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イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2005/06/28
投稿者 white 日時 2005 年 6 月 29 日 18:02:53: QYBiAyr6jr5Ac

□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2005/06/28

 レジスタンスがアメリカ軍のキャンプを砲撃 アメリカ兵5名が戦死,3名が負傷

  ハンビー1台が炎上 アメリカ兵5名が死傷し,傀儡軍兵士4名が戦死する
  傀儡警察本部への砲撃でハンビー1台が炎上 アメリカ兵9名と傀儡警察3名が死傷

  トラック1台が炎上 アメリカ兵1名が戦死,2名が負傷する


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Tuesday, 28 June 2005
By: Muhammad Abu Nasr on: 29.06.2005 [05:46 ] (135 reads)

Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member, editorial board, the Free Arab Voice.

Tuesday, 28 June 2005.

Al-Anbar Province.


Resistance blasts US headquarters in al-Qa’im.

In a dispatch posted at 11:15am Mecca time Tuesday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance forces fired six mortar rounds into the US headquarters located at the al-Walid crossing in the city of al-Qa’im on the border with Syria in western Iraq.

Witnesses told Mafkarat al-Islam that the barrage sent flame and plumes of smoke rising into the sky over the US-occupied facility.


US soldier reported killed in Tuesday morning roadside bombing.

An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US military patrol in the al-Haqlaniyah area south of the city of al-Hadithah in western Iraq at 8am local time Tuesday morning.

Residents of the village of al-Haqlaniyah who witnessed the attack told Mafkarat al-Islam that the bomb was planted by an electricity pole on the main road in the village. The device went off as a patrol of four US Humvees passed by, leaving one on fire and killing one US soldier and wounding four more.


Resistance barrage on US camp leaves five US troops dead Tuesday morning.

Iraqi Resistance forces fired four medium-range Grad rockets into a US military barracks in the al-Jaghifi neighborhood of al-Fallujah at 7am local time Tuesday morning.

Residents of al-Jaghifi told Mafkarat al-Islam that the barrage destroyed a large part of the American barracks ミ which is actually a primary school that the American troops have commandeered. The building caught fire as a result of the bombardment and five US soldiers were killed and three more wounded.

Quds Press reported local sources as saying that four mortar rounds blasted into the US headquarters in the school, igniting fires and sending up black smoke and damaging the building. As is usual, US forces released no information regarding the extent or nature of their casualties.

Quds Press reported, however, that witnesses described the Americans after the attack as being in a state of “confusion and chaos,” as US Air Force helicopters came in to prowl the skies over the city.

Following Resistance attack on al-Jaghifi barracks, US launches raids in southern al-Fallujah.

In a dispatch posted at 10:40am Mecca time Tuesday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that US forces backed up by their Iraqi stooges had begun a campaign of house-to-house raids and searches in the southern parts of al-Fallujah at about 10:30am Tuesday morning local time.

The correspondent reported residents of the neighborhoods of an-Nazal and ash-Shuhada’ in the south of the city as saying that US and Iraqi puppet troops were at that moment raiding and searching houses and arresting residents in those two neighborhoods, in the wake of the barrage that the Resistance had unleashed on a US barracks in the al-Jaghifi neighborhood in the north of the city earlier in the morning.

The correspondent reported that the Americans had used loud speakers to announce that the US and Iraqi puppet forces were carrying out the raids in search of Resistance fighters who are carrying out rocket attacks on American occupation troops inside the city.


Resistance bomb kills two US troops at noon Tuesday.

An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US military column in as-Saqlawiyah, north of al-Fallujah and about 50km west of Baghdad at noon Tuesday local time.

Witnesses told the al-Fallujah correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam that the bomb was planted by the side of the highway at the northern entrance to as-Saqlawiyah village. The device exploded as a US armored column drove out of the village on its way to the main US base east of al-Fallujah.

The witnesses said that the blast disabled one American armored vehicle, killing two US troops and wounding four more.


US soldier reported killed in roadside bombing in at-Taji.

In a dispatch posted at 3:20pm Mecca time Tuesday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US patrol in the area of at-Taji, a northern suburb of Baghdad Tuesday.

Residents of at-Taji told Mafkarat al-Islam that the bomb was planted near the at-Taji military base now occupied by US military forces by the side of the main road to downtown Baghdad. The device exploded as a patrol of six US Humvees was passing by. The blast damaged one of the vehicles and killed one American soldier and wounded three more.

