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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2005/07/12
装甲車1両が使用不能に アメリカ兵2名が戦死,3名が負傷している
ハンビー1台が炎上 アメリカ兵数名が死傷している
また,Muhammad al-Qasim街ではレジスタンスが車で移動中の傀儡警察特捜部の
‘Amir Muzar大佐を銃撃によって殺害している
ハンビー1台が炎上 アメリカ兵4名が戦死,2名が負傷している
サマラの地元部族Al Sud族が,レジスタンスに協力した容疑でアメリカ軍が部族長を
装甲車1両が破壊され,ハンビー1台が炎上 アメリカ兵6名が戦死,4名が負傷する
アメリカ軍は炎上した装甲車とハンビーを市内から撤去させていく アメリカ兵数十名が戦死,または負傷した模様
レジスタンスが進撃するアメリカ軍のコンボイを攻撃 タル・アファル北部に退却させる
装甲車1両が破壊され,ハンビー2台が炎上 アメリカ兵8名が戦死,4名が負傷している
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Tuesday, 12 July 2005
By: Muhammad Abu Nasr on: 13.07.2005 [05:22 ] (96 reads)
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member, editorial board, the Free Arab Voice.
Tuesday, 12 July 2005.
Al-Anbar Province.
Resistance rockets US al-Warrar base west of ar-Ramadi Tuesday afternoon.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired four medium-range Grad rockets into the US al-Warrar base located to the west of ar-Ramadi, 110km west of Baghdad, at 3pm local time Tuesday afternoon.
Residents of the ad-Dubbat neighborhood in the west of the city, adjacent to the US base, told Mafkarat al-Islam that the bombardment set off big explosions inside the American-occupied facility and sent smoke billowing into the sky.
Resistance bombards “as-Saqr” base at al-Habbaniyah Tuesday morning.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired six medium-range Katyusha rockets into the main US base in al-Habbaniyah, known as “as-Saqr” (“the Falcon”) west of Baghdad at 11 am local time Tuesday morning.
Residents of al-Fallahat village that lies adjacent to the US base told Mafkarat al-Islam that six Katyushas blasted into the American-occupied facilty, setting off violent explosions inside the base, followed by secondary blasts as American munitions began going off. The attack sent plumes of smoke billowing into the sky.
Resistance bomb blasts US armored column near al-Haqlaniyah Tuesday morning.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US armored column on the highway near the al-Haqlaniyah are, south of al-Hadithah at 8am local time Tuesday morning.
Residents of al-Haqlaniyah told Mafkarat al-Islam that the bomb was planted by the side of the highway that passes to the north of their town. It blew up, they said, when a US armored column passed by on its way to al-Hadithah. The blast disabled one American armored vehicle, killing two US soldiers and wounding three more.
Resistance bomb blasts US patrol in eastern Baghdad’s ash-Sha‘b district Tuesday afternoon.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US military patrol in the ash-Sha‘b area of eastern Baghdad at 3pm local time Tuesday afternoon.
Residents of the ‘Adan neighborhood in the middle of the ash-Sha‘b district told Mafkarat al-Islam that a bomb planted by the side of the main commercial thoroughfare in the district exploded as a US patrol was passing by. The blast set a Humvee ablaze, killing and wounding the US soldiers aboard.
American forces immediately sealed off the area, making it impossible for the reporter to ascertain the exact nature or number of US casualties.
Resistance bombards US camp in ad-Durah early Tuesday morning.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired six mortar rounds into the US military headquarters in the forces in the southern Baghdad suburb of ad-Durah at 8am local time Tuesday morning.
Residents of ad-Durah told Mafkarat al-Islam that the barrage set off violent explosions in the camp and sent plumes of smoke rising into the sky.
US helicopters were seen landing inside the base, apparently to evacuated dead and wounded US troops.
Iraqi Resistance fighters unleashed a hail of bullets on the car carrying puppet police colonel ‘Amir Muzar, killing him and severely wounding his companion, in an attack that took place on Muhammad al-Qasim Street in eastern Baghdad.
The Kuwaiti News agency, in its report posted at 6:16pm Kuwait time quoted a puppet police source who refused to be identified as claiming that Colonel Muzar worked in the Office of Criminal Investigations department of the Iraqi puppet police.
