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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2005/06/25
また,レジスタンスの別の攻撃でアメリカ兵6名が戦死している ファルージャの緊張が高まる
ファルージャにアメリカ軍の増援部隊が殺到 狙撃兵が住民を追い出し,家屋の屋上を占拠
その後,アメリカ軍が設置した検問所に向けてレジスタンスが120ミリ迫撃砲を8発を発射 アメリカ兵11名が死傷
レジスタンスがラマディ近郊で傀儡警察署を攻撃 傀儡警察9名が死傷
バグダッド西部でレジスタンスの攻撃を受け傀儡警察5名が死傷 地方の傀儡評議会のメンバーが自宅で誘拐される
アメリカ兵4名が死傷 燃料を運ぶトラックが炎上する
レジスタンスの爆弾がアメリカ軍のコンボイを攻撃 アメリカ兵5名が死傷
Khan Bani Sa‘d.
アメリカ兵3名と傀儡軍兵士4名が死傷 ハンビー1台が炎上,ピックアップトラックが破損する
モスル西部でレジスタンスがアメリカ軍のパトロール隊を攻撃,戦闘が発生する アメリカ兵9名が死傷
装甲車1両とハンビー1台が破壊されている レジスタンス側も2名が死傷
アメリカ軍がフセイン政権時代のイラクの副大統領Izzat Ibrahim ad-Duriの義父を逮捕する
レジスタンスの路上爆弾がイギリス軍のパトロール隊を攻撃 イギリス兵3名が死傷
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Saturday, 25 June 2005
By: AL-FIRDAUS on: 26.06.2005 [00:48 ] (156 reads)
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Saturday, 25 June 2005. Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member, editorial board, the Free Arab Voice. http://www.freearabvoice.org
Saturday, 25 June 2005.
US admits Iraqi Resistance captured four of its Marines.
On Saturday morning, US occupation authorities admitted that the Iraqi Resistance had taken four of its soldiers prisoner in the city of al-Fallujah during operations on Thursday, 23 June 2005. Witnesses told the correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam that US forces used loudspeakers throughout al-Fallujah, starting at dawn Saturday and continuing into the morning, to broadcast threats against the people of the city that they would receive “unprecedented punishments” if they did not hand over the four Marines.
In a dispatch posted at 9:20am Saturday morning, Mecca time, correspondent in al-Fallujah reported observing the Americans carrying out campaigns of house-to-house searches in the al-‘Askari neighborhood ミ where the attack took place on Thursday in which the Marines were captured ミ and also in the neighborhoods of ad-Dubbat, al-Wahdah, and ash-Shuhada’ in the south of the city. It was also reported that the so-called “falcon brigade” of the Iraqi puppet forces, whose specialty is storming and searching houses, has been brought to al-Fallujah. The US occupation forces have also set up checkpoints for cars inside the city and are checking the identity papers of pedestrians and passengers in vehicles.
In a dispatch posted at 5:29am GMT, Quds Press reported that the city of al-Fallujah was in a state of high tension as US occupation troops were beginning to impose “extensive security measures” on the city following the Resistance attack on Thursday that left six US troops dead and 13 others ミ nine of them women ミ wounded. The agency reported that the Americans were preparing to mount a large-scale campaign of raids and searches in the city.
US reinforcements storm into al-Fallujah Saturday morning, commandeer houses, post snipers.
In a dispatch posted at 9:50am Saturday morning, Mecca time, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that a short while earlier, more than 400 US troops, backed by armored vehicles and tanks had stormed through the eastern entrance to al-Falluja. The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported witnesses as saying that the American forces seized a number of houses in the al-Wahdah, al-‘Askari, ash-Shuhada’, and al-Mu‘allimin neighborhoods, throwing the families that live there into the streets and posting snipers on their rooftops.
Resistance ambush leaves a reported five US troops dead late Saturday afternoon.
In a bulletin posted at 7:35pm Mecca time Saturday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that a short while earlier, a detachment of Iraqi Resistance fighters, armed with Kalashnikov assault rifles, hand grenades, and pipe bombs, had attacked a groupof US occupation troops in the south of al-Fallujah. Witnesses told Mafkarat al-Islam that more than 11 American occupation troops fell dead or wounded in the attack that lasted about 15 minutes, after which the Resistance fighters withdrew to an unknown location. A source in the Iraqi puppet army told Mafkarat al-Islam that five Americans were killed in the Resistance ambush and six others severely wounded. US forces encircled the entire area around the scene of the attack and at the time of writing were searching for Resistance fighters in local houses and shops.
