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昨夜(欧州時間で)私は次の投稿をしました。( )内はフォローで付け足したものです。
投稿者 バルセロナより愛を込めて 日時 2005 年 7 月 10 日 07:44:57
世界中の新聞が『警察は、3・11やカサブランカ爆破事件に絡む「モロッコ・イスラム戦士団(GICM)」メンバー(と新聞が書き立てているだけ)であるモハメド・アル・ゲルボウズィ(Mohamed el-Gerbouzi)を、ロンドン爆破事件の重要な関係者とみなし、欧州各国の警察と連絡をとってその行方を追っている』と、まあ実に賑やかに書き立ててくれていたのです。しかし、当のゲルボウズィ自身が昨日アルジャジーラTVに出演し、容疑を否定し「逃げも隠れもしていない」ことを明らかにしました。
そしたら早速きましたネェ。7月10日付Sunday Timesの”Mastermind of Madrid is key figure”で、記事中に小さく目立たないように、警察の幹部がモハメド・アル・ゲルボウズィのロンドン爆破事件への関与をきっぱりと否定した、と報道しました。
その上でTimesは、「次なる容疑者」を指名しています。しかも今度は「スペインの捜査当局者のお墨付き」とかで、あの現代の異端審問間バルタサル・ガルソンによって「アルカイダ幹部」とされ、お尋ね者の身になっている、通称アブ・ムサブ・アル・スリ(Abu Musab Al Suri)、本名がムスタファ・セトゥマリアム・ナサル(Mustafa Setmariam Nasar)というシリア人(!)です。(そういえば例のザルカウイもシリア人。)
以下にSunday Timesの記事を貼り付けておきます。なお記事中でさもムスタファ・セトゥマリアム・ナサルがマドリッド列車爆破事件の中心人物であるかのように描かれていますが、スペインではほとんどそんな扱いは受けていません。(「アルカイダ・スペイン細胞」の重要人物とされていますが。)これもまたTimesが勝手に膨らませているのオトギバナシです。
July 10, 2005
Terror in London
Mastermind of Madrid is key figure
THE terrorist believed to have organised last year’s Madrid train attacks is emerging as a figure in the hunt for the London bombers.
Spanish security sources are said to have warned four months ago that Mustafa Setmariam Nasar, a 47-year-old Syrian, had identified Britain as a likely target.
Coded commands from the Syrian, thought to have included threats to other European countries including Britain, were found in a flat raided after the Madrid bombings in March 2004.
Spanish investigators said Nasar, now believed to be in Iraq, had set up a “sleeper” cell of terrorists in Britain. But they believed he was planning an attack to coincide with the British general election in May, rather than the G8 summit last week.
One Spanish website yesterday claimed the General Information Commission, a Spanish police intelligence body, issued a report in March warning that Britain and Spain were the primary western targets. The statement was based on Spanish investigations into the Madrid bombings.
In addition, investigators have noted strong similarities in the methods of the two multiple, coordinated bombings against public transport systems.
Last Friday, a team of Spanish detectives arrived in London to help the Metropolitan police with the investigation.
After last week’s explosions, police were believed to be looking into Mohamed el-Gerbouzi, a Moroccan living in London who has been jailed in Morocco in his absence for terrorism offences. Yesterday, however, senior Met officers were strongly discounting that he had any involvement in the London bombings.
Nasar, from Aleppo, Syria, also known as Abu Musab al-Asuri, who has a $5m (£2.9m) American bounty on his head, is believed to have fled either to Iraq or to the Pakistan-Afghanistan border.
He has connections with London going back more than 10 years, has mixed with many prominent terror suspects and has reportedly been arrested in Britain in connection with bombings on the Paris Metro.
When Nasar moved to London in June 1995 he was already under surveillance by Spanish police, who made a video recording of his departure with his wife Elena. They were accompanied by Abu Dahdah, a Syrian later arrested in Spain, accused of recruiting bombers and now on trial for providing support to the 9/11 conspiracy.
Once in London, Nasar moved his family into a house in Paddock Road, Neasden. From there, he edited the Al Ansar magazine, a newsletter of the Algerian Armed Islamic Group. He became an associate of the cleric Abu Qatada, one of the detainees released from Belmarsh prison last year and accused of being Al-Qaeda’s ambassador to Europe.
In January 1997 he also set up a company called Islamic Conflict Studies Bureau. In documentation filed at Companies House, Nasar describes his nationality as British.
His co-director in the company is named as Mohamed Bahaiah. Bahaiah is known to have been an Al-Qaeda courier in Afghanistan, where he is believed to have been responsible for delivering videotapes to foreign news media. Tayssir Alouni, a correspondent for the Arabic television news channel Al-Jazeera, claims to have met both men in Kabul in the late 1990s.
Nasar was reported to have been arrested by British police following the 1995 bomb attacks on the Paris Metro, but later released. The American Department of Justice said this weekend that Nasar had “served as a European intermediary for Al-Qaeda” before leaving for Afghanistan in 1998.