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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2005/06/15
ラマディ西部でレジスタンスの殉教自動車爆弾がアメリカ軍のコンボイを攻撃 海兵隊8名が戦死
レジスタンスの新たな攻勢:レジスタンスがアメリカ軍に対して4件の攻撃を行なう 合計でアメリカ兵18名が戦死
カイムの住民がアメリカ軍の爆撃によって死亡した住民の死体を捜索 瓦礫の下から9体の死体を発見,収容する
ドーラ地区でレジスタンスの自動車爆弾がアメリカ軍のコンボイを攻撃 トラック2台が破壊され,ハンビー1台が使用不能に
アメリカ政府がバグダッドの旧市街にアラブ世界最大の『教会』の建設を計画 傀儡政府は異宗教間の交流としてこれを歓迎
レジスタンスの殉教戦士が傀儡軍基地の食堂内で自爆攻撃 傀儡軍兵士52名が死傷
傀儡軍がスンニ派の住民を襲撃,100名以上を逮捕 レジスタンスは復讐を誓う
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Wednesday, 15 June 2005
By: Muhammad Abu Nasr on: 16.06.2005 [05:07 ] (176 reads)
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member, editorial board, the Free Arab Voice.
Wednesday, 15 June 2005.
Al-Anbar Province.
Resistance martyrdom bomber strikes US column in western ar-Ramadi Wednesday morning.
An Iraqi Resistance martyrdom fighter drove an explosives-packed car into a column of four US Humvees, some of them armored, in ar-Ramadi at 10am Wednesday morning.
The ar-Ramadi correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported Captain Sa ‘dun al-‘Abid of the Iraqi puppet military as saying that the Resistance attacker blasted into a US patrol in the at-Ta’mim neighborhood to the west of ar-Ramadi, destroying two vehicles in the patrol and killing eight American Marines of their 4th Division.
Afterwards, American forces massed around the area and as usual closed the roads leading to the scene of the attack. Two helicopters flew in and evacuated the bodies of the eight Americans. For its part the Iraqi puppet forces went out and arrested a number of residents of the area without specifying the reasons for their detention.
Desperate US occupation forces offer US$100,000 reward and relocation for collaborators who lead them to Iraqi or fraternal Arab Resistance fighters.
The US occupation forces in the western Iraqi city of Hit announced on their propaganda radio beamed at al-Anbar Province that occupation forces would pay a reward of US$100,000 for anyone who collaborates with them and provides information on the Iraq and fraternal Arab Resistance fighters by dialing 104 on mobile or land-line telephones. Any such informant, however, would be required to state his name in order to obtain the reward later on.
The US occupation forces in their announcement said that in certain cases, collaborators who feared reprisals would be provided a refuge outside al-Anbar Province.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in Hit reported that as is usual when the Americans make an announcement that they want especially to make people in Hit and throughout the province hear, they jammed all other local and international radio stations as they broadcast their reward offer more than seven times during the morning.
The correspondent noted that the offer of a reward for collaboration was not new, but the amount being offered had changed since the last such announcement. Formerly the amount mentioned was US$10,000. Now that amount has risen to US$100,000 in a sign of the occupation’s growing desperation.
Three bomb attacks blast US occupation troops in al-Fallujah on Wednesday afternoon, as Resistance indicates new offensive in the offing.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam in al-Fallujah reported that four US troops were killed and another seriously wounded when an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by their patrol in the al-Jubayl neighborhood in the south of the city. The blast destroyed an armored Humvee.
A second bomb exploded in the path of US occupation patrols on 40 Street, destroying a Humvee and killing three US troops and an Iraqi collaborator translator.
A third Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by Martyrs Square in western al-Fallujah at 7pm Wednesday, killing six US troops. Local witnesses said they had seen the bodies of the six Americans lying dead on the ground, as American troops were trying to pick them up and carry them away.
When added to the morning attack in the city, a total of four deadly assaults on US forces were recorded in al-Fallujah on Wednesday, taking the lives of a total of 18 US troops, and wounding others.