Coordinated Iraqi Resistance ambush with bombs and mortars Saturday evening leaves 25 Americans dead or wounded.
In a dispatch posted at 8:15pm Mecca time Saturday evening, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance forces had carried out a double attack on a US military patrol in the village of al-Karmah northeast of al-Fallujah. Residents of al-Karmah told Mafkarat al-Islam that Resistance fighters in al-Karmah the town planted three bombs by the side of the main road in the town.
All the bombs exploded as a US patrol was passing, destroying three Humvees and killing 10 American troops and wounding four more. After the blasts, which occurred at 8pm local time Saturday evening, US occupation troops closed the road in the area and set up checkpoints. But then the Iraqi Resistance fighters fired eight heavy 120mm mortar rounds at the checkpoints, killing and wounding at least 11 more American troops.
Resistance bomb leaves three US troops dead Friday night.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US patrol in the as-Subayhat area east of the village of al-Karmah, northeast of al-Fallujah at about 11pm Friday night local time. Residents of al-Karmah reported that the bomb exploded on the old road leading to al-Fallujah as the US patrol was passing and that it destroyed one Humvee, killing three US troops and wounding a fourth.
Resistance martyrdom car bomber kills nine US troops Friday night.
An Iraqi Resistance martyrdom fighter drove an exlplosives-packed car into a US military column in the as-Saqlawiyah area, north of al-Fallujah on Friday night. A source in the Iraqi puppet army told Mafkarat al-Islam that a martyrdom fighter in a gray Opel blasted into the US column in the al-Qantarah area on the outskirts of as-Saqlawiyah at 10pm Friday night, just as the curfew in the city was beginning. The source told the correspondent that the blast destroyed two Humvees, killing nine US troops and seriously wounding a tenth. On Saturday morning, US forces were still encircling the scene of the attack and had been searching numerous houses in as-Saqlawiyah looking for Resistance fighters.
Eight puppet police die in Resistance attack near ar-Ramadi.
About 20 Iraqi Resistance fighters attacked a puppet police station in an area called Kilometer 5 near ar-Ramadi in western Iraq on Saturday morning. In a dispatch posted at 12:51pm Mecca time Saturday, the Saudi News Agency WAS reported sources in the puppet security services as saying that the Resistance fighters, who were armed with machine guns and rocket-propelled grenades, attacked a puppet police station set up to guard the highways that pass through ar-Ramadi. The attack left eight puppet policemen dead and one wounded.
Beheaded bodies of three “Israeli” Zionists found in Hit.
In a dispatch posted at 7:53pm Mecca time Saturday evening, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi puppet forces discovered three beheaded bodies of foreigners carrying “Israeli” passports. The corpses had been dumped in an old water treatment project in the city of Hit in western Iraq. The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam in Hit reported Lieutenant Colonel Rashid Juwayr al-Muhammadawi, an officer in the puppet “political guidance” department of the Iraqi puppet army as saying that the three bodies were found after a Chevrolet car with Jordanian license plates had been discovered.
That car had been on its way to Baghdad from Jordan. Another similar car was found after the first was spotted. The second car held the bodies of four Iraqis. The source said that the four were apparently employees of a collaborationist security company employed to ensure the safe arrival of the Zionists to Baghdad.
For their part local witnesses told the correspondent for Makfarat al-Islam in Hit that Iraqi Resitance fighters attacked the two cars. They knocked out the first car, carrying the Iraqi guards, and then captured the three Zionists in the second car. The witnesses confirmed that the Iraqi puppet forces found the cars at noon on Saturday in an old water treatment station that had been abandoned for years.
A spokesman for the Iraqi Resistance told Mafkarat al-Islam that the three foreigners were Jewish Zionists whose documents bore the name of the Zionist company Tamim Rub‘ that specializes in archaeological artifacts and historic cities, or so it says. The Resistance spokesman said that the three were executed by members of the Resistance after obtaining intelligence information from them.
Resistance pounds US ‘Ayn al-Asad base Saturday morning.
Iraqi Resistance forces pounded the US ‘Ayn al-Asad base in al-Baghdadi, located west of Hit, with eight medium-range Grad missiles at about 8am local time Saturday morning. The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam in al-Baghdadi reported residents who witnessed the attack as saying that eight violent explosions shook the American-occupied base and sent plumes of smoke rising into the sky. As usual, the Americans made no announcements regarding their casualties or the damage inflicted by the bombardment.
Resistance fighters mount deadly ambush of US patrol in ad-Durah at noon, Saturday.
