enter the Gaza Strip.
"We argued and squabbled with the IDF the entire day," Hasson said. "The roadblocks started before the Kissufim junction, on the western Negev roads. They told us they would let us in as soon as the operation began, but it started and ended very quickly. Even after they brought us close to the site, they still blocked our way. They let vehicles in, but none of us had vehicles at that stage. It was all done with shouting, arguments and endless phone calls to the IDF spokesman."
The IDF's conduct engendered a great deal of anger among the news media. A senior Yedioth Ahronoth source said that the IDF had taken advantage of the time before the closure to prevent news coverage. "The IDF acted against Israeli civilians, without the required and necessary media coverage," he said. The newspaper did not have a reporter and photographer in the hotel during the evacuation.
IDF spokeswoman Brigadier General Miri Regev said, "In principle, we intended to let the media cover the evacuation. We brought the media to Kissufim intending to permit coverage as soon as troops broke into the hotel. And we did, but the operation ended in 15 minutes. You should applaud the IDF for that. Also, the settlers blocked roads in Gush Katif."
Asked about the arrest and handcuffing of Atouane and Yisrael, Regev said, "We are investigating the matter. From what I know, they violated the closure order. They were cuffed and put in a vehicle by policemen at the scene. In any case, if reporters refuse to leave an area at our order, we will get them out. This is an evacuation, not a circus."
Israeli cabinet rejects 3-month Gaza pullout delay
04.07.05 1.00pm
By Jeffrey Heller
JERUSALEM - Israel's cabinet has rejected a proposal to delay the start of a Gaza pullout for three months, setting the stage for a showdown between Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and his main political rival Benjamin Netanyahu.
The attempt to force Sharon to postpone the withdrawal slated to begin in mid-August was a sharp reminder of the opposition he faces in his right-wing Likud party to the plan he has championed and a sign of internal leadership battles ahead.
Fears that ultranationalist opponents of the move out of Gaza might attack Israeli leaders also surfaced at the prime minister's office, where the Shin Bet security service fitted cabinet members for new bulletproof vests before they convened.
It was not known if the bulky Sharon, who has quipped that no bulletproof vest fits him, was also measured for body armour.
Sharon aims to evacuate all 21 Jewish settlements in Gaza, which is home to 1.3 million Palestinians, and four of 120 in the West Bank. US-led mediators hope the disengagement will foster a "road map" peace process between Israel and Palestinians seeking statehood in occupied lands.
While opinion polls have shown most Israelis favour his plan, Sharon has been confronted with escalating protests by fringe ultranationalists, some of whom have threatened his life.
Palestinians welcome any Israeli withdrawals from lands occupied in the 1967 Middle East war. However, they say they fear Sharon intends to leave Gaza mainly in order to cement Israel's hold on much larger settlements in the West Bank.
At a stormy session, the cabinet voted 18-3 against Likud Agriculture Minister Yisrael Katz's proposed three-month delay.
Netanyahu, a former prime minister who has long sought a political comeback, supported Katz, who said more time was needed to complete pullout preparations. Opponents of the plan have questioned the readiness of Israeli forces.
Sharon, with backing from his main coalition partner, Shimon Peres's Labour Party, had been widely expected to beat back Katz's proposal before a parliamentary vote on the issue on Wednesday that seems certain to go the Israeli leader's way.
"Any delay is dangerous," a government official quoted Sharon as telling the cabinet against the backdrop of confrontations last week between ultranationalists and soldiers who ejected them from a Gaza stronghold they had seized.
*"Major shock" to Israeli economy
Ahead of the Knesset vote, a face-off was shaping up between Sharon and Netanyahu, who now holds the finance portfolio and who an aide said intends to show his disapproval of an August pullout by staying away from Wednesday's legislative session.
Sharon has signalled he could take Netanyahu's absence as tantamount to voting in parliament against the government, grounds in Israel for firing a cabinet member. But while flexing his muscles, Sharon would divide the Likud more deeply.
Political commentator Yossi Verter, writing in the Haaretz newspaper, said sacking Netanyahu would also deal "a major shock" to the Israeli economy and stock market.
"If the crisis was planned, then Sharon is striving to split the Likud and form a new political framework," Verter wrote.
In 2003, Netanyahu embarked on a series of free-market reforms such as cutting taxes and government spending and privatising state-owned companies.
Netanyahu, who reluctantly voted in parliament for the pullout, has come under pressure from Jewish settler leaders to take a strong position against the first evacuation of settlements built on land Palestinians want for a future state.
Standing up to Sharon now could bolster Netanyahu among Likud hard-liners who will be key to choosing the party's prime ministerial candidate in a general election due late next year but widely expected to be called sooner.
A Netanyahu aide said the finance minister favoured the pullout delay to give the government more time to prepare homes in Israel for Gaza's 8,500 settlers and also feared a security vacuum in the territory that Palestinian gunmen would fill.
Opponents of Sharon's pullout plan would reward Palestinian militants who have spearheaded an uprising that began in 2000.
The prime minister calls Gaza a security liability.
Israelis begin leaving settlements
Monday 04 July 2005, 10:57 Makka Time, 7:57 GMT
Families have begun leaving settlements in the West Bank and Gaza Strip that are due to be emptied next month under Israel's pullout plan.
Accord reached on W Bank-Gaza link
Tuesday 05 July 2005, 8:00 Makka Time, 5:00 GMT
Israelis and Palestinians have reached an agreement over a means of transportation between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.
Youth detained in Gaza attack
The New York Times
Massive Israeli deployment for pullout
Wednesday 06 July 2005, 6:06 Makka Time, 3:06 GMT
Israel is planning to send 45,000 soldiers and police to evacuate 9000 settlers from the Gaza Strip and part of the West Bank starting next month.
Second Israeli arrested over attack
Wednesday 06 July 2005, 0:25 Makka Time, 21:25 GMT
Israeli police have arrested a second suspect for the attempted lynching of a Palestinian teenager in the Gaza Strip last week, Israeli military radio says.