For their part, the American forces admitted that there had been attacks on their troops in al-Fallujah, but claimed that only four US soldiers had been killed Wedesday.
The Resistance organization known as the Squadrons of the Returners issued a communiqu in which they took responsibility for the attacks, saying that this was the beginning of the end of the US occupation forces.
The Resistance statement also called on the local population of al-Fallujah to “tighten their belts” in an apparent indication that a new upsurge in Resistance operations against the US forces in al-Fallujah is imminent.
Four American troops reported killed in Resistance attack in al-Fallujah Wednesday morning.
Iraqi Resistance forces attacked American troops in the al-Mastar area of al-Fallujah on Wednesday morning. An American sergeant confirmed that there had been a Resistance attack that inflicted “casualties” in the Asmerican ranks, but would not go into specifics.
A source in the puppet so-called “force to preserve order” told Mafkarat al-Islam that the Resistance attack left four US soldiers dead.
The source noted that Resistance the attack took place near an area where men gather to look for construction work and where employers come to hire them for the day. Since the attack took place near where they were standing, the Americans arrested all the workmen claiming that they mist have known who planted the bomb and not informed the invader troops.
The al-Fallujah Resistance organization called the Brigades of the Returners issued a communiqu, a copy of which was obtained by Mafkarat al-Islam’s correspondent, claiming responsibility for the attack.
Iraqi searchers recover bodies of nine civilians killed by US air raids in al-Qa’im last Saturday.
A medical source in the city of al-Qa’im on the Syrian border reported that nine bodies of Iraqi civilians were extracted from under the rubble of their homes on Wednesday after being killed in US air raids on the city last Saturday, 11 June 2005.
Dr. Hamdi al-Alusi, the director of al-Qa’im Hospital said, “rescue operations that a number of people of the town of al-Karabilah have been carrying out for several days resulted today in the unearthing of nine bodies of civilians,” according to a Reuters report monitored by Mafkarat al-Islam.
US forces had claimed that their air raids on al-Karabilah had killed 40 Iraqi Resistance fighters, while local people insisted that only civilians were in the houses blasted apart by American rockets. (See: “US caught in another lie: claims US forces killed 40 Resistance fighters disputed by Hospital staff, local residents who say only civilians were in the area,” in Iraqi Resistance Report, Sunday, 12 June 2005.)
Dr. al-Alusi confirmed that local residents are certain that there are more local civilians still buried under the ruins and that the search and rescue operations were still continuing, despite the fact that the local people are working without any assistance and without any of the modern equipment used to dig and lift rubble.
Local residents of al-Karabilah said that US patrols that prowl the streets of their city frequently open fire indiscriminately on people, wounding civilians all the time.
Resistance car bomb blasts US column in ad-Durah before dawn Wednesday.
An Iraqi Resistance car bomb exploded by an American military convoy and truck column at the crossing for the southern Baghdad suburb of ad-Durah on Tuesday-Wednesday night. A traffic officer who was near the scene of the attack at the time told QudsPress that the blast destroyed at least two trucks and disabled one Humvee. The source said that the American trucks caught fire as a result of the explosion.
US to build massive church in Islamic old city of Baghdad; puppet regime hails Invader policy as promoting interfaith “good will.”
In keeping with the US attempt to destroy the Arab-Islamic character of Iraq, Dr. Amjad al-‘Ubaydi, the General Director of Urban and Regional Planning in the puppet so-called “Iraqi interior ministry” announced that the United States has decided to build what would be the largest church in an Arab country in downtown Baghdad.
Al-‘Ubaydi told the press that Washington had decided to build the church in Baghdad at its own expense, and not out of funds designated for what the occupation calls the “reconstruction of Iraq.” Al-‘Ubaydi said that the church is to be located in central Baghdad and to be large enough for more than 5,000 visitors, making it the largest in the Arab world.
