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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2005/05/19
レジスタンスの自動車爆弾がアメリカ軍の機甲部隊を攻撃 アメリカ兵4名が戦死
レジスタンスがモスル市内のアメリカ軍基地をロケット弾で攻撃 基地内の食堂が破壊される
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Thursday, 19 May 2005.
By: Muhammad Abu Nasr on: 20.05.2005 [07:13 ] (27 reads)
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Thursday, 19 May 2005. Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member, editorial board, the Free Arab Voice. http://www.freearabvoice.org
Thursday, 19 May 2005.
Al-Anbar Province.
Resistance bombards US base in al-Baghdadi early Thursday.
Iraqi Resistance forces bombarded the main US base in the city of al-Baghdadi in western Iraq with eight heavy 120mm mortar rounds on Thursday morning. The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported witnesses resident in the area around the camp as saying that the attack took place at 7am local time and sent plumes of smoke rising into the sky.
US helicopters then came in at low altitudes over the American base and flew over nearby areas as well, searching for the Resistance fighters who launched the attack but to no avail.
Resistance battles puppet troops, US forces south of al-Fallujah late Thursday.
In a dispatch posted at 12:15am Friday morning Mecca time, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that twenty Iraqi Resistance fighters armed with BKC machine guns attacked a puppet so-called “Iraqi national guard” command post at the southern exit from al-Fallujah on the road to al-‘Amiriyah Thursday afternoon local time. The puppet “national guards” fled after the fighting broke out, running to tell the American occupation troops. US forces then intervened and engaged in combat with the Iraqi Resistance forces.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam in al-Fallujah reported witnesses as saying that seven Iraqi Resistance fighters were wounded in the fighting, which lasted about 15 minutes. At the same time, many Americans were also wounded. The correspondent was unable to determine whethere any Americans died in the fighting, however, or how many exactly were wounded.
Anti-occupation organization denounces puppet regime parties, security forces for promoting sectarian religious conflict in Iraq.
Iraqi Forces that reject the American occupation of their country issued a warning Wednesday about the confessionalist sectarianism that is growing in Iraqi society and blamed forces of the new Iraqi “government” for exacerbating the sectarian trend through a number of their security and political activities.
A statement issued by the Supreme Committee for Forces that Reject the Occupation ミ a group calling itself Wahj al-‘Iraq (The Blaze of Iraq) said that confessionalist conflict is being stirred up by the militias loyal to the political parties making up the new “government,” and by the regime’s security forces.
Shaykh Majid al-Ka‘ud, the General Secretary of Wahj al-‘Iraq, said in a statement obtained by QudsPress on Wednesday, 18 May 2005, that “the victories of the Iraqi Resistance have increased the fear and panic among the occupation’s stooges, paid agents, and sectarians, because they know what their fate will be if and when the occupation is defeated and withdraws its forces which now protect them.”
Shaykh al-Ka‘ud noted that many of the political and security moves now underway in Iraq, particularly since the formation of the latest “government” of Ibrahim al-Ja‘fari have “conspiratorial aims the intention of which is to prepare for a hateful confessionalist conflict.” Shaykh al-Ka‘ud said that many statements being made by ministers and other officials in the new “government” are “clear directives for implementing” a plan to promote ethnic and confessionalist sectarianism, which he characterized as an attack by pro-Iranian forces against Arabism and Islam. The aim of this plan, Shaykh Ka‘ud observed is “to wipe out the Arab character of Iraq, to destroy it as an entity, and to help the occupation in crushing the patriotic Resistance.”
As examples of such Shi‘i chauvinist sectarianism being pushed by the new puppet “government,” Shaykh Ka‘ud pointed to the “attacks on mosques, the murders of imams and mosque custodians, the terrorization of peaceful families, and attacks on innocent citizens,” that have increased dramatically in recent days and in which Sunni Arab Iraqis have been targeted. He said that the militias belonging to some of the ruling parties are responsible for these crimes, as are the puppet so-called “Iraqi national guard” and the puppet police “which was the first to embark on such criminal acts.”
The statement issued by Wahj al-‘Iraq went further, QudsPress reported, when it said, We are also aware that there are parties in the vicinity of Iraq that are involved in the carrying out of this criminal plan. The statement did not specify the name of the country thus accused but it was clearly a veiled reference to Iran.
The statement called on all religious authorities, political bodies, and social organizations to “denounce and condemn these lowly acts and to intervene immediately to stop them and deter those who stand behind them and those who are carrying them out.” The statement also called on the Iraqi people to be “aware of this sectarian plot and to watch out for it and not let themselves be dragged along by those who are trying to promote domestic conflict.”
Iraqi Resistance liquidates puppet “oil ministry” official.
Iraqi Resistance forces shot and killed a high-ranking official in the puppet so-called “Iraqi ministry of petroleum” Thursday morning. A source in the Iraqi puppet police told Reuters that ‘Ali Hamid, General Director of the puppet “oil ministry” was killed outside his home in Baghdad as he was leaving for work.
Resistance liquidates Badr Brigade intelligence chief Wednesyad night.
