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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2005/06/27
1つはラマディ市内での爆弾攻撃 アメリカ兵4名が死傷 ハンビー1台が炎上する
レジスタンスが傭兵たちが乗るコンボイを攻撃 傭兵3名が死亡,5名が負傷
ハンビー1台が炎上 アメリカ兵1名が戦死,4名が負傷する
傀儡当局がスンニ派のモスクを襲撃 宗教指導者を逮捕する
燃料タンカー3台が炎上 アメリカ兵4名が戦死,3名が負傷する
ハンビーと傀儡軍のピックアップトラックが炎上 アメリカ兵3名が負傷し,傀儡軍兵士7名が死傷
ハンビー1台が炎上 アメリカ兵3名と傀儡軍兵士5名が死傷する
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Monday, 27 June 2005
By: Muhammad Abu Nasr on: 27.06.2005 [22:54 ] (73 reads)
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member, editorial board, the Free Arab Voice.
Monday, 27 June 2005.
Al-Anbar Province.
Two attacks strike US troops in ar-Ramadi at noon Monday.
Iraqi Resistance forces mounted two attacks on US troops in the western Iraqi city of ar-Ramadi at 12 noon Monday local time.
Residents of the at-Ta’mim area south of ar-Ramadi told Mafkarat al-Islam that at 12 noon, an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US patrol in the al-Qadisiyah neighborhood in the middle of at-Ta’mim, setting one Humvee ablaze and killing three US troops and wounding one more.
The second attack took place when Resistance fighters fired eight Grad rockets into the US headquarters set up in the Agricultural College to the east of ar-Ramadi. The barrage sent flames and plumes of smoke into the sky over the American-occupied
facility, according to residents of the village of al-Bu Fahd to the east of the city who spoke to the correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam.
After the attacks, American forces closed the main roads in the area and launched a campaign of raids and searches of the eastern neighborhoods of ar-Ramadi looking for Resistance fighters.
Resistance attacks column of foreign contractor profiteers near Hit midday Monday, killing five, wounding three.
Iraqi Resistance forces attacked a column of four-wheel drive vehicles in the area known as Kilometer 30 on the highway north of Hit, 250km west of Baghdad, at 1pm local time Monday.
Witnesses told the correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam in Hit that eight Resistance fighters, armed with light and medium weapons including RPG7 rocket-propelled grenades and BKC machine guns, attacked a column of five four-wheel drive vehicles ミ of the type usually used by foreign profiteers and mercenaries working for the occupation.
The witnesses said that the Resistance attack left two of the vehicles on fire and five foreigners dead and three others wounded.
After the attack, American occupation troops encircled the area and called in a US Black Hawk helicopter to haul away the wrecked vehicles and the bodies of the dead and wounded foreign profiteers.
Resistance bomb blasts US patrol early Monday.
An Iraqi Resistance roadside bomb exploded by a US military patrol in the ash-Shuratan area wet of Abu Ghurayb at 9am Monday morning, local time.
Residents of ash-Shuratan village told Mafkarat al-Islam that the bomb went off when a US patrol passed by, inflicting extensive damage on one of the American armored vehicles and killing one US soldier and wounding four more.
Resistance bomb blasts US column southwest of Baghdad Monday afternoon.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US column on the main road to Baghdad in the Jarf as-Sakhr area southwest of the occupied Iraqi capital at 3pm local time Monday afternoon.
Witnesses from Jarf as-Sakhr told Mafkarat al-Islam that the patrol of several Humvees was on a mission to raid the home of a Resistance fighter in the village of al-Jarayishah north of Jarf as-Sakhr and when the Americans emerged from that village onto the main road to Baghdad, the bomb went off.
The blast set one of the vehicles on fire, killing one American soldier and wounding four other US troops.
Following the Ansar as-Sunnah, the Islamic Army in Iraq and Qa‘idah of the Jihad in the Land of the Two Rivers also deny holding talks with US.
