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(回答先: イラン大統領:ドイツ人は60年前のナチに有罪を感じるのを止めよ 投稿者 木村愛二 日時 2006 年 5 月 02 日 13:49:59)
"Germans should stop feeling guilty" の検索結果 約 1,210 件中 1 - 100 件目 (0.79 秒)
Germans should stop feeling guilty: Ahmadiznuts
As reported in the German media: Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad declared Thursday that it was time for Germans to stop feeling guilty for "crimes" of Nazi Germany more than 60 years ago.
I've got that same sick feeling I had last night, when I found myself agreeing with George Clooney: because I find myself in surface agreement with Mahmoud, I fear becoming something like him...
His is a non-sequitor argument: the issue of guilt is irrelevant. As Fred notes below, the issue is what you learn from the behavior of your forebears. Ahmadinejad references 'guilt' not because he's concerned about it, but because it's convenient to the argument he's making.In a speech in Zanjan, north-west Iran, carried live on state television, Ahmadinejad did not directly mention the Holocaust, the term for the mass extermination of Jews in Europe during the Nazi German regime. But he spoke of how "every new-born child in Germany is still regarded as being in debt to a mob of impudent and insatiable Zionists."
That's a relief. We can part ways on our opinion and I feel safe again, my IQ restored. At the end of the war, Europe's Jews and the Germans said just about the same thing: "Never again." The Jews resolved never again to become victims, and with a few exceptions they're kept that resolution. West Germany made a national resolution never again to become oppressors. Their constitution reflects it, and with a few exceptions their citizens accept it. Israel's a reflection of the Jews' determination, and the lack of German participation in even worthwhile military operations is a reflection of theirs.
We're three generations removed from the war. The Hitler Youth are now little old men. Their elders are virtually all gone, just the same as the ranks of the men who fought them are gone. Today's Germans are no more the Germans who perpetrated the Holocaust than they are the Germans who fought for Kaiser Bill. They did learn the lesson of their parents and grandparents, and Never Again has become ingrained. So has the determination of the Jews not to be made into fertilzer and lampshades. They have no more reason to let Muslims kill them en masse than they have reason to let Germans kill them in large numbers, but there's a much higher likelihood of the Muslims doing it than the Germans.The Germans should no longer permit themselves to be made to accept guilt, Ahmadenijad said. In Germany, instead of parks there were "memorial sites" which now, even in the third generation since the war, Germans are reminded of the crimes of their ancestors.
Germany has lots of fine parks. Besides memorials to the Holocaust, it also has other memorials. One in Berlin is the Kaiser Wilhelm Church, which was left in its bombed out condition as a reminder of what war can bring. Another, also in Berlin, is made out of the barrels of cannon captured from Napoleon Bonapart, an earlier advocate of World Domination whose Empire didn't last a thousand years, either.
I was in Berlin in August 2001 and stayed in a hotel right around the corner from the Kaiser Wilhelm Church. It looks just like the Twin Towers looked a month later, after the planes hit but before the buildings came down. "The war has been over for more than 60 years, but when you go to Germany, you can clearly see how this civilized people must still atone for the crimes in the Second World War," he said.
And Imam Ali has been dead for more than 1300 years, Mahmoud. I think you Shia ought to get over it, already. Put a little love in your hearts for the Sunni and stop it with the swords and the flails. Ahmadinejad's speech is the latest in a series of controversial remarks on the question of the Holocaust in recent months. At one point he used the term "fairy tale" to describe it and on several occasions said the Jews in Israel should go back to Europe.
Posted bySeafarious2006-04-2900:00|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| Top
#1Coming to terms with the Holocaust is a major theme in the German education system. A large proportion of visitors to Holocaust memorials and museums, including the former concentration camps, are German high school students.
Students are not only taught historical facts, but are expected to gain a thorough appreciation of institutions that protect democracy and freedom, not to mention the values themselves. One could see why this would bother Ahmad so much.
Posted byRafael2006-04-29 02:47|| Front Page|| Top
#2They stopped feeling guilty long time ago---as demonstrated by their decades long assistance to Paleos, Mahmud.
Posted bygromgoru2006-04-29 07:21|| Front Page|| Top
#3Meh, what an IDIOT: Why, exactly, should the Germans feel guilty for their ancestors doing something that Ahmadinejad claimed NEVER HAPPENED?
Oh, and what of the CRUSADES? Are we to CEASE being guilty for that too? Or is it offenses against MUSLIMS that are unforgiveable, while if done against others (and especially BY MUSLIMS) they ARE forgiveable?
Posted byPtah 2006-04-29 07:44|| Front Page|| Top
#4Since our duty is to submit, Muslems cannot be offensive, Ptah.
Posted bygromgoru2006-04-29 11:03|| Front Page|| Top
#5Yeah, lighten up, Germany. Us Muslims quit feeling guilty about... well, we never started feeling guilty. About anything...
Posted bytu30312006-04-29 11:06|| Front Page|| Top
#6Perhaps one reason Germans may not stop feeling guilty is what Lancasters and B-17s did to a number of their cities. I doubt young Germans want a repeat that whole period.
Posted byLancasters Over Dresden[http://www.calderonswirbelwind.blogspot.com]2006-04-29 13:13|| Front Page|| Top
#7Ahmanidjet should hope Germans don't stop feeling guilty - reset the memories to 1938 and it wouldn't be the Jews as scapegoats but more likely some other ethno-religious group with origins in the same general part of the world. Did two devastating wars totally eliminate the warrior genes that dominated northern Europe for millenia? Or just temporarily shift them to recessive status?
Posted byGlenmore 2006-04-29 14:00|| Front Page|| Top
Why, exactly, should the Germans feel guilty for their ancestors doing something that Ahmadinejad claimed NEVER HAPPENED?
Because in the Islamist bloc, doublethink is encouraged.
Posted byKorora 2006-04-29 16:25|| Front Page|| Top