Resistance clashes with US, puppet troops in al-Khadra’ neighborhood Tuesday morning.

In a dispatch posted at 9:39am Mecca time Tuesday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that at the time of writing fierce fighting was raging between Iraqi Resistance forces and a joint US-Iraqi puppet patrol in the al-Khadra’ neighborhood in the west of Baghdad.

Residents of al-Khadra’ told the correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam that about 12 Resistance fighters, armed with light and medium weapons including RPG7 rocket-propelled grenades and BKC machineguns, clashed with the joint US-puppet patrol. The initial results of the fighting were that one US Humvee had been set on fire and two Americans killed. Three other US troops were wounded and four Iraqi puppet troops had been killed at the time of writing.

Resistance car bomb kills collaborator politician in ar-Rashidiyah Tuesday morning.

An Iraqi Resistance car bomb blasted the motorcade in which Sarri ‘Ali al-Fayyad, a member of the collaborationist so-called Iraqi National Association, along with his son and three bodyguards were riding in the ar-Rashidiyah area of Baghdad on Tuesday.

The American TV network CNN, as monitored by Mafkarat al-Islam, reported that an explosives-laden car surged towards the vehicle in which al-Fayyad ミ a Shaykh of the Shi‘i al-Bu ‘Amir tribe ミ was riding at 9:45am local time.

Al-Fayyad is the second member of the puppet “parliament” elected under US auspices to be killed by the Resistance since the current puppet “government” of Shi‘i chauvinist Ibrahim al-Ja‘fari took over in April.

Later in the day on Tuesday the Iraqi Resistance organization Base Qa‘idah of the Jihad in the Land of the Two Rivers announced its responsibility for the assassination of Darri al-Fayyad. The al-Jazeera satellite TV network, as monitored by Mafkarat al-Islam, reported that the Base issued a statement claiming responsibility for eliminating the oldest member of the collaborator party (al-Fayyad was 87) in a statement published on the Internet.

US Knight Ridder news agency: puppet police systematically abduct, torture, murder Iraqi Sunnis and suspected Resistance sympathizers. Writer of the report pays for his truthfulness with his life.

Months after the stories began appearing in the Iraqi Resistance Report, the American Knight Ridder newspapers recently reported that Iraqi puppet security forces have been torturing and killing Iraqi Sunnis.

A story by Tom Lasseter and Yasser Salihee for the Knight Ridder papers published on Monday 27 June 2005 reported that “days after Iraq's new Shi‘i-led puppet government was announced on April 28, the bodies of Sunni Muslim men began turning up at the capital’s central morgue after the men had been detained by people wearing Iraqi police uniforms.”

The American agency reported that Fayiq Baqr, “the director and chief forensic investigator at the central Baghdad morgue, said that the corpses first caught his attention because the men appeared to have been killed in methodical fashion. Their hands had been tied or handcuffed behind their backs, their eyes were blindfolded and they appeared to have been tortured. In most cases the dead men looked as if they had been whipped with a cord, subjected to electric shocks or beaten with a blunt object and shot to death, often with single bullets to their heads.”

The American news report said that marks on those bodies were similar to injuries found on prisoners whom the Iraqi puppet “ministry for human rights,” prodded by families of vicitms, rescued from secret prisons run by the puppet so-called “interior ministry” according to family accounts and medical records.

Knight Ridder reported that American occupation authorities and Iraqi puppet officials said that the puppet police murders are “not being investigated systematically.” The agency said, however, that in dozens of interviews with families and puppet officials, and through a review of medical records a Knight Ridder reporter and two special correspondents found more than 30 examples of this type of killing in less than a week. They include 12 cases with specific dates, times, names, and witnesses who said they might come forward if asked to do so by the puppet authorities.

The puppet so-called “ministry of the interior,” which oversees the Iraqi puppet police, denies any involvement in the murders, Knight Ridder reported. “But eyewitnesses said that many of the dead were apprehended by large groups of men driving white Toyota Land Cruisers with puppet police markings.” Knight Ridder reported that “The men were wearing puppet police commando uniforms and bulletproof vests, carrying expensive 9-millimeter Glock pistols and using sophisticated radios, the witnesses said.”