Iraqi Resistance fighters attacked a US patrol in the southern Baghdad suburb of ad-Durah at 12noon local time Saturday. Witnesses told Mafkarat al-Islam that about five Resistance fighters armed with light weapons and pipe rockets ambushed a patrol of five US Humvees as it entered the al-Mikanik neighborhood in the middle of ad-Durah. The witnesses reported that the attack set one Humvee ablaze and killed four US troops. Two other American soldiers were wounded. The witnesses said that the Resistance fighters were able to leave the scene without suffering any losses.
Two puppet police killed in Resistance attack west of Baghdad Saturday morning, puppet official also abducted.
In a dispatch posted at 11:38am Mecca time Saturday morning, the Saudi News Agency WAS reported a source in the puppet so-called “Iraqi defense ministry” as saying that two puppet policemen were killed and three others wounded in armed clashes between the Iraqi Resistance and the puppet so-called “shock troop” force under the “interior ministry.” The source said that the engagement took place to the west of Baghdad on Saturday morning. The same source also said that a member of the local puppet council in the so-called “Madinat as-Sadr” section of Baghdad was kidnapped from his home. The source did not reveal the name of the puppet official, WAS reported.
Iraqi Resistance eliminates representative of pro-American Shi‘i cleric.
In a bulleting posted at 9:40am Mecca time Saturday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the Iraqi puppet “government” announced a short time earlier that the an-Najaf representative of the pro-American Shi‘i religious authority, ‘Ali as-Sistani, had been killed while on a visit to Baghdad where he was looking into the progress of the drafting of the so-called “Iraqi constitution” being written by collaborator parties under US military supervision.
The Baghdad correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam in Baghdad reported a source in the puppet “government” as saying that the Resistance killed the representative Saturday morning as he was passing on the highway through the southern Baghdad suburb of ad-Durah on the way back to an-Najaf. Neither the source nor any announcement by the Iraqi puppet “government” mentioned the name of the representative who was killed, due to his high position within Shi‘i clerical circles.
U.S. begs Japan to keep troops in Iraq.
The Japanese news agency Kyodo reported Saturday that Japanese government sources had said that the United States had “informally requested” Japan to extend the mission of Japanese occupation troops in Iraq beyond the current deadline for their withdrawal set for December 2005. Kyodo said that the American appeal to Japan was based on a “request” by the US-installed puppet regime in Baghdad for the occupation forces to remain beyond 2006. At the present time, Japan has a contingent officially numbered at 600 men serving the US occupation of Iraq. Their chief base in the country is in the city of as-Samawah in southern Iraqi province of al-Muthanna.
Salah ad-Din Province.
Resistance ambushes US military fuel convoy north of Tikrit.
In a dispatch posted at 11:38am Saturday morning Mecca time, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance forces attacked a US military truck convoy on the main road in the al-‘Alam district north of Tikrit. Residents of al-‘Alam who witnessed the attack told the Tikrit correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam that a number of Resistance fighters staged a double attack on a convoy of trucks bringing fuel to US occupation forces.
First a bomb blew up under the American column as it proceeded along the highway through the district. The blast set one of the American trucks ablaze. Witnesses reported that after the bomb went off, the Resistance fighters armed with light and medium weapons, including RPG7 rocket-propelled grenades attacked the column, setting another fuel truck on fire and killing two US troops and wounding two more.
Resistance bomb blasts US column Saturday afternoon, killing a reported four US troops.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a column of four US Humvees in the as-Sirhan agricultural area west of at-Tarimiyah (which is just north of Baghdad) at 4pm local time Saturday afternoon. Owners of groves in the area who witnessed the attack told Mafkarat al-Islam that the bomb was planted in the middle of an unpaved farm road and that it blew up underneath one of the US vehicles in the column. The explosion totally destroyed one American Humvee, killing four US troops and severely wounding a fifth.
Diyala Province.
Khan Bani Sa‘d.
Resistance bomb kills two US troops south of Ba‘qubah at noon Saturday.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a joint US-Iraqi puppet patrol in the Khan Bani Sa‘d area south of Ba‘qubah (which is northeast of Baghdad) at noon on Saturday. Residents of Khan Bani Sa‘d who witnessed the attack told Mafkarat al-Islam that the bomb was planted by the side of an unpaved dirt road leading to the US base in the town. They said that the bomb went off as the joint patrol of four US Humvees and three pickups belonging to the puppet forces was passing by. The blast set one of the American Humvees on fire and damaged one of the pickups. Two US troops and one Iraqi puppet soldier were killed and one US soldier and three Iraqi puppet troops were wounded in the bombing.
Babil Province.
sistance martyrdom car bomber blasts US column in al-Yusufiyah Saturday afternoon.