Resistance guns down puppet police captain in southeast Baghdad Tuesday morning.
Iraqi Resistance fighters shot and killed a captain in the Iraqi puppet police as he stood in front of his apartment, the Saudi News Agency (WAS) reported a source in the Iraqi puppet security services as saying.
In a dispatch posted at 10:22am Mecca time Tuesday morning, WAS reported that Resistance fighters shot the puppet police officer in the Zayunah area of southeastern Baghdad and then left the scene.
American command announces death of US soldier wounded by Resistance bomb on Monday.
In a dispatch posted at 9:18am Tuesday morning Mecca time the Saudi News Agency (WAS) reported that the US military had issued a statement Tuesday morning saying that an American soldier, who was wounded when the Iraqi Resistance attacked his patrol in Baghdad on Monday, had died of his injuries. The American military statement said that an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by the soldier’s unit when it was on patrol Monday, wounding him severely.
Petition drive hopes to collect one million signatures in four days calling on US occupation forces to leave Iraq.
A campaign began in Baghdad on Monday to collect a million signatures on a petition launched by Shi ‘ religious leader Muqtada as-Sadr calling on the US occupation forces to leave the country. Ibrahim al-Jabiri, head of as-Sadr’s office in the ar-Rusafah area of Baghdad told the press, as monitored by Mafkarat al-Islam, that the petition had been received enthusiastically. Agence France Press (AFP) reported al-Jabiri as saying that they had received 100 telephone calls from Iraqis resident in Europe eager to add their signatures to the document.
Al-Jabiri said that the signature campaign would last only four days, with the first stage being in Baghdad but with similar campaigns to be” launched in just about all of Iraq’s provinces.”
Al-Jabiri told the press that they had already collected 40,000 signatures, adding that signatories had to be at least 18 years of age.
Sahib al-‘Amiri, the General Secretary of Muqtada as-Sadr’s office said that his institution began “as of Monday a campaign to collect a million signatures calling for the occupation forces to leave Iraq.”
Al-‘Amiri said that “the petition that will be distributed to people has blanks for them to fill in their name, address, and signature.” The petition reads, “I, citizen so-and-so declare my rejection of the occupation and demand that the occupation forces leave my country.”
Al-‘Amiri said that one copy of the petition would be handed to the United Nations and another to the Iraqi puppet “government” as a declaration by the Iraqi masses against the occupation.
Salah ad-Din Province.
Two US troops reported killed by roadside bomb in at-Tarimiyah at noon Tuesday.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US military column on the main road to at-Tarimiyah at 12 noon local time Tuesday.
Residents of at-Tarimiyah told the correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam that a bomb, planted by the side of the main road to the city blew up as an American column was on its way through at-Tarimiyah on its way to Balad.
The explosion destroyed one Humvee, killing two US troops and wounding four more.
Four US soldiers reported killed in Resistance ambush Tuesday afternoon.
Iraqi Resistance fighters attacked a US patrol in northern ad-Dulu‘iyah at 3pm local time Tuesday afternoon.
Eyewitnesses told the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in ad-Dulu‘iyah that about five Iraqi Resistance fighters armed with light and medium weapons, including BKC machine guns and pipe rockets, attacked a patrol of four US Humvees.
The attack left one Humvee on fire and four US soldiers dead. Two more American troops were wounded.
Witnesses said that the Resistance fighters were able to withdraw from the area of the attack without suffering any casualties.
Resistance shoot and kills puppet police lieutenant Tuesday morning.
Iraqi Resistance forces shot and killed an officer in the Iraqi puppet police outside his home in the al-‘Asri neighborhood in the middle of Bayji north of Baghdad
In a dispatch posted at 10:22am Tuesday morning Mecca time Tuesday morning the Saudi News Agency (WAS) reported a source in the Iraqi puppet forces as saying that Iraqi Resistance fighters shot and killed a first lieutenant in the Iraqi puppet police. The source claimed that two of the officer’s children were wounded in the attack.
Samarra’ tribes rally in mass protest following arrest of their leader by US occupation forces.
US forces arrested Shaykh Talal ‘Abd al-Karim Matar, the Chairman of the Council of Tribes of Samarra’ on charges that he has been involved in armed attacks on US occupation troops and has provided refuge to Resistance fighters, according to a statement by the Iraqi puppet police.