American occupation officials cover up the systematic murders claiming that the victims were killed by Iraqi Resistance fighters dressed as puppet police. American Steven Casteel, a senior US adviser to the puppet so-called “ministry of the interior” and a former American Drug Enforcement Administration intelligence chief, admitted that the puppet forces at times “abused detainees” but denied reports of systematic sectarian abduction and murder by his charges. When Knight Ridder attempted to contact the puppet “interior minister” to get his comment on the reports, the agency was told that the puppet “minister” “could not schedule an interview.”

The puppet so-called “ministry of human rights” though more accepting of the stories was similarly evasive about the matter of placing blame for the murders.

Ra‘d Sultan, an official in puppet “ministry of human rights”whose job is to monitor the treatment of Iraqis in prisons and detention centers, said some puppet “interior ministry” employees have tortured Iraqis whom they suspected of supporting the Resistance.

For one thing, officials in the “interior ministry’s intelligence division deny having any detainees, at all, claiming that they only question inmates in Iraqi prisons. But one investigation by the so-called “human rights ministry” found 32 detainees, and another found 67 in “interior ministry” intelligence facilities. “The majority of the detainees had been tortured,” Knight Ridder quoted Sultan as saying.

Knight Ridder reported that “most of those who were tortured had their hands cuffed behind their backs, were blindfolded and had been beaten by cords or subjected to electrical shock, Sultan said.” The American news agency noted that “Fayiq Baqr, at the morgue, said the bodies that have been brought to him handcuffed and blindfolded had been similarly abused.”

But when it came to assigning blame for the torture and murder, the human rights official in the puppet regime was evasive. Knight Ridder quoted Sultan as saying, “when battered corpses turn up outside ‘interior ministry’ facilities, How can I prove it is the security forces” who were guilty of the torture and murder?

While it is evident to forensic investigator Fayiq Baqr what is going on, he too fears to state bluntly what is going on. Knight Ridder reported that “asked who he thought was behind the upsurge in such executions, Baqr said, ‘It is a very delicate subject for society when you are blaming the puppet police officers. . . . It is not an easy issue.” But Baqr cites the clear evidence of what is going on: “We hear that they are captured by the police and then the bodies are found killed . . . it’s obviously increasing.”

In fact the abductions, tortures and murders have been increasing at an overwhelming rate. Knight Ridder reported that Baqr said he had been unable to catalog the deaths because so many bodies have been brought through his morgue and because he doesn’t have enough doctors.

Before March 2003, he said, the morgue handled 200 to 250 suspicious deaths a month, about 16 of which included firearm injuries. He said he now sees 700 to 800 suspicious deaths a month, with some 500 having firearm wounds.

Many Iraqis say the giveaway that the abductors are at least connected to the police is the preponderance of reports involving Land Cruisers, Glocks and other expensive equipment.

Knight Ridder reported that: On May 5, for example, 14 Sunni farmers were picked up from an east Baghdad vegetable market. The farmers had driven to the capital from al-Mada’in, a town south of Baghdad where the month before the puppet regime had concocted a false story about Sunni Resistance fighters kidnapping and executing a Shi‘ah ミ a story later proved to be fabricated in an operation blamed on Iranian intelligence.

The bodies of the farmers were discovered in shallow graves the next day, Knight Ridder reported. They had been blindfolded and tortured, and their hands had been cuffed behind their backs.

In separate interviews this week, Knight Ridder reported, two men who were at the east Baghdad market at the time said they saw a large group of puppet police detain the farmers.

“A patrol of more than 10 police vehicles drove up and parked,” said ‘Ali Karim, a fruit vendor. “They were running through the street with their guns, saying that the farmers had a car bomb with them. They pushed them against the walls and asked them for their IDs.”

Knight Ridder reported that another vendor, Ahmed ‘Adil, gave a similar account in a separate interview.

“We were sitting,” Knight Ridder Reported ‘Adil as saying, “and the puppet police cars pulled up and spread in different directions. A neighborhood guard asked the puppet police what they were doing - he said these are just farmers - and the police said don’t get involved, they have a car bomb with them.”

A brigadier general in the puppet so-called “interior ministry,” who spoke to Knight Ridder on the condition of anonymity, said his brother was taken during a large raid on May 14 in his working-class Sunni neighborhood in western Baghdad.

His brother's body was found a day later. It bore signs of torture.

The general, who was not present when his brother was detained, said he canvassed the neighborhood and interviewed one family after the next.

The descriptions of the abductors were identical in every case, he said: They came in white police Toyota Land Cruisers, wore puppet police commando uniforms, flak vests and helmets. They also had Glocks.

