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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2005/6/21
レジスタンスの爆弾がアメリカ軍のコンボイを攻撃 アメリカ兵9名が戦死
レジスタンスの爆弾がアメリカ軍を攻撃 アメリカ兵5名が死傷
レジスタンスがアメリカ軍のパトロール隊を待ち伏せ攻撃 アメリカ兵10名が死傷
アブグレイブでレジスタンスの爆弾がアメリカ軍のパトロール隊を攻撃 アメリカ兵4名が死傷
レジスタンスの自動車爆弾がアメリカ軍と傀儡軍の共同パトロール隊を攻撃 アメリカ兵5名と傀儡軍兵士6名が死傷
ティクリート北部でレジスタンスの爆弾がアメリカ軍のパトロール隊を攻撃 アメリカ兵6名が死傷
レジスタンスの爆弾がアメリカ軍と傀儡軍のパトロール隊を個別に攻撃 アメリカ兵5名と傀儡軍兵士4名が死傷
レジスタンスと傀儡警察との間で戦闘が発生 傀儡警察2名と住民2名が死亡
レジスタンスがアメリカ軍の輸送部隊を待ち伏せ攻撃 アメリカ兵13名とアジア系のトラック運転手5名が死亡
レジスタンスがアメリカ軍のal-Ghazlani基地を砲撃 基地内の司令部が破壊され,アメリカ兵13名が死傷
アメリカ軍が再び多くの女性を逮捕 アメリカ軍による逮捕とレイプに抗議するため500名のイラク人女性が市内でデモを行なう
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Tuesday, 21 June 2005
By: AL-FIRDAUS on: 22.06.2005 [02:10 ] (8 reads)
Tuesday, 21 June 2005.
Al-Anbar Province.
US withdraws 500 American troops from east and north of al-Qa’im, declaring “successful conclusion” of “Operation Spear” with more than 110 civilians dead, infrastructure devastated.
In a dispatch posted at 11am Mecca time Tuesday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that more than 500 US troops withdrew from the eastern and northern approaches to the city of al-Qa’im on the border with Syria after grueling fighting over several days in which the Americans failed to break the defenses of the Iraqi Resistance. An American sergeant, Alex Senior, acknowledged to a number of Arab and international reporters in al-Qa’im, including the correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam, that the fighting had been fierce on Monday as well, prior to the American decision to retreat.
US forces remained in strength along the western approaches to al-Qa’im, fearful lest Iraqi Resistance fighters infiltrate into the city. To the east and north, however, Iraqi Resistance fighters pounded the retreating Americans with rocket barrages, inflicting heavy losses in their ranks and compelling them to stop for a full hour to await the arrival of helicopters and warplanes to cover their withdrawal and to try to pinpoint the sources of the Resistance fire directed at them.
Al-Jazeera satellite TV reported later on Tuesday that a US military spokesman officially declared the “successful conclusion” of their four-day “Operation Spear,” which supposedly targeted the Iraqi Resistance in the area of al-Karabilah village and al-Qa’im, but decimated the local civilian population and devastated the local infrastructure.
Mafkarat al-Islam reported from al-Qa’im that as a result of the American offensive, more than 156 local houses and 400 shops had been destroyed by the American offensive. Five mosques were raised to the ground and four schools, one hospital, one medical clinic, one electric power generating plant, (and) one water purification plant were totally destroyed the attacking US forces. On Tuesday morning alone, the bodies of 54 local people, including 31 women and children, were pulled from the ruins of the devastated buildings.
Local citizens have formed search and rescue teams to try to find the rest of the bodies of the civilians whom the Americans killed, Their number is thought to exceed 110. A communiqu issued by the Iraqi Resistance, a copy of which was obtained by Mafkarat al-Islam, stated that over the several days of fighting and as of dawn on Tuesday, more than 130 US soldiers and more than 70 Iraqi puppet troops had been killed. The Resistance had shot down six helicopters over al-Qa’im and the villages of al-Karabilah and ar-Rummanah. The Resistance communiqu said that Resistance losses totaled no more than one-fourth of those of the occupation troops in terms of numbers and equipment.
Resistance bomb blasts US forces in al-Qa’im late Tuesday morning.
