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というのがありましたが、アメリカの「Rigorous Intuition」という電子版のマガジンにこれと関係するような記事が掲載されていましたので、お知らせします。
また2005年7月7日は、2005=2+5=7 であり、777となります。これはカバラの数秘術からすると生命の創造とか天地創造といった意味があり、大変神聖な数字だそうです。
1394 days since 911(9.11から1394日目)
483 days since the Madrid bombing(マドリッドの爆撃事件から483日目)
1394 - 483 = 911
BlogThis!Rigorous Intuition
What you don't know can't hurt them
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Does anyone really know what time it is?
Some time ago a crazy dream came to me.
I dreamt I was walkin' into World War Three. - Bob Dylan
A few, brief thoughts about London.
I think, at this early stage, we should be cautious about all sweeping presumptions. We know false flag operations are not paranoid conjecture - that many have been conducted by governments against their own populations is no less true for its being hidden - but that doesn't mean every flag is false. Synthetic terror exists, in part, because there is such a thing as unsynthesied terror: violence without stage management, perpetrated by unco-opted forces unpenetrated by its enemy's Intelligence. Though naturally, that many more people today than four years ago would gladly give their lives to strike a blow against crusader nations is also by design, according to the neoconservatives' rule-by-spiralling-chaos theory.
In the confusion, early reports detailing warnings of the attacks are being scrubbed from wire services, while security agencies are going into safe mode. An original story remains posted on Arutz Sheva, which quotes Israeli Army Radio as saying "Scotland Yard had intelligence warnings of the attacks a short time before they occurred. The Israeli Embassy in London was notified in advance, resulting in Finance Minister Binyamin Netanyahu remaining in his hotel room rather than make his way to the hotel adjacent to the site of the first explosion, a Liverpool Street train station, where he was to address and economic summit."
Earliest reports spoke of six bombs. There only four detonations. Much later, two unexploded devices were found. A question: what was the media's original source for there being six bombs?
"The Secret Organization of al Qaeda in Europe" has claimed responsibility, yet another "previously unknown" group. Though, since it has "al Qaeda" in its name, that will mean to most people, simply, that "al Qaeda" did it, as though it were a top-down outfit of villainy such as SMERSH or KAOS or the Legion of Doom. The forbidden knowledge that al Qaeda was subcontracted by Britain's MI6 and paid £100,000 in 1996 for an assassination attempt upon Muammar Qaddafi is unlikely to be heard now over Blair's tremulous turn at "They hate us for our freedoms."
Assassination researcher Lisa Pease, who knows how the spin cycle tends to eclipse the unvarnished truth of such events, writes:
As I watched the CNN coverage of the London bombings today, I heard multiple experts, including Octavia Nasser (also spelled Nasr), say the group claiming responsibility didn't use known signatures of Al Qaeda. They even quoted the Koran incorrectly! I wish I had taped what she said, as I knew this was likely truth. Sure enough, a few hours later, all anyone would say was that this was definitely an act of Al Qaeda. Sigh. Like so many other covert operations, the truth disappears quickly in the quicksand of the "official story."
What, if anything, should we make of the date? 07.07/2005 = 777. Such calculations have never been important to me. But as I've said, it doesn't matter what's important to me; what matters is, what's important to them. So incredulity be damned: numbers matter a great deal to certain interested parties who are initiates in Western hermetic orders, lodges and secret societies. To a Qabalist, 777 is "traditionally the number of the Flaming Sword or creative Lightning Flash...which, when overlain on the Tree of Life, touches every Sephirah in turn and certain Paths, with a total of 777." 777 is the title of Aleister Crowley's celebrated volume of Qabalistic teachings.
Some more fun with numbers was posted by "st4" on the Rigorous Intuition forum:
Here's some math. Please correct it if it's wrong:
1394 days since 911
483 days since the Madrid bombing
1394 - 483 = 911
And since now we're paying attention to such things, we might as well note that Bush's speech last week, graced by the bizarre backdrop of grinning ghosts and nine-striped flags evoking the dimensions of the twin towers, was delivered nine days before the blasts.
Rudy Giuliani in London, recounting his experience near the site of the first bombing, should have been enough to make even The Amazing Randi do a double take. And that FoxNews host Brian Kilmeade could say, just hours after the blasts, that "I think that works to our advantage, in the Western world's advantage, for people to experience something like this together, just 500 miles from where the attacks have happened," begs someone to ask the question, Cui bono?
As Xymphora says, "Yesterday, George Bush faced 7 world leaders who were going to force him to admit the reality of climate change. Now, he won't have to."
Britain bloodied in the "War on Terror" means, to American eyes, she's now the circus bride in Freaks. It "works to our advantage...for people to experience something like this together." It might have seemed like a good idea at the time, Mr Blair, but that's how you make a chicken lady of yourself.
One of us, one of us....
posted by Jeff Wellis at 5:10 PM