An Iraqi Resistance martyrdom fighter drove an explosives-packed car into a US armored column on the main road in al-Yusufiyah, south of Baghdad at 4pm local time Saturday afternoon. Residents of al-Yusufiyah who witnessed the attack told the correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam in al-Yusufiyah that a Resistance martyrdom fighter driving an Opel car bomb broke into a column of six US armored vehicles and two Humvees and exploded near one of the armored vehicles. The blast completely destroyed the armored vehicle, killing its six-man crew of US soldiers.
Ninwa Province.
Six US troops reported killed in afternoon battle west of Mosul.
In a dispatch posted at 8:10pm Mecca time Saturday evening, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance fighters fought a fierce battle with US occupation troops in the Hasankuy area west of Mosul in northern Iraq. The Mosul correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported witnesses as saying that Resistance fighters armed with light and medium weapons, such as BKC machine guns and RPG7 rocket-propelled grenades, clashed with a US patrol that was in the Hasankuy area.
The witnesses added that the battle lasted about 20 minutes, in the course of which the Resistance fighters destroyed one US armored vehicle and one Humvee, killing six US troops and wounding three more. The witnesses said that one of the Resistance fighters was martyred in the combat and another wounded before the Resistance men withdrew from the area.
Resistance bomb kills a reported four US troops in Mosul early Saturday.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a US armored column in the Sumar neighborhood in the middle of the northern Iraqi city of Mosul at 9am Saturday morning, local time. The correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam in Mosul reported residents of the Sumar neighborhood who witnessed the attack as saying that the bomb had been planted under a sidewalk tile by the side of the road leading to the center of the city. It blew up as a column of five US armored vehicles passed by, destroying one vehicle and killing four and wounding three more American troops.
Tall ‘Afar.
Resistance bomb Friday night destroys tank, reportedly killing five US troops.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US patrol in the Tall ‘Afar area on Friday. Witnesses in the area told Mafkarat al-Islam that the bomb was planted by the side of a road in the al-Muhandisin area to the east of the city. It blew up as a patrol of three US tanks and two Humvees was passing by at 10pm local time Friday night. The blast completely destroyed one tank, killing its five-man crew.
At-Ta’mim Province.
American aggressor troops reportedly arrest father-in-law of Vice President of Iraq.
According to a dispatch by Agence France Presse (AFP) of 25 June 2005 published in the Khaleej Times newspaper on US occupation troops had arrested Shaykh Sufyan an-Nu‘aymi ‘Umar, the father-in-law of ‘Izzat Ibrahim ad-Duri, Vice President of Iraq and acting Chairman of the Iraqi Baath Party. According to a source in the Iraqi puppet forces who asked not to be identified, American troops raided the home of Shaykh Sufyan in Kirkuk and arrested him along with three of his bodyguards.
The source said that in addition to Shaykh Sufyan and his guards, the US invader troops arrested 19 Iraqis in a sweep of the northern Iraqi city. According to the AFP report, the American occupation forces are currently holding Shaykh Sufyan in the US base set up in Kirkuk International Airport. US forces are reportedly offering a US$10 million reward for the capture of Vice President ‘Izzat Ibrahim ad-Duri.
Maysan Province.
Resistance roadside bomb kills two British troops in al-‘Amarah Saturday morning.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a British patrol in the Qal‘at Salih area in the southeast of the southern Iraqi city of al-‘Amarah at about 8am Saturday morning local time. Residents of the district who witnessed the attack told Mafkarat al-Islam that the bomb was planted beside the main road in the al-Mu‘allimin Neighborhood in the middle of the Qal‘at Salih area and that it blew up as a patrol of three British armored vehicles passed by. The blast set one of the vehicles on fire, killing two British troops and wounding a third.
Al-Muthanna Province.
Japanese Prime Minister orders Japanese occupation troops to stay inside their base until next week.
Japanese government officials announced Saturday that Japanese occupation troops based in as-Samawah in southern Iraq would not resume work on construction projects outside their base until next week and in any case not until the completion of an investigation into an explosion that shook an area near their base on Thursday, 23 June. A news report carried by the al-Moheet Arabic news website said that Japanese officials were trying to downplay the significance of the explosion, expressing the opinion that the blast was not a part of the Resistance campaign against the occupation forces.
The Japanese Defense Ministry had ordered the soldiers back to work on their activities outside their base, but Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, fearful of political repercussions from increased casualties as Japan prepares to bow to US pressure to extend its troop commitment in Iraq into 2006, countermanded the order and told the troops to await the outcome of the study.