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バスラ, Sulaimania,アルビール,サマラ, karkouk,モスル,ティクリート,ファルージャ,ラマディ,カイム,ハディッサ, aldour,
Alho’waija,バクバ, Aldthulu-eiya, Al-anbar and also in the capital Baghdad that has the lion’s lot in the redemptive
operations carried out in: Attahreer, Assaadoun, Abu-Nawwaas, Ali Assalih, Almisbah, Karada, alja’miaa広場,
Aldoura,ニューバグダッド, alghazaliya,サダム国際空港,ムサンナ空港, alharithiya, Alshordha広場,
almansour, Althourah city, Al-adthamiya, Al-kathimiya, Assalihiya,パレスティナ通りand the Green District.
戦死者 614名
負傷者 803名
撃墜されたヘリコプター 4機(そのうち3機がカイムで)
撃墜された無人偵察機 5機
破壊された装甲車両 29両
パイプラインの破壊 6件
その他の破壊された軍用車両 54両
Summary of the Iraqi Resistance Activities
From 8 to 14/5/2005
In the name of God most merciful most compassionate
For the second consecutive week, the Iraqi redemption field is witnessing- following the formation of the pawned sectarian government- an unprecedented escalation in the heroic resistance’s redemptive operations and clashes extending from north to south and from east to west where the occupation forces, their mercenaries and their collaborators have suffered the greatest losses, and until the compilation of this summary, the fierce conflicts were still continuing- throughout a period of 10 days- in borough Alqa’em and its unfaltering villages: Alkaradilah, sa’dah and Arroummana, extending east to “Aljabiriya, Atmi-thaaq, Al-abaida, Rawa and Ryhana around Alqadisiya lake” where the American occupation implicated nearly 2000 marines into these villages, in addition to a further 500 members from the so-called the “pagan guard” and approximately 1000 members of the Kurdish Ba’shmarka and Badr militia. In their military campaign, the Americans have used all types of weapons: heavy artilleries, long range missiles, fighters etc.. These indiscriminate vicious and barbaric attacks on the inhabited villages and boroughs have resulted in the killing of hundreds of innocent elderly men, women and children, and the destruction of tens of homes upon their inhabitants in a campaign described by observers as the “ most inhuman and indiscriminate destruction” that can be looked at as “ planned and premeditated genocide” especially that the American forces have imposed a total siege on every zone, and preventing the media from entering the conflict zones, even medical and rescue teams were barred from entering the stricken areas, as this has left many people under the debris, leaving them dying of bleeding, hunger and thirst, while the enemy fighters are preparing to finalize their mission by murdering whoever remains alive.
The fierce clashes are continuing in Alqa’em borough for the tenth consecutive day and up to this hour as the heroic resistance forces continuing their redemptive actions on the other Iraqi fronts where during the period from 8 14/5/2005, the Supreme Command of the Iraqi Resistance and Liberation forces has issued 17 military communiqu市 on their redemptive actions in: basra, Sulaimania, Arbeel, Sa’marra, karkouk, Mosul, Tikrit, Fallujah, Alramadi, Alqa’em, Haditha, aldour, Alho’waija, Baquba, Aldthulu-eiya, Al-anbar and also in the capital Baghdad that has the lion’s lot in the redemptive operations carried out in: Attahreer, Assaadoun, Abu-Nawwaas, Ali Assalih, Almisbah, Karada, alja’miaa quarte, Aldoura, New Baghdad, alghazaliya, saddam International Airport, Almuthanna airport, alharithiya, Alshordha quarter, almansour, Althourah city, Al-adthamiya, Al-kathimiya, Assalihiya, Palestine street and the Green District.
The losses of the occupation forces during the above stated period were summed up as follows:
・ 614 killed.
・ 803 injured.
・ 4 helicopters were shot down, three of them over Alqa’em.
・ 5 un-manned reconnaissance planes were shot down.
・ 29 armored vehicles were destroyed.
・ 6 main oil pipelines were set a blaze.
・ 54 various vehicles were destroyed.
Epics and Scenes from the Redemptive Action of the Resistance Forces:
The resistance forces declared the killing of the US operation commander in Alqa’em:
The resistance forces have declared in a statement on Wednesday of which a copy was received by “Mufakirit Al-Islam” reporter stating that they succeeded in killing the American General “D. Wyne” the commander of the American military operations in Alqa’em. The reporter in Alqa’em indicated that the body of the commander was found among the bodies of a US helicopter crew that was recently shot down by the resistance forces over the village Arroummana where the General was in a reconnaissance mission over that area.
“End of Summary”