Mafkarat al-Islam reported al-‘Ubaydi as announcing that the construction of the church is to take several years and is to be entirely at US expense. The site for the building had already been chosen, he said, and it is to be constructed in the old Islamic neighborhood of al-Karakh where the tomb of the revered early Muslim personage al-Junayd al-Baghdadi is located.
The puppet official said that the American-installed “government” of Ibrahim al-Ja‘fari had enthusiastically welcomed the US church building endeavor, indicating that in its view the construction of a large church by invader forces in an Islamic neighborhood would convey a message of tolerance and good will between Muslims and Christians.
The American regime’s concept of tolerance and good will towards Muslims has already made itself felt in Iraq, as indicated by statistics released by the Muslim Department of Awqaf pious endowments on Saturday. According to Mafkarat al-Islam, US warplanes have destroyed more than 215 mosques in Iraq. More than 1,900 mosques have been raided and ransacked. US troops have desecrated copies of the Qur’an, throwing them in toilets and kicking them across floors. Seventy-one Muslim religious leaders have been killed, 20 of them Sunni Muftis (jurisconsults), after being called “Wahhabis.” The US occupation forces and their puppet troops have arrested 111 Iraqi Muslim religious leaders who are still in prison.
Shi‘i religious authority in Lebanon says attacks on Palestinians in Iraq are violations of Islamic law.
The supreme Shi‘i religious authority in Lebanon, Muhammad Hasan FadlAllah, issued a fatwa (legal opinion) that was published on Tuesday by the Lebanese News Agency in which he said it was obligatory to stop all the attacks to which Palestinians resident in Iraq have been subject. Shaykh FadlAllah said that attacks on the Palestinians in Iraq are “impermissible actions,” QudsPress reported.
Since the US occupation of Iraq in April 2003, collaborationist militias, many of them professing adherence to Shi‘i doctrine, have embarked on a steadily escalating wave of attacks on the Palestinians living in Iraq, most of whom have been there since 1948. The US occupation, closely tied to the Zionist occupation in Palestine, has facilitated this brutal campaign on the part of its collaborator gunmen.
With Palestinians having been subject to evictions from their houses, expulsion from the country, arbitrary arrest, torture, and murder, a request was presented to Shaykh FadlAllah for a ruling (fatwa) on the attacks being carried out against Palestinians in Iraq on the grounds that they cooperated with the government of Saddam Hussein prior to the US invasion. Shaykh FadlAllah said that “The fundamentals of Islamic jurisprudence affirm that it is impermissible to treat an innocent person as if he were a criminal, in keeping with God’s word in the Qur’an, ‘one burdened soul shall not bear another’s burden’. Thus, attacks against Palestinians are contrary to justice. It is impermissible to treat the Palestinians as bearing the guilt of others, and it is our obligation to be good hosts to them.”
Reports from Iraq indicate that the collaborationist pro-US and pro-Iranian Badr Brigade militia, the armed wing of the so-called Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI) has set out to evict large numbers of Palestinians from their homes in Baghdad and to give their homes to Shi‘ah, in an attempt to change the confessional makeup of the Iraqi capital and purge it of Sunnis.
Palestine Information Center reports: Zionist Mossad has assassinated 530 Iraq scientists and professors in last seven months.
There have been persistent reports for many months that Zionist hit squads have been active in Iraq assassinating Iraqi scientists and intellectuals. The latest chapter in that continuing story appeared on Tuesday, 14 June 2005, when the Palestine Information Center posted information that it said came from a report compiled by the United States Department of State and intended for the American President.
The report stated that agents of the Zionist foreign intelligence agency, the Mossad, in cooperation with US military forces in Iraq had assassinated 350 Iraqi scientists and more than 200 university professors in scientific and other disciplines.
The Palestine Information Center quoted the report as saying that units of the Mossad and “Israeli” commandos had been operating on Iraqi territory for more than a year, the focus of their activities being the assassination of Iraqi scientists and intellectuals. The Zionists resorted to the large-scale assassination campaign, the report said, after the failure of American efforts that started immediately after the American occupation of Iraq aimed at attracting a number of Iraqi scientists to cooperate and go to work in the United States.