Knight Ridder reported that the general said he had tried, through the “interior ministry,” to find out which commando unit was in that neighborhood when his brother disappeared. He also said colleagues have told him that his own life is now in danger.
A day before the general’s brother disappeared in west Baghdad, Anwar Jasim, a Sunni welder at the puppet so-called “Iraqi ministry of industry and minerals,” went missing from his south Baghdad home.

Knight Ridder reported that Jasim’s family said he was taken by a large group of men dressed and equipped like puppet police commandos.

Another man taken in Jasim's neighborhood, a local grocer who gave his name as Abu Ahmad, said he was taken to the same detention facility as Jasim. While he was there, he said, he and other men sat on the floor blindfolded and handcuffed. They listened to other prisoners screaming.

When the other prisoners were brought back into the room, Abu Ahmad said, they said they’d been pummeled with long wooden staffs.

“When we were in detention, they put blindfolds and handcuffs on us. On the second day, the soldiers were saying, ‘He's dead,’” said Abu Ahmad. “Later, we found out it was Anwar.”

Knight Ridder reported that the abductors dropped Jasim's body at Baghdad’s al-Yarmuk hospital the next day, hospital staffers said. According to hospital records, Jasim had a bullet wound in the back of his head and cuts and bruises on his abdomen, back and neck.

The man in charge of the al-Yarmuk morgue, who gave his name as Abu ‘Amir, said he remembers the day the commandos brought Jasim’s corpse.

“The commandos told me to keep the body outside of the refrigerator so that the dogs could eat it because he’s a terrorist and he deserves it,” Abu ‘Amir said, according to the Knight Ridder Reporters.

The killings didn't stop in May, Knight Ridder noted.

Sa‘di Khalif's body was also found at al-Yarmuk. The 52-year-old Sunni, along with his brother Muhammad, was taken from his home in western Baghdad on June 10. His abductors rode up in pickup trucks painted with Iraqi puppet police insignia, his family said. About 10 came into the house, while about twice as many fanned out in the street outside, forming a security perimeter. They had radios, uniforms, flak vests and helmets, family members said.

“The doctor told us he was choked and tortured before they shot him,” said Ahmad Khalif, one of Sa‘di’s brothers. “He looked like he had been dragged by a car.”

Muhammad Khalif, 47, also beaten and shot, still had on metal handcuffs at the al-Yarmuk morgue.

The Knight Ridder report concluded by noting that Yasser Salihee was a special correspondent who worked on the report. He was shot and killed last week in Baghdad in circumstances that remain unclear. Special correspondent Mohammed al Dulaimy also contributed to the report from Baghdad, Knight Ridder added.

(For a few examples of recent coverage of systematic abduction, torture, and murder by security forces of puppet regime ミ that Knight Ridder is only now picking up and which the major western media are continuing to ignore ミ see the following stories:
“Bodies of 14 prominent Sunni civilians found murdered in northern Baghdad. Board of Muslim ‘Ulama’ issues statement.” in the Iraqi Resistance Report for Friday, 6 May 2005; “Prominent Sunni tribal leader kidnapped, Sunni workmen arrested as sectarian ‘cleansing’ campaign by Shi‘i chauvinist collaborator authorities escalates,” in the Iraqi Resistance Report for Saturday, 14 May 2005; “Gunmen in civilian clothes stage strange raid on mosque, houses in Baghdad, abduct 17 persons,” and “Puppet regime forces kill Sunni religious leader, arrest another in growing sectarian repression,” in the Iraqi Resistance Report for Sunday, 15 May 2005; “Puppet forces wage massive sectarian campaign of raids, torture, murder targeted at Sunni personalities in conformity with US ‘divide and rule’ strategy of pitting Iraqis against each other,” and “Shaykh Hasan an-Nu‘aymi’s body identified among the dead,” in the Iraqi Resistance Report for Tuesday, 17 May 2005.)

Diyala Province.


Resistance bombards main US headquarters in Ba‘qubah.

In a dispatch posted at 1:12pm Mecca time Tuesday, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance forces unleashed a barrage of medium-range Grad rockets on the main US military headquarters in Ba‘qubah, in southern Diyala Province.

Residents of Ba‘qubah who witnessed the attack told Mafkarat al-Islam that four violent explosions shook the American base as a result of the barrage. Plumes of smoke rose into the sky over the stricken facility.

