★阿修羅♪ > 戦争70 > 723.html
投稿者 white 日時 2005 年 5 月 26 日 16:38:06: QYBiAyr6jr5Ac



 バグダッド…including Assaadoun, almansour, Alshordha広場, Alharithiya,サダム国際空港,ムサンナ空港,
 althourah街, Alsalihiya, Ali-Assalih, Aladthamiya, Alamiriya, Aldoura, almisbah, Karada, the Green District,
 バスラ…Aljamhouriya通り,モスル,サマラ,アルビール, Karkouk,ラマディ, Al-Anbar,ティクリート,ファルージャ,バクバ, sulaimania,
 カイム,ハディッサ, Aldour,タル・アファル, Alratba,ナジャフ,アブグレイブ,ハバニア.
 戦死者 277名
 負傷者 383名
 撃墜されたF-18戦闘機 2機
 撃墜されたヘリコプター 3機
 撃墜された無人偵察機 4機
 パイプラインの破壊 5件
 破壊された装甲車両 22両
 その他の破壊された軍用車両 42両


Summary of the Iraqi Resistance Activities
From 1 to 7/5/2005

In the name of God most merciful most compassionate

The Occupation Forces’ Losses:

During the period from 1 to 7/5/2005, the Supreme Command of the Resistance and Liberation Forces has issued eight military communiqu市 on their redemptive operations and heroic clashes against the occupation forces and their allies in: Baghdad- including Assaadoun, almansour, Alshordha quarter, Alharithiya, saddam International Airport, Almuthanna airport, althourah town, Alsalihiya, Ali-Assalih, Aladthamiya, Alamiriya, Aldoura, almisbah, Karada, the Green District, Aljamhouriya street- Basra, Mosul, Sa’marra, Arbeel, Karkouk, Alramadi, Al-Anbar, Tikrit, Fallujah, Baquba, sulaimania, Alqa’em, Haditha, Aldour, tallafer, Alratba, Najaf, Abu-ghraib and Alhabania.
The losse of the occupation forces and their allies during the above stated period were summed up as follows:
・ 277 killed.
・ 383 injured.
・ 2 F-18 fighters were shot down.
・ 3 military helicopters were shot down.
・ 4 un-manned reconnaissance planes were shot down.
・ 5 main oil pipelines were set a blaze.
・ 22 armored vehicles were destroyed.
・ 42 various vehicles were destroyed.

“End of Summary”
Arabic version

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