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911 Was Executed by Mossad Evidence (Houston Claigslist.org)
Evidence points to 911 was executed by Mossad, with High governmental Pro-Zionist help! (Portland Independent Media Center 15.Apr.2005)
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投稿者 木村愛二 日時 2005 年 5 月 01 日 23:11:22
The Mossad carried out 911, with high governmental Pro Zionist help and Cover-up!
PLEASE take the time to read this in its entirety!!
Mossad attacked on 911 with U.S. ProZionist Official Help 15.Apr.2005 04:57
Zionists are the enemy. Not all Jews, especially the relatives of those killed in the 911 attack!!!
A few days ago www.worldnetdaily.com Aaron Klein reports that EU is calling Hamas, "freedom fighters." ‘Hitler’ Sharon is reacting to this negative attention and U.S. pressure by trying to create a Palestinian state in Gaza, so that the Zionist" war on terrorism," war on Israelis neighbors, will continue, not withdraw, as there are so many rumors The US wants to pull out troops from Iraq. He's trying to buy time to get a US draft going, so the US will effectively help fight Iran.
Israel's had no reservations in sacrificing its own citizens in the past, the Israelis who dressed as Arabs not only killed British rulers, but also Israeli citizens. Israel also killed American allies in their attack on the U.S. Liberty.
Sharon thinks he can buy off the settlers with compensation, as Israel did with the survivors of the Liberty murders. Congress never investigated the case, nor demanded further explanation from Israel, despite the fact that Israelis have admitted to trying to sink the ship.
Given the fact that "terrorist" was coined by the British press to refer to the Israelis who dressed up as Arabs and bombed the King David hotel and given the long history of Mossad and Zionists even turning against their own allies (US Liberty) for the sake of the Israeli State I can understand Hamas saying they're freedom fighters, and that Israeli carried out 911.
Two books http://www.the7thfire.com/9-11/Pastore_Investigation_of_%209-11/chapter_2--dancing_Israelis.htm pieces the puzzle together, by showing how there were active Mossad agents in this country then, and many false flag operations. Other 200 Mossad agents were found with explosives in the Mexican Parliament, some with videos of the Sears Towers, some with nuclear U.S. Power plant plans, some posing as art students checking out Defense buildings.
Other glaring in discrepancies of the official 911 version: Attars’ passport was stolen and found blocks away from the Towers, the extremely impossible behavior of the "doubles in Florida, and Las Vegas, the demolition of building 7 by its owner Silverstein, the warnings to Odgio and only three deaths of Israelis in the disaster, one of which Daniel Levin, a member of Israel's top commando team, as a cover to throw suspicion away from Israel, (CNN doesn't have his name on their list of those killed in the attack) shot with a gun brought through Logan airport owned by Israeli businessmen. The Pentagon was hit (probably a missile, (see for yourself the photographs in this book and on other 911 sites), to cover Pentagon involvement, no stand down action, the fact FEMA was in NY the night before, the put options showing somebody knew in Israel.
And http://www.antichristconspiracy.com/HTML%20Pages/AntichristConspiracyHTML.htm
explains how infiltrated the government is with pro Zionist leaders. These 200 found Israeli Mossad agents were deported with the help of Michael Chertoff, an American with dual citizenship, born to first stewardess of El Al. Seven of the so called highjackers from Saudi Arabia are alive. Someone else was doing this, someone who knew about remote control, and these planes were guided to their targets. Then the trade center was demolished with controlled demolitions and the evidence carted off pdq 'pretty dammed quick' to do away with the evidence, by another Israeli company.
Other cases lead support, the imprisonment of Lt. Veerland, the Navy Lt who wrote down most of the attack sites three weeks before it happened, stating he didn't think Bin Laden was responsible, but "our brothers in faith." He noted the World Trade Center, Pentagon, Sears Towers?, Malaysia, Haidar, among others.
Given the sex scandal of child abuse in Washington, many Congressmen and many higher ups in the administration, might have traded their votes and loyalties out of fear of blackmail. This even included the former President Bush. And how do you explain their perversion to visit Bohemian Grove and go through rituals like "The cremation of care"? Donning hoods and robes the elite jetsetters burn a body to throw away their cares before a tall Owl Statute. What about Trance Formation in America? All fiction?
All this was very convenient for Plans already under way to attack Afghanistan and Iraq. By duping Americans into fighting Moslems the Washington heads now have a green light to achieve Full Spectrum Dominance = World Control.
Zionists and Jesuits have entered into a plan to make Jerusalem the city of the earthly ruler, and Zionists may yet even double cross American interests by creating another financial depression through the manipulation of the privately owned Federal reserve banks who pay for the printing of money and then lend it back to the U.S. and other governments, thereby driving up the national debt, and through calling in foreign debtors to demand collateral, Western lands, signed by President Nixon) or carry out attacks to get American Jews to move back to Israel and having the President imitate martial law in this land.
They've placed the expansion of the State of Israel higher that the religion they profess. History shows the Mossad will kill innocent people, even their own.
The recent Tsunami may have prematurely started with a nuclear device, thereby getting rid of millions of their enemies; even Veerland's note mentions Malaysia. (See Joe Vialis) Veerland is now locked up in solitary confinement for child prostitution charges in Colorado and his interview notes says he knows some people who knew George Bush personally. (KNEW?)
Knowing Ariel Sharon blocked the escape of thousands in a massacre in the state of Israeli's interest, it's not impossible he'd ok the Mossad to act by deception to draw America in to fight Israel's greatest enemies (as it did in WW1. and WW2) We're now being told by him something has to be done about Iran. Latest I've read, a business man, Sarfraz Haidar was killed for selling 6 Russian KH-55 cruise missiles to Iran. These missiles are said to have a nuclear 200-kiloton warhead and can travel 3000 kilometers.
About Zionist complicity: Zim International vacates WTCs 15.Apr.2005
Another point that has slipped off the collective 'map' of 9-11 is that the shipper/trader organization, Zim International, broke its lease in the days before 9-11. It vacated rather quickly.
What is interesting about Zim International is that it is a corporation half owned by the Israeli Government.
Another point that is interesting is that despite the cover being "rent was high," why loose $40,000 right then and there for breaking your lease? And is money really all that important when you are half owned by a subsidy-based state like the State of Israel?