In a dispatch posted at 11:05GMT Tuesday, the Qatari News Agency (Qana) reported that following the arrest of their Shaykh, members of the tribes in Samarra’ rallied in a massive protest demonstration in the al-Mu‘tasim area of Samarra’ to denounce the arrest.
The protesters demanded the immediate release of Shaykh Talal and of all other prisoners belonging to the tribes.
Agence France Presse (AFP), as monitored by Mafkarat al-Islam reported that 2,000 members of tribes rallied against the arrest. It quoted Lieutenant Colonel Mahmud Muhammad of the Iraqi puppet police as saying that Shaykh Talal is the head of the Al Sud tribe, the largest in Samarra’, with a population of 30,000. The puppet officer said that the Americans arrested Shaykh Talal Monday night in the al-Mu‘tasim area (17km east of Samarra’) and that they tied his hands and feet and dumped him on the top of a tank to take him into captivity.
Diyala Province.
Resistance martyrdom bomber blasts US column Tuesday morning.
An Iraqi Resistance martyrdom fighter drove an explosives-packed car into a US military column on the main road to Buhriz at 9am local time Tuesday morning.
Residents of Ba‘qubah told Mafkarat al-Islam that the American column was headed towards Buhriz, a town that US and puppet forces have blockaded as part of a military offensive, when an Iraqi Resistance martyrdom fighter managed to drive his car into the column and detonate himself.
The blast destroyed one US armored vehicle and set Humvee on fire. Six US soldiers were killed and another four wounded in the attack.
Babil Province.
Electric power tower blown up provoking regional power crisis.
In a dispatch posted at 11:05GMT Tuesday, the Qatari News Agency (Qana) reported that an electricity transmission tower was blown up in al-Yusufiyah on Tuesday, causing a serious crisis in the electric power grid in the area. Technicians, who went to work to repair the damage said that the network should be fixed by Sunday.
Resistance guns down two collaborators of the Shi‘i chauvinist SCIRI organization.
Iraqi Resistance fighters shot and killed two members of the Shi ‘ chauvinist collaborationist organization that calls itself the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI) in al-Yusufiyah, south of Baghdad on Tuesday.
In a dispatch posted at 9:42GMT, the Qatari News Agency (Qana) reported a source in the Iraqi puppet security services as saying that a group of armed Resistance fighters opened fire on the two members of SCIRI and then left the scene.
The armed wing of SCIRI, the Badr Brigades, invaded Iraq together with US forces in the spring of 2003 and have since then formed the backbone of puppet police agencies serving the occupation, particularly in the south of the country.
Ninwa Province.
Tall ‘Afar.
Heavy midday fighting drives US, puppet troops out of central, northern Tall ‘Afar.
In a dispatch posted at 2:25pm Mecca time Tuesday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that it had learned that US occupation forces and their Iraqi stooges had withdrawn from the center of Tall ‘Afar after fierce fighting that raged throughout the central, northern, and eastern parts of the city at midday Tuesday.
Witnesses told the Tall ‘Afar correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam that Resistance fighters armed with light and medium weapons, including RPG7 rocket-propelled grenades, BKC machine guns, pipe rockets, and bombs battled the Americans and the puppet Iraqi troops in the city. The heavy combat forced the US and Iraqi puppet troops to fall back, leaving the central and northern parts of Tall ‘Afar and parts of the eastern section of the city in the hands of the Resistance.
The witnesses confirmed that US vehicles were seen pulling out of the city, dragging along the burning hulks of Humees and armored vehicles. The witnesses said that “dozens” of American troops had fallen either killed or wounded in the course of the heavy fighting Tuesday.
Earlier Tuesday, the US military command issued a statement in which it claimed that American troops had killed 14 Resistance fighters in Tall ‘Afar on Monday and four Resistance fighters in the city the day before, according to a dispatch posted at 9:18am Mecca time by the Saudi News Agency (WAS).
Resistance attacks advancing US column, throws it back north of Tall ‘Afar Tuesday morning.
Iraqi Resistance fighters fired attacked US and Iraqi puppet troops blockading the city of Tall ‘Afar in northern Iraq at about 10am local time Tuesday morning. The Resistance forces fired mortars and light and medium weapons at the invaders and their stooges.
