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自らの靖国神社参拝問題で冷却化した日中関係に関しては「中国は日本の政治的な影響力の拡大を歓迎していないと思う」と指摘。日本が目指す国連安全保障理事会常任理事国入りを中国が反対している理由についても「国際社会での日本の影響力を抑えたいからだ」と述べた。[日刊スポーツ 2005/9/28/14:23]
Q: Japan has apologised for the Second World War but to some people overseas it still looks as if Japan has not apologised. Would you consider holding some kind of ceremony in Japan that would formally make clear to the world Japan’s position on the Second World War?
A: I have no such ceremony in mind, in fact I believe people will understand if they look at Japan’s trajectory over the past 60 years since the end of the war that Japan has reflected on its past and that it is repentant.
I believe that you are referring to relations with China and the Republic of Korea. But the fact is that in all areas much more than ever before we are seeing exchanges progressing between Japan and these two countries.
I would assume that it’s for political reasons that China is opposing my visits to the Yasukuni Shrine.
Q: Internal political reasons or external ones?
A: Internal reasons. In addition I would assume that China doesn’t welcome a growth in Japan’s political influence. They are opposed, for example, to Japan becoming a permanent member of the UN Security Council because they want to check Japan’s influence on the international stage.
Q: Why are you not clearer about your intention to go to Yasukuni Shrine?
A: Actually the Chinese already do know my thoughts. Indeed I believe Chinese leaders are aware of my intent, but then of course you have to be considerate of the others’ position as well. So I think it’s not something that we should make public. We always have to bear in mind relations with other countries.
Q: Should we expect a visit to Yasukuni before the year is out?
A: I think that sort of thing is best left unsaid. That [is something that] the Chinese also understand.
Q: People seem sometimes to confuse nationalism in Japan with the development of a post war national identity. Does that concern you?
A: That misunderstanding is certainly incorrect because what you see is not nationalism at all. Japanese people have very deeply reflected over the past. They have remorse about the Second World War, and more than any other people around the world they have the strong conviction that they must never again wage war, and they love peace more than anything else.
インタビュー記事の全文を読みたい人は → http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,3-1801759,00.html
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