The report stated that although a few Iraqi scientists did go to work in US government centers, the vast majority of them later refused to cooperate with US scientists in various experiments and fled the United States for other countries.
Those Iraqis who chose to remain in their country were subjected to long sessions of interrogation and investigation by US occupation authorities. Some were subjected to torture. The Zionist Mossad, however, came to believe that allowing those scientists to remain alive could constitute a future threat to the security of the Zionist entity.
The Mossad believed that the best way to deal with Iraqi scientists was to physically eliminate them, taking advantage of the violence already present in the country.
The report said that more than seven months ago the American Defense Department expressed its agreement with the point of view of the Zionist Mossad. Along those lines it was decided to form Zionist commando detachments to assassinate Iraqi scientists. Those detachments were to be aided in their mission by US military forces. Accordingly, the American security service compiled and provided to the Zionists complete biographies on the scientists as well as ways to get to them.
This joint assassination campaign has been underway for more than seven months. Over that period of time 350 Iraqi scientists and 200 university professors have been assassinated in Iraqi streets when they were away from home. The report indicated that the families of the scientists believed that their loved ones had been killed or died in the crossfire of Resistance attacks.
The campaign to eliminate Iraqi scientists is still underway, according to the report. Systematic Zionist commando assassinations continue with the support and assistance of the Pentagon. The campaign reportedly has targeted more than 1,000 Iraqi scientists and it is said that one reason for some of the explosions in Iraqi streets that appear to be random and without clear target has been the assassination of the individuals on the US-supplied Mossad hit list.
(For an earlier story on Zionist assassinations of Iraqi professors and scientists, see “Zionist Mossad has assassinated 310 Iraqi intellectuals since fall of Baghdad,” in Iraqi Resistance Report, Saturday, 6 November 2004.)
(For another report based on a leaked US State Department memo, see story below.)
At-Ta’mim Province.
American newspaper details practice of abduction and imprisonment by Kurdish chauvinist American allies in Kirkuk.
The American newspaper The Washington Post reported on Wednesday, 15 June 2005 that Kurdish chauvinist collaborationist political parties, puppet police, and puppet “security” units, all backed by the US occupation forces, have abducted “hundreds” of Arabs and Turkmen in Kirkuk and sent them away to prisons in the northern part of Iraq ミ an area that has been under US and Kurdish chauvinist control for more than 10 years. The newspaper cites US government documents as well as complaints of families of those kidnapped as the source for the story.
The Washington Post reports that the Arabs and Turkmen who were “seized off the streets of Kikuk or in joint US-Iraqi raids . . . have been transferred secretly and in violation of Iraqi law to prisons in the Kurdish cities of Irbil and Sulaymaniyah, sometimes with the knowledge of US forces. The detainees, including merchants, members of tribal families and soldiers, have often remained missing for months; some have been tortured, according to released prisoners and the Kirkuk puppet police chief.”
The Washington Post reported that “a confidential US State Department cable” dated 5 June 2005 and obtained by the paper and addressed to the White House, Pentagon, and US embassy in Baghdad, said “the ‘extra-judicial detentions’ were part of a ‘concerted and widespread initiative’ by Kurdish chauvinist political parties ‘to exercise authority in Kirkuk in an increasingly provocative manner.’”
The American State Department cable complained that the excesses of their Kurdish lackeys “have greatly exacerbated tensions along purely ethnic lines” in such a way as to endanger US credibility.” The unknown author of the cable wrote, “Turkmen in Kirkuk tell us they perceive a US tolerance for the practice while Arabs in Kirkuk believe ‘coalition forces’ are directly responsible.” (The term “coalition forces” is the official American designation of the occupation forces in Iraq.)
The Washington Post reported that the practice of ethnic abduction began over a year ago, but that it has rapidly and extensively expanded since the American sponsored sham “elections” held on 30 January consolidated the hold of Washington’s Kurdish stooges in the north of Iraq.
