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イラン、ホロコースト国際会議にブレアー首相を招待(Iran ManiaーAFP)
投稿者 Sun Shine 日時 2006 年 1 月 30 日 18:38:40: edtzBi/ieTlqA
1月29日付、「Iran Mania」(電子版)がAFPの記事より伝えたところによると、イランはホロコースト国際会議にイギリスのブレアー首相を招待したとの事だ(笑)。
Iran invites Blair to anti-Holocaust conference
Mon. 30 Jan 2006
Iran Focus
Tehran, Iran, Jan. 30 -- Iran invited British Prime Minister Tony Blair on Sunday to an anti-Holocaust conference it plans to hold, the state-run ISNA news agency reported.
Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Hamid-Reza Asefi told reporters during his weekly press conference, "I think that it would be good if Mr. Blair takes part in the seminar on the Holocaust in Tehran. Of course, he can make the case in support of the Holocaust and at the same time hear the points of views that he cannot listen to there".
Hard-line Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad shocked the world when he publicly declared that the Holocaust was a "myth"モ and threatened that Israel must be "wiped off the map".
His comments were supported by senior Iranian officials including Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and former president Ayatollah Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani.
Asefi said that the anti-Holocaust conference would be held in spring of this year, adding that "unanswered questions" about the scale of the Holocaust could be discussed there.
Ahmadinejad's comments, which drew international condemnation, were twice rebuked at the United Nations Security Council.
テーマ :「 ホロコーストの真相−『ホロコースト・ガス室神話検証』−」
講師 :国際情報誌季刊「真相の深層」編集発行人・国際情報総合分析研究所所長 木村愛二
日時 : 2006年2月27日(金) 18:30 - 21:30
場所 : 北とぴあ 8階 801会議室 北区王子1-11-1 TEL. 090(7234)9792
交通 : 営団地下鉄南北線 王子駅 下車 1分 ・ JR京浜東北線 王子駅 下車 2分
参加費 : 3,000円(会員&予約申込振込みの場合) / 4,000円(オブザ−バ−)
振込先 : UFJ銀行田無支店/普/3826681/口座名義 佐宗邦夫
参加申込み先: ワールド・フォーラム代表幹事 佐宗邦皇 E-mail:sasokunio@hotmail.com