The Iraqi Resistance organizations the Islamic Army in Iraq and the Base Qa‘idah of the Jihad in the Land of the Two Rivers issued statements on the Internet Monday “categorically denying” media reports that its representatives met with US military and intelligence officials. The two statements followed a denial on Sunday by the other Resistance group with whom the Americans had claimed to have met.
After denying that any such meetings were held, the Islamic Army statement went on to threaten punishment for anyone who does in fact meet with Americans.
Agence France Presse (AFP) reported the Islamic Army statement as saying, “stories have appeared in the news media that worshippers of the cross held negotiations with a group of representatives of Jihadi organizations and that one of them was the Islamic Army in Iraq. We hereby advise that the Command of the Islamic Army in Iraq firmly denies that any such talks took place whether directly or indirectly.”
The statement went on: “The Islamic Army Command appoints whomever it wishes to represent it in any official activity and it is not permissible for any person to take the place of the Command and ascribe such a role to himself. Whoever does that will receive the punishment appropriate in his case.”
The statement was signed by the Islamic Army in Iraq, one of the most prominent Resistance organizations fighting the US occupation of the country.
On Sunday the Army of the Ansar as-Sunnah Partisans of the Prophet’s Practice issued a statement in ar-Ramadi, a copy of which was obtained by Mafkarat al-Islam, in which it also categorically denied that any talks had been held between it and the Crusaders and Apostates. That statement addressed the American occupation saying, “Jihad is the only way to return greatness and respect to this nation.” (See “The Army of the Ansar as-Sunnah denies reports of meetings with American commanders,” in Iraqi Resistance Report for Sunday, 26 June 2005.)
The report that four representatives of the US military and intelligence met twice with Iraqi Resistance commanders from the three Resistance organizations in the city of Balad appeared in the London Sunday Times (26 June 2005). Later on Sunday, US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld reinforced the media stories when, in a television interview, he said that Americans had held meetings with Resistance commanders, but he refused to say when, where, or with whom such meetings took place.
In addition to the Army of the Ansar as-Sunnah and the Islamic Army in Iraq, that story claimed that the Americans had met with representatives of the Base Qa‘idah of the Jihad in the Land of the Two Rivers led by Jordanian Islamist Abu Mus‘ab az-Zarqawi.
The Base of the Jihad also issued a denial that appeared on the Internetof any meetings with American representatives and warned against any “fake, erroneous negotiations with the Crusaders and the Jews,” stressing that “our brothers the Mujahideen will not allow such games to be played at their expense.”
Resistance car bomb blasts US tank apart in al-Wahdah area Monday morning.
An Iraqi Resistance car bomb exploded by a US tank column in the al-Wahdah area of eastern Baghdad at 11am local time Monday morning.
Residents of al-Wahdah told Mafkarat al-Islam in Baghdad that the car bomb was parked by the side of the highway leading to the center of Baghdad and that it blew up when the column of seven US tanks and four Humvees passed by. The blast destroyed one US tank, killing three American soldiers and wounding four more.
American troops then surrounded the entire area and prevented residents or journalists from approaching. A giant Chinook helicopter landed at the scene and hauled away the wreckage of the tank and the bodies of the dead and wounded Americans.
US announces plans to expand its prison system in Iraq to incarcerate Iraqis in face of rapidly growing Resistance.
In a clear admission that the Iraqi Resistance is growing in strength, US occupation forces on Monday announced plans to expand its prisons across Iraq to hold as many as 16,000 detainees. Unofficial estimates by human rights organizations have put the number of prisoners in Iraq already at many more than 16,000.
The American Associated Press (AP) reported Lieutenant Colonel Guy Rudisill, an official American spokesman for “detainee operations in Iraq” as saying that by official count the prison population at three US prison camps ミ Abu Ghurayb, Camp Bucca, and Camp Cropper, has nearly doubled from 5,435 in June 2004 to 10,002 now. The American mouthpiece claimed that about 400 of the prisoners are non-Iraqis.