The Kurdish chauvinist parties seek to seize the oil-rich city of Kirkuk for themselves and include it in their Kurdish separatist “state.” The Arab and Turkmen population in Kirkuk have been subjected to pressures including abduction and ethnic cleansing to try to force them to leave their multi-ethnic city.
The Washington Post noted that “US and Iraqi puppet officials, along with the State Department cable, said the campaign was being orchestrated and carried out by the Kurdish intelligence agency, known as Asayesh, and the Kurdish-led Emergency Services Unit, a 500-member ‘anti-terrorism’ squad within the Kirkuk puppet police force.” The American paper noted that “both are closely allied with the US military.”
Although the United States has embarked on a course of splitting Iraq along ethnic and sectarian lines and has, to some extent, backed the Kurdish chauvinist forces in the struggle around Kirkuk, the increased assertiveness of America’s Kurdish chauvinist friends has posed unique problems for the invaders.
Within Iraq, the Arab population of Kirkuk includes Sunnis and Shi‘ah, and America’s stooges among the Shi‘i chauvinists do not want to cede the Kirkuk oil center to their Kurdish rivals.
Outside of Iraq, the government of America’s NATO satellite Turkey has had a running war with its “own” Kurdish minority for decades and has made clear its irrevocable opposition to strengthening the Iraqi Kurds by allowing them to take over the oil-rich and strategic city of Kirkuk. The Turks, furthermore, have strong sympathies with their kinsmen the Turkmen in Iraq and oppose their victimization at the hands of the Kurds.
US occupation forces find it increasingly difficult to balance the competing rampant chauvinisms of their diverse stooge forces in northern Iraq in the face of the increasing pressure from Kurdish chauvinists for the ethnic cleansing of the area.
The Washington Post quoted the State Department cable as complaining that judicial officials in the Iraqi puppet regime have said that the kidnappings of Arabs and Turkmen in Kirkuk are “illegal under Iraqi law,” indicating a serious rift over the issue between America’s Kurdish lackeys and the primarily Shi‘i chauvinist parties led by “prime minister” Ibrahim al-Ja‘fari, installed in power in Baghdad under American auspices in April.
Expanding Kurdish chauvinist aspirations pose complication for the US occupation at the local level in Kirkuk as well. The Washington Post quoted the chief of America’s puppet police in Kirkuk, General Turhan Yusuf ‘Abd ar-Rahman, who is a Turkmen, as describing the Kurdish abductions as “political kidnappings” which he blamed on Kurdish parties and their intelligence wings. General ‘Abd ar-Rahman asserted that he has tried to stop the practice but has been unable to do so because 40 percent of his puppet police force is made up of Kurdish chauvinist Peshmergah militiamen who in fact only obey orders from their party chiefs, not from the chief of the puppet police.
The puppet police force itself was cobbled together under auspices of the US occupation out of collaborators and loyalists to the various groups that sided with the American invader troops. The Washtington Post wrote that the head of the puppet police “Emergency Services Unit, Colonel Khattab ‘Abdallah ‘Arif is a Peshmergah militiaman loyal to the so-called Patriotic Union of Kurdistan.
Sherko Shakir Haim, the puppet “Director General” for the puppet police in at-Ta’mim Province where Kirkuk is located (and under whom General ‘Abd ar-Rahman works) was a taxi driver before the US invasion. He attained his exalted position on the heels of the US invasion thanks to patronage by the collaborationist Kurdish parties that support the American occupation. ‘Abd ar-Rahman told The Washington Post that the puppet regime in Baghdad had ordered Hakim to retire two weeks ago, but the Kurdish chauvinist parties rushed to his aid and promised to pay his salary. So he remains.
With America’s Kurdish chauvinist clients trying to seize total control of the oil-rich city of Kirkuk at the expense of other crucial US lackeys, officials of the American occupation administration appealed to the White House and Pentagon for help in keeping their various “friends” in line. The fact that the story appeared prominently in The Washington Post implies that the occupation is attempting to use publicity to pressure to keep the Kurdish chauvinists’ ambitions in line with those of the United States.