In a dispatch posted at 11:59am Mecca time Tuesday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that a short while before an Iraqi Resistance bomb had exploded by a US military column in the industrial zone in al-Qa’im. A captain in the Iraqi puppet army told the correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam in al-Qa’im that a white, 1982-model Supra that was packed with explosives blew up as a US column was passing by. The source said that the blast destroyed two Humvees, killing nine US troops.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported seeing US forces encircle the area after the explosion. He said, however, that the American helicopters were unable to land in the area to evacuate the bodies because the area was too small. This compelled the Americans to evacuate their casualties to their base in al-Haditah using armored vehicles. Quds Press reported that a white explosives-laden Iraqi Resistance car that was parked by the side of a road exploded by a passing US military column Tuesday morning, completely destroying one American vehicle and wounding a number of American troops.
Sources told Quds Press that the attack, which took place to the west of the city, also set a fuel tank truck ablaze. That vehicle continued to burn for a long time after the explosion. In its dispatch posted at 9:25am GMT, Quds Press reported that following the attack, US forces encircled the area and prevented journalists from approaching as they called in helicopters that prowled the skies overhead searching in vain for the Resistance attackers.
Resistance shoots down US Apache helicopter late Tuesday afternoon.
In a dispatch posted at 6pm Mecca time Tuesday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that a short while before, Iraqi Resistance forces had fired some type of rocket and brought down a US Apache helicopter. Witnesses told Mafkarat al-Islam that they saw the rocket strike the helicopter, which then caught fire and plunged to earth west of the city. At the time of reporting, US occupation troops had encircled the crash area and were searching for the downed crew. The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the search operation would not be easy. The craft went down in a thickly wooded area where it would be difficult to find the bodies of the crewmen or to evacuate them if they are wounded.
Resistance bomb targets US troops in al-Fallujah early Tuesday morning.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by US occupation forces in the al-Mu‘allimin neighborhood in the middle of al-Fallujah at 6am Tuesday. A source in the Iraqi puppet army told Mafkarat al-Islam that the Resistance had planted the bomb under the asphalt of the road. The source said that the blast destroyed an armored Humvee, killing four American troops and wounding a fifth. The correspondent reported that US occupation forces sealed off the street where the bomb exploded and the whole area remained closed for four hours until a US helicopter could arrive to evacuate the bodies.
Resistance fighters ambush US convoy to the south of al-Fallujah Tuesday.
Iraqi Resistance fighters ambushed a US military convoy in the al-Bu ‘Isa area in the south of al-Fallujah. In a dispatch updated at 11:14pm Mecca time Tuesday night, the website of al-Jazeera satellite TV reported that the attack left “a number of Iraqis wounded.” Al-Jazeera stated that the Iraq Resistance organization Base Qa‘idah of the Jihad in the Land of the Two Rivers issued a statement claiming responsibility for the attack that said that eight American military vehicles were destroyed in the attack, which left 18 Iraqi Resistance fighters dead.
Resistance forces burn down US military HDQ under construction.
Iraqi Resistance fighters set fire to a building under construction in the an-Nazal neighborhood of central al-Fallujah. In a dispatch updated at 11:14pm Mecca time Tuesday night, the website of al-Jazeera satellite TV reported the Iraqi puppet police as saying that the building was to be a headquarters for US occupation forces in the city.
Resistance fighters ambush US patrol in ar-Ramadi Tuesday afternoon.
Iraqi Resistance fighters attacked a US patrol in the al-Mal‘ab area in the middle of ar-Ramadi, 110km west of Baghdad at 4:30pm local timeTuesday afternoon. Witnesses in ar-Ramadi told the correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam that about 11 Iraqi Resistance fighters armed with light weapons, including BKC machine guns, and medium weapons, including RPG7 rocket-propelled grenades, attacked a patrol of two US armored vehicles and four Humvees. The witnesses said that the attack lasted about 10 minutes, during which time the Resistance fighters disabled one US armored vehicle and set a Humvee ablaze, killing five American soldiers and wounding five others. After the attack, US forces sealed off the area and launched house-to-house searches looking for the attackers. They found nothing, however.
Thirteen bodies of puppet troops found in ar-Ramadi area, they were captured and killed by the Resistance while on their way to join US troops fighting in al-Qa’im.
People of the al-Bu Farraj area of northern ar-Ramadi discovered the bodies of seven Iraqi puppet soldiers after smelling a foul stench and observing dogs congregated in the area. A captain in the Iraqi puppet forces told Mafkarat al-Islam that the seven bodies were those of puppet troops abducted several days earlier. The puppet troops were captured along with their vehicle from the highway on which they were traveling on their way to al-Qa’im to take part in the American offensive against the people of that city.
