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イラン大統領、テヘランで「ホロコースト国際会議」を鋭意、準備中!(Adnkronos International)
投稿者 Sun Shine 日時 2006 年 1 月 06 日 18:53:25: edtzBi/ieTlqA
イラン大統領、テヘランで「ホロコースト国際会議」を鋭意、準備中!(Adnkronos International)
投稿者 Sun Shine 日時 2006 年 1 月 06 日 18:53:25: edtzBi/ieTlqA
1月5日付け、「Adnkronos International}(電子版)によると、イランは、ホロコーストに関する歴史の見直しをし、改訂版を作る事を決定。それに先立ち、イランの首都テヘランにおいて、「ホロコースト国際会議」を早い時期に開催することを決めた。
参加予定パネリストは、イスラエルのジャーナリスト、イスラエル・シャミール(lsrael Shamir)、ドイツのホースト・マーラー(Horst Mahler )、フランスのロバート・ファリソン(Robert Faurisson )、アメリカのアーサー・バッツ(Arthur Butz)などなど。
いよいよ、木村さんの出番がやってきました! ぜひともテヘランにいらしてください(笑)。
Iran plans Holocaust conference
TEHRAN, Iran (CNN) -- Iran, whose president has labeled the attempt by Nazi Germany to exterminate Jews during World War II a "myth" and called for the destruction of Israel, announced Sunday it will hold a conference on the Holocaust.
"There will be a conference that will research the topic of the Holocaust and all its dimensions in the future," according to a statement on the state-run Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA).
The statement did not say when the meeting would take place or who would be involved but said it would be sponsored by Iran's Foreign Ministry and the Organization of the Islamic Conference "and in consultation with other countries to pursue this issue."
Last month, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said in a speech, "They have invented a myth that Jews were massacred, and place this above God, religions and the prophets."
He added, "The West has given more significance to the myth of the genocide of the Jews."
He argued that the "myth" of the Holocaust served as Europe's pretext for the existence of Israel.
U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan, President Bush, and many European officials condemned the remarks. Israeli officials also said Iran was ignoring the biblical Jewish homeland and thousands of years of Jewish history.
Ahmadinejad's remarks about the Holocaust and calls for the destruction of Israel play out in the showdown over his nation's nuclear intentions.
U.S. and European officials have expressed concern that Iran is trying to build a nuclear weapon under the guise of restarting its nuclear reactors for peaceful energy purposes. Tehran insists it has the right to build nuclear fuel.
Britain, France and Germany -- the so-called EU-3, which conducted failed negotiations with Iran -- along with the United States want the International Atomic Energy Agency, the United Nations' nuclear watchdog, to turn the issue over to the U.N. Security Council.
"The current president of Iran has announced that the destruction of Israel is an important part of their agenda, and that's unacceptable," President Bush said Friday at the White House, at an appearance with German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
"And the development of a nuclear weapon, it seems like to me, would make him a step closer to achieving that objective."
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投稿者 木村愛二 日時 2006 年 1 月 06 日 19:54:45: CjMHiEP28ibKM
(回答先: 戦争板イラン大統領、テヘランで「ホロコースト国際会議」を鋭意、準備中!(Adnkronos International) 投稿者 Sun Shine 日時 2006 年 1 月 06 日 18:59:02)
昨日、私が参加する予定で航空券、保険、査証申請までの準備をしていたベイルートでの「見直し論とシオニズム」会議の中止決定の知らせが届きました。本日も、この件の追加情報を求めて、下記のホーム頁への接近を図ったのですが、何度試みても、繋がりません。どうやら、wwwの戯れ言葉、world wide waitingの状況で、世界中から接近されているです。
It shows, once again, how greatly Zionist groups fear open debate about "the Holocaust," which is a major weapon in the Israeli-Zionist arsenal. This ban points up the fragile and mendacious character of what even a few courageous Jewish scholars are aptly calling the "Holocaust cult" and the "Holocaust industry."
差出人 : Mark Weber
返信先 : weber@ihr.org
会社名 : http://ihr.org/
宛先 : Aiji Kimura
送信日時 : 2001年 3月 24日 土曜日 11:28 AM