An Iraqi Resistance detachment of about 10 individuals got out of their cars and sprayed a hail of bullets on the motorcade of Muhammad al-Budayri, the Director of Intelligence for the Badr Brigades Shi‘i chauvinist collaborator militia on Wednesday night. Witnesses told Mafkarat al-Islam that the attack killed al-Budayri and four of his body guards and left their car ablaze.
The Badr Brigades are the armed wing of the collaborationist Shi‘i chauvinist “Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq” (SCIRI). Thousands of Badr Brigade militiamen joined US forces in the invasion and occupation of Iraq in 2003 and subsequently have formed the backbone of puppet police and repressive forces working for the invaders, particularly in southern parts of occupied Iraq.
On Thursday a correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam obtained a copy of a communiqu that had appeared in several Iraqi cities in which the Resistance group Base Qa‘idah of the Jihad in the Land of the Two Rivers took responsibility for killing the Badr Brigade intelligence chief.
Diyala Province.
Resistance bomb targets US patrol west of Ba‘qubah Thursday morning.
An Iraqi Resistance roadside bomb exploded on the main road in the Habhab area west of Ba‘qubah at about 8am local time Thursday morning. Residents of Habhab told Mafkarat al-Islam that the bomb went off as a patrol of five US Humvees was passing by, destroying one Humvee and killing two US troops and wounding three more ミ one of them, seriously.
Salah ad-Din Province.
Resistance bomb targets US armored column in Tikrit Thursday morning. Four US troops said killed.
An Iraqi Resistance car bomb parked by the side of the main street in the al-‘Alam area of Tikrit exploded as an American armored column was passing at about 9:30am Thursday morning. The Tikrit correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that a Supra car blew up as a column of five US armored vehicles was passing, setting one of the armored vehicles ablaze and killing four US troops and wounding three more.
After the blast, US troops encircled the area and prevented local residents and journalists from approaching the area as they hauled away the wrecked armored vehicle.
Babil Province.
Resistance bomb in al-Yusufiyah targets US armored column late Thursday morning.
An Iraqi Resistance roadside bomb, planted on the main road leading to the center of the town of al-Yusufiyah, blew up as a column of several US armored vehicles was passing at about 11am local time Thursday morning. The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the explosion disabled one US armored vehicle, killing one American soldier and wounding five others.
Ninwa Province.
Resistance car bomb targets US column in Mosul Thursday morning.
An Iraqi Resistance car bomb exploded in the ash-Shurtah neighborhood on the left bank of the Tigris River in Mosul Thursday morning as a US patrol was passing. The blast destroyed one American vehicle and wounded a number of American troops QudsPress reported.
A local source in the city said that the car bomb was parked by the side of a major road in the ash-Shurtah neighborhood. The source confirmed that there were casualties among the Americans but was unable to say how many due to the tight security ring the occupation troops threw up around the area.
The source said, however, that the blast did damage a number of shops nearby and severely damaged several private cars also parked on the street.
Resistance rockets blast mess hall on US base in Mosul Thursday morning.
Iraqi Resistance forces bombarded the main US base in Mosul, known as the al-Ghazlani base at about 9am Thursday morning. A member of the puppet so-called “Iraqi national guards” told the correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam that seven Grad rockets blasted into the base. The source said that four of the missiles struck the main mess hall (restaurant) killing 12 US soldiers and wounding 10 more.
QudsPress reported that plumes of black smoke could be seen billowing over the American-occupied facility.
Puppet official survives Resistance attack, after which US helicopter rockets his home by mistake.
Shaykh Fawwaz al-Jarba, a member of the collaborationist so-called “patriotic group” in the sham “Iraqi parliament” set up by the US occupation and a member of the collaborationist so-called “united Iraqi coalition” survived an Iraqi Resistance attack on him at midday Thursday, QudsPress reported.
A source in the Mosul puppet police told QudsPress that Resistance fighters prepared an ambush for al-Jarba and opened fire on him with machineguns when he emerged from his house in the al-Falah neighborhood of Mosul on the left bank of the Tigris River.
The source said that al-Jarba escaped death by jumping back inside his home, as his body guards fought with the Resistance attackers outside the house.
US forces then rushed to the scene to protect their stooge, setting up a “security cordon” around the area. US helicopters flew in but fired rockets at Shaykh al-Jarba’s house by mistake, thinking it was a house in which the attackers had taken cover. That American attack left seven people, all relatives and guests of al-Jarba, dead, according to a source in the local forensic medicine department who spoke with QudsPress. Three other persons were seriously wounded in the American “friendly fire” attack. Five private cars belonging to relatives and guests of the collaborationist Shaykh that were parked near the house were also set ablaze.
Al-Basrah Province.
Resistance bomb in al-Basrah kills two British troops.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a passing patrol of four British armored vehicles in the al-Bihar area south of al-Basrah at about 10am local time Thursday morning. Residents of the al-Bihar area told Mafkarat al-Islam that the blast set one of the vehicles ablaze and killed two British soldiers and wounded three others. The bomb was planted on the main road linking al-Bihar to the Abu al-Khasib district.