The puppet captain said that 20 puppet soldiers were captured in that incident, but that so far only 13 bodies had been found: six in the area of at-Tash in addition to the seven found in the al-Bu Farraj area. Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the seven bodies found in al-Bu Farraj were taken by ambulance to Baghdad where they would be distributed to their families in southern Iraq.
US admits: Resistance bomb kills US soldier near ar-Rutbah Tuesday.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by US forces in the area west of ar-Rutbah in near the Jordanian border. An American military occupation spokesman admitted that the blast wounded one American soldier, a member of a commando unit, who later died, according to a report on the US announcement posted by the Saudi News Agency (WAS) at 1pm Mecca time Tuesday. WAS noted that the Americans offered no further details on the time or circumstances of the attack.
Resistance bomb blasts US patrol in Abu Ghurayb at 12 noon, Tuesday.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US military patrol in the an-Nasr wa-as-Salam area of western Abu Ghurayb, 30km west of Baghdad at about 12 noon local time Tuesday. Residents of the area told Mafkarat al-Islam that the bomb was planted by the side of the old road to Baghdad and that it exploded as a patrol of five US Humvees was passing by. The blast set one of the Humvees on fire, killing thre US troops and wounding a fourth.
Resistance fighters attack puppet police in Baghdad Tuesday.
Iraqi Resistance fighters armed with automatic weapons attacked a puppet police station in the al-‘Amil neighborhood of Baghdad, wounding two puppet policemen according to a dispatch posted on the website of al-Jazeera satellite TV at 11:55pm Tuesday night Mecca time.
Puppet so-called “Iraqi foreign minister” holds talks with NATO officials.
The puppet so-called “Iraqi foreign minister” in the regime installed in Baghdad under the auspices of the US occupation held talks with the NATO General Secretary Jaap de Hoop Scheffer and other ranking representatives of the American-controlled NATO pact in Brussels, Belgium, Tuesday. The Saudi News Agency WAS reported NATO sources as saying that the talks focused on relations between the Iraqi puppet regime and the NATO alliance ミ which consists of the United States and its European satellites. Also under discussion was the role NATO is to play in training puppet officers for the military and police forces of the American-installed regime in Baghdad.
Diyala Province.
Resistance car bomb blasts joint US-Iraqi puppet patrol in Ba‘qubah midday Tuesday.
An Iraqi Resistance car bomb exploded by a joint US-Iraqi puppet patrol in the Shahriyan area in northern Ba‘qubah at 1pm local time Tuesday. Residents of Shahriyan told Mafkarat al-Islam that the explosives-packed car was parked by the side of the road and that it exploded as the US-Iraqi puppet patrol passed by. The blast disabled one US armored vehicle and set an Iraqi puppet pickup ablaze. One American soldier was killed and four more US troops wounded. Three Iraqi puppet troops were killed and three more of them wounded.
Salah ad-Din Province.
Iraqi Resistance bomb blasts US patrol in northern Tikrit Tuesday afternoon.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US armored column in the al-‘Alam area of northern Tirkit at about 4pm local time Tuesday afternoon. Al-‘Alam residents told Mafkarat al-Islam that the bomb went off at the instant that the US column passed along the northern highway on its way to the northern oil refinery area. The blast destroyed one American armored vehicle, killing two US soldiers and wounding four others.
Resistance bombs blast US, puppet patrols Tuesday morning.
In a dispatch posted at 9:55am GMT, Quds Press reported that two Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded near the approach to the at-Tarimiyah area north of Baghdad on Tuesday, one of them by a patrol of US occupation troops and the other by a patrol of Iraqi puppet forces. Residents of the area told Quds Press that the first blast destroyed one American Humvee, killing two and wounding three US soldiers. The second bomb, that targeted Iraqi puppet troops, killed one puppet soldier and wounded three others in addition to seriously damaging a patrol vehicle. After the blasts, US and Iraqi puppet forces surrounded the area and prevented passersby from approaching as helicopters prowled the skies above, searching for Resistance fighters.
Resistance battles puppet police in Bayji Tuesday.
Iraqi Resistance forces clashed with Iraqi puppet police in the city of Bayji, north of Baghdad on Tuesday. In a dispatch updated at 11:14pm Mecca time Tuesday night, the website of al-Jazeera satellite TV reported that the battle left two puppet policemen and two “other Iraqis” dead.
Iraqi killed while reportedly trying to plant bomb Tuesday.
In a dispatch updated at 11:14pm Mecca time Tuesday night, the website of al-Jazeera satellite TV reported that one Iraqi man was killed as he tried to plant a bomb in the an-Naba‘i area south of Balad on Tuesday.