Resistance eliminates two senior puppet officers in repressive force.
Iraqi Resistance forces abducted and killed two senior officers in the puppet so-called “anti-terrorist squad,” and the son of one of the men, in Kirkuk on Wednesday, the American Associated Press (AP) reported. Brigadier General Nasih Muhyi ad-Din, his son and driver ‘Uqbah, and Lieutenant Colonel Khalid Ahmad were found dumped on the side of a road with gunshots to their heads.
Diyala Province.
An Iraqi martyrdom fighter blew himself up inside a mess hall (dining room) for Iraqi puppet troops in the town of al-Khalis, 60km north of Baghdad on Wednesday. Sources in the puppet police and puppet military told Reuters that the mess hall was reduced to charred rubble by the blast that left 23 puppet soldiers dead and 29 others wounded.
A Reuters correspondent in the main hospital in Ba‘qubah (the provincial capital, 20km from al-Khalis) reported that the first wave of ambulances brought in at least four men who were seriously wounded.
The casualties all belonged to the puppet so-called “peace brigade” of the 2nd Division of the Iraqi puppet army based in Diyala Province.
Resistance bomb strikes joint US-Iraqi puppet patrol near Ba‘qubah Wednesday.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a joint US-Iraqi puppet force patrol near Ba‘qubah, northeast of Baghdad. A source in the Iraqi puppet military told QudsPress that an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in al-Miqdadiyah, destroying a Humvee and setting an Iraqi puppet military vehicle ablaze and wounding three of the troops. After the blast, the source said, US and Iraqi stooge troops surrounded the area and prevented anyone approaching as they began raiding and searching the district.
Babil Province.
Resistance mine kills Ukrainian soldier late Wednesday morning.
An Iraqi Resistance land mine exploded by a patrol of Ukrainian occupation troops in the middle of the town of as-Suwayrah, southeast of Baghdad Wednesday morning.
Witnesses told Mafkarat al-Islam that the bomb exploded by the Ukrainian patrol at 11am local time Wednesday, killing one Ukrainian whose body was seen sprawled on the ground soaked in his blood. Two other Ukrainians were slightly wounded.
The correspondent reported that the signs of the wrecked vehicle and its burning hulk were still visible after the wreckage itself had been hauled away and the dead and wounded Ukrainians evacuated.
Puppet troops arrest over 100 in early morning sectarian raids targeting Sunni population of al-Hillah. Resistance promises retaliation.
Puppet so-called al-Husayn Brigade forces of the puppet so-called “Iraqi interior ministry” launched a campaign of sectarian arrests targeting the Sunni population of the city of al-Hillah south of Baghdad on Wednesday.
The al-Hillah correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported witnesses as saying that at dawn on Wednesday, the puppet forces launched a campaign in which they stormed into homes, beat up peaceful residents, and threw them to the ground in front of their wives and children. More than 140 local Sunni citizens were arrested in the raids.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported that among those hauled away were a number of disabled persons who cannot move except with assistance, making obvious the sectarian and discriminatory nature of the campaign which chose its victims on the basis of their being Sunni and not of their posing any kind of threat to security.
The wife of one man who was arrested said that the al-Husayn force gunmen, backed up by US occupation troops, “came into our home when we were asleep. They arrested my husband who is 51 and a war invalid from the Iran-Iraq war era who only has one leg. They beat him in the groin. They threw him to the ground and rained blows on him and then bound him in hand cuffs and blindfolded him and threw him in a big truck with other prisoners.”
The correspondent reported that the puppet troops had posted pictures of pro-American Shi‘i cleric ‘Ali as-Sistani on the windshield of their military vehicle. They sang Shi‘i chauvinist sectarian songs in the standard Iraqi dialect with words like “the sandals of Sayyid ‘Ali as-Sistani are nobler than the Wahhabi Sunnis.”
In response to the morning raids targeting Sunnis, members of the Iraqi Resistance issued a communiqu afterwards in which they promised the puppet forces with “black days ahead,” the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported.