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パキスタンのテレビ局AVT Khyber TVが、元グアンタナモで囚人となっていたアフガニスタン人Abdul Rahim(2001年末にペシャワルで逮捕、グアンタナモに送られ3週間前に釈放された)の証言を放映した。それによると、足で踏みつけるなどのコーランに対する冒涜は半ば日常的であったこと、特に逮捕されて最初の期間では頻繁であった、ということである。
また、2004年の3月に、3名の英国籍の元囚人も同様の証言をしている。その中の一人、Asif Iqbalは、米兵はコーランを床のほかに「便器として使用されるバケツ」に捨てたこと、それが「最大の苦痛を引き起こそうと意図されたもの」であると語った。
さらに、ニューズウイークがこの話題を取り上げる1日前の5月8日に、エル・ペリオディコ紙は、2年半の囚人生活をおくったモロッコ人Brahim Benchekrunの次のような証言を報道した。「彼らはコーランが我々にとって神聖な本であることを知っている。だから、床に投げてツバをかけ踏みつけ、便所に投げ捨てることすらした。」
上にある5月8日のエル・ペリオディコ紙のルポは、『グアンタナモで拷問されて(Torturado en Guantánamo)』と題される2部に分かれた長文の記事ですが、念のためにUrlを示しておきます。(これは会員制で、会費は不要、手続きは簡単ですのでスペイン語の分かる人はどうぞ。)
Tortured in Guanténamo
Brahim Benchekrun, an Moroccan who was interrogated during two years and means in the base of the U.S.A. in Cuba, it narrates to the PERIODIC one how it survived
The young person was captured few days after of 9-11
A distant world made of grills, violent military, clothes oranges, interrogations and tortures. A space of absolute control, of total isolation, of silence and solitude. That is separated Guantánamo, a planet created by the American justice in the one that Brahim Benchekrun happened abduced two and a half years of his life.
Of there he has returned as disoriented as a martian recently arrived to the earth. Their eyes, connected in a lost look, dance incoherent of a place to another. Also, their expression of perennial surprise transmits the impression that he finds everything new, that everything is he strange. Anyway, the most visible scar that that confinement has left in this Moroccan one is in its hair. In spite of the fact that Brahim is only 26 years old, its hair have been totally grayed by the pressure to which was subjected during the reclusion.
Of Pakistan, where he studied, to the jails of Afghanistan
Brahim stopped it in the Pakistani city of Lahore, where it studied Islamic studies, in one of the hauls that the following weeks at the 9-11 made the Pakistani police among the Arab that resided in that country. "The agents arrested all the Arab youths and then they sold each detainee for 500 dollars 390 Eurus to the Americans", Brahim remembers. It was transferred by plane to the base of Bagram, in Afghanistan. There one week passed before they took to a prison that the Americans had in Kandahar, where it was imprisoned two months.
We were chained of feet and hands", he relates the exdetenido that he/she remembers the extreme cold that they passed in the jail. They didn't give us water to wash ourselves and only once a month caught us for 100 prisoners' groups, they took us to a descampado, they forced us to get undressed and they made us wash in holes that they had practiced in the floor and that they had filled with water. It was humiliating, since the military ones stayed looking at us and they made us pictures."
Suddenly, one morning, the military ones screamed their number, the 587, because it was as well as they identified the prisoners. The prisoners took it in a bracelet of white plastic. Together with another thirty of detainees, they took them to a hangar where they forced them to get dressed with a pant and a jacket orange, they blindfolded them the eyes, they placed them helmets in the hearings and they chained them. We remained "this way 20 hours until they went up us in an airplane", he remembers. There were not explanations. Nobody told them where they took them neither why they transferred them yes and to other no.
The same questions and another time: have you fought with the talibanes?
"Before ascending in the airplane, to some of the prisoners they gave them soothing and to other they hit them with an apparatus that gives electric loads to dispel them", he/she says.
Their first impression of Guantánamo was the heat. He/she didn't see anything, because it took the blindfolded eyes, but it felt that everything burned around to its. The crushing midsummer hit him nothing else to get off the airplane and he/she threatened to suffocate him during the two hours that the military ones left him thrown in the hint next to its partners, all them numb and aching for almost 30 hours of flight. It was "two in the afternoon and they abandoned us under the sun without giving us neither a glass of water."
Then, without eating, to drink neither to rest him transferred to the room of interrogations. The questions were the same ones that had already made him dozens of times and that they would return him to make an and another time in Guantánamo. Have you been at some time in Afghanistan? Do you belong to the Al Qaeda? Do you know somebody of that organization? Have you fought with the talibanes? ". That yes, they never told exactly him of what they accused him.
Of a room with air conditioning to the maximum to another with heating
The abuses and the tortures were frequent. "During the interrogation, they hit you, they screamed you and they insulted" you, he/she explains. There were more refined methods. The Americans didn't like the tortures that leaves marks. For that reason, sometimes, they put us in a room where the heating was to the maximum one and he/she made a suffocating heat. Then, suddenly, they made us pass to other fourth ice cream where the air conditioning was to end."
Sometimes, the military ones feigned to execute them of a shot in the temple shooting them with a discharged gun. "Their favorite torture was the humiliation", Brahim complains that remembers how the military ones stained the Koran. They "knew that for us the Koran is the sacred book. For that reason, they threw it to the floor, they spit above, they stepped it and they even threw it to the toilet."
Those acts hurt them deeply. We requested "them that they tortured us, but that they didn't stain the word of God." Also, the military ones poked in the end chastity that the prisoners, to be Muslim very conservative, they felt before the contact with the women. "Some military ones got undressed before the detainees and they harassed" them. Other included one threw them compresses wet in blood that they told them that it was of the menstruation that the Muslims consider as extremely impure. "That made me understand that USA is not in war against the terrorism, but against the Islam."
They "always asked me the same thing and I always responded them the same thing that was a student and that he/she didn't have anything to see with the Al Qaeda", Brahim counts that explains how, during an interrogation, the military one that interrogated him got tired of asking him and he/she caught a folio where he wrote the word of the Al Qaeda. He/she opened the portfolio where their file was and it put that paper. Scornful, he told him: I have just put in your file that you are a dangerous member of the Al Qaeda, ace that you get ready because you will rot here during the rest of your life."
Brahim was able not to collapse. He/she "knew--he/she remembers--that that only made it to frighten me. During that whole time, I never lost the hope. I was innocent and for that reason it was sure that before or later it would recover my freedom."
The terrible thing was that the days in Guantánamo were always same. The prisoners woke up at five in the morning to make the prayer. Then, one hour later, at six o'clock, they brought them the breakfast. A glass of powdered milk, tea, a toast and an egg.
We communicated for whispers and we organize several strikes of hunger"
nine in the morning the military ones took him out of the cell and they took him until a cage of 10 square meters where he/she gave 20 minutes of walk. Always alone and always in silence. It was "forbidden that the prisoners spoke among us. As much in the walk as in the cells. But we communicated for whispers and we are able to organize several strikes of hunger."
Another protest measure that they made the prisoners it was to refuse to leave their cells for the walk. "Then, seven came military prepared with material antidisturbios, they immobilized you and they took out you to the force."
After the walk, a shower with cold water. At twelve o'clock they took them the food. We "pass a lot of hunger because they gave you the fair thing to stay in foot. Also, we only ate vegetables and fish. We refused the meat because we feared that they put us pig."
At the last moment of the afternoon they took them the dinner. Among stockings, thousands of empty hours. You could "only read the Koran and to think", this youth explains that remembers that the military Americans were surprised by her integrity. They told "us that we were not normal people that they would become crazy only with one week to pass this way in a place. We responded them that the faith in God gave us forces."
A Hispanic translator gave him the news of her liberation. We have interrogated "you during two and a half years and now we are already sure that you are innocent", he/she told him. Soon after, it was transferred to Morocco with other four Moroccan: Abdalá Tabarak, Mohamed Uzar, Reduane Chekuri and Mohamed Maazuz.
They don't liberate it because Spain and Morocco don't come to an agreement
All they have been in provisional freedom after subjecting them one to one to a confrontation with Nurdín Nafia, one of the presumed founders of the Islamic Group of Moroccan Combatants (GICM). Nafia, convict to 20 years of jail, refused to know them, for what the tribunal agreed its exit of the jail and it postponed up to July 4 the continuation of the trial. Their liberation has questioned the information facilitated by the services from the Moroccan antiterrorist fight to its western colleagues, to those that ended up assuring that Tabarak was the personal bodyguard of Bin Laden and the leader of the Moroccan ones integrated in the structure of the Al Qaeda. Although the three first they were liberated in December, Brahim and Mohamed Maazuz they didn't step the street until final of March. This young exdetenido remembers to the prisoners that still continue in Guantánamo and it assures that, besides Ahmed Abderramán, the former detained man from Ceuta, there is another Spanish. He/she calls "himself Reduan Kassri and it is of Moroccan" origin. As Brahim explains, to Kassiri they told "him that it was innocent, but they don't liberate it because Spain and Morocco don't come to an agreement. Brahim thinks now of reconstructing its life. Next year I will renew my studies", he/she announces and he/she admits that one of their objectives is to denounce to USA in the face of the international justice. "I don't think of the vengeance; I only want justice."