Puppet soldier, businessman found shot to death.
Iraqi puppet troops found the bodies of an Iraqi businessman and an Iraqi puppet soldier shot to death north of Balad on Tuesday, the website of al-Jazeera satellite TV reported in a dispatch updated at 11:14pm Mecca time Tuesday night.
Babil Province.
Resistance ambushes US convoy in al-Hillah reportedly killing 13 US troops.
In a dispatch posted at 3:15pm Tuesday afternoon, Mecca time, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance forces armed with RPG7 rocket-propelled grenades attacked a US convoy transporting provisions to a US base. The Resistance fighters ambushed the US column in al-Hillah as it traveled up a farm road to al-Iskandariyah. The correspondent reported that the blast left one Humvee disabled and one Humvee and five supply trucks with all their cargo destroyed. Thirteen US troops and five Asian truck drivers were killed in the ambush.
A source in the Iraqi puppet army told Mafkarat al-Islam that the number of US soldiers killed in the attack was only nine, despite the fact that local eye witnesses insist that 13 American troops perished in the attack. The witnesses said further that American helicopters later picked up the corpses of the 13 dead Americans and flew them to the US al-Mahawil Base south of Baghdad. The bodies of the Asian truck drivers, however, were loaded aboard Humvees for the trip to al-Mahawil base.
The correspondent, who went to the scene of the attack, reported that the Resistance fighters were able to leave the scene after the ambush without suffering any casualties. The al-Hillah correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam took a photograph of the supply trucks wrecked in the Resistance attack. That picture can be viewed at: http://www.islammemo.cc/news/one_news.asp?IDnews=69958.
Ninwa Province.
Resistance bombards US al-Ghazlani base in Mosul at noon Tuesday.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired eight heavy 120mm mortar shells into the US al-Ghazlani base in Mosul at 12 noon local time Tuesday, a source in the puppet so-called “rapid deployment force” told Mafkarat al-Islam. The source, who asked not to be identified said that most of the mortar rounds blasted into an administrative building inside the US base, inflicting heavy damage upon it and killing five US troops and wounding eight others.
US arrests large numbers of Iraqi women in Mosul early Tuesday, sending 500 women into the streets to protest American arrests and rape of women prisoners.
More than 500 Iraqi women went out into the streets of the northern city of Mosul on Tuesday to demonstrate against the American rape of women prisoners held by American occupation troops. The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported the protesters as calling on the Muslim world to come to the aid of Iraqi women, subject to arrest and abuse at the hands of the US occupation troops. The correspondent reported that just days after their release on Sunday of 43 Iraqi women whom they had taken prisoner to try to pressure their male relatives into surrendering, US forces again stormed into Mosul on Tuesday morning with dozens of military vehicles and rounded up a “large number” of women whom they took back to their local prison.
Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the women arrested Tuesday morning were wives, sisters, and daughters of men believed to be fighting in the Iraqi Resistance against the US occupation troops in Mosul. He reported that for their part the American forces regard the demonstrations as a form of threat and incitement to violence against the occupation. They therefore deployed dozens of US troops to surround the veiled women taking part in the demonstration. This prompted the city’s religious leaders to order the women demonstrators to withdraw and break up, lest they too all be arrested. (See “US forces release 43 Iraqi women it had imprisoned,” in Iraqi Resistance Report, Sunday, 19 June 2004.)
Maysan Province.
Sunni Waqf organization appeals for authorities to intervene to stop theft of Sunni moques in al-‘Amarah.
The organization overseeing Sunni Waqf pious endowment property in occupied Iraq issued an appeal on Monday calling on the puppet regime and religious and political authorities to intervene to stop seizures of Sunni mosques in the city of al-‘Amarah, Mafkarat al-Islam reported. The Sunni Waqf organization in Baghdad announced that forces supported by the local Iraqi puppet police had seized the Sunni Hittin Mosque in al-‘Amarah and handed it over to the Shi‘ah. The puppet “governor” had ordered it closed, however, until its ownership could be clarified.
Meanwhile, however, the Waqf organization said, Shi‘i chauvinists are using “illegal and trumped up excuses” to try to seize the Qal‘at Salih Mosque and the Grand Mosque of al-‘Amarah, both of which are owned by the Sunni Waqf organization. The Sunni organization noted that these sectarian attempts to seize Sunni mosques and turn them over to the Shi‘ah strike blows at Iraqi national unity and serve the purpose of stirring up conflict between Sunni and Shi‘i Iraqis ミ something that only serves the interests of the foreign occupation.