It is known, in fact that in addition to those three prisons, the Americans and their stooges run a complex of many prisons across occupied Iraq, many of them secret facilities, whose inmates appear to be outside the official American count of prisoners.
Whatever the actual numbers may be, Rudisill admitted to the AP that the American facilities are badly overcrowded as the Resistance movement surges forward. “We are past the normal capacity for both Abu Ghurayb and Camp Bucca. We are at surge capacity,” the AP quoted Rudisill as saying, adding “We are not at normal capacity for Camp Cropper.”
The AP reported that the burgeoning prison population has forced the US military to begin renovations on existing prison camps, and work has also begun on restoring an old Iraqi military barracks near as-Sulaymaniyah, 160 miles northeast of Baghdad.
That facility, to be called Fort Suse, is expected to be completed by 30 September 2005 and will have room for 2,000 new detainees, Rudisill said. All renovations should be done by February 2006 and are expected to make room for 16,000 detainees in Iraq, he said.
The latest plans for expansion of the prison system take on a note of desperation when it is noted that they come close on the heels of earlier expansions. The AP noted that just two weeks ago, the American military occupation completed a new 400-detainee compound at Abu Ghurayb, which the US government sought to tear down after it became a symbol of an abuse scandal. A new compound of the same size should be finished by the end of July at Abu Ghurayb, the AP quoted Rudisill as saying.
Puppet authorities arrest Sunni shaykh in raid on mosque Monday morning.
Iraqi puppet forces raided the ad-Dakhiliyah mosque in the al-Yarmuk neighborhood of Baghdad Monday morning and also stormed into the adjacent home of the Imam of the facility, Shaykh ‘Umar Raghib Zaydan, who is a member of the Board of Muslim ‘Ulama’ Scholars the supreme Sunni religious authority in occupied Iraq.
The Saudi News Agency (WAS) reported in a dispatch posted at 10:25am Monday morning Mecca time that a spokesman for the Board of Muslim ‘Ulama’ said that the puppet forces seized Shaykh Zaydan’s car and personal computer and arrested him, taking him away to an unknown destination.
The spokesman described the arrest of the Shaykh as an attack on the Board of Muslim ‘Ulama’, not merely a personal arrest. The spokesman for the Board said that the puppet regime bore responsibility for any harm that might befall the Shaykh in what it called a “wicked act” against a member of the Board of Muslim ‘Ulama’.
Salah ad-Din Province.
Iraqi Resistance forces shot down a US Apache helicopter in the al-Mashahidah area northwest of at-Taji at 9:30am local time Monday morning.
Residents of the village of ad-Dulayimah village near al-Mashahidah told Mafkarat al-Islam that Iraqi Resistance fighters fired a shoulder-launched surface-to-air Strela rocket towards the American helicopter that was guarding and providing security for a meeting between US military commanders and Iraqi personalities in the al-Mushahadah puppet police station. The missile scored a direct hit on the helicopter, destroying it completely and killing the crew.
After the attack, American forces surrounded al-Mushahadah and prevented residents or journalists from approaching the crash site. Reuters reported Lieutenant Colonel Cliff Kent, a spokesman for the 3rd American Infantry Division as saying that “we have a helicopter down north of at-Taji” and adding “we have begun an investigation of the incident.”
Later on Monday, the Iraqi Resistance organization the Army of the Mujahideen announced its responsibility for the shooting down of the American Apache helicopter west of at-Taji on Monday morning.
The Army of the Mujahideen in an Internet statement said that the attack was “proof that they had not and never would negotiate with the Americans or anyone else about laying down arms,” according to a report carried by al-Jazeera satellite TV. The reference to negotiations was in response to stories ミ denied by the Iraqi Resistance groups ミ that three of their commanders had held talks with American military and intelligence officers.