Resistance bombards US headquarters in puppet provincial office building in Ba‘qubah.

In a dispatch posted at 1:17pm Mecca time Tuesday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the US headquarters, set up in the Provincial puppet government office building in Ba‘qubah, sustained heavy damage in the Resistance barrage that pounded it.

Residents of the al-Mu‘allimin neighborhood in the middle of Ba‘qubah reported that four medium range Katyusha rockets blasted the building, igniting fires on the fa溝de of the structure and inflicting severe damaged on the building itself. No information on the extent of US casualties was available because American forces sealed off the area and prevented residents and journalists from approaching.

Salah ad-Din Province.


Resistance car bomber blasts main gate of US al-Bakr base.

An Iraqi Resistance martyrdom fighter blew drove a car bomb into the front gate of the US al-Bakr base in Balad, some 60km north of Baghdad at noon Tuesday local time.

Residents of the al-Bu Hishmah area adjacent to the base told the correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam that an Iraqi Resistance martyrdom fighter drove an explosives packed car into the entrance to the US base where it blew up near the first checkpoint at the front gate. The witnesses said that the blast killed or wounded about eight American troops.


Resistance bombards puppet police HDQ and joint US-Iraqi puppet Army HDQ in Samarra’.

In a dispatch posted at 1:55pm Mecca time Tuesday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance forces mounted a two-pronged rocket attack on the puppet police headquarters in Samarra’ and the joint US-Iraqi puppet army headquarters in the same city, located 120km north of Baghdad

Residents of Samarra’ told Mafkarat al-Islam that the Resistance fired six shells into the puppet police headquarters in the city when a patrol of six US Humvees was inside the facility. That barrage destroyed a part of the puppet police station and set one Humvee on fire, killing two American troops and wounding seven more persons, including three Iraqi puppet policemen.

Resistance fighters also fired eight mortar rounds or missiles into the joint headquarters of US and Iraqi puppet forces in Samarra’, setting off violent explosions inside the base and sending plumes of smoke rising into the sky, according to residents of the as-Sikak neighborhood adjacent to that base who witnessed the bombardment.

Resistance car bomb blasts US armored column in Samarra’.

In a dispatch posted at 1:30pm Mecca time Tuesday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance car bomb exploded by a US armored column in the al-Mu‘tasim neighborhood in western Samarra’.

Residents of al-Mu‘tasim told Mafkarat al-Islam that the explosives-packed car had been parked by the side of the main road in their neighborhood. It blew up when a column of four US armored vehicles and two Humvees passed by on its way to the center of down.

The blast destroyed one American armored vehicle, killing four US troops and wounding two more.

Ninwa Province.

Tall ‘Afar.

Resistance shoots down US Apache helicopter gunship over Tall ‘Afar.

In a dispatch posted at 11:35am Mecca time Tuesday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance forces shot down a US Apache helicopter in the Rabi‘ah area west of Tall ‘Afar in northern Iraq.

Residents of Tall ‘Afar told Mafkarat al-Islam that the Resistance fighters fired a shoulder-launched Strela missile at the helicopter as it was engaged in attacking Iraqi Resistance forces in Tall ‘Afar. The rocket scored a direct hit on the helicopter bringing it down and killing its two man crew.

Resistance ambush leaves a reported seven US troops dead Monday evening.

Iraqi Resistance fighters launched a two-pronged attack on US troops in the al-Qadisiyah area west of Tall ‘Afar in northern Iraq on Monday evening.

Residents of al-Qadisiyah who witnessed the attack told Mafkarat al-Islam that an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US tank column on the main road in the area that leads to the center of Tall ‘Afar at 8pm Monday night. The blast destroyed one American tank.

Then Resistance fighters, armed with light weapons and pipe rocket launchers, attacked the column sparking a fire fight with the Americans during which another US vehicle was destroyed and seven American troops killed. Four more US soldiers were wounded.


Resistance bomb blasts US truck convoy Tuesday morning.

In a dispatch posted at 11:40am Tuesday morning, Mecca time, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a column of US military trucks hauling provisions to American forces along the Airport Road in Mosul in northern Iraq.

Residents of the village of Shamkhunah, which lies near the Mosul airport, told Mafkarat al-Islam that the bomb blew up as the truck column was passing by on its way to the US camp that occupies Mosul airport. The blast set one truck on fire, killing one American and wounding a second.


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