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(回答先: 戦争板イラン大統領、テヘランで「ホロコースト国際会議」を鋭意、準備中!(Adnkronos International) 投稿者 Sun Shine 日時 2006 年 1 月 06 日 18:59:02)
昨日、私が参加する予定で航空券、保険、査証申請までの準備をしていたベイルートでの「見直し論とシオニズム」会議の中止決定の知らせが届きました。本日も、この件の追加情報を求めて、下記のホーム頁への接近を図ったのですが、何度試みても、繋がりません。どうやら、wwwの戯れ言葉、world wide waitingの状況で、世界中から接近されているです。
そこで、本日は、取りあえず、昨晩取り込んだ膨大な情報を、整理して、わがホーム頁に入れます。 直接会ったこともある旧知のアメリカの共同主催者、歴史見直し研究所の編集長、マーク・ウィーバーには、これだけの国際的圧力による合法的な集会への妨害は、むしろ、日本の武道の極意に照らすと、剣を抜かずに敵の正体を天下に暴露し得たようなものと評価して、激励文を送ろうか、などと考えていたのですが、すでに彼自身の文章の内に、以下の部分がありました。冒頭の「It」は、亡国首相が言い間違えた情報技術のことではなくて、ハリウッド用語のセックスアピールのことでもなくて、以上の妨害行為による「(集会の)禁止」措置のことです。
It shows, once again, how greatly Zionist groups fear open debate about "the Holocaust," which is a major weapon in the Israeli-Zionist arsenal. This ban points up the fragile and mendacious character of what even a few courageous Jewish scholars are aptly calling the "Holocaust cult" and the "Holocaust industry."
差出人 : Mark Weber
返信先 : weber@ihr.org
会社名 : http://ihr.org/
宛先 : Aiji Kimura
送信日時 : 2001年 3月 24日 土曜日 11:28 AM
件名 : Beirut Conference Cancelled
Dear Friend, Regrettably, the Beirut "Revisionism and Zionism" conference has been canceled. Here are announcements on this, with further details, that we have just posted on the "Beirut 2001" section of the IHR web site, and are sending by e-mail to our friends and supporters.
Cordially, Mark Weber
March 23, 2001
The "Revisionism and Zionism" conference, which was to take place in Beirut from March 31 through April 3, is canceled.
The conference organizer, the Swiss group Verite et Justice, called it off following the announcement by the Lebanese Prime Minster yesterday that it would not permit the four-day meeting to take place.
A Verite et Justice statement on the cancellation, issued today, is posted on the "Beirut 2001" section of the IHR web site.
As newspapers have reported, the Lebanese government decision was made following demands by major Jewish organizations, and pressure from the United States and other foreign governments, to prohibit the peaceful, privately-organized conference. Invited conference speakers should try to get a refund of the cost of their flight tickets. If that is not possible, Verite et Justice will reimburse them. Regrettably, though, Verite et Justice cannot refund the costs of tickets for attendees or journalists.
Mark Weber, Director of the Institute for Historical Review, says: The Lebanese government ban of the "Revisionism and Zionism" conference is an outrageous assault against freedom of speech and expression. The people of Lebanon should be ashamed of their government for restricting their freedom, obviously in response to foreign pressure, in forbidding a peaceful, privately-organized meeting that would be entirely legal in most countries, including the United States. People everywhere should have the right to investigate and make up their own minds about 20th century history, including "the Holocaust," free of censorship and intimidation.
Lebanese are entitled to the same standard of freedom of speech and expression as people in other countries. This Lebanese government ban underscores the need for precisely such a conference. It shows, once again, how greatly Zionist groups fear open debate about "the Holocaust," which is a major weapon in the Israeli-Zionist arsenal. This ban points up the fragile and mendacious character of what even a few courageous Jewish scholars are aptly calling the "Holocaust cult" and the "Holocaust industry."
Mark Weber
Director Institute for Historical Review
P.O. Box 2739 Newport Beach, California
92659 Tel. 949 - 631 1490
Verite et Justice Statement on the Lebanese Government Ban of the 'Revisionism and Zionism' Conference
For decades, revisionist researchers have diligently and tirelessly endeavored to separate historical facts from legends and downright lies.
Their work has never been easy, because from the very beginning, they have been subject to all kind of harassment and persecution. In particular, they have refuted the popular version of the Jewish fate during the Second World War.
With their historical and technical arguments, they have proved beyond doubt that the "Holocaust." that is, the purported systematic extermination of six million Jews, most of them supposedly killed in gas chambers, is not only a historical lie, but also an instrument of political and financial blackmail.
For an offense that was never committed, not only Germany, but other European countries as well have been denigrated and humiliated ever since 1945. In the last years, anti-revisionist repression has become ever more ferocious.
Numerous revisionist have been sentenced to prison terms and stiff fines; others have had their professional careers shattered, been subject to social ostracism or driven into exile because of their fight for truth in history.
Despite all these hardships, the revisionists have every reason to be proud of their achievements. An ever-growing part of the population all over the Western world is becoming familiar with the results of their scholarly work. Recently, there has been an increased interest in Holocaust revisionism in the Muslim world.
More and more people now understand that the Holocaust story is nothing but a gigantic fraud. As our friends and sympathizers know, Verite et Justice, in cooperation with the Institute for Historical Review, has planned to hold a conference on Revisionism and Zionism which was to be attended by almost thirty scholars from western Europe, the United States, Australia, Russia, and the Arab world, plus several religious and political leaders, writers, and journalists.
At this conference, a broad variety of topics were to be discussed. The conference would have been the first of its kind to take place in a country belonging to the Arab and Islamic world, which has been the victim of incessant Zionist aggression in the last 50 years. It would have highlighted, once more, the solid scholarly basis of Holocaust revisionism.
Unfortunately, the Lebanese government, influenced by certain figures, has prevented the conference from taking place. For the time being we do not wish to disclose details.
For us revisionists, who have taken all kind of risks to expose Zionist lies, it is totally unacceptable that the Lebanese people, who have been fighting Zionist aggression for decades, are being deprived of their freedom to attend a conference that would have exposed Zionist distortions of history. We urge all freedom-loving and patriotic Lebanese to think about the factors that have induced their government to grossly violate the most elementary rights of its citizens.
We solemnly declare that we will not compromise with the liars and oppressors. The conference on Revisionism and Zionism will definitely take place. It will be held in a country that will not yield to threats and blackmail. Verite et Justice sincerely thanks its numerous friends and supporters, and entreats them to continue to stand with us at this difficult stage of our struggle. Verite et Justice March 23, 2001