(See story above: “Following the Ansar as-Sunnah, the Islamic Army in Iraq and Qa‘idah of the Jihad in the Land of the Two Rivers also deny holding talks with US.”)
Resistance bombards US-Iraqi puppet base west of Tikrit at midnight.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired eight medium-range C5K rockets into the joint US-Iraqi puppet troop base west of Tikrit at midnight Sunday-Monday, local time.
Residents of the village of al-Jawa‘inah told Mafkarat al-Islam that eight violent explosions shook the base, sending smoke rising over the facility. US helicopters could be seen over the base and nearby area as they searched for the Resistance attackers, but in vain.
Resistance bombards US base near at-Tarimiyah late Sunday night.
Iraqi Resistance fighters fired six medium-range C5K rockets into the US base located in the area of at-Tarimiyah, north of Baghdad, Sunday evening.
Residents of at-Tarimiyah told Mafkarat al-Islam that the barrage, which took place late on Sunday night, set fires blazing inside the US-occupied facility and sent plumes of smoke billowing into the sky.
Babil Province.
Resistance ambush of American fuel convoy Monday morning leaves four American soldiers dead.
Iraqi Resistance fighters attacked a US truck convoy hauling fuel to the American occupation troops in al-Iskandariyah, south of Baghdad, at 11am Monday morning, local time.
Residents of the al-Bu Hamdan village south of al-Iskandariyah who witnessed the attack told Mafkarat al-Islam that the Resistance fighters armed with light and medium weapons attacked the convoy of eight American trucks and four Humvees as it passed along the main road in the area that goes through agricultural groves in the area.
The Resistance set three of the loaded fuel tankers on fire, killing four Americans and wounding three other US troops.
Afterwards, American forces backed up by helicopter gunships launched a search through the area looking for the Resistance attackers but found nothing.
Diyala Province.
Resistance roadside bomb blasts joint US-Iraqi puppet patrol early Monday afternoon.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a joint US-Iraqi puppet patrol in the al-Muhandisin neighborhood in the middle of al-Mada’in, southeast of Baghdad at 2pm local time Monday afternoon.
Witnesses told the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in al-Mada’in that the bomb exploded as the joint US-Iraqi puppet patrol passed through the neighborhood, setting one pickup belonging to the Iraqi puppet forces ablaze and damaging one US Humvee. Three Iraqi puppet troops were killed and four more wounded. Three US troops were wounded in the attack.
Ninwa Province.
Resistance bomb blasts US patrol near Mosul Monday morning.
In a dispatch posted at 3:40pm Mecca time Monday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US column in the ash-Shurah area south of Mosul Monday morning.
Witnesses told the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent that the bomb exploded as a patrol of several Humvees passed by on the highway linking Mosul with Baghdad. The blast destroyed on of the American vehicles, killing its four-man crew.
Resistance roadside bomb blasts US, “wolf brigade” troops Monday morning.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a joint US-Iraqi puppet so-called “wolf brigade” patrol in the al-Ghabat area north of Mosul at 10am local time Monday morning.
Witnesses in the al-Ghabat area told Mafkarat al-Islam that the bomb had been planted by the side of the road leading to the summer holiday resort area. It went off when a joint patrol of American and so-called “wolf brigade” forces passed by, setting one US Humvee on fire and killing two US troops and wounding a third. One Iraqi puppet soldier was also killed and four more of them wounded.
Tall ‘Afar.
Resistance car bomb kills four US troops near midday Monday.
An Iraqi Resistance car bomb exploded next to a US armored column on the main road leading to the city of Tall ‘Afar, west of Mosul in northern Iraq, at 1pm local time Monday.
Residents of Sa‘dan village, east of Tall ‘Afar, who witnessed the bombing told Mafkarat al-Islam that the explosives-packed car was parked by the side of the main road leading to Tall ‘Afar and it exploded by the American armored patrol as it was on its way into the city.
The witnesses added that the blast destroyed one American armored vehicle, killing four US troops and wounding two more.