Residents of Tall ‘Afar told Mafkarat al-Islam that the Resistance fighters attacked a column that was on its way into the city from the north. The Resistance men obstructed the American advance and then attacked with mortars, RPG7 rocket-propelled grenades, and C5K pipe rockets, setting two Humvees ablaze and destroying a US armored vehicle.
Eight American soldiers were killed and four more wounded in the attack, which forced the US column to withdraw to the north.
The witnesses told Mafkarat al-Islam that four Resistance fighters were wounded in the engagement.
Three American soldiers reported dead in Resistance bombing north of Mosul Tuesday morning.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US patrol on a road in the overgrown area north of Mosul at 10am local time Tuesday morning.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported residents of a village near the al-Ghabat area as saying that a bomb that was planted next to the road leading to the area exploded when a patrol of seven Humvees passed by. The blast destroyed one of the Humvees, killing three American soldiers and wounding a fourth.
At-Ta’mim Province.
Puppet authorities make conflicting claims about Resistance bomb that targeted US patrol in Kirkuk at noon Tuesday.
In a dispatch posted at 12:37pm Mecca time Tuesday, the Saudi News Agency (WAS) quoted a source in the Iraqi puppet police as saying that an Iraqi Resistance martyrdom fighter drove an explosives-packed car into a US military patrol near the industrial zone in the south of the city of Kirkuk at about 12 noon local time.
The puppet police source claimed that the martyrdom attack left two Iraqi “civilians” dead and 15 more wounded. The source made no mention of the fate of the American troops or even of the attacker.
In a dispatch posted at 7:47pm Kuwait time, however, the Kuwaiti News Agency (Kuna) quoted its source in the Iraqi puppet police as saying that the Iraqi Resistance had detonated an explosives-laden pickup truck by remote control as a US patrol passed through the entrance to the industrial area of the city.
Kuna’s source claimed that three civilians were killed in the blast and another eight wounded ミ all of whom were taken to Kirkuk General Hospital for treatment, the dispatch said. Kuna also made no mention of US casualties in an explosion targeted on American forces.
Al-Basrah Province.
Collaborator Badr Brigade commander reported killed in al-Basrah.
Iraqi Resistance fighters shot and killed a prominent commander of the collaborationist Shi‘i chauvinist Badr Brigade in the southern Iraqi city of al-Basrah on Tuesday. Exclusive sources told Mafkarat al-Islam that the body of the collaborator commander was found dead on Abu al-Khasib Road near the industrial zone Tuesday morning. The circumstances of the assassination were at that time unknown.
The collaborator commander was buried under intense guard of puppet police and puppet “national guards” in a ceremony in which the Shi‘i chauvinist commander’s body was draped in the Iraqi flag and escorted by puppet policemen and puppet “national guards.”
Resistance executes puppet police intelligence officer in al-Basrah on Monday.
In a dispatch posted at 11:58pm Kuwait time Monday night, the Kuwaiti News Agency Kuna reported that Iraqi Resistance fighters had unleashed a hail of bullets on the car carrying an officer in the puppet police directorate of intelligence in al-Basrah on Monday, killing the intelligence officer.
Kuna quoted sources in the puppet police as saying that the Resistance fighters left the scene after shooting the officer on a street in al-Basrah.
Puppet forces living in al-Basrah receive death threats.
Sources close to the puppet so-called “Iraqi national guards” who live in al-Basrah have disclosed to Mafkarat al-Islam that they have begun receiving death threats, telling them that they must quit work within the ranks of the puppet organization.
An officer in the puppet guards who lives in northern al-Basrah told Mafkarat al-Islam that he found an envelope that had been slipped under his door early in the morning containing a threat to kill him, adding that his fate would be that of an officer assassinated some weeks before.
Local sources say that most officers in the puppet “national guard” who are local residents have stopped wearing uniforms and now go to work in civilian clothes, only changing into uniforms at work.
The death threats and increased pressure of assassination follow a wave of sectarian abductions, tortures, and murders that the Badr Brigades and local puppet police in al-Basrah launched shortly after the US-installed Shi ‘ chauvinist puppet “prime minister” Ibrahim al-